GUILTY Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #22

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Initiated review of laptop Netherlands

The police initiated a proceeding before a judge and the lawyer for the family of Stephany Flores. It was not the defense of Joran van der Sloot.

Without the participation of counsel of Joran van der Sloot (22) Police today began a review of the laptop the Dutchman accused of the murder of the young Stephany Flores (21). According to the defense of the victim, diligence was conducted in private and in the presence of the judge, the prosecutor and computer technicians of the police.

"He has verified the integrity of the hard drive and most importantly should be in court within 10 days," said Edwar Alvarez, a lawyer for the Flores family, to his departure from the seat of the Dirincri.

  • It was learned that the inspection of the Van der Sloot's computer will take 120 days.

So, now it's going to take 120 days to inspect the computer? Four months?! :banghead:

ETA: Why would the defense not to be present during this inspection?!
Initiated review of laptop Netherlands

According to the defense of the victim, diligence was conducted in private and in the presence of the judge, the prosecutor and computer technicians of the police.

"He has verified the integrity of the hard drive and most importantly should be in court within 10 days," said Edwar Alvarez, a lawyer for the Flores family, to his departure from the seat of the Dirincri.

So, now it's going to take 120 days to inspect the computer? Four months?! :banghead:

(snipped by me)

I don't know jack about computers but 120 days sounds ludicrous! Seriously...:waitasec::banghead:
Joran's lawyer wants to "paralyze the process". Maybe Peru's court system is willing to oblige. It gives them more time to be thorough, and they are backlogged with cases anyway. :snail:

Not good for those of us who want answers now though...
Very interesting! I'm not surprised his tuned changed after getting advice from mama VDS I remember seeing the two very different signatures, too. What a piece of work he is - thinks he's slick as owl poop. All this wrangling has worked for him in the past. But, as I recall, in Peru fessing up brings a lesser sentence so he's only digging his hole deeper. His legal advisors aren't doing him any favors.

I find this intriguing. I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on why he WOULD do this? Has to be some kind of reasoning? Is he going to say he didn't sign one of the papers? The confession? I'd video and tape record every single word/action he makes if I were the Peruvian officials. My lands, no one is oblivious to the fact JVS lies everytime his mouth moves. I'm beginning to believe he starts everyday thinking what kind of chaos or whoppers can I come up with today upon his first morning trip to the john.

While I get upset because he had made financial gain for his tales, in the long run, they are a documented biography contributing to his final demise. Same as in the Anthony case. The media was just using the players and they took the bait...for the it comes back and snaps them in the pants. The big difference being JVS doesn't care. OT: Cindy A. looks awful and even carries herself different than the early days. She looks like she's broken and not the backbone she used to be. JMO
And that could affect his bottom line. I can see his request for
$1mil (interview) suddenly dropped to "$12.99/hr + a box of Kleenex".
This guy has no sense of reality? He has flooded the market and now
must sell cheap.

:waitasec: :bananapowerslide::boing::boing::floorlaugh::D
Joran Van der Sloot faces more charges

Charges seem to be mounting for Joran Van der Sloot who is already being held for the murder of a Peruvian girl and trying to extort money from the family of Natalee Holloway.

It started out as an article in the National Enquirer in the early part of July, but now it turns out what seemed like a tabloid cover might actually be true. Joran Van der Sloot who is being held on charges of murdering a Peruvian girl, has long been a suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, and is facing charges he tried extroting money from the Holloway family, now is being tied to a sex trafficking charge in Thailand.

Thai officials have informed officials in Peru that they are pursuing charges of sex trafficking against Van der Sloot. He has long been rumored to be associated with illegal sex trading.

I don't know if this was ever discussed in NH's case, but has anyone ever thought that his father could have been involved in this? Afterall, JVS sold the coffeeshop and seemed to just fold and pack up everything in Thailand after his father passed. I really don't think he came home to stand by this mother and his younger brothers just out of the goodness of his heart. His first thought has always been money and what he could win in a situation. Maybe he thought he could come home and oversee the finances for Dear Mommy or his backing for his Thai operation just ceased to exist. ?
Initiated review of laptop Netherlands

The police initiated a proceeding before a judge and the lawyer for the family of Stephany Flores. It was not the defense of Joran van der Sloot.

