Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #7

DNA Solves
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ITA Time to get out KC's handbook of quotes-
My life has been taken from me!:furious:
I need to be seen as a victim too!:banghead:
Do you really know how I feel?:loser:

Yes, it's all about them. I, me, my.
Can you give a rundown on what it says? I don't want to go there since Norton says it a questionable site. I just had to pay $100 two weeks ago because I got a trojan from using a link elsewhere.

Hmm, I am running Norton and got no warning. I may need to update.

The Aruban Authorities
The way communications went with the authorities is at least 'peculiar'. My personal opinion is that they cover the truth. If the balcony confession would ultimately be very close to the truth, then heads are going to roll. As Gerald Dompig tells the research team; in june 2005 a tip that the police should search the house of the X family was ignored because the witness was not found credible. The witness was a homeless person. Furthermore according to Gerald Dompig; the only area witch was never searched was Bubali plas/lake, a bird sanctuary and protected nature. The X residence and Bubali lake are geographically close and fit perfectly in the time line. Travelling and disposing of a body from those locations fits in the missing 45 minutes when Joran's cell phone mysteriously lost signal. The combination of mistakes in 2005 will massively damage the reputation of the authorities and high ranking individuals.
The letter from Pietersz
Off course my opinion is mine alone and might be subjective. However in my possession is the official response of the procurer general Pietersz after receiving the video with the Dusseldorf confession. Pietersz claims that the confession is untrustworthy:
-X denies everything
-The mother of X is a witness that X was home with her that night.
-The family had a different car at the time.
-The house does not match the description of Joran.
-The balcony and balustrade are constructed in such a way that the fall of Natalee which Joran describes is hardly possible.
-The description of Bubali lake does not match Joran's statement.
-A behavioral expert concludes the story is not true.
The letter from RTL
Y (head of the investigation, a renowned former police detective) and his colleague went to Aruba to check the work of the Aruban authorities. The team was very puzzled to find completely different results!

