GUILTY Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #22

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I wouldn't let the casino exchange the money for me if they offered, unless they quoted a good exchange rate and even then I doubt it. If Stephany was planning on using the money to gamble at the casino, then it wouldn't make a lot of sense to exchange it... I would imagine that the family would quote the money in soles had she won in soles but who knows...
We don't know for sure if she won the money in soles or dollars but we do know that she could've won money in either currency as there are tables in soles and dollars.
How much does a laptop cost in Lima? Well, that depends on the laptop.
You can check out some prices here and here.

Thanks you can get a low end laptop for about a thousand soles.

I guess the reason I question the currency is because Stephany walked into the casino and dropped some money on the table to purchase chips. I can't tell from the video what currency she was using. I also believe there is a video of her receiving cash for her winnings. Can't seem to locate that one right now but I didn't remember see large amounts of paper currency being exchanged. So how common is a 1000 sole note? More common than a paying out $1000 US with a thousand dollar bill I would think?

Not that he can be believed but Joran mentioned all of his money transactions while being on the run in Peru as being in soles. He claimed that Stephany only had 850 soles in her wallet. He never mentioned US dollars. So it may be possible that Stephany only had soles in her possession. And she apparently won more than 850 of them that evening so maybe she did stash the rest in the glove box?

Thanks you can get a low end laptop for about a thousand soles.

I guess the reason I question the currency is because Stephany walked into the casino and dropped some money on the table to purchase chips. I can't tell from the video what currency she was using. I also believe there is a video of her receiving cash for her winnings. Can't seem to locate that one right now but I didn't remember see large amounts of paper currency being exchanged. So how common is a 1000 sole note? More common than a paying out $1000 US with a thousand dollar bill I would think?

Not that he can be believed but Joran mentioned all of his money transactions while being on the run in Peru as being in soles. He claimed that Stephany only had 850 soles in her wallet. He never mentioned US dollars. So it may be possible that Stephany only had soles in her possession. And she apparently won more than 850 of them that evening so maybe she did stash the rest in the glove box?


"Laos [the assistant general manager at the casino] confirmed reports that Flores 'won very little money' at the poker table on May 29. He said she won only 670 sols, about $237."

The article below contains a video of Stephany cashing in her chips at the 3:04 time mark. It's difficult to see what currency she is being paid in, but the narrator definitely mentions 'soles'. He also says the amount won, but is speaking so fast that I cannot even attempt to translate the amount stated in Spanish. Danielabc....perhaps you can help out on this!! Thanks!
Thanks you can get a low end laptop for about a thousand soles.

I guess the reason I question the currency is because Stephany walked into the casino and dropped some money on the table to purchase chips. I can't tell from the video what currency she was using. I also believe there is a video of her receiving cash for her winnings. Can't seem to locate that one right now but I didn't remember see large amounts of paper currency being exchanged. So how common is a 1000 sole note? More common than a paying out $1000 US with a thousand dollar bill I would think?

Not that he can be believed but Joran mentioned all of his money transactions while being on the run in Peru as being in soles. He claimed that Stephany only had 850 soles in her wallet. He never mentioned US dollars. So it may be possible that Stephany only had soles in her possession. And she apparently won more than 850 of them that evening so maybe she did stash the rest in the glove box?

There aren't any 1000 soles notes... Notes come in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 soles. The 200 notes are somewhat rare, not that commonly used. Stephany may have won that night in soles and the other night, when she won more money, in dollars... Just in case you see it written somewhere, we use $ as a US dollar symbol and S/. to indicate soles.

I think the "notebooks" listed on the first page are really netbooks... I would say that a cheap notebooks would be like $600... Do you guys think that she buy a nice notebook with the $1000 from her dad or maybe she'd put aside some money for using at the casino and buy the notebook with the rest?
The article below contains a video of Stephany cashing in her chips at the 3:04 time mark. It's difficult to see what currency she is being paid in, but the narrator definitely mentions 'soles'. He also says the amount won, but is speaking so fast that I cannot even attempt to translate the amount stated in Spanish. Danielabc....perhaps you can help out on this!! Thanks!

