Phone Calls and Phone Records

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Found this on another site. Seems to indicate that TH's voice mail could only accommodate 20 voice mails. With that being said, Cingular automatically deleted the messages after 14 days. So, the old voice mails dropped off, creating space for new voice mails, which then became full again, then more dropping off, making way for new voice mails. I know my Verizon voicemail used to say "this message will be saved for 14 days" although I think it now says 21 days.

I don't understand, Why would they know about someone erasing them at a certain time. Then the VM records only lists 19 calls and none expired. Will have to do some research. But here is the link to her VM record. last page lists 19 messages.

This also says 20 messages at 2 mins long
Just looked--it doesn't appear that there is a date ran on the Cingular voicemail report. From reading the reddit thread, it appears he did, but it wasn't clearly understood.

thanks for looking BCA.... had a long day, but if I get a chance, I will look at the other testimony and see if there are any dates mentioned. Like I said... I can see that being a possibility, and it makes sense, but then we have to believe she had messages sitting there from October 18th/19th that she neither deleted or saved.
was weird wasn't it??

yep, and I seen some more on another site... if you google without the 1-, more come up. All the same thing. Random text messages, sounds like a creeper.

These phone records are driving you crazy, aren't they BCA? lol I am annoyed that we don't have more information. Things that I think they should have asked in the trial... they didn't. Like... the CFNA thing... and where is anything about phone pings? Were her messages work related calls? Pretty sure she was supposed to go to Green Bay that day.... but she never made it, did that guy call her to see where she was? (I can't recall his name at the moment... but he was on the witness list too, and she called him that morning and he had cancelled a few days prior)
Mr. Pearce testified that he called TH on Wednesday. His calls are listed on her voice mail records. SA had a note on his desk with TH's number and an address on Zanders Rd. That address listed to a KG or MG---OR--a--MT King, per family history library search. Reverse directory for MT King brings up a phone number that is 2 numbers off of the number for guess what---her studio, ending in 2585---except---2587 lists to a P King--well what do you know??? Was he doing a reverse directory search based upon a phone number in her phone and accidentally found the 2587 number instead of her studio?? I would love to see his computer!!!
Mr. Pearce testified that he called TH on Wednesday. His calls are listed on her voice mail records. SA had a note on his desk with TH's number and an address on Zanders Rd. That address listed to a KG or MG---OR--a--MT King, per family history library search. Reverse directory for MT King brings up a phone number that is 2 numbers off of the number for guess what---her studio, ending in 2585---except---2587 lists to a P King--well what do you know??? Was he doing a reverse directory search based upon a phone number in her phone and accidentally found the 2587 number instead of her studio?? I would love to see his computer!!!

Pearce said when he called her voicemail was full, he called the Wednesday and the Thursday, and it was full. So if you are seeing a number on her voicemail.... it's not his or his work number ;-)
Pearce said when he called her voicemail was full, he called the Wednesday and the Thursday, and it was full. So if you are seeing a number on her voicemail.... it's not his or his work number ;-)

Well huh---your right--it wasn't him--strange the caller called on Tuesday and Thursday--the same as Pearce. But I must have been tired last night....
This whole phone thing makes my head hurt.

:lurk: I'm coming out of lurking mode to say a big supportive thank you to Missy and BCA - even if I'm not contributing much to this thread, I'm reading with interest so please keep up the good work.
This whole phone thing makes my head hurt.

:lurk: I'm coming out of lurking mode to say a big supportive thank you to Missy and BCA - even if I'm not contributing much to this thread, I'm reading with interest so please keep up the good work.

it makes my head hurt too! And just when you think you have something figured out..... nope LOL I still can't believe that they didn't introduce any "ping" information in the trial. Either side. Either it last pinged around SA's .... or it didn't. It would either help the prosecution or the defense. So, I am a bit confused by that LOL

Even if it pinged around SA's last.... the argument could be made that it was someone else that was on that property.... or it happened right after she left the property (ran off the road or something). But if it last pinged near Zipperer's or her own residence, that changes everything, doesn't it? Anyway.... frustrating LOL

Also.... I read the posts on reddit quite often, and one thing I never thought of before is.... maybe her phone's battery was dying so she put the forward to her voicemail thinking she would be home soon anyway and that would explain the CFNA. I wish we had records from before that day to see if this is something she had done before.

Then I think... well, she was only gone for 3-4 hours, so why would her phone be dying? I don't think they found a phone charger in her vehicle... I do remember seeing in one of the pics of the RAV4, in the middle console thingy in the dash... what I think was a vehicle lighter (will have to go back and look again), so maybe she usually had her charger, but forgot it that day? or maybe whoever did this, also got rid of that, but it seems unnecessary, doesn't it? I dunno LOL As for why it would be dying.... maybe it used more battery to stay connected to the network out in the boonies. I remember going camping quite a few years back and hubby still had his flip phone, me and the kids had our smart phones. His phone kept dying really quick, we couldn't figure it out.... we called the phone company and they explained that it had something to do with the network he had to use because it as an older phone (I can't remember the exact terms they used), while me and the kids connected to the LTE network.
Also.... I read the posts on reddit quite often, and one thing I never thought of before is.... maybe her phone's battery was dying so she put the forward to her voicemail thinking she would be home soon anyway and that would explain the CFNA. I wish we had records from before that day to see if this is something she had done before.

