GUILTY Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #23

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i gotta see the photo...would set folks off>NGs histrionics
Caller: can't they rearrest him (if confession thrown out)
SStevens: lose only one part of the case>there's tons of physical evidence
That is what was confusing me. There is so much other evidence pointing to Joran, what difference would the confession make as far as an arrest? In other words, why is it being discussed about him being set free? :waitasec:
i gotta see the photo...would set folks off>NGs histrionics

Thanks for all the recaps, Epiphany!

Personally, I can't stand watching NG. I find her and her histrionics totally obnoxious....a lot of blown out of proportion and/or totally mis-stated facts usually...just to get ratings. Plus she's often rude and snotty to her guests. All MOO, of course!! :blushing:

Luckily, she has Jean Caesares to keep things legit re: the JVDS case.
No, I think that the other Dutch nationals and their legal representatives were okay with having an Embassy translator rather than an "official interpreter". They likely didn't want to play games and delay their trials. I'm not sure I understand why Joran wants to, other than perhaps he's afraid to be moved from his current location.

I think you are exactly correct. Everything since the Holloway murder in Joran's life, it all adds up to a stalling tactic imho. Now he has even more
weight to carry but he is in prison and out of any real tactical options.
Once he fades from world attention then he is no better than the next guy ... and he knows it.
"It is outrageous to see these murderers laughing in the picture, and more outrageous is that they be allowed to take pictures in jail, eating hamburgers and pizza, ... is this jail or ... a club? [/quote]

Dear one, just keep track of the fact theirs is the laughter of fools.
You have more personal freedom walking to your refrigerator and drinking
a cup of coffee in your space than these jokers ... may ever have again.
That is a huge difference. I can get up, go out, and go for a walk, and
star up at Lyra and Jupiter and the Moon and count stars on my own time. You can likewise, These guys cannot. So their laughter is empty
and they laugh because they are empty! Hope this helps -
Why does NG resort to such histrionics in her broadcasts? Even if his confession is thrown out (which I don't believe it will be), this doesn't mean he walks out of prison as if nothing happened. They have plenty of evidence to convict even without his confession.

And as JC just pointed out, a confession is a mitigating factor in Peru for a lesser sentence. So IF he does get it thrown out, he just may be shooting himself in the foot.

(waving to Epiphany!)

The confession cannot be thrown out. He made it.
The confession cannot be thrown out. He made it.

OK, then am i wrong about (in the US) defense lawyers having confessions thrown out because suspects weren't Mirandized? Or because of other procedural issues?

I am shocked that there aren't a dozen posts here after the NG story tonight.
Thanks for all the recaps, Epiphany!

Personally, I can't stand watching NG. I find her and her histrionics totally obnoxious....a lot of blown out of proportion and/or totally mis-stated facts usually...just to get ratings. Plus she's often rude and snotty to her guests. All MOO, of course!! :blushing:

Luckily, she has Jean Caesares to keep things legit re: the JVDS case.

My thanks to you too Ephiphany. I didn't watch NG tonight, because I was sure it was all going to be about Tiger's divorce being final!!! Will catch it on the re-broadcast.
"It is outrageous to see these murderers laughing in the picture, and more outrageous is that they be allowed to take pictures in jail, eating hamburgers and pizza, ... is this jail or ... a club?

Dear one, just keep track of the fact theirs is the laughter of fools.
You have more personal freedom walking to your refrigerator and drinking
a cup of coffee in your space than these jokers ... may ever have again.
That is a huge difference. I can get up, go out, and go for a walk, and
star up at Lyra and Jupiter and the Moon and count stars on my own time. You can likewise, These guys cannot. So their laughter is empty
and they laugh because they are empty! Hope this helps -[/quote]

Wonderful! Partake and enjoy!

ETA: Don't know why this keeps posting as it does, but it's the second time it's happened.???? Anyway, thanks, jwarner
If he's found guilty, he will never again have Christmas with his mother, go to a restaurant or the beach or a movie. He will never sit in a fancy casino, playing poker and having a drink. His companions are murderers and other criminals. He will never get married, have children, buy a house, see his country play in the World Cup. He can't go anywhere without permission or have even the most rudimentary privacy.

