GUILTY Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #22

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I am sure you also saw the brief passage (few pages back) where Steph's
sexual orientation is now challenged saying (she wasnt a lesbian at all,
was she?).

At SF's age, it might well be that she was undecided... or decided that she wasn't going to be conventional for the time being (had a fling or two with the same sex - think Angelina Jolie), as she wasn't ready to be committed to anyone anyway with her school & business plans.

Nonetheless, her body language does not indicate to me that she went to the hotel for an intimate encounter.
Snipped by me

This link says that Joran arranged to meet Stephany on the 28th:

"he first met Stephany Flores at the casino on May 27. They talked by phone the next day and agreed to meet at Atlantic Casino later that night."

I have to wonder if Joran might be off a day on the date that he met Stephany. It would seem that he might have met her on the Friday night (28th) at a casino and called her the next day on the Saturday (29th) to meet him at the Atlantic City casino later that evening, which we know did happen.

There must be more casino video surveillence footage of them together at their first meeting.

I think the events in Aruba (extortion and need to leave) and the poker
game already scheduled in Peru, seem to drive the general time table.
Then Joran says himself it was the 'email' on the anniversary that made him snap, on that day (and he says he has no explanation and 'just lost it').

I just cant believe that even a warped XYZ like Joran would think he could actually conduct a murder in downtown Lima on the very day of the anniversary ... and escape?

It is pretty clear he was running hard - to put great distance from the scene fast.

If it is ever proved he planned this event then all mercy is off the table.


I tend to agree with you on this jwarner regarding the timing of this event. I don't think Joran was particularily aware of the date in regards to the anniversary of the disappearance of NH. He likely knew it was close but I don't think he put it together. In fact, as I inquired in my above post, he may have been off a day in the actual dates when he made his confession. He's been through 3 other anniversary dates without "snapping" that we're aware of. But on this particular anniversary, he happened to have a young woman in his hotel room, for whatever reason, who likely didn't think much of him after she learned of who he was and wanted to leave and get away from him. I can see this making him snap, especially if he was planning to use this new friendship to his advantage.

I have to wonder if Joran might be off a day on the date that he met Stephany. It would seem that he might have met her on the Friday night (28th) at a casino and called her the next day on the Saturday (29th) to meet him at the Atlantic City casino later that evening, which we know did happen.

There must be more casino video surveillence footage of them together at their first meeting.


Kamille ... that would explain the confusion! It makes sense.
My apologies for just dropping this in here amidst your current discussion, however it seems to be the complete interview, some of which hasn't been translated before. The translator is a "cochi" from another forum. There's an apparent translation supposedly at the "no Evidence" site as well, and supposedly by an impeccable source, however....

Anita van der Sloot, mother of Joran van der Sloot, said that if her son's culpability in the murder of the peruvian Sthefany Flores and the northamerican Natalee Holloway is proven, she will never see him or help him ever again.

"If it is proven that it was him that murdererd the girl then what needs to happen must happen, Im not going to look for him in his cell, I have no motive to do it" she said in an interview for a foreign media, reproduced for the show "Panorama".

She said, Joran sufered a strong impact after his father's death, which caused a psychological disorder in her son.

"I think that Joran due to all those traumatic experiences has changed and he's really a psychiatric patient that needs help", she added.

For that reason, she said, she was thinking of having him admitted to a psychiatric clinic where he would receive adequate treatment, which was aborted when unexpectedly Joran traveled to Peru to participate in a poker tournament.

She told that he only left her a letter saying that he was traveling to Peru for a while because he had no peace in Aruba constantly persecuted for the murder of Holloway.

When he arrived in Peru, Joran talked to his mother via telephone, conversation in which Anita told him "Sink in the ground, Im not doing anymore for you", because she could foresee her son could do something bad in our country.

After some time passed and without hearing from him, she received a second call from Joran in panic, where he informed her that he was being chased because supposebly he had won a lot of money in the poker tournament and they wanted to steal it from him.

Anita narrated that he told her that in our country it was already known about his background as a suspect in the murder of Holloway which is why he would escape to Chile to seek shelter at the Netherland's embassy.

Hours later, Anita van der Sloot found out that the Peruvian police where after her son for being suspect of the murder of Stefany Flores.

"When I start finding out what is happening, because people from Holand began to call and also from America, he called me once again and said he was on his way to Chile because he was being chased and feared for his life" she stated.

"At that moment I told him that I knew he was suspect in the murder of a young peruvian woman, but he assured me that he was not guilty and that Stefany would have been murdered by the people that were after him", she added.

For a moment, she said, she believed him totatlly and recommended he presented himself to the police and sought shelter in the Holand embassy in Chile.

