Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #18

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I don't know, of course, but I could speculate. It may very well be that joran developed a superior attitude towards the local Arubans. It happens in these Countries. As I understand it, his family was well-to-do there and it wouldn't surprise me if joran considered himself to be a big-shot. I'm guessing, he could probably get any young girl he wanted there and could get away with anything.

That makes sense to me.....he had a sweet line of credit from his father to go casino hopping and found that the girls there were in abundance, he was doing his thing.
If and I'm only saying IF, he had already been lying to Melody as she stated, he found he could do anything he wanted to and get away with it.
He was riding high and mighty - carte blanche thanks to his money and connections there where the establishments knew him and his family but
never stopped him because of his age.

Something that has gnawed at me and it has nothing to do with anything I guess but it is he looked the whole time he was being escorted...from Chile then in Peru.......I would have been screaming to the top of my lungs if I was innocent....I try not to say what I would do unless I have been in a situation but I KNOW I would be screaming to anyone who would listen......he is almost calm looking...resigned even to his fate or that is how he looks to me.....of course tired looking as well......but fear? I didn't really feel like that look came across as fear.IMO always.
Of course, I don't know for certain what the policies regarding cleaning the rooms at this hotel/hostel were. However, there have been varying explanations for why the body wasn't discovered for three days, which was a question even American journalists raised early on.

First, we were told that Joran placed a "do not disturb" sign on the door. The video disproves that. We were also informed that he had told the hotel staff, as he left, that he'd be back in a "few days," and not to check the room. The video doesn't reveal him saying anything to the front desk as he leaves the hotel. Then, his words grew more specific, and we learned that he had told the hotel not to bother "his girl." Eventually, we were told that, on the video snippet (which hadn't been released at that point) where he goes to get coffee, Joran had stopped by the desk and paid two days back rent, telling them not to check the room at that point.

Now, it appears that there just isn't an explanation for it. I'm sorry, but I don't believe any hotel/hostel/motel or whatever, would fail to clean a vacated room for three days. Anything could have been left behind by the previous patron, and I can't accept that it isn't standard procedure everywhere in the world to promptly prepare vacated rooms for future guests, even if there are many other rooms available. It is ridiculous, imho, to suggest that any establishment would hold a room for someone without some kind of deposit. Maybe that will be the next explanation- the hotel will suddenly discover that Joran left a deposit for the room.

There are lots of reasons to be suspicious about the "facts" in this case, but I strongly believe the gap between time of death and discovery of body is the single strongest.

We all agree that we haven't seen all the video so we don't know if Joran took measures to make sure nobody went in the room until he had some space between him and Peru.

I am curious what you think the reason was the room was not checked. Do you think someone involved in the murder/frame up told housekeeping to stay out of the room for a few days? Why would this have been done?

How could this have been done without it becoming public knowledge?
Something that has gnawed at me and it has nothing to do with anything I guess but it is he looked the whole time he was being escorted...from Chile then in Peru.......I would have been screaming to the top of my lungs if I was innocent....I try not to say what I would do unless I have been in a situation but I KNOW I would be screaming to anyone who would listen......he is almost calm looking...resigned even to his fate or that is how he looks to me.....of course tired looking as well......but fear? I didn't really feel like that look came across as fear.IMO always.

Nana, I noticed the exact same thing, no fear at all. He was just too damn calm about the entire situation he was now in.
Perhaps it was because he felt he could worm his way out of this and the ride from Chile to Peru gave him time to come up with one of his many confessions......

I would've loved to know what was running through his head when they escorted him infront of the news media......he looked so disconnected to me.
We all agree that we haven't seen all the video so we don't know if Joran took measures to make sure nobody went in the room until he had some space between him and Peru.

I am curious what you think the reason was the room was not checked. Do you think someone involved in the murder/frame up told housekeeping to stay out of the room for a few days? Why would this have been done?

How could this have been done without it becoming public knowledge.

Every time I stay at a hotel, I ask for no maid service. Anything you need you can get from the maid cart or front desk. They are glad to honor it.

Moreover, the internet reviews for this hotel said the maids do not come for days at a time.
Nana, I noticed the exact same thing, no fear at all. He was just too damn calm about the entire situation he was now in.
Perhaps it was because he felt he could worm his way out of this and the ride from Chile to Peru gave him time to come up with one of his many confessions......

I would've loved to know what was running through his head when they escorted him infront of the news media......he looked so disconnected to me.

Totally agree.
We all agree that we haven't seen all the video so we don't know if Joran took measures to make sure nobody went in the room until he had some space between him and Peru.

I am curious what you think the reason was the room was not checked. Do you think someone involved in the murder/frame up told housekeeping to stay out of the room for a few days? Why would this have been done?

How could this have been done without it becoming public knowledge.