Without the participation of counsel of Joran van der Sloot (22) Police today began a review of the laptop the Dutchman accused of the murder of the young Stephany Flores (21). According to the defense of the victim, diligence was conducted in private and in the presence of the judge, the prosecutor and computer technicians of the police.

"He has verified the integrity of the hard drive and most importantly should be in court within 10 days," said Edwar Alvarez, a lawyer for the Flores family, to his departure from the seat of the Dirincri.

  • It was learned that the inspection of the Van der Sloot's computer will take 120 days.

So, now it's going to take 120 days to inspect the computer? Four months?! :banghead:

ETA: Why would the defense not to be present during this inspection?!

That does seem outrageous. My only thought and hope is the US, Dutch, and Thailand authorities want to take a good look too. That gives each a month for "exploration".

My thoughts on the defense not being present is because it is the prosecution's "evidence" and the defense is not allowed to disclosure of it yet?? Discovery?
"... the accused did not speak and that throughout the hearing was indifferent to questions of the authorities.

When ... insisted to assist in the research process, Joran merely remind you that he has begun a process of habeas corpus and evaluation while in statement will not judicial one, also has complaints do police personnel who had questioned him, and the false official translator, as the accused, took him to confess error and did not commit a crime."

His entire legal strategy of disrespecting the court and questionning every court decision seems certain to ensure Joran of receiving the maximum sentence.

Surely, his Peruvian lawyer, Maximo Altez, can see this due to his familiarity of the workings of the legal system in Peru. I'm beginning to wonder if he's just not playing along with the recommendations of Joran's 'foreign' advisors, knowing full well where it will lead!!!

It appears as though Joran (and maybe his "advisors) is counting on international pressure from his home country and perhaps even the US to see this entire situation as a violation of his rights. And he'll keep appealing his situation to any court that is required to hear it. It's like he's trying to be a poster boy for being framed up in a foreign country. Trying to bring to light that this can happen to anyone who travels. A sore spot for any travel destination country I would assume.

If that's the case though, it appears as though the foreign media is no longer interested in him or his current plight and have left the country so I can't see it being of any use to him...he's yesterday's news at the moment. If he really thinks that anyone other than his own family and a few friends cares what happens to him there in Peru, he's way more narcissistic than even I have given him credit for. Even his "advisors/lawyers" only care about the money they can make off him IMO.

He's no celebrity and he isn't going to draw attention to corruption in the Peruvian justice system by using the international media IMO. We all know that it can be dangerous when travelling to a foreign country and we all know that there is corruption in a lot of these poorer countries. That's why we try to follow all travel advisories and stay away from areas and situations that could get us in trouble. But we also know the facts of this case and that it is highly likely that Joran would be convicted in any country for this crime. He hasn't been framed, there is no conspiracy, Joran committed the crime and must face the consequences...something he (and possibly his family/mother) is just not used to IMO.

I wonder if his "foreign advisors" are still trying to shop out Joran stories to the US and Dutch media and if they are getting the "not interested" answer they should be getting?

In Peru dollars are more or less accepted at most businesses... You can take out US dollars or soles from ATMs, credit/debit cards usually work in soles and dollars at the same time (without converting). I think Chile works more exclusively with Chilean pesos...

--- I was out of town but now I'm back.

Welcome back danielabc. Can you tell me, in your opinion, whether a Peruvian citizen would accept winnings from a casino in US dollars or would it be better for them to take their winnings in SOLES with exchange rates and all? When Stephany's family says that she won $10,000 do you think they are referring to her actually winning and accepting US dollars or do you think they have roughly converted the amount of SOLES she won to US dollars for the sake of the US media? Or could it be roughly 10,000 SOLES? How much in SOLES would a laptop cost in Lima?

TIA for any help you can provide.:cheerful:
Welcome back danielabc. Can you tell me, in your opinion, whether a Peruvian citizen would accept winnings from a casino in US dollars or would it be better for them to take their winnings in SOLES with exchange rates and all? When Stephany's family says that she won $10,000 do you think they are referring to her actually winning and accepting US dollars or do you think they have roughly converted the amount of SOLES she won to US dollars for the sake of the US media? Or could it be roughly 10,000 SOLES? How much in SOLES would a laptop cost in Lima?