I think the video in the link is some other video, not the one that you're talking about... I tried looking for the video you mentioned but didn't find it, if you link it I'll try and translate.
hollyblue, I've always believed Paulus was involved in the sex trade business. MOO've peeked my interest. Your instincts are usually right on...what make you think that?'ve peeked my interest. Your instincts are usually right on...what make you think that?

It's mostly a gut instinct, FLNY. I'll have to do some research to refresh my memory, but I think Paulus was seen in a video at the casino at the same time Natalee, her friends, (and Joran ?) were present. I'll look around to see what I can find on this. I don't believe that was a coincidence. I think he used his son as bait for young women (with or without JVS's knowledge, but probably with, IMO.)

IMO, there's usually some grains of truth in the lies. I think there were many grains of truth when Joran was trying to throw his father under the bus when he attempted to sell the audio tape of his father's involvement (along with other officials) in the sex trade business to Greta VanSustern.

It's my belief that PVDS's desperate attempts to cover for his son were just as much for his own benefit and protection as well as his son's (if not more so). I also think his involvement in the sex trade business was the reason he never received his judgeship appointment.

Furthermore, I believe that AVDS either knew about his involvement in the sex trade business or found out due to JVS's involvement in Natalee's 'disappearance' and was complicit in any and all subsequent cover up attempts in order to protect her husband, son, and her standing in the community. Not necessarily in that order.

All this is just MOO, of course. :)
Here's an excerpt re: PVDS being at the casino the night that Natalee "disappeared". It's from PVDS's own statement dated 6/18/05 from the following site:

On May 29th 2005, at approximately 16.00 hours, I went with Joran to the “Free Carribean Stud Tournament” in the Holiday Inn. During the break, at approximately 18.30 hours, I went back home. My youngest son Sebastian, who was playing at a friends house, was due to be dropped off at home around that time. Joran, with my permission, took over my seat because he had been eliminated earlier. We had agreed that he would call me after the tournament, in order for me to come and pick him up. He did indeed call me and at approximately 23.00 hour I picked him up near the McDonalds on Palm Beach with my red Suzuki. We drove home and I went to bed. I presumed he also had gone to bed. Afterwards we found out that he had gone out to Carlos & Charlies without my permission.
It's mostly a gut instinct, FLNY. I'll have to do some research to refresh my memory, but I think Paulus was seen in a video at the casino at the same time Natalee, her friends, (and Joran ?) were present. I'll look around to see what I can find on this. I don't believe that was a coincidence. I think he used his son as bait for young women (with or without JVS's knowledge, but probably with, IMO.)

IMO, there's usually some grains of truth in the lies. I think there were many grains of truth when Joran was trying to throw his father under the bus when he attempted to sell the audio tape of his father's involvement (along with other officials) in the sex trade business to Greta VanSustern.

It's my belief that PVDS's desperate attempts to cover for his son were just as much for his own benefit and protection as well as his son's (if not more so). I also think his involvement in the sex trade business was the reason he never received his judgeship appointment.

Furthermore, I believe that AVDS either knew about his involvement in the sex trade business or found out due to JVS's involvement in Natalee's 'disappearance' and was complicit in any and all subsequent cover up attempts in order to protect her husband, son, and her standing in the community. Not necessarily in that order.

All this is just MOO, of course. :)

Ve-ry interesting! I never followed the Natalee case that closely, especially info re: Paulus...but with just a quick 'google' right now I found information and photos that support your theory!!
The article below contains a video of Stephany cashing in her chips at the 3:04 time mark. It's difficult to see what currency she is being paid in, but the narrator definitely mentions 'soles'. He also says the amount won, but is speaking so fast that I cannot even attempt to translate the amount stated in Spanish. Danielabc....perhaps you can help out on this!! Thanks!

OK, at the 3:04 mark they mention that she cashed 676 soles (her night's winnings) and then we see her being paid in soles (first six 100s, then one 50, two 10s and coins). The text also mentions that she bought between 600 and 700 soles in chips that night and mentions that she won up to 28000 soles (thats more or less $10,000) on May 24th, but her friends say that "by the middle of the week she didn't have money to play".
OK, at the 3:04 mark they mention that she cashed 676 soles (her night's winnings) and then we see her being paid in soles (first six 100s, then one 50, two 10s and coins). The text also mentions that she bought between 600 and 700 soles in chips that night and mentions that she won up to 28000 soles (thats more or less $10,000) on May 24th, but her friends say that "by the middle of the week she didn't have money to play".

