Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #19

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So what are everyone's thoughts on these two different lawyers?

From the NG transcript...

MACCHI: Jean, this document was filed on June 11th, according to judicial sources. And what they`re alleging is that the documents that Joran was made to read and then sign were in Spanish, that there wasn`t an interpreter and there wasn`t a proper translation provided to him, therefore making it all null.

CASAREZ: Victoria, here`s the thing. We just spoke with defense attorney Carla Odria (ph), and she said that she was the defense attorney for Joran Van Der Sloot that night and that she sat with him, but he said he didn`t want to talk. And now we see on the habeas corpus that Lus Romero (ph) -- what is the defense attorney we see on the document?

MACCHI: The confession actually lists his -- his attorney as Lus Marina Romero Chinchay (ph). And what we found out today is that she`s not actually registered with -- as a court-appointed attorney. She`s, in fact, a private attorney.

JC touched on that a bit again today on the video that PattyG posted.

So this attorney Carla Odria says she was appointed to Joran as his public defender and sat with him but he didn't want to talk after his trip from Chile so then they got another attorney Lus Marina Romero Chinchay in there? Is that what they're trying to say? And that this second attorney is the girlfriend of one of the police officers on duty that day?

So it was when this second "private" attorney was present that he made his confession and not when his appointed public defender was there?
I was actually understanding where AVS was coming from until her comments about how she wanted to hold Natalee's parents 5 years ago, when she got the news....I knew that was a lie just from watching her on TV 5 years ago... She may feel that way now.. But, she didn't then...
Then came the comment about how he could have been an actor...That did it for me...!!!

I sure hope she does alot better job with the other children she has...

I don't think you're being fair at all. You don't know what was in his mother's heart 5 years ago, and you don't know what she's feeling now. She didn't set out to raise a psychopathic murderer and I don't think it's fair to blame her or hold her responsible for Joran's behavior in any way shape or form.
I don't think you're being fair at all. You don't know what was in his mother's heart 5 years ago, and you don't know what she's feeling now. She didn't set out to raise a psychopathic murderer and I don't think it's fair to blame her or hold her responsible for Joran's behavior in any way shape or form.

Am I misremembering the "sit-down" arranged by Greta Van Susteren with JVDS' parents? (I believe that's the one where so many posters decided the father sweat too much.)

My memory of that meeting is that AVDS did indeed seem very empathetic toward the Holloway parents. Maybe she changed her mind later, but at that point (within the first week after the disappearance), she was the very soul of compassion.
Respectively snipped:
.... So this attorney Carla Odria says she was appointed to Joran as his public defender and sat with him but he didn't want to talk after his trip from Chile so then they got another attorney Lus Marina Romero Chinchay in there? Is that what they're trying to say? And that this second attorney is the girlfriend of one of the police officers on duty that day?

So it was when this second "private" attorney was present that he made his confession and not when his appointed public defender was there?

Kamille, I am confused as well.
Did the autopsy report or any report show time of death? Excuse if this has already been asked. tia
Patty, I take nothing away from your excellent parenting advice above.

But in fairness to AVDS, I have to say that among people I know with properties large enough to include separate guest houses, it seems pretty common to let kids in their late teens live in the out-building (or what is called a "casita" (or "little house") where I live).

I have no problem with AVDS letting her adult child live in a house on the property or in an apartment away from the property. I am 100% for it!
Patty, I take nothing away from your excellent parenting advice above.

But in fairness to AVDS, I have to say that among people I know with properties large enough to include separate guest houses, it seems pretty common to let kids in their late teens live in the out-building (or what is called a "casita" (or "little house") where I live).

I would also like to add that unless we have lived in Aruba we really don't know the customs there. It maybe quite ordinary for the kids to hang out at casinos especially if the age limit is 18 and the same for drinking. They all have to do it early even here. It is 21 where I live, but underage drinking is very common. I don't agree with it, but that just may be their norm in Aruba. jmo
I believe Joran's confession was on the 6th right? Does anyone know what day he was back in Lima and being held at the jail there?

