Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

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I live in Columbus. The Old Navy looks very much like the one at the Lennox Center. It is located in a small mall across the river from Ohio State. It would be very easy for her to blend in there. Depending on when she was there, it is possible that there were not many people around. I was there on a Sunday a couple of weeks ago, and there were only a few people in the store.
No way! Remember that KC sees herself as a "STAR"-and we all know "STARS" caught "incognito" by the papparazzi always look exactly like she does in these pics...right down to the funky hair and Starbucks... a matter of fact, she's probably all kinds of bent out of shape that she only had Old Navy to pop into instead of an L.A. hotspot boutique
I know exactly where the video was shot. It's Lennox Town Center accross from Ohio State University in Columbus OH. The other video is in the campus area, looks like just south of the OSU hospital. I was at Lennox just yesterday afternoon. OSU has more than 50,000 students at that campus, good place to hide in plain sight.

Here's a screen grab from google street view of the Old Navy, note the matching windows, green street lamp, trees, and shrubs.

Yes, there is a Starbucks very close. At least on Google Maps. This area is just west of Ohio State's campus, across the river.

I wonder how she's getting around? SBs on the google map has a dumpster with two cars parked pretty close to it. :waitasec:
Following the MOLES......I do think it is her. I didn't at first, but
the moles are all there.
I do think she has had some work done but NOTHING major (lips,
colored contacts, hair cut/colored).
I think she does look a bit heavier, maybe eating junk or possibly

I do think it is staged. OHIO state hat, OHIO plates, STARBUCKS cup,
OLD NAVY, way TOOOOO much product placement in these photos lead
me to believe they want us to THINK she is in OHIO and they know the
sleuthers here will figure out right quick what Old Navy that is!

I could be wrong - and if I am wrong and the rumors are true that this is her
and she is staying at the Varsity Inn at $72 per night, who is paying for this?
Also could explain weight gain - if she is staying in a hotel room , she isn't
cooking anything healthy for herself - it's all take out, all the time! And where
is she getting money for this? Where is she getting $72 a night, plus money for food, starbucks, cell phone etc????

I hope it is her. I hope she is living in misery, alone in a crappy little hotel room
in a small town where she has no friends. That thought alone fills a tiny bit of
the huge black hole in my heart that was opened when I saw HHJP flipping through
the verdict papers in what I thought was shock, when court reporter slightly gasped
to read the verdict, and when I actually heard not guilty four times. I hope she spends hours a day looking out her hotel window to see if someone is after her.

If this is Casey's Bella Vita, then there is a teeny tiny bit of justice to me. I DO care where she is because I am still heartbroken for Caylee and it makes me feel better to see Casey living a sad, lonely existence all by herself.
TMZ Recently Reported On Another Anthony Family News Story With Pics Which Turned Out To Be Untrue. TMZ Eventually Did Pull The Story And Pics And Issue A Statement When The Couple Photographed Was Confirmed To Be Not The Anthony Family. Once In Awhile With TMZ You Will Need To Wait For Confirmation With Other Sources.

Casey Anthony's Parents -- Lounge Act

7/10/2011 11:36 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Cindy and George Anthony -- whose daughter Casey Anthony was just found not guilty of murdering their granddaughter Caylee -- were relaxing Sunday poolside at a resort in Florida.


Confirmed: TMZ photos are not #George and #Cindy Anthony. Says their lawyer Mark Lippman: "No, that's why I had them take it down."

A Few Other TMZ News Stories That Turned Out To Be Untrue :


Maya Angelou has not been taken to a Los Angeles hospital. It was a shocking revelation by TMZ, and the hope is that more news on her condition comes out through the night. Now though TMZ is stating that organizers at the event gave them false information.
April 11, 2009. The TMZ Fake-Story-Gate saga continues. 16 hours after posting a “rumor” claiming that Snoop Dogg’s wife Shante Broadus was dead, or deady dead – as they wrote it, the website was forced to RETRACT their report.

As the post shows, it took 16 hours for the website – which has almost 100 EMPLOYEES – to confirm that Shante was indeed alive and the California Highway Patrol report was a fake. In comparison, it took - a company with a staff of ONLY 4 - about 10 minutes to get someone from the CHP to confirm that the report was A FAKE!!