TIA for any help you can provide.:cheerful:

Here's a conversion chart for our future use:
To some degree you are correct, in Lima's large stores or restaurants that serve tourists.. yes.
Outside of Lima you will have to pay for all services in Soles and if you are very lucky they might accept a credit card.
You must also remember when you go any where in the world without the language, foreign money and not knowing the territory of where you are, you are very vulnerable, as a tourist is great and lots of fun, as someone on the run... not so sure.
Here is some information of the money rules of Peru:

OK, I meant that most businesses (like, formal not-mini businesses, not just "large stores") in Lima will accept dollars (and of course will most likely give you change in soles and some will try to use a bad exchange rate). In other cities they may accept dollars or you just have to exchange the money first. In small towns you should stick to soles.

I didn't say that ATMs or credit cards are widely accepted outside of Lima-- they aren't... I wouldn't say that they are non-existent at all.
Most ATMs will give out dollars as well as soles, people can easily open bank accounts in dollars in any bank, ATM cards and credit cards can work with both dollars and soles... This is because people still don't trust our local currency completely due to the bad inflation experience in the late 80s.

We were talking about this because of Joran's money being in dollars and because reports have been confusing amounts in dollars and soles. Patty G asked me like a month ago if I could find out whether the casino had poker tables in dollars or in soles and I found online that it has tables on both dollars and soles...

PS. I'm from Lima.
Welcome back danielabc. Can you tell me, in your opinion, whether a Peruvian citizen would accept winnings from a casino in US dollars or would it be better for them to take their winnings in SOLES with exchange rates and all? When Stephany's family says that she won $10,000 do you think they are referring to her actually winning and accepting US dollars or do you think they have roughly converted the amount of SOLES she won to US dollars for the sake of the US media? Or could it be roughly 10,000 SOLES? How much in SOLES would a laptop cost in Lima?

TIA for any help you can provide.:cheerful:

I wouldn't let the casino exchange the money for me if they offered, unless they quoted a good exchange rate and even then I doubt it. If Stephany was planning on using the money to gamble at the casino, then it wouldn't make a lot of sense to exchange it... I would imagine that the family would quote the money in soles had she won in soles but who knows...
We don't know for sure if she won the money in soles or dollars but we do know that she could've won money in either currency as there are tables in soles and dollars.
How much does a laptop cost in Lima? Well, that depends on the laptop.
You can check out some prices here and here.
That does seem outrageous. My only thought and hope is the US, Dutch, and Thailand authorities want to take a good look too. That gives each a month for "exploration".

My thoughts on the defense not being present is because it is the prosecution's "evidence" and the defense is not allowed to disclosure of it yet?? Discovery?

Initiated review of laptop Netherlands

The police initiated a proceeding before a judge and the lawyer for the family of Stephany Flores. It was not the defense of Joran van der Sloot.

Without the participation of counsel of Joran van der Sloot (22) Police today began a review of the laptop the Dutchman accused of the murder of the young Stephany Flores (21). According to the defense of the victim, diligence was conducted in private and in the presence of the judge, the prosecutor and computer technicians of the police.

"He has verified the integrity of the hard drive and most importantly should be in court within 10 days," said Edwar Alvarez, a lawyer for the Flores family, to his departure from the seat of the Dirincri.

  • It was learned that the inspection of the Van der Sloot's computer will take 120 days.

So, now it's going to take 120 days to inspect the computer? Four months?! :banghead:

ETA: Why would the defense not to be present during this inspection?!

There is nothing outrageous or ludicrous about that. Remember folks this isn't like CSI where they can scan a computer and get all the info they need in a few hours, this is real life.

The time it takes for them to inspect the computer depends on several things. Things like the size of the hard drive, then they have to look for any hidden partitions. Then they have to try to find any hidden encrypted files. If they do find hidden partitions they may have to crack passwords to access them and if they find encrypted files they got to try to figure out the key to crack the encryption. And there are several other factors.