Thanks so much Danielabc...that clears up a lot that has been in question!!

So, apparently she about broke even that night...buying 600-700 soles in chips and then cashing in 676 soles in winnings. That 676 soles is equivalent to about $240 using the exchange rate on 5/30/2010.

But she had more than the $240 on her when she left with Joran, since in the casino video below at about the 1:45 time mark, she extracts a wad of bills from her wallet, counts out 6-7 bills (they must have been 100 soles bills) to buy chips and returns the remaining bills to her wallet.
Van der Sloot a top draw on Poker blogs

Birmingham, Al (WIAT) Stories about Joran van der Sloot keep popping up all over the internet. Some times it's news sites like CBS Crimesider or CNN's Justice or right here on

There are blogs specializing in celebrity and sensationalism that have covered the ongoing saga....fueled by facts that would be dismissed as bizarre if they showed up in a movie or novel...chief among them that Flores body was found in van der Sloot's Lima, Peru hotel room five years to the day after the disappearance in Aruba of Mountain Brook, Alabama teen Natalee Holloway. Natalee disappeared on a graduation trip to Aruba where she was last seen in the company of, who else, Joran van der Sloot.

Among the strangest entries in the chase for all information van der Sloot related has been coverage on websites and blogs devoted to poker. One of these is an online poker site that currently sports an article entitled "More Dirty Laundry on Joran van der Sloot."

The article begins "He's the poker news story that won't go away, and this time Joran van der Sloot may well have topped himself with new allegations that he's involved with Thailand's infamous sex trade."

Poker news? A critique of van der Sloot's poker skills?

Two families on two continents are mourning. The Flores family has buried their daughter and put their hopes in the Peruvian justice system. The Holloway family has endured five years of agony, wondering if they'll ever know the fate of their daughter and wondering where justice is for Natalee.

But in the twisted world of Joran van Sloot....accused murderer in Peru, suspected murderer in Aruba, indicted for wire fraud and extortion here in Alabama for allegedly trying to shake down the Holloway family by promising, but not delivering, information about Natalee...somehow even using his strange tale to pitch a poker tournament doesn't seem unbelievable.

Read the full poker article at:
It's mostly a gut instinct, FLNY. I'll have to do some research to refresh my memory, but I think Paulus was seen in a video at the casino at the same time Natalee, her friends, (and Joran ?) were present. I'll look around to see what I can find on this. I don't believe that was a coincidence. I think he used his son as bait for young women (with or without JVS's knowledge, but probably with, IMO.)

IMO, there's usually some grains of truth in the lies. I think there were many grains of truth when Joran was trying to throw his father under the bus when he attempted to sell the audio tape of his father's involvement (along with other officials) in the sex trade business to Greta VanSustern.

It's my belief that PVDS's desperate attempts to cover for his son were just as much for his own benefit and protection as well as his son's (if not more so). I also think his involvement in the sex trade business was the reason he never received his judgeship appointment.

Furthermore, I believe that AVDS either knew about his involvement in the sex trade business or found out due to JVS's involvement in Natalee's 'disappearance' and was complicit in any and all subsequent cover up attempts in order to protect her husband, son, and her standing in the community. Not necessarily in that order.

All this is just MOO, of course. :)

Ive always wondered about this, privately. It could be the one area Joran
opens up about, some time down the road, if anything he says can ever be
believed. If nothing else it is established PVS would enter a casino, would
take his sons there, would bankrole them going there, da dah da dah. All
sporters. While Anita kept her nose to the grindstone and held down a
teacher's job staying home in free time taking care of her family and,
baking cookies - da dah da dah? :waitasec:

You may have opened a door here. You may be Ahead of your time, in
the future news cycle not far off?
I don't recall having seen this report from June 9 before:

Dutchman Joran van der Sloot spoke with friends of their country after having committed the crime of the young Peruvian Stephany Flores

" CPN Radio reported, the personal computer involved underwent a thorough evaluation by agents of the Division of Advanced Technology (DIVINDAT) in the presence of a prosecutor.