Nevertheless, with the irrefutable evidence of his culpability of the crime, Anita had to accept her son was a murderer.

"I think its horrible for the parents (of the murdered young ladies), I can imagine their desperation. In fact, I too have lost my own son and in some way it has been from his own doing (...). I cant imagine how those people must feel. Simply, I would like to hold those parents in my arms and cry with them a bit", she maintained.

She said she understood the families of the young ladies murdered by her son and other persons wanting the maximum sanction for him, but as her mother the last support she would give her son would be to hire him a lawyer to defend him and assure him good treatment in prison.

"Ive had a brief contact with him (after admitted to prison), but I told him that I was thankful to also think of me, but remain in your cell, I hope you feel good facing all that you have caused to those people that have lost their daughters but also the rest of your family that now one way or another we too are victims of your acts", she finalized.
Originally Posted by asiabrasil:
I believe that is very possible, and it begs the question: Did he set it up that way on purpose to all but guarantee he would have a girl at his disposal to kill on the 5 year anniversary?


I had to mull this over a bit hence the late reply. I can believe the murder itself was happenstance, ie he snapped in a rage, but I cannot believe Stephany was in his room on that date by chance. I think he planned it at least a couple of days ahead of time, and being that early in the morning, if it failed he still had ~18 hours left in the day for a plan B. Granted, if he had been winning big, he might have foregone his plan, but I doubt it. He was planning to 'have his way' with a girl on that day IMO.

So you're saying/thinking this might have been a very sick 'celebration' that Joran had planned? A celebration to commemorate what he did 5 years before? I can't wrap hy mind around that. He's sick, but that would be utterly sick...(the kind of sick that puts one away in an asylum forever)
If the FBI sting had not taken place and Joran could not get out of Aruba, Stepheny's life would have been spared. Since she has some resemblance to Melody, I wonder if that is what he saw rather than Stepheny. Melody loved him deeply it seems, since it has carried on for years past her teen years, however she wasn't accepting him as he was and she made it known. His problem was that Melody was not content for him to have his cake and eat it too. That is what most normal people in love expect from thier partner, that they leave their fantasies once committed to one person. I can see that once Joran met Stepheny he was reminded of his rejection by Melody, and that may have been where he began his planning, in his sick mind. IMOO.
At SF's age, it might well be that she was undecided... or decided that she wasn't going to be conventional for the time being (had a fling or two with the same sex - think Angelina Jolie), as she wasn't ready to be committed to anyone anyway with her school & business plans.

Nonetheless, her body language does not indicate to me that she went to the hotel for an intimate encounter.

This reminds me, and it's something I can't shake from my mind, the words of Stepheny's father when he said that Stepheny was the happiest she had ever been that weekend.
Yet other records/reports show that the family had not seen Stepheny since the Friday, so how would they know? From friends?
I assume that lawyers have recommended family members not to give any further info since they first were interviewed during their initial shock of her death, and maybe they also were mixed up in the dates because some things just don't jive.
Wow... Thanks for that translation, marikesh!

Yeah... there's no doubt I'm the eternal cynic when it comes to JVS and his family. All I can say to that is she sure is getting her money's worth from her PR firm. :crazy:

Although I can't cite it because it comes from another forum, I can't dismiss the reports that she sent messages of good wishes for his future to him via facebook AFTER he left for Peru. That doesn't sound like a mother that's very concerned about her son's severe psychiatric condition.

Just yesterday I saw photos of her whooping it up at a party while cheering on her soccer team during the World Cup with her son, Val, and others. It's true that actions speak louder than words. Her's aren't displaying the deep distress and sadness she claims to be feeling over her son and especially her son's victims, IMO.

Van der Sloot Update: Where is Stephany Flores' Missing $11,000?

NEW YORK (CBS) Police sources in Peru have disclosed to CBS News that Stephany Flores, Joran van der Sloot's alleged Peruvian murder victim, had won approximately $10,000 at casinos in the week leading up to her death and also had been given $1,000 from her father to purchase a laptop that she never got a chance to buy.

But police sources say that this money has never been found.

Flores reportedly kept her money in the glove compartment of her car. Police documents dated June 3 obtained by CBS News show the results of the search of Stephany Flores' car: no money was found in it.

Did Joran van der Sloot take that money?

The sources say that this was the true motive for the brutal murder of Flores: van der Sloot was after her money. Police say this means that van der Sloot's alleged murder of Flores was premeditated.
Just yesterday I saw photos of her whooping it up at a party while cheering on her soccer team during the World Cup with her son, Val, and others. It's true that actions speak louder than words. Her's aren't displaying the deep distress and sadness she claims to be feeling over her son and especially her son's victims, IMO.


maybe - but she does have to get on with her life - there is not m
much she can do for him now...
and THANK YOU everyone that has posted links to the different stories!!
Any news on the two taxi drivers??
Van der Sloot Update: Where is Stephany Flores' Missing $11,000?