It's a testimony to human resiiience and survival instinct that people can come to acclimate to places like Castro Castro. Let him horse around and smile. The next twenty years or so will wipe the smile off his face...
OK, then am i wrong about (in the US) defense lawyers having confessions thrown out because suspects weren't Mirandized? Or because of other procedural issues?

I am shocked that there aren't a dozen posts here after the NG story tonight.

I know my statement above is brief and presumptive. Here is why.
I have a theory about who the Peruvians are and what the Peruvians will do, and have every right to do in my opinion. My theory is based on a number of practical facts not the least of which is: The Peruvians have the body, ie, Joran. Joran killed Stephany a Peruvian national, moreover he killed her on her own home soil! Nobody is going to invade Peru with their army to get Joran back! ........ Joran stays right wher he is and does
time (or more).

I think this whole affair is an exceedingly simple and practical matter for
the Peruvians and I support them 100%, however they chose to conduct
it. It is in their hands. Procedural issues are completely within the hands
of the Peruvians to conduct as they see fit, and I see nobody in any
position to challenge that ... and I see no evidence that the Peruvians are
going to give up the power they are exercising.

Joran vander Sloot is not Helen of Troy!

I think Joran made a huge mistake and a lot of wrong assumptions leaving
his cover in Aruba ... but that's Joran's style and his families' style!

Let Joran laugh within the shell of his existence - its the laughter of a
trapped predator who was feeding off the Peruvians, in the first place.
Dear one, just keep track of the fact theirs is the laughter of fools.
You have more personal freedom walking to your refrigerator and drinking
a cup of coffee in your space than these jokers ... may ever have again.
That is a huge difference. I can get up, go out, and go for a walk, and
star up at Lyra and Jupiter and the Moon and count stars on my own time. You can likewise, These guys cannot. So their laughter is empty
and they laugh because they are empty! Hope this helps -

Wonderful! Partake and enjoy!

ETA: Don't know why this keeps posting as it does, but it's the second time it's happened.???? Anyway, thanks, jwarner[/quote]

Thank you.
If he's found guilty, he will never again have Christmas with his mother, go to a restaurant or the beach or a movie. He will never sit in a fancy casino, playing poker and having a drink. His companions are murderers and other criminals. He will never get married, have children, buy a house, see his country play in the World Cup. He can't go anywhere without permission or have even the most rudimentary privacy.

It's a testimony to human resiiience and survival instinct that people can come to acclimate to places like Castro Castro. Let him horse around and smile. The next twenty years or so will wipe the smile off his face...

Im not trying to be cruel here but, he will never have any of those
"little moments in life with his closest loved ones" that means the most
in one's life. Its these little things that keep us all going and are the shared
foundation for existence itself ... that is what Joran took from Stephany and what
has now been taken from him ... and the Peruvians know that just as we all do ...
Joran van der Sloot, Colombian assassin [Ospino Trujillo] and the suitcase murderer [William Cricket] are close friends in the Miguel Castro Castro prison

'Cozy' photo included...

This is disturbing and disgusting on so many levels it nauseates me.

What a bunch of macho big-shots....all murdered innocent women!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

This is not a normal friendship & I can't see it lasting. After all, they are all murderers & must be devoid of any principals & incapable of forming true friendship. They may not be in the general population but there's always a possibility of them turning against one another. We've always heard of "no honor among theives". I suspect that there's also no honor among murderers.
If I was a betting person and they let him go (which I don't think will happen) I'd say he will meet the same fate of his two young victims. Someone's Dad would make sure of it.

His tattoo was mentioned somewhere up-thread (wondering what it said/meant) and it supposedly says "No Worries"

If he get's out he better worry because I don't think he will live to cross any boarder.
I didn't catch the NG show but then I try to never catch that show because it's just sensationalism for ratings. Very little of what is reported on there turns out to be fact IMO. I don't know who claimed that if his confession is thrown out he will walk but that is just ridiculous IMO and I can't even believe they would air a statement like that. Remember that the legal system is different there and he is considered guilty until he can prove his innocence. No reasonable doubt, complete innocence. Does anyone really think he will be able to prove that? Why do the talking heads try to make assumptions based on the US legal system? They really should do their homework. So should NG, she's making herself look like a fool more and more.