Again, this is only my speculation, and I certainly can't find concrete evidence for it, but....I suspect that the reason for this long delay is because there actually wasn't such a delay. In other words, Stephany died long after Joran left the hotel, which left those responsible scrambling to find a reason for why so much time elapsed before the room was checked.

The most logical guess I can make is that Stephany was supposed to be involved in the "sting" or trap, or whatever it was that had been planned for Joran. She felt remorse, gave him a head's up, after which he left and it took a few days until her betrayal was discovered. That's why the uncut video from that security camera would be crucial evidence, to determine exactly what activity, if any, occurred in Joran's room after he left. Of course, any entrance or exit from his room necessarily proves him innocent.

Btw, there is a better translation out there (sorry, no link- it's from a site WS doesn't want linked to) of the Dutch article from yesterday, regarding the security camera. It is now clear that these reporters claim to have actually visited the hotel, and maintain that there was no camera outside room 309 prior to Joran being there, and it has been removed since the murder. Now, it may be that the authorities confiscated the camera for their investigation. However, if these reporters have some kind of evidence (testimony of long time hotel staff, perhaps?) that a camera was only installed at this spot after Joran rented that room, then I think it's pretty clear evidence that he was being monitored by somebody, for some purpose.
When I see men that treat women like they are beneath them I always think they were taught that at home.JMO

I would normally think this too.
I think your post and my previous one could go together.
Looks like the string for a hoodie to me.

Thanks for your response. I'll have to take another look; it looked thicker than that to me but :waitasec:.

Also a thought came to me that if he had tried to put her body in a suitcase prior to leaving the scene that he may have dragged that thingy out with a suitcase.

Another gruesome thought I had (if it is a suitcase strap) is that he used it to tie her feet together (wrapped around tightly two or however many times) as I see bruises on her ankle that look as if something might have put pressure there.

If any of this is true, it would mean he spent a lot more time with the body trying to figure out what to do versus his story of killing Stephany when he came back to the room with the coffee. IMO he killed her prior to then.
Every time I stay at a hotel, I ask for no maid service. Anything you need you can get from the maid cart or front desk. They are glad to honor it.

Moreover, the internet reviews for this hotel said the maids do not come for days at a time.

Well I guess that answers the question re why the maids didn't come to room 309.

As for Joran leaving the "Tacky" with his backpack, he seemed totally calm and collected as he headed to the door. It's unfortunate that we don't have any audio on that video but he certainly didn't call attention to himself. He
may have uttered his words - don't disturb my girl...and out the door he went.
No doubt he was familiar with hotel housekeeping and his main mission was to distance himself as far from 'Tacky' as he could possibly get before Stephany's body was discovered.
Again, the question regarding this retraction of Joran's "confession" is- what if the Peruvian authorities did type up a "confession" that Joran didn't understand at all, and signed because they lied about what it said? Do all of you really support any country permitting something like that?

I understand that most of you think this is just another of Joran's lies. Fine. My hypothethical question was if you'd think it was wrong if the authorities did trick him into signing a "confession."

No person interested in justice should support that, imho.

Joran's confession really does not make that much difference anyhow. There is plenty of evidence that he murdered Stephany whatever the context of his confession is or isn't.
Again, the question regarding this retraction of Joran's "confession" is- what if the Peruvian authorities did type up a "confession" that Joran didn't understand at all, and signed because they lied about what it said? Do all of you really support any country permitting something like that?

I understand that most of you think this is just another of Joran's lies. Fine. My hypothethical question was if you'd think it was wrong if the authorities did trick him into signing a "confession."

No person interested in justice should support that, imho.

I believe Joran deserves true justice as does any other person charged with a crime of murder, and would never agree to a corrupt justice being served for him or anyone.
All of Joran's dealing with the system in Peru have been taped. He had translator, Dutch embassy staff person, lawyer, etc. The Peruvians crossed their T's and dotted their I's because by the time they got their hands on Joran, they had time to study up on the mickey mouse system in Aruba and how they failed and lost evidence. They in Peru 'knew' what they were dealing with and they were well prepared. As it is, the fact that Joran is trying his usual games of not speaking before the Judge did him no good on the 21st. Peru is a whole different ballgame. They do it 'their' way. Get used to it. They know the world is watching and they won't make a mistake on Joran. It is time Joran pays the piper for his crimes.
It's really amazing seeing who still wants Joran free of the murder charge, with not a thought to poor Stepheny and how frightened she must have been as he whacked her around, and the family that is grieving so heavily. We have heard that Anita would have a media advisor and I do wonder now whether the man John van den Heuval and all the conspiracy theorists are IT.
That makes sense to me.....he had a sweet line of credit from his father to go casino hopping and found that the girls there were in abundance, he was doing his thing.
If and I'm only saying IF, he had already been lying to Melody as she stated, he found he could do anything he wanted to and get away with it.
He was riding high and mighty - carte blanche thanks to his money and connections there where the establishments knew him and his family but
never stopped him because of his age.