NEW YORK (CBS) Police sources in Peru have disclosed to CBS News that Stephany Flores, Joran van der Sloot's alleged Peruvian murder victim, had won approximately $10,000 at casinos in the week leading up to her death and also had been given $1,000 from her father to purchase a laptop that she never got a chance to buy.

But police sources say that this money has never been found.

Flores reportedly kept her money in the glove compartment of her car. Police documents dated June 3 obtained by CBS News show the results of the search of Stephany Flores' car: no money was found in it.

Did Joran van der Sloot take that money?

The sources say that this was the true motive for the brutal murder of Flores: van der Sloot was after her money. Police say this means that van der Sloot's alleged murder of Flores was premeditated.

Thanks for the link Suzihawk! But if Joran took the money - WHERE is it?? :waitasec: He wouldn't have deposited this money anywhere in Peru or Chile??!! corrupt official searching her car??!! :waitasec:
I also wonder where the money has gone. Of course, the money she won earlier in the week, she could have stashed away somewhere herself or paid a debt--who knows. But if Joran had the other money, why did he have to give the taxi drivers watches & "perfumes"? I think there is more we do not know.

Would also be interested in finding out if that expensive necklace her father thinks she had on shows up anywhere---pawn shop whatever. Also, has anyone heard her father speak of her sexual orientation at all? Is this something that would embarrass a man of his stature or standing? Just wondering.
Thanks for the link Suzihawk! But if Joran took the money - WHERE is it?? :waitasec: He wouldn't have deposited this money anywhere in Peru or Chile??!! corrupt official searching her car??!! :waitasec:

Joran travelled over 2000 miles by taxi and plane? (the plane was listed in his confession...not sure if he actually took a plane to Santiago once he was in Chile or if it was a translation error), he stayed in hotels and drank with locals. He was caught on the road between Santiago and another seaside gambling area where he may have spent some time at the tables. I'm pretty sure that 3-4 day "adventure" across SA would have cost him more that the 850 soles he claims to have taken from Stephany. He was crying broke to his friends prior to meeting Stephany and said he couldn't even pay his hotel bill. He did apparently square that up before taking off with the money from Stephany's wallet. One could also speculate that she did lend him some money on one of the evenings they were gambling together. I believe one of the working theories is that she went to the room to collect on that debt. She also spent the Saturday before her death in a hotel and a nightclub with friends so I'm sure she spent some money there too.

And although she won that amount of money during the week(s) before her death, it's likely she lost some too.

It's important to figure out just how much Joran spent on the run but it must be rather difficult. Considering that the three taxi drivers who helped him at the border have been arrested, I wouldn't imagine that too many other people whom he may have been in contact with are all that eager to come forward with any information about what he may have paid them to do.

I also wonder where the money has gone. Of course, the money she won earlier in the week, she could have stashed away somewhere herself or paid a debt--who knows. But if Joran had the other money, why did he have to give the taxi drivers watches & "perfumes"? I think there is more we do not know.

Would also be interested in finding out if that expensive necklace her father thinks she had on shows up anywhere---pawn shop whatever. Also, has anyone heard her father speak of her sexual orientation at all? Is this something that would embarrass a man of his stature or standing? Just wondering.

The whole story about the beige sports bag and the items he gave the taxi drivers is really quite confusing in the translation of his confession. All of the items he suggests he gave the drivers would likely have been in his sports bag but he claims they told him to throw it out before crossing the border? Did he just give them the bag and contents, including watch, to hold for him as collateral on the taxi fare without any intention of ever paying to get it back? I wonder if it has ever been located and where.

Do the videos show Stephany wearing a necklace that evening? I thought they didn't. Since her father mentioned that quite early on, perhaps it has been located at home but we just never heard about it.

Wow... Thanks for that translation, marikesh!

Yeah... there's no doubt I'm the eternal cynic when it comes to JVS and his family. All I can say to that is she sure is getting her money's worth from her PR firm. :crazy:

Although I can't cite it because it comes from another forum, I can't dismiss the reports that she sent messages of good wishes for his future to him via facebook AFTER he left for Peru. That doesn't sound like a mother that's very concerned about her son's severe psychiatric condition.

Just yesterday I saw photos of her whooping it up at a party while cheering on her soccer team during the World Cup with her son, Val, and others. It's true that actions speak louder than words. Her's aren't displaying the deep distress and sadness she claims to be feeling over her son and especially her son's victims, IMO.