Sounds to me like these two different lawyers may have been with him on two different days. And considering that someone gave him good advice about confessing to minimize his sentence, and to make it appear as though it was an "impulse" reaction, then perhaps they thought they were doing him a favor bringing in a private attorney to explain the law to him rather than an overworked public defender who left because he didn't want to talk.

And of course if that is the case, Joran will use their generosity against them.


Wow! Amazing how the young, terrified hotel receptionist actually managed to turn off the television and the lights before tearing outta that bloody scene with a dead body in the room!


With that, Adeli said she hastily turned off the television and the room’s light and "left the room running" to raise the alarm to the hotel manager.

Have said it from the start - slipped cash to not disturb his room for couple of days>gave him head start>explains delay in discovering body. Certainly, VDS alone committed the murder. Certainly, none of the employees knew a dead body was inside. But not slipped cashed - will never buy it!
I would also like to add that unless we have lived in Aruba we really don't know the customs there. It maybe quite ordinary for the kids to hang out at casinos especially if the age limit is 18 and the same for drinking. They all have to do it early even here. It is 21 where I live, but underage drinking is very common. I don't agree with it, but that just may be their norm in Aruba. jmo

BBM: Common here as well. Very. Also, not uncommon here for parents' setting up/paying expenses, etc for separate apartment for their under 21 year old. Also, during summer months when one would expect student to return home after the college/university year has ended>instead, separate apartment is not uncommon (with most of the bill footed by parents).’s-rights-“repeatedly-violated”


The Peruvian lawyer representing Joran van der Sloot says his client’s rights have repeatedly been violated and may take the case to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. The lawyer, Máximo Altez Navarro, made the allegations in an exclusive interview with Radio Netherlands Worldwide.’s-rights-“repeatedly-violated”


The Peruvian lawyer representing Joran van der Sloot says his client’s rights have repeatedly been violated and may take the case to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. The lawyer, Máximo Altez Navarro, made the allegations in an exclusive interview with Radio Netherlands Worldwide.

Any room here for the Victim Stephany Flores' rights which have been repeatedly been violated by this murdering ? :furious::furious:

Maximo Altez full of doggie doo doo, horse manure and even the rat doo doo from JVDS's pet.

Any room here for the Victim Stephany Flores' rights which have been repeatedly been violated by this murdering ? :furious::furious:

Maximo Altez full of doggie doo doo, horse manure and even the rat doo doo from JVDS's pet.


It is rather disturbing, I wonder why this lawyer changed his mind. :doh:
why does JVS get all these rights? because he is high profile?
He is NOT an AMERICAN! I do not understand this law???
If an American does a murder in Peru do they get this also???
Why is it international?

Who stands up for Natalie? Stephany??
His victims!
VDS is NOT a victim!
Here's information on the Habeus Corpus that was filed. It was obtained by InSessions.

It explains the issue with the two attorneys.

I'm just now beginning to realize how this case has become so confusing. It's not only the 'robotic' translations that we've all been dealing with, but it's also that the US media is completely mis-interpreting or mis-leading us in their reporting.

First of all there are two things going on here:

(1) On June 4, JVDS was taken into custody of the Peruvian Police at the border with Chile. As shown on this video, there was no attorney or interpreter present when JVDS signed the documents there. (However, the media continues to broadcast this signing video, mis-representing it as his signing of the confession...which it's NOT!!)


Yesterday, JDVS filed a complaint of 'functional misconduct' against the Peruvian police for not having a warrant when he was arrested at the border and for lack of an interpreter when he signed this document.

(2) On June 11, JVDS was officially charged with murder by PLE, following his confession on June 6, which was given in the presence of an attorney and an interpreter. So far, we have not seen any videos of the actual confession or of JVDS signing it.

JVDS asked to withdraw his confession due to his complaint about the attorney who was present during his confession and the 'un-official' translator who was causing him confusion in understanding the confession document he was made to sign.

Somehow, in most of the US reporting, these two separate incidents are being confused / combined. Even Jean C. confuses the two in the video in the above Habeus Corpus link...wondering how he is complaining about his interpreter and then saying he was forced to sign without an interpreter.

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