Right and as you say, even when he was supposedly devoted to Melody he was screwing around with other girls. Total lack of respect.
No theory here should ever be ruled as moot. If a member takes the time to patiently respond to numerous questions about their theory then we should respect that member's theory even if it doesn't 1. Jive with our own. 2. Seem Logical to us 3. Any other reason.

No opinion of a member here should ever be moot. Opinions and theories do not have to be supported by fact. They just don't.

Opinions and theories are thrown around here all the time and if I see one that doesn't work for me---I read it and move on.

My :twocents:

I totally agree with you. except when you ask a question regarding their theory in good consciousness and they refuse to discuss it me it is moot. Why try to discuss anything someone does not wish to discuss. Sounds a little :banghead: to me...and we have enough of that already here. Urneals has every right to further the discussion on the matter if he/she chooses, but I also have the right to my opinion and as you say--read it and move on, which I now plan to do.
And your absolutely correct....everything does not have to be fact when putting a theory together, but to substantiate, yes.
All evidence will cancel out any and all confessions.
Right and as you say, even when he was supposedly devoted to Melody he was screwing around with other girls. Total lack of respect.

Absolutely jilly....he was the 'teflon' casanova of Aruba......
Again, this is only my speculation, and I certainly can't find concrete evidence for it, but....I suspect that the reason for this long delay is because there actually wasn't such a delay. In other words, Stephany died long after Joran left the hotel, which left those responsible scrambling to find a reason for why so much time elapsed before the room was checked.

The most logical guess I can make is that Stephany was supposed to be involved in the "sting" or trap, or whatever it was that had been planned for Joran. She felt remorse, gave him a head's up, after which he left and it took a few days until her betrayal was discovered. That's why the uncut video from that security camera would be crucial evidence, to determine exactly what activity, if any, occurred in Joran's room after he left. Of course, any entrance or exit from his room necessarily proves him innocent.

Btw, there is a better translation out there (sorry, no link- it's from a site WS doesn't want linked to) of the Dutch article from yesterday, regarding the security camera. It is now clear that these reporters claim to have actually visited the hotel, and maintain that there was no camera outside room 309 prior to Joran being there, and it has been removed since the murder. Now, it may be that the authorities confiscated the camera for their investigation. However, if these reporters have some kind of evidence (testimony of long time hotel staff, perhaps?) that a camera was only installed at this spot after Joran rented that room, then I think it's pretty clear evidence that he was being monitored by somebody, for some purpose.

So she gave him a "heads up" and then decided to lay around his room for a few days until the people that hired her found her in his room, became angry with her and then killed her for letting him get away.
I believe Joran deserves true justice as does any other person charged with a crime of murder, and would never agree to a corrupt justice being served for him or anyone.
All of Joran's dealing with the system in Peru have been taped. He had translator, Dutch embassy staff person, lawyer, etc. The Peruvians crossed their T's and dotted their I's because by the time they got their hands on Joran, they had time to study up on the mickey mouse system in Aruba and how they failed and lost evidence. They in Peru 'knew' what they were dealing with and they were well prepared. As it is, the fact that Joran is trying his usual games of not speaking before the Judge did him no good on the 21st. Peru is a whole different ballgame. They do it 'their' way. Get used to it. They know the world is watching and they won't make a mistake on Joran. It is time Joran pays the piper for his crimes.
It's really amazing seeing who still wants Joran free of the murder charge, with not a thought to poor Stepheny and how frightened she must have been as he whacked her around, and the family that is grieving so heavily. We have heard that Anita would have a media advisor and I do wonder now whether the man John van den Heuval and all the conspiracy theorists are IT.

Absolutely and Amen marikesh......
As a conspiracy theorist, I think I've made my own thoughts pretty clear. Speaking only for myself, I'm just raising questions that I think need to be asked. Too many "coincidences." The wildly varying accounts of the basic details of the crime scene; murder weapon, cause of death, position of body, clothing on body. Most important of all- that incomprehensible three day gap between time of death and discovery of Stephany's body.

Conspiracy theories, by their very nature, will always seem illogical. Since most of us have never conspired in this manner, we can't begin to really understand the motivations behind them. All we can do is analyze the evidence, which is what I'm doing.

Much of the varying accounts regarding the details of the crime was due to translation issues and the media here jumping on every single thing that is said and reporting it whether it is fact or not.
So she gave him a "heads up" and then decided to lay around his room for a few days until the people that hired her found her in his room, became angry with her and then killed her for letting him get away.

Boy did I laugh at that one......howling infact....
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