-The prime witness is the mother of the subject, this hinders reliability
-The family did have the green pick-up truck which is explicitly mentioned by Joran (also! Dompig says at the time there was a tip so search for a green pick-up truck!)
-At the end of 2005 the house was sold and the new owners significantly rebuilded the house.
-The new owners testify that the house was the way Joran describes in the Dusseldorf confession before the rebuilding! Unfortunately the new owners completely ripped out the old garden stone plateaus below the balcony and replaced it with solid concrete, so all DNA traces even imbedded deeply in those stones which could have been found years later are destroyed.
-The same goes for the balcony. The new owners testify that the current balcony construction is different then in 2005! In 2005 at the side where Joran claims Natalee fell, there was a small ledge on which she could have danced, of which she could have fallen induced by alcohol and cocaine! The new owners replaced the balustrade to the end so their new sunscreen would not touch the balustrade when using it blocking out the sun!
-The way Joran describes Bubali lake is indeed not the way it is in 2009! However in 2005 the water level was high enough and the vegetation was the way Joran tells it is!
-Our own renowned experts have viewed the video material of the confession and they think it is trustworthy
The meeting between Y, RTL officials and Aruban officials.
After the RTL letter their was a meeting. According to Y the officials were mostly interested in falsifying the confession then to hear counterarguments. Y tells me that a lot of strange things happened in the conversation. For example they claimed that X has never dealt drugs. However Y tricked X to sell him drugs when Y was at Aruba to investigate! According to the RTL representative the officials were on a mission to stop the broadcast.
Facts are facts. The letters are solid evidence that the Aruban authorities have not conducted a sound, professional investigation. The letters are in my possession.
Why would Joran tell the truth in the Dusseldorf interview?
For over a year, I played a game against Joran. I won a million euro in a reality show and Joran was fan of my (acted) personality "Terror Jaap". He often got in to trouble. I got closer and closer to him by pretending to be his friend. I paid his rent when he got kicked out, I paid his gambling debt etc. He truly saw me as the guy who wanted to help him. When he cheated the lie detector test, my help, advice and money ended for a while. Time went by and Joran told me he had nothing left. His creditors from the coffee shop business threatened him. His parents wouldn't speak to him anymore. His girlfriend had left him etc. I offered him a way out. A contract which would make him a millionaire (so he thought) and the price would be to tell the truth. I told him he'd be out of jail in 2 years, then he would be 23 years old with a million on his bank account. He took the bate!
The contract was formulated very carefully, 13 pages long. Most important Joran would receive nothing if could be proven that he lied! The only way Joran could change his life and get the money was to tell the truth!
Dave, I am terribly sorry that Joran wanted to make money over your daughter. Off course that is morally horrible. However the only way to lure Joran in a trap is with money.
Before the interview Joran talked extensively about civil right. I should hold on to the money RTL and American broadcasters would pay us so civil claims from the Holloway family would lead to nothing. After his jail time he would relocate and to prevent any paper trails he wanted the money in cash. For 15 months in a reality house I pretended to be a dark figure, Terror Jaap, I'm not a paid actor but my character was an act. I won the game with a specific strategy. This time my act, my strategy to lure Joran with the prospect of becoming a millionaire at age 23 worked again.
The Dusseldorf interview
Joran totally broke down. He was so nervous, he puked his guts out in the toilet. As is very common in these kind of circumstances according to Y. We have 2,5 hours of rough uncut interview in which we talk about every small detail, including his father, the Kalpoe brothers etc etc. Joran even puts down a mark where he and X dropped the body. My trustworthy acquaintances left with the tapes. Joran and I remained alone in the room. Joran was emotional, smoking cigarette after cigarette, shaking. He told me he was going to wrap up all his affairs in Bangkok, Aruba and Holland and tell his parents the truth. In the meantime the Aruban authorities could solve the case and I could have the show edited and ready to sell all over the world. Then he would be ready for jail. He even wanted to sell the images when he would walk into the police office to turn himself in, it's sick, it's ethically very wrong, but it worked! We tricked him in telling the truth.
Trips to Bangkok
I asked Joran to put a more precise mark on a detailed satellite map so the search in Bubali lake would be much easier. I emailed Joran the map and asked for a spot. He emailed me back that the story was not true. Why did Joran change his mind? We could not believe it! Joran was going to jail anyway we were convinced at the time, so why would he break the contract and give up a huge sum of money?
We had 2 separate expeditions to Bangkok. We have strong information that Joran was/is heavily threatened. The only thing more valuable to Joran then money is his own live and that of his family. It was so serious that he refused to accept money for nothing more then a mark, he could even take the money and put a phony mark on the map. Something was wrong bigtime, Joran not taking money? Why? Joran fled. He mailed me that he didn't trust the situation. Why? Was Joran afraid 4 hidden police officers were waiting at the corner to arrest him? If the story is no true, why flee? The situation got worse. The crew and I were threatened to get shot by a crime syndicate who were protecting Joran. When a gun was pulled the crew left.
Despite theories, science is objective. From the lie detector test we know: (95% reliable)
-Joran is involved in the death of Natalee
-Joran is involved in the disappearance of Natalee
The test has followed the official guidelines from the APA (American Polygraph Association) from a certified examiner (Z) and every minute was taped, so a checkup by an independent party is possible.
From the voice analysis we know: (80% reliable)
-the fall from the balcony is true
-X is involved
80% and 95% from machines are very reliable compared to the lies of Joran. Together with the total story how I got him to do the confession, there is no doubt in my mind that he spoke the truth.
Lies, reputations, and the media game
After months of investigations/stalling by the Aruban authorities, after months of trying to get Joran to do the right thing, RTL aired the show sunday 28-2-2010. At the moment Gerald Dompig left from Aruba to Holland to do his interview, the Dutch leading newspaper "De Telegraaf" secretly received information about the show on monday. We suspect the Aruban authorities tipped the paper and with great success. Their first strike strategy worked. Chief prosecutor Peter Blanken tells in the paper that the show which is coming is totally untrue. Leading figures as Peter R de Vries use the quotes of Blanken to make the upcoming show ridiculous. Unfortunately my reputation as "Terror Jaap" is dubious, and a crime reporter like De Vries has much more credibility. De Vries makes fun of me. Note that De Vries never asked me even 1 question about the results. Which I can understand, he has an Emmy and his reputation to protect with his investigation on Natalee. What would happen to that if it turns out that not Peter R de Vries but some fat guy from a reality program reveals the entire truth on what happened that night. The media machine is repeating Blanken and De Vries and Joran's confession is labelled as fake. American media repeats Dutch media, and so a carefully setup project to get Joran to tell the truth was carefully made redundant by tactics of parties who don't want to hear the truth because it conflicts with their interests.
How strange X never tried to clear his name? Also his father is a high ranking Brazilian government official with lots of influence. In 2005 the family X lived in the house. At the end of 2005 they left.
Follow up
The team is very frustrated. We all know we are very close to the truth, but we see no options. The Aruban authorities do nothing. Putting pressure on the authorities by using Dutch press is slammed down. What can we do? The only thing I can do is to tell my story and prove it with my massive database and video material to American media who takes it serious. A positive media flow could pressure Aruba to search in the Bubali lake.
Do you think the Peru Police will believe that he killed her because she " opened his e-mail" or looked at his info on the computer? I think all along he had intentions of robbing this young lady, sexually assaulting her after doping her up then Lord knows what all else.
Perhaps Human Traficking and Drug Running was also on his dance card which is why he was over in South America.




