Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

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My question is ...who would she be out with? Do we assume the DT would pay for a 24 hour body guard?

Indigents with entourage?

That might make a good band name.

Maybe, maybe not. If they see her as a future moneymaker, it could be thought of as an investment.
I ask this question honestly and seriously -why does it matter to you where she is? I was heartbroken by her acquittal, but I am not understanding why the media is so obsessed with where she is?
A chin implant could easily account for the discrepancy between the chin in court and the chin seen here.

Returning to work and resuming normal activity after your chin implant procedure

Most people are ready to resume a normal schedule after a few days. You will need to take care, however, to avoid any activity which might cause an impact to your face for three or four weeks. Contact sports, games played with a ball, or activities requiring a helmet or chin-strap should be avoided.

Why would KC want a chin implant?
Now we have a boob job, a chin implant, dental work, lip enhancement, 15 or so pounds gained, a haircut, etc...

That is a lot of work to have done to change so little, if this is her...JMO...

SHE has friends????? :floorlaugh:

She can not be babysat for the rest of her life. Just look at Karla H. She goes out by herself and did right after she got out of prison. FICA is on her own. JB, CM, DS etc etc can not be by her side all the time.

I do not find it odd at all that she is by herself. Would you walk down the street with her? I wouldn't.

I walk by myself all the time and I see other people walking alone and I don't pay much attention to them.

I agree she is going to have be by herself at times. I wonder if she will trying going out by herself now that these pics are out. Also maybe she will stop wearing a Buckeyes hat. When I first saw the pics I figured it was Casey because she and the A's are Buckeye fans and I remember pics of her Caylee in Buckeye clothes.
You might be able to resume a regular schedule within the week after that kind of surgery, but the close ups would reveal some serious new scarring if that were the case. I had some facial reconstruction after having skin cancer removed earlier this year and I still had stitches for at least 7 days and was obviously healing still at 3 weeks. And I had a very good plastic surgeon.
I ask this question honestly and seriously -why does it matter to you where she is? I was heartbroken by her acquittal, but I am not understanding why the media is so obsessed with where she is?

I don't care where she is. But I was curious as to what her "makeover" might look like.:crazy:
Whoever is paying for all her other bills.

????: Are you serious? Whoever needed a job, just like when she was on bail before.

But it is possible she doesn't have a body with her because her keepers don't want to pay for it.

You've heard people who have dealt with her even a short period of time say that Casey never shuts up as well as the fact that she makes people feel and act crazy when she gets in their head? You've witnessed her temper tantrums, right?

Appreciate condescension though! :seeya:
Why would KC want a chin implant?

I don't think it's a chin implant either. I just checked in the mirror. If I hold my lips together, like in the photo, and push my jaw down, it makes my chin look longer. The difference could be just a matter of the way Casey was chewing gum.
Just had a thought, did not read back, if she actually is in therapy anti depressants can pack on weight lickedy split. JMO
No way...just look at the distance between the bottom lip and her chin
I still think it is her. The distance b/w bottom lip and chin could appear to change depending on what face she is making. In that picture of her in court with a very short distance b/w lip and chin, she was kind of making a pouting face and it kind of pulled her chin up a little. In the TMZ pics, she is making a more neutral face, her facial muscles are more relaxed, and it could make the distance appear longer. Also the angle of the shot could affect the appearance.

Her eyes do look less round than in court, but that could also be a function of a different facial expressions, squinting her eyes in the sun, and more makeup applied to give them a different look.

I doubt plastic surgery. How exactly would she pay for that? Even if she has been given some money, it probably needs to be used for food and lodging, not plastic surgery. She can't expect the DT to take care of her forever.

One thing I wonder, and this is totally superficial, but - how is she wearing those earrings? Wouldn't any piercings have closed up after 3 years in jail? It hasn't been long enough for new piercings to heal to that extent.

I must admit to being interested in the pics, but I tried not to click on any links just in case any money might go to her. I will do whatever I can to avoid clicking on any links.
I don't think it's a chin implant either. I just checked in the mirror. If I hold my lips together, like in the photo, and push my jaw down, it makes my chin look longer. The difference could be just a matter of the way Casey was chewing gum.

In that long-chin photo (#7) she looks like Lisa Marie Presley in disguise. You can also see the series of moles on her right cheek that are visible in her mug shots.
I'm leaning toward the theory that the pics were staged.

How is it that no passers-by got in the way, like in the shots of celebrities? The pics are clear and good quality images as if someone had time to set up the shot. She's in 3 different outfits and in various locations- though they may be near one another. I doubt she would be walking alone with no bodyguard or even an acquaintance for protection or company. JB is not going to take the chance that something will happen to his cash cow. She's not very well disguised, iand she doesn't look very concerned.

If they were taken by a pap, why would he be afraid to get right up next to her? She's on a public street and there are no laws preventing being photographed in a public place. I'm sure she knows she is being photographed, one way or the other. She would have to notice a car slowing down in front of her! A pap would surely get in her face and ask questions. He would also know exactly where she is staying just by following her home. And he would have thousand of pics to show for his efforts.

Something is up with these pics, and I'm guessing they were staged and sold to TMZ. Since they appear to be random 'lucky' shots TMZ won't have to admit actually buying them. They could say that a pap tracked her down (when no one else could?!) and they simply compensated him for his time and film.
One thing I wonder, and this is totally superficial, but - how is she wearing those earrings? Wouldn't any piercings have closed up after 3 years in jail? It hasn't been long enough for new piercings to heal to that extent.

Nope. It depends on how long you've had the piercings, too. I got my first ones when I was 8 and my second ones when I was 12. I didn't wear earrings...not even once...from age 19 to 25 and I can still wear earrings now in those holes, no problem.

ETA: I'm 35 now and wear earrings now maybe once or twice a year.
TMZ did pay the pap, no doubt about that.. But it is highly possible that Baez does know some paps. personally by now,considering his love for media exposure. The absence of other folks in the pictures is odd. Baez, depending how desperate/hungry he is for bucks, could have easily made a deal with a pap and got a sizable cut of such monies.
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