Just A Quick Search Shows Quite A Few TMZ Stories Which Have Turned Out To Be Untrue. But Cannot Link To Or List All Of The Retracted Stories.
So With TMZ Is Best To Sometimes Verify. Or At Least Wait To See If The Story Is Later Updated With An Oops.
I say that's not her by a NOSE. The nose is very different on these gals and I do think there are several different gals pictured in the series of photos.
They are all wearing an Ohio State U ball cap - right? You Buckeye fans would know that.

Darn, if only we could see those Elf ears.


it is her for sure. She has just gained weight! Who else walks like that?
Yep, that's the one !
This was the flight that a large car pulled up with lots of luggage. A young girl was seen running to the plane, and off to the side by the wing was another woman with short hair standing by, like she was giving orders or talking to someone that I thought sure looked an awful lot like Cindy that night.

I remember watching that video many times and I couldn't be sure that it was KC or Cindy. But the media seemed to think it was suspicious.

The one thing that I think really stands out about that private plane full of "golfers" is the timing. Anyone that can afford a private plane and can go to Florida for a few days of golf, isn't going to fly home to Ohio in the middle of the night. If I recall, that plane didn't take off until after midnight sometime. It just doesn't fit the routine of wealthy people, who have a lot of leisure time to pursue their interests. They would not be flying home at that hour of the night. At that time of night/wee hours of the morning...........the plane would land in Ohio in the middle of the night.

That flight seems to fit, if the purpose is concealing something. Departure from Florida and arrival in Ohio all under the cover of darkness at a time of the night when there wouldn't be a lot of people at the airports involved.
I'm leaning toward the theory that the pics were staged.

How is it that no passers-by got in the way, like in the shots of celebrities? The pics are clear and good quality images as if someone had time to set up the shot. She's in 3 different outfits and in various locations- though they may be near one another. I doubt she would be walking alone with no bodyguard or even an acquaintance for protection or company. JB is not going to take the chance that something will happen to his cash cow. She's not very well disguised, iand she doesn't look very concerned.

If they were taken by a pap, why would he be afraid to get right up next to her? She's on a public street and there are no laws preventing being photographed in a public place. I'm sure she knows she is being photographed, one way or the other. She would have to notice a car slowing down in front of her! A pap would surely get in her face and ask questions. He would also know exactly where she is staying just by following her home. And he would have thousand of pics to show for his efforts.

Something is up with these pics, and I'm guessing they were staged and sold to TMZ. Since they appear to be random 'lucky' shots TMZ won't have to admit actually buying them. They could say that a pap tracked her down (when no one else could?!) and they simply compensated him for his time and film.

There could have been pics with passer-bys in the shot, those pics just weren't used. I don't believe Baez had anything to do with these shots. They aren't big money shots, plus they give away her location. If anything, I'd think Baez is freaked to see these pics on TMZ. Those visions of dollar signs dancing in his head are flying away rapidly.
Weight gain
Many antidepressants are associated with weight gain usually in the range of 5–25 kg (11–55 lb) but rarely upwards of 50 kg (110 lb). The specific cause is unknown, but antidepressants are associated with increased cravings, an inability to feel full despite consuming enough calories, low energy levels and increased daytime sleepiness, which can lead to overeating and a lack of desire to exercise, and dry mouth, which can lead to ingestion of calorie-laden beverages. The antihistaminic properties of certain TCA and TeCA class antidepressants have been shown to contribute to the common side effects of increased appetite and weight gain associated with these classes of medication. Eating low fat, low protein carbohydrate snacks and carbohydrate-rich dinners allows the brain to make serotonin which then controls appetite and balances mood. Carbohydrates thus eaten, as part of a balanced diet, by virtue of their effect on brain serotonin levels, can support weight loss in the setting of antidepressant weight gain.

My speculation on the increased weight. This is the "therapy" that JB says FCA is getting. Somebody prescribed her antidepressants.
Interesting, that your post reminded me of criminals who do things to make it seem that they want to get caught.

However, I disagree that she wants to be seen.
Everytime she is seen, any money making possibility over pictures lessens.
She would know this. She would want her big coming out pictures to be a bit nicer? She seemed to care about how she looked...and these pics are not flattering for her debut.

I highly doubt she already has a wardrobe full of hot clothes to wear. Plus, it would be a little obvious if she were walking down the street in her "hot body contest" dress. I think she would stick out like a sore thumb. she has make up on and jeans and a shirt, like anyone would wear taking a stroll!! I'm sure she thinks she is gorgeous no matter what she has one!!
Maybe (hopefully) she's on birth control pills or the depo shot. A lot of people gain weight on hormonal birth control.