As I posted earlier -- once Mommy gets there, he will tell her that they forced him to confess -- and he will use her as a mouth piece for the cruelty he went through.

She'll make the rounds on what a great boy he is.

Book it.
Wondering if Joran was flying high, his scam worked on Beth, he had dough in his pocket, he was having fun, making friends, gambling etc. Then oops, a threat of being exposed. How dare she ruin his plans.

Idk, if I buy it or not. She did have a phone in the room with her, she only needed to pick it up.
the only thing that is true in his confession is that he killed Stephany. he infringed in my private space---is a lie, an excuse to commit murder!!! Blame the victim. I joined this web site because of Natalie....Joran and the K brothers blamed her too. I will never forget the line about Natale being dressed like a *advertiser censored*. Acting like a *advertiser censored*. I felt her dress was fairly conservative. No extensive cleavage etc. I just get so mad at these slugs who treat women like trash!!!!! LIE LIE LIE
i dont know why he killed her, other than he could and he did. but i'm pretty sure he didn't kill her cause she, gasp. used his computer.

and he didnt do it how HE SAYS he did it.
I agree.

I think it was probably as simple as a attempted date rape gone 'wrong'. I think she may have rejected him, and he became enraged, and killed her in a blind rage..

I feel we can't really believe anything that Joran says. As you stated earlier... if Joran's lips are moving, you know he's lying.
He would have to prove coercion to get his confession tossed out. He had a lawyer with him and I believe the interrogation was videotaped. Any fears he may have had when he spoke to his mother on Saturday, could be proved to have been (or should have been) dissipated by three days of interrogation wherein they did not use barbaric methods.

Maybe he thinks they are barbaric because he was treated so nicely in Aruba when questioned about Natalee.
HLN Lives: JeanC

- reenactment is crucial to the Prosecution's case
- would NOT be a reenactment if there were no confession
- figure out how this happened - to help with how to charge him
- once reenactment, formal charges will occur
- his attorneys may be allowing him to confess because it will work in his favor regarding sentencing
JMO, but do you think his whole time spent there has been with the accompaniments of video tape? Just sayin....

I also think her father did meet with him.

If there was "barbaric" coercion off camera, JVS will have to prove it. My impression from reading the Dutch editorial was that they have no specific allegations against the Peru authorities other than objections to the way JVS was paraded in front of the media with a bullet-proof vest. They felt making him wear the vest was prejudicial to public opinion.

It seems somewhat hypocritical for the Dutch media to object to JVS treatment as prejudicial, yet they also imply the Peruvian authorities are barbaric without presenting any evidence to support that claim. Goose, gander.