Although investigations are confidential, the laptop would be indications of communications that the Dutchman had with friends of their country after committing the crime in room 309 of the TAC hotel in Miraflores."

In both the English and Spanish versions, this is worded so vaguely: 'would be indications'....does that mean that they have already found this evidence on the laptop or that perhaps they would find this evidence??? :waitasec:
IIRC both Jaap Amesz (Terror Jaap) and Bert de Rooij said Joran had contacted them. The taxi drivers said he was on his computer non-stop.

It was also reported very near to his arrest that Jaap's computers and those of "one other" had been confiscated by Dutch police in co-operation with the FBI.
What they're saying about van der Sloot in Peru

Birmingham, Al (WIAT) Here in Alabama we think of Joran van der Sloot in terms of Natalee Holloway. He's the prime suspect in the disappearance of the Mountain Brook teen on a graduation trip to Aruba five years ago.

In Peru the Holloway connection is context...the main focus of attention is the murder...five years to the day after Natalee's disappearance...of Stephany Flores.

But the questions being asked everywhere are pretty much the same. Did he do it? Is he some sort of serial killer? Is he nuts? Will an insanity defense hold up in a Peruvian court?
It's mostly a gut instinct, FLNY. I'll have to do some research to refresh my memory, but I think Paulus was seen in a video at the casino at the same time Natalee, her friends, (and Joran ?) were present. I'll look around to see what I can find on this. I don't believe that was a coincidence. I think he used his son as bait for young women (with or without JVS's knowledge, but probably with, IMO.)

IMO, there's usually some grains of truth in the lies. I think there were many grains of truth when Joran was trying to throw his father under the bus when he attempted to sell the audio tape of his father's involvement (along with other officials) in the sex trade business to Greta VanSustern.

It's my belief that PVDS's desperate attempts to cover for his son were just as much for his own benefit and protection as well as his son's (if not more so). I also think his involvement in the sex trade business was the reason he never received his judgeship appointment.

Furthermore, I believe that AVDS either knew about his involvement in the sex trade business or found out due to JVS's involvement in Natalee's 'disappearance' and was complicit in any and all subsequent cover up attempts in order to protect her husband, son, and her standing in the community. Not necessarily in that order.

All this is just MOO, of course. :)

IIRC both Jaap Amesz (Terror Jaap) and Bert de Rooij said Joran had contacted them. The taxi drivers said he was on his computer non-stop.

It was also reported very near to his arrest that Jaap's computers and those of "one other" had been confiscated by Dutch police in co-operation with the FBI.

Suzihawk and FLNY: Thank you so much for the info, links and opinions. All I can say is WOW! The nut didn't fall too far from the tree did it? He was sitting right next to her. How creepy. Uh Oooh!

Lola, I don't recall that, but believe you. I was just asking awhile back if there was any further news on the Jaap's computer being confiscated.

Going to go dig a little......Thx.
Not a peep from Jaap since June 8 on his blog. Someone must have put the fear of God into him....sure not fear of food....:cool:
Not a peep from Jaap since June 8 on his blog. Someone must have put the fear of God into him....sure not fear of food....:cool:

Uncharacteristic of Jaap, for sure. I wasn't aware that JVS had contacted Bert de Rooij, though.

And just because there isn't any other JVS news at the moment, I'll take my small pleasures where I can get them...

Peru declares emergency over cold weather

The Peruvian government has declared a state of emergency in more than half the country due to cold weather

This week Peru's capital, Lima, recorded its lowest temperatures in 46 years at 8C, and the emergency measures apply to several of its outlying districts.

In Peru's hot and humid Amazon region, temperatures dropped as low as 9C. The jungle region has recorded five cold spells this year.

Doctors say malnutrition, extreme poverty and poor living conditions are major contributing factors to the seasonal deaths.
I wonder if he's warm and cozy in his jail cell? :waitasec:
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