Then I think... well, she was only gone for 3-4 hours, so why would her phone be dying? I don't think they found a phone charger in her vehicle... I do remember seeing in one of the pics of the RAV4, in the middle console thingy in the dash... what I think was a vehicle lighter (will have to go back and look again), so maybe she usually had her charger, but forgot it that day? or maybe whoever did this, also got rid of that, but it seems unnecessary, doesn't it? I dunno LOL As for why it would be dying.... maybe it used more battery to stay connected to the network out in the boonies. I remember going camping quite a few years back and hubby still had his flip phone, me and the kids had our smart phones. His phone kept dying really quick, we couldn't figure it out.... we called the phone company and they explained that it had something to do with the network he had to use because it as an older phone (I can't remember the exact terms they used), while me and the kids connected to the LTE network.

That's definitely plausible - I know when I've forgotten to charge my phone I've sometimes diverted it to voicemail and turned the phone off to conserve battery :thinking:

The other thing that really strikes me with this is that I travel on my own a lot with my job (I can visit 6-7 small businesses in a typical day) and I have a text system in place with my husband. I don't expect him to reply but I always drop him a message "Arrived at x", "Just leaving to head to y" etc
It's always seemed slightly paranoid, but if there was an emergency and I couldn't be reached on my phone or if something happened to me at least somebody would know my whereabouts at each point during the day. I'm not alone in this - a lot of my female colleagues do similar.
Slightly off topic because clearly TH didn't have this type of system, but maybe I'm not quite so paranoid after all LOL
That reminds me of another thing we are missing Sarah..... text messages. She didn't text or receive any texts that day? or the days after? She had text messages as part of her cell plan.

Me and hubby do the same thing Sarah LOL I send him fyi messages all the time, even if I'm going to the grocery store. He does the same... if he has to go out of town for work, we will tell me, mostly because he gets in the boonies and might not have coverage (this way I can't nag him for not answering me LOL) Seriously... how did we live before cell phones and text messaging? LOL
That reminds me of another thing we are missing Sarah..... text messages. She didn't text or receive any texts that day? or the days after? She had text messages as part of her cell plan.

Me and hubby do the same thing Sarah LOL I send him fyi messages all the time, even if I'm going to the grocery store. He does the same... if he has to go out of town for work, we will tell me, mostly because he gets in the boonies and might not have coverage (this way I can't nag him for not answering me LOL) Seriously... how did we live before cell phones and text messaging? LOL

Good Catch Missy! I forgot about that! Your right--she did have text messaging!
This whole phone thing makes my head hurt.

:lurk: I'm coming out of lurking mode to say a big supportive thank you to Missy and BCA - even if I'm not contributing much to this thread, I'm reading with interest so please keep up the good work.

Your welcome Ms. Sarah! Thanks for your posts in other threads, I really enjoy reading them!! :)
That's definitely plausible - I know when I've forgotten to charge my phone I've sometimes diverted it to voicemail and turned the phone off to conserve battery :thinking:

The other thing that really strikes me with this is that I travel on my own a lot with my job (I can visit 6-7 small businesses in a typical day) and I have a text system in place with my husband. I don't expect him to reply but I always drop him a message "Arrived at x", "Just leaving to head to y" etc
It's always seemed slightly paranoid, but if there was an emergency and I couldn't be reached on my phone or if something happened to me at least somebody would know my whereabouts at each point during the day. I'm not alone in this - a lot of my female colleagues do similar.
Slightly off topic because clearly TH didn't have this type of system, but maybe I'm not quite so paranoid after all LOL

That's a good tip Sarah! I'm horrible about it--I'm like TH, I could go missing for days and no one would notice--other than--hey I'm hungry--where's dinner...LOL J/K
That reminds me of another thing we are missing Sarah..... text messages. She didn't text or receive any texts that day? or the days after? She had text messages as part of her cell plan.

Me and hubby do the same thing Sarah LOL I send him fyi messages all the time, even if I'm going to the grocery store. He does the same... if he has to go out of town for work, we will tell me, mostly because he gets in the boonies and might not have coverage (this way I can't nag him for not answering me LOL) Seriously... how did we live before cell phones and text messaging? LOL

Didn't receive any or they were never introduced into evidence/made public?
Either seems odd and I'd love to know the answer!

I'm trying to think how much I used to use text messaging back in 2005, but TBH I just really can't remember LOL

That's a good tip Sarah! I'm horrible about it--I'm like TH, I could go missing for days and no one would notice--other than--hey I'm hungry--where's dinner...LOL J/K

If something happened to me, I reckon it would only be a couple of hours before family, friends or colleagues started to worry about why I wasn't where I was supposed to be. There's absolutely no hope for me having an illicit affair or embarking on a secret life of crime j/k

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