Link to CNN story

It also criticized the "openness" of the Peruvian police in placing van der Sloot in front of television cameras wearing a bulletproof vest, warning that it could compromise the case against the suspect.

"Showing the suspect as a trophy could seriously harm the investigation. It could influence witnesses before they are heard," said Trouw.

Trouw also criticized Dutch forensic psychology professor Corine de Ruiter who speculated in another Dutch newspaper, De Volkskrant, that van der Sloot displayed "all the major features of a classic psychopath."
Don't know if this was posted yet..

De Nederlandse advocaat van Joran van der Sloot, Bert de Rooij, zegt dat Van der Sloot mogelijk onder zware druk een valse bekentenis heeft afgelegd over de moord op Stephany Flores.

Bert de Rooij, the Dutch lawyer of Joran van der Sloot, says that Joran may have falsely confessed the murder of Stephany Flores because he was under high pressure.

De advocaat heeft de bekentenis van Joran formeel niet bevestigd gekregen, meldt hij tegen RTL. Wel weet De Rooij dat Joran van der Sloot in een telefoongesprek met zijn moeder aangegeven heeft de verhoormethoden van de Peruaanse politie te vrezen. Een huilende Joran van der Sloot zou deze methoden hebben aangeduid als barbaars.

The lawyer didn't get the confession confirmed he tells RTL News. He also tells that Joran spoke to his mother on the phone about that he feared the Peruvian interrogation techniques. A crying Joran said that those methods are barbaric.

De Rooij vertegenwoordigt Van der Sloot in deze zaak niet, omdat hij het rechtssysteem van Peru niet kent, maar hij adviseert Van der Sloot wel.

De Rooij doesn't represent Van der Sloot in this case, because he don't know the Peruvian laws, but he only gives him advice.


Oh cry me a river!!!! Poor little Joran!! Can we expedite that prison sentence? I'm sick of him already!
If there was "barbaric" coercion off camera, JVS will have to prove it. My impression from reading the Dutch editorial was that they have no specific allegations against the Peru authorities other than objections to the way JVS was paraded in front of the media with a bullet-proof vest. They felt making him wear the vest was prejudicial to public opinion.

Link to CNN story

I wouldn't call it speculation exactly! I either just copied the wrong post or ???? I thought it read the Dutch authorities took exception that a criminal profiler speculated he showed classic signs of psychopathy???
Don't know if this was posted yet..

De Nederlandse advocaat van Joran van der Sloot, Bert de Rooij, zegt dat Van der Sloot mogelijk onder zware druk een valse bekentenis heeft afgelegd over de moord op Stephany Flores.

Bert de Rooij, the Dutch lawyer of Joran van der Sloot, says that Joran may have falsely confessed the murder of Stephany Flores because he was under high pressure.

De advocaat heeft de bekentenis van Joran formeel niet bevestigd gekregen, meldt hij tegen RTL. Wel weet De Rooij dat Joran van der Sloot in een telefoongesprek met zijn moeder aangegeven heeft de verhoormethoden van de Peruaanse politie te vrezen. Een huilende Joran van der Sloot zou deze methoden hebben aangeduid als barbaars.

The lawyer didn't get the confession confirmed he tells RTL News. He also tells that Joran spoke to his mother on the phone about that he feared the Peruvian interrogation techniques. A crying Joran said that those methods are barbaric.

De Rooij vertegenwoordigt Van der Sloot in deze zaak niet, omdat hij het rechtssysteem van Peru niet kent, maar hij adviseert Van der Sloot wel.

De Rooij doesn't represent Van der Sloot in this case, because he don't know the Peruvian laws, but he only gives him advice.


I've been busy cleaning and listening to the latest news so I'm sure this is probably old news to y'all. It appears that Aruban Officials are going to conduct another search for Natalie due to realizing that they might have missed something in the earlier searches! Imagine that!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shame, shame, shame on them.
Could he of made Stephany take off her pant so she could not leave the room?
To humiliate her at the end???
She still had a bra, a shirt on her top area.
Did the Dutch not stop and think maybe Peru was trying to keep him alive thus the bullet proof vest.
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