I have too, and I apologize for the late posting on this but I've been searching and searching. And a big thanks goes to "HatesSociopaths" for posting the photo below. I believe I see an arm of someone (that doesn't belong there) just to the right of her head. Also, I see just to the left of her cap what appears to be a hand holding a camera (?) and it appears that the lens of the camera is reflected about midway on the back of her cap. If I'm correct, it seems as though the photographer was right outside the store window and IMO it was totally staged by Casey. Of course, I've been wrong before and will be again (I'm sure, lol). Does anyone else see it? If not, it's OK to tell me I'm won't hurt my feelings at all. :crazy:

I think that is her arm, holding the hanger up. It's at an odd angle but does look like her arm to me. You might be right about the lens reflection. I can't think of what else that might be.
There was a picture of her in that collection of photobucket pics, it was in black & white, of just her left side profile, photo taken from behind her, looking into a mirror with smoke for effect. In that photo, the lips really look like some of the photos here. I always thought that one photo didn't look like her at all, looked like a 1940s movie image of what she thought she looked like.
I didn't see a thread posted for this topic, so I hope it is okay I started one. Here are some pictures of Casey Anthony that TMZ has posted tonight:

What do you think? Is it her? There is some controversy that people don't really think it is her. I'm not sure, but I am leaning towards it being her.

It's her. She has cut her hair, is wearing what looks like blue contacts and has a heavyish foundation on her face presumably to conceal her moles - but she forgot the ones on her neck. The neck moles on the TMZ photos appear to me to match up perfectly with photos of Casey. She has a profusion of moles that I doubt she could ever disguise without laser removal or freakishly heavy and suspicion attracting foundation.

In addition, facial expressions, the way she walks and carries herself - especially in the arms and hands all look like her to me.

On top of all that don't those glasses look very similar if not the same as the ones she wore when she stood behind Baez while he gave that media statement? The one where she cried and wore the button up white shirt.

I agree she looks like she may have gained some weight but I bet she is partying hard with all the food choices she has available to her now that she is "free". She is probably pigging out. Or maybe it's the legendary "Casey bloat" that was discussed during the trial.

The tight shirt & jeans topped with the face concealing glasses and baseball hat just scream "costume" to me. She thinks she is being stealthy by "hiding" her face but can't resist showing off her body. Total Casey IMHO.

I'm totally convinced it's her.
It's her. She has cut her hair, is wearing what looks like blue contacts and has a heavyish foundation on her face presumably to conceal her moles - but she forgot the ones on her neck. The neck moles on the TMZ photos appear to me to match up perfectly with photos of Casey. She has a profusion of moles that I doubt she could ever disguise without laser removal or freakishly heavy and suspicion attracting foundation.

In addition, facial expressions, the way she walks and carries herself - especially in the arms and hands all look like her to me.

On top of all that don't those glasses look very similar if not the same as the ones she wore when she stood behind Baez while he gave that media statement? The one where she cried and wore the button up white shirt.

I agree she looks like she may have gained some weight but I bet she is partying hard with all the food choices she has available to her now that she is "free". She is probably pigging out. Or maybe it's the legendary "Casey bloat" that was discussed during the trial.

The tight shirt & jeans topped with the face concealing glasses and baseball hat just scream "costume" to me. She thinks she is being stealthy by "hiding" her face but can't resist showing off her body. Total Casey IMHO.

I'm totally convinced it's her.

I don't think she was trying to hide herself though. We've seen her in a hat and glasses before. She's wearing clothes that are pretty distinctly KC. In the video, she never looks around furtively.
I really don't care where she is. The only reason I'd want it to remain in the forefront is so she doesn't get a moment of peace for the rest of her life. I hope she's always out there looking over her shoulder and worried about her safety.

I don't care where she is either, or if this shoot was staged by Casey herself. If it was, there could be some fireworks in the not too distant future between her and JB if she set something like this up for a little spending cash, behind his back and/or without his blessing. Remember, Casey can betray someone very easily without even giving it a thought--she may just think she can charm her way out of whatever comes down, or she may just not care what he thinks about it. But when it comes to money, I do not think JB would just let something like this slide.

So in a way I hope she did set this up for some cash. Not because I want her to profit one thin dime--but because alienating her DT could lead to her downfall.
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