So this could take 120 days or it could be less or more. You just got to be patient with this kind of stuff.
I find this intriguing. I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on why he WOULD do this? Has to be some kind of reasoning? Is he going to say he didn't sign one of the papers? The confession? I'd video and tape record every single word/action he makes if I were the Peruvian officials. My lands, no one is oblivious to the fact JVS lies everytime his mouth moves. I'm beginning to believe he starts everyday thinking what kind of chaos or whoppers can I come up with today upon his first morning trip to the john.

While I get upset because he had made financial gain for his tales, in the long run, they are a documented biography contributing to his final demise. Same as in the Anthony case. The media was just using the players and they took the bait...for the it comes back and snaps them in the pants. The big difference being JVS doesn't care. OT: Cindy A. looks awful and even carries herself different than the early days. She looks like she's broken and not the backbone she used to be. JMO

FWIW, My thoughts on why he would sign the two documents with very different signatures and wink to the lawyer he claims he never hired is that he was planning in advance to claim that he was coerced into making a confession - which is exactly what he did.

And I agree that his lies stacked upon lies have been well documented. He's had a LOT of practice making and then retracting statements. It will most certainly contribute to his downfall, IMO.

Well, here comes the insanity plea. They ARE throwing everything and anything at the wall to see if it sticks = I don't have a solid defense.!

Advocate of Joran van der Sloot said his client is a patient type

Being the dutiful and obedient son he is (tongue in cheek), he's taking his mother's lead and instruction by claiming he's 'sick in the head', IMO. I think it's interesting to note, however, that while he was home in Aruba living with his mother after his father's death in February, his mother claimed he was never 'healthier', had quit smoking and was helping out by painting a fence, etc. and attending Bingo with his mama (this was in April). Doesn't sound as if she thought he was all that 'sick' then. And it also defies what she said in a later interview that she hadn't been in contact with him much since Paulus' death.

But here's the burn, IMO... by him and his lawyers claiming he's 'sick', they're in effect admitting that he DID commit the crime. This will come back to bite him in the behind since there seems to be many other sources saying he's not insane and knows right from wrong. MOO

"We have verified that the laptop is intact, has not been manipulated."

:woohoo: I'm sure the laptop was 'manipulated' plenty by JVS while he was on the run, though. :eek:nline: Delete, delete, delete...

"... the accused did not speak and that throughout the hearing was indifferent to questions of the authorities.

When ... insisted to assist in the research process, Joran merely remind you that he has begun a process of habeas corpus and evaluation while in statement will not judicial one, also has complaints do police personnel who had questioned him, and the false official translator, as the accused, took him to confess error and did not commit a crime."

His entire legal strategy of disrespecting the court and questionning every court decision seems certain to ensure Joran of receiving the maximum sentence.

Surely, his Peruvian lawyer, Maximo Altez, can see this due to his familiarity of the workings of the legal system in Peru. I'm beginning to wonder if he's just not playing along with the recommendations of Joran's 'foreign' advisors, knowing full well where it will lead!!!


It's certainly an odd strategy, considering. It makes me wonder if he's listening to the other 'foreign' attorneys (coughTacopinacough) rather than his attorney familiar with Peruvian law. Or if he's just refusing to go with Maximo Altez's advice. Who knows. Whatever it is, I wouldn't think it's going to work in his favor in the long run. The only thing I think it will accomplish is stonewalling the inevitable (longer) sentence he's going to receive.

Another article re: his sanity which defends my position above...

The murderer Van der Sloot wants to save himself from jail claiming insanity.

The attorney for the young Dutchman Joran van der Sloot, responsible for the death of Stephany Flores tries to justify his client saying that it is a "type sick."

The Netherlands citizen, however, shows no signs of mental disorder as psychological evaluations which has been subject. According to the study, Joran would not need any psychological treatment and is able to discern between good and evil without problem.

These statements only thing that would seek to delay sentencing.
I don't know if this was ever discussed in NH's case, but has anyone ever thought that his father could have been involved in this? Afterall, JVS sold the coffeeshop and seemed to just fold and pack up everything in Thailand after his father passed. I really don't think he came home to stand by this mother and his younger brothers just out of the goodness of his heart. His first thought has always been money and what he could win in a situation. Maybe he thought he could come home and oversee the finances for Dear Mommy or his backing for his Thai operation just ceased to exist. ?

hollyblue, I've always believed Paulus was involved in the sex trade business. MOO
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