Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #7

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I'm Loving This....What a turn around... Before it was VDS who was like "prove it".. Now its the other way...The Peruvians are saying.."prove it"... :)
Haha.. the Sloot (I like that).. not to be confused with The Sleuth (that's us). I'm thinking he took her pants off b/c there may have been something on them that would tie them back to him. Like maybe she scratched him and his blood were on her pants or something. I'm guessing if they say she had no signs of sexual assault that it's true. Maybe the taking off of the pants was for an non-sexual reason.

I wonder if it was done postmortem to embarrass her/her family if she rejected him.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if Joran is homophobic and that fueled his rage even more if she rejected him and told him the reason why she wasn't interested in him.

Still wondering if got her to go to room because he needed to 'grab' money so they could gamble more. Distracted/stalled for time by showing her his computer (waiting for the drugs to kick in/drink a pop). Said he needed to shower before they went back out - waiting for her to fall asleep. He knew he was going to rob her all along, saw her on the bed and went to rape her.
Hey Aruba, I bet Peru isn't going to dismiss Joran's confession like the many times you have. Peru doesn't seem to be best friends with the Van der Sloots.
Ya, know...I am not a person who believes in "evil". I have that idea that people who do "bad things" are "sick"...but since I have been on WS...and read about these "creatures" who murder and then show no remorse whatsoever...I have to say I think some "creatures" are evil. :furious:

Creature is my word for JVS. Animals do not act like this. It would be insulting to animals to call him that. JVS and other sociopaths are creatures.

The Peruvian authorities have been video taping and I don't think JVS will get away with this one. (Here's hoping...)

As I posted earlier -- once Mommy gets there, he will tell her that they forced him to confess -- and he will use her as a mouth piece for the cruelty he went through.

She'll make the rounds on what a great boy he is.

Book it.

He'll try to use her as a mouthpiece but I don't think anyone will believe her. What worries me is that Dutch authorities will somehow turn this into a three-ring circus, distract everyone from the horrible deed and create some political way to get him off the hook. It seems as if Peruvian LE has got Joran dead to rights, but could this change?

Of course, considering that the U.S. had absolutely no effect on the Peruvian legal system for 15 years trying to free Lori Berenson from prison there (and she was imprisoned on trumped-up charges), I doubt this could happen. Sorry...seems like I am talking to myself. I just want this guy to finally get punished for what he has done!
When people do crimes in foreign soil, they must be punished in the custom
of that country............JVS knew what went on in Peru as far as jails etc........
let him pay for his crimes JMOO
I wouldn't call it speculation exactly! I either just copied the wrong post or ???? I thought it read the Dutch authorities took exception that a criminal profiler speculated he showed classic signs of psychopathy???

That's in the CNN article, too. A Dutch forensic psychologist referred to JVS as a psychopathic personality. Peru authorities can't be held responsible for what a Dutch psychologist says. It's also prejudicial for the Dutch media to imply Peru's interrogation tactics are barbaric when they have no proof those kinds of tactics were used on JVS.

It just seems a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Joran appears to still be under the mistaken impression that Peru will care if he whines to his mother.
If there was "barbaric" coercion off camera, JVS will have to prove it. My impression from reading the Dutch editorial was that they have no specific allegations against the Peru authorities other than objections to the way JVS was paraded in front of the media with a bullet-proof vest. They felt making him wear the vest was prejudicial to public opinion.

It seems somewhat hypocritical for the Dutch media to object to JVS treatment as prejudicial, yet they also imply the Peruvian authorities are barbaric without presenting any evidence to support that claim. Goose, gander.

Link to CNN story

Should I dare suggest that Peruvian officials parade Joran around in front of the crowd without the bullet proof vest if it would make the Dutch media feel better? :dance:
If he was worried about her knowing who he was he wouldn't be using his real name to begin with. What I am saying is she wasn't rifling through his computer and being a snoop, she opened to her home page and was confronted with his name and Natalie's news story.

He was out getting coffee or whatever he was doing, he may came back to an upset girl who was no longer going along with whatever he was trying to achieve from having her there.

He may have had her car keys since we have not seen that video of him coming and going yet. If he walked into a different mood then the one he walked out of, she is demanding her keys, trying to get dressed, and the laptop is open, he flipped out because he has the anger control of a two year old.
I just don't see Joran "going out for coffee", or for any reason, and leaving her in his hotel room all alone. They had just met. Wouldn't he be hesitant to leave someone in his hotel room, with all of his personal belongings, when he barely knew her?

I also think he'd be afraid she'd 'sneak' out and ditch him while he was gone.

And, I don't think Stephany would feel comfortable hanging out in his hotel room when he's not even in it. I know I wouldn't. How awkward that would be, to be left alone in a guy's hotel room that you have only known a few hours.

If he went anywhere, she would have gone with him.
If she had been alive, and he hadn't already killed her, I mean.
Could he of made Stephany take off her pant so she could not leave the room?
To humiliate her at the end???
She still had a bra, a shirt on her top area.

More likely, he was in the process of beating the life out of her which is why she could not leave. Victims have been known to flee naked if given an opportunity to escape. Humiliation over lack of clothing not a priority under circumstances.
Could he of made Stephany take off her pant so she could not leave the room?
To humiliate her at the end???
She still had a bra, a shirt on her top area.

More likely, he was in the process of beating the life out of her which is why she could not leave. Victims have been known to flee naked if given an opportunity to escape. Humiliation over lack of clothing not a priority or consideration under the circumstances.
Fox is going to do something on the jails in Peru. using the National Geographic thing
Oh cry me a river!!!! Poor little Joran!! Can we expedite that prison sentence? I'm sick of him already!

Anytime there may be a question of his mentality, I go back to the thought of him not only murdering these girls, but the fact that he exploited Natalee's death in continuously taking advantage of it with the interviews and claims of "here's the truth"; putting the family through unbelievable hurt and strife---for for his stupid life style of gambling and use of women to prolifically fill his pockets. Barf.........
Thanks Betty P for clearing that up, I was starting to think my "menopause" brain was at work here, tried to copy your post but the server must be on overload!
HLN News: Peruvian Police say confession was dramatic; was crying during the confession; he said she grabbed his laptop w/out his permission
Maybe he thinks they are barbaric because he was treated so nicely in Aruba when questioned about Natalee.

Joran's definition of barbaric = "They didn't periodically bring around a dessert tray and a bottled water during questioning like the did in Aruba, when Daddy was alive."
Guess all was okie-dokie even when he returned. Then, she grabbed that laptop!
still, I call bs...

no way does she take his laptop and refuse to give it back. if she did this it was because he took her money and keys and would'nt give them back. no way would she get into his one does that. I don't buy it for a minute....for what reason would she do that? if anything like this was during her struggle...I bet he was you know who i am? go my no no....he did this...

the snooping story is total garbage.
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