ITA there. I'm astounded over the messages after he already left for Peru; sure seems something is missing with the connections. Also rethinking what she said to Melody and Melody went ahead and let her e-mail be published, and Anita wasn't upset over it. That is something Anita has done alot of when she wanted something out in the public. She used a forum that is now obsolete to get out what she wanted the public to know and it was usually not what most knew, in other words her story and not necessarily the truth.
As for cheering on at the world cup, in Europe most people will be glued to the TV if not at the games. It's an honour that means alot to many of them and it's a great way to let go of the current pressing problems she has. She does have alot on her plate and it's only mentally healthy imho that she can divert her attention to better things. Even if temporarily.
The whole story about the beige sports bag and the items he gave the taxi drivers is really quite confusing in the translation of his confession. All of the items he suggests he gave the drivers would likely have been in his sports bag but he claims they told him to throw it out before crossing the border? Did he just give them the bag and contents, including watch, to hold for him as collateral on the taxi fare without any intention of ever paying to get it back? I wonder if it has ever been located and where.

Do the videos show Stephany wearing a necklace that evening? I thought they didn't. Since her father mentioned that quite early on, perhaps it has been located at home but we just never heard about it.


I thought I read somewhere that the jewellry Stepheny wore that night was still on her but not seen readily because of all the swelling that had taken place??
Van der Sloot Update: Where is Stephany Flores' Missing $11,000?

NEW YORK (CBS) Police sources in Peru have disclosed to CBS News that Stephany Flores, Joran van der Sloot's alleged Peruvian murder victim, had won approximately $10,000 at casinos in the week leading up to her death and also had been given $1,000 from her father to purchase a laptop that she never got a chance to buy.

But police sources say that this money has never been found.

Flores reportedly kept her money in the glove compartment of her car. Police documents dated June 3 obtained by CBS News show the results of the search of Stephany Flores' car: no money was found in it.

Did Joran van der Sloot take that money?

The sources say that this was the true motive for the brutal murder of Flores: van der Sloot was after her money. Police say this means that van der Sloot's alleged murder of Flores was premeditated.

I do wonder how much of that earlier win did she loan to Joran, if any, and that was the reason she followed him to his hotel, with promises he would pay her back, showing her his account on his laptop?
Wondering if anyone has cogitated on the circumstances/implications of Joran having to get a key to his hotel room from the front desk on the night he & SF went to his room?

He could have simply forgot it, but I have a feeling that he might try to use the fact that he didn't have the key when devising his third person defense, if he does try that defense (again). That is, he may try to say that he gave his key to someone (like EG), or that he lost it, and this third person must have used the key to kill her. Of course the problem with the third person is the video. Clearly it will NOT show another person entering (the police would certainly have gone after anyone who entered that room between JVS & the hotel employee).
Thanks for the link Suzihawk! But if Joran took the money - WHERE is it?? :waitasec: He wouldn't have deposited this money anywhere in Peru or Chile??!! corrupt official searching her car??!! :waitasec:

That is a possibility. I'm not sure how it is now, however I have relaitves in SA and a cousin who works in the hospitality/tourism field in that area. He had mentioned that police, amongst others are not well paid and may do things like that. Mostly it was about illegal ticketing and not giving tickets but asking for cash in the hand. That was some years ago and I don't know if there's been a change in legislation with the LE.
Van der Sloot Update: Where is Stephany Flores' Missing $11,000?

NEW YORK (CBS) Police sources in Peru have disclosed to CBS News that Stephany Flores, Joran van der Sloot's alleged Peruvian murder victim, had won approximately $10,000 at casinos in the week leading up to her death and also had been given $1,000 from her father to purchase a laptop that she never got a chance to buy.

But police sources say that this money has never been found.

Flores reportedly kept her money in the glove compartment of her car. Police documents dated June 3 obtained by CBS News show the results of the search of Stephany Flores' car: no money was found in it.

Did Joran van der Sloot take that money?

The sources say that this was the true motive for the brutal murder of Flores: van der Sloot was after her money. Police say this means that van der Sloot's alleged murder of Flores was premeditated.

Thanks for the update! This is the first we've heard about money locked in her glove compartment, although I believe we figured, if she had a lot of money, it had to be in her car since she carried such a tiny wallet.

Somewhere weeks ago, I recall hearing/reading that her car was unlocked when found by LE in a 'bad' Lima neighborhood. I've searched and can't find a link anywhere, so it may be on the series of videos with her father. If it was in fact unlocked, then it seems anyone could have gotten the glove compartment opened in the day or so that the car stood abandoned.

And....I'm not even going to get into the issue of $10,000 vs 10,000 soles (approx $3400)....we kind of beat that to a pulp several weeks ago.... and it actually doesn't matter, since it's still a significant amount of money that's gone missing.

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