Peru just spent a couple of years extraditing the newest member of the group, Trickett, for murdering his Peruvian wife. They spent four years trying to extradite Trujillo so they take the murder of their citizens very seriously obviously. They actually have Joran in their prison and in their country and they are going to let him walk?!? To where? Are they going to fly him first class back to Aruba? Not likely. The only way I can see them throwing out that confession is if it actually is to their benefit so that they can sentence him for the maximum 35 years. I understand that with the confession, there would be some leniency on his sentence? Without it, but with considerable forensic and video surveillence evidence, I would think they can then hand down the maximum sentence?

I'm sure they have all the evidence they need without the confession and I'm sure that they would never let Joran "walk". What we may find annoying is that he most likely will be able to buy his way to the best possible life he could have behind bars in Peru. IMO there is a lot of corruption there and he will likely be able to use his financial influence to get himself the best possible perks. It's a tricky situation though because his financial situation and his arrogance can also cause a lot of problems for him. It will be a daily game, gambling and trying to survive by playing the right people at the right time and we know that Joran is not very good at games or gambling.

Even though Joran may be able to adapt and survive in prison he still will not have his freedom...ever... which is the only thing that he probably craves the most.

Yep, that published photo from Castro Castro didn't go over so well....

"The National Penitentiary Institute reported that the Home Office initiated administrative disciplinary investigations before the publication of photographs of foreign inmates held at the Miguel Castro Castro prison.

Research [into]...misconduct committed by [Castro Castro] employees, who, taking advantage of photographic equipment assigned to administrative tasks, were used for making foreign internal photographs held in that prison."

Too bad it's only the staff who are getting in trouble and not the inmates...what's that all about??!!?? :waitasec:

Yep, that published photo from Castro Castro didn't go over so well....

"The National Penitentiary Institute reported that the Home Office initiated administrative disciplinary investigations before the publication of photographs of foreign inmates held at the Miguel Castro Castro prison.

Research [into]...misconduct committed by [Castro Castro] employees, who, taking advantage of photographic equipment assigned to administrative tasks, were used for making foreign internal photographs held in that prison."

Too bad it's only the staff who are getting in trouble and not the inmates...what's that all about??!!?? :waitasec:


That's not surprising considering that they are not allowed to take or allow anyone else to take photos inside the prison and apparently someone did. I suppose it's only permitted if it is cleared as in the case of the international press who were allowed in to film when Joran first got there.

Well at least it might make the guards think twice before allowing special privileges to such high profile inmates because their actions are likely now being watched more carefully. But I would also imagine that the photo was sold to the press so it's a tough call as to whether the staff will continue to try to make money off of them.

Michael Griffith weighs in with his take on the confession being thrown out...

Expert: Peruvian Court Won't Toss van der Sloot's Confession

(Aug. 24) -- A Peruvian appellate court will issue a decision this week on whether to uphold the confession of Joran van der Sloot in the brutal slaying of a 21-year-old woman in Lima.

Some in the media speculate that if the confession is thrown out, van der Sloot could walk free. But an international defense expert doesn't believe the judges will even consider throwing out the confession.

"There's not a chance in hell," said Michael Griffith, senior partner at the International Legal Defense Counsel. "The judges live there, and the people know who the judges are. You see where I'm going? This won't be thrown out."

A Peruvian court will decide this week whether to uphold his confession in the killing of a young woman in Lima.
And even without the confession, Griffith said, "they have plenty of independent evidence."

I guess he's not in NG's favor any more. I believe he was a regular commentator at the beginning of the Stephany murder story on her show.
Yep, that published photo from Castro Castro didn't go over so well....

"The National Penitentiary Institute reported that the Home Office initiated administrative disciplinary investigations before the publication of photographs of foreign inmates held at the Miguel Castro Castro prison.

Research [into]...misconduct committed by [Castro Castro] employees, who, taking advantage of photographic equipment assigned to administrative tasks, were used for making foreign internal photographs held in that prison."

Too bad it's only the staff who are getting in trouble and not the inmates...what's that all about??!!?? :waitasec:


As much as it pains me to say this, the inmates were only doing what they're apparently allowed to do on a normal basis. I'm guessing that they're embarassed that this frat house atmosphere has been exposed more than worried about the actual picture taking itself.

This wasn't the foreign prison experience I'd hoped for Joran. :( I'm still holding out hope that he'll be sentenced to Luringancho when they find him guilty. Then maybe he can experience the full 'midnight express' treatment he deserves.
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