Pictures of the Karr Family Christmas of 1996 Have Been Found

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BillyGoatGruff said:
Duh, most of the time the photodeveloper has identifying codes (or did) on the back of the paper the phots are printed on. Why? Because that stuff goes bad after awhile and you have to keep track of how "fresh" it is or isn't. Flip over commerically developed photos from 10 years ago and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Duhh?? Just because it is developed on a particluar date does not mean that is when it was taken.
close_enough said:
me either BP, but apparently the DA is having a hard time placing him in Boulder at that time...i guess that's why the family is trying to find pics of him during xmas's actually the DA's job to prove he was in Boulder, from what i'm understanding...

How do we know that "the DA is having a hard time placing him in Boulder"? We dont really KNOW anything for sure, do we? All we KNOW is what we are hearing from news people and it is all second hand. NOT from the horses mouth. All I am saying is that nothing we are hearing at this point is fact. Until we hear it from the DA's mouth, the prosecutors mouth, or read it in court records, we dont know any FACTS yet.

Maybe we will be surprised at what the DA has as far as evidence. I am hoping it is more than we think at this point. But.....maybe we will be sorely disapointed too. Hope not.
Details said:
That's why she seems more credible - it's a major event, a one time event, so nothing to blur together - but years are tough, especially at the end of the year. Is she thinking 96, that's when she finished it - in Jan 96 - and therefore Dec 95.... or is it a hazy recollection what year it was - I did some major remodels - and I remember clearly that my sister and brother in law were living with me, because they were inconvenienced by it - but I'd sure have to go back and look at the reciept to be certain of the year.

Barry Levine from the National Enquirer said the woman knew for sure when she remodeled her home. She probably still has receipts for house improvements for income tax purposes for a later resale. Levine said they were double and triple checking information to establish Karr wasn't in Boulder at the time of JonBenet's murder.
bakerprune64 said:
Duhh?? Just because it is developed on a particluar date does not mean that is when it was taken.
If it's got a development date of, say, Jan 97, it could not have been taken AFTER that date. And how long do you take to develop your holiday snaps? a year? two years? Three? Most people develop them within a week or two, no longer than a month.

Look, its ovbvious to damn near everybody but those who are determined to bend over backwards to put Karr in Boulder on Christmas Day that the man was not there. He has now got at least 4 people, one of which isn't even related to him, verifying to his being in Alabama/Georgia over the holidays.

The guy is a nut,a kook, a flake, a wannabe.

Frankly, all it would take for Boulder to settle this is to tell Karr to direct them to the Ramsey's house in the car they use to pick him up from the airport.
People are getting really hung up on pictures. If Karr goes to trial pictures likely wouldnt be allowed as evidence because they really dont prove anything and couldnt be dated as to when they were taken and by who. People celebrate Christmas with families on days other then Christmas. What will be relevant is who and how many people testify to being with Karr in Georgia or Alabama during he time frame and whether a Jury finds the witness and testimony credile. That will be weighted against any witness that testify that they were with or saw Karr in Boulder at the same time.
BillyGoatGruff said:
If it's got a development date of, say, Jan 97, it could not have been taken AFTER that date. And how long do you take to develop your holiday snaps? a year? two years? Three? Most people develop them within a week or two, no longer than a month.

Look, its ovbvious to damn near everybody but those who are determined to bend over backwards to put Karr in Boulder on Christmas Day that the man was not there. He has now got at least 4 people, one of which isn't even related to him, verifying to his being in Alabama/Georgia over the holidays.

The guy is a nut,a kook, a flake, a wannabe.

Frankly, all it would take for Boulder to settle this is to tell Karr to direct them to the Ramsey's house in the car they use to pick him up from the airport.
Well it's obvious that you cannot take a picture after it was developed. And honestly I have found a roll of undeveloped film in a desk drawers from God only knows when, which I took in to get developed. It was from about 8 years ago. So YES it does happen. I'm just trying to not rule all the other possibilities.
bakerprune64 said:
Duhh?? Just because it is developed on a particluar date does not mean that is when it was taken.

Hi, bakerprune64, it's my understanding the Karr family can date the 1996 photo because it was the first Christmas for one the children (JK's relative).
bakerprune64 said:
Well it's obvious that you cannot take a pciture after it was developed. And honestly I have found a roll of undeveloped film in a desk drawers from God only knows when, which I took in to get developed. It was from about 8 years ago. So YES it does happen. I'm just trying to not rule all the other possibilities.

I agree.....i've done the same thing on more than one occasion.....some old film.
tybee204 said:
People are getting really hung up on pictures. If Karr goes to trial pictures likely wouldnt be allowed as evidence because they really dont prove anything and couldnt be dated as to when they were taken and by who. People celebrate Christmas with families on days other then Christmas. What will be relevant is who and how many people testify to being with Karr in Georgia or Alabama during he time frame and whether a Jury finds the witness and testimony credile. That will be weighted against any witness that testify that they were with or saw Karr in Boulder at the same time.

Yes I agree. Nobody took a picture of ISP dumping Laci in the bay, nobody took a picture of Westerfield in the Van Dams is going to come down to other evidence than pictures.

I don't think the pictures are really going to matter at all, unless JMK has some sort of murder pics of JBR that he may have taken himself.
mahmoo said:
I agree.....i've done the same thing on more than one occasion.....some old film.
Me too, I actually just found a whole paper bag of it with about 6 rolls in it. I stopped using film cameras back in about 2000. I dont even know if they are MY rolls of film.

Who knows what's on those rolls...for all i know could be a roll with the million dollar photo of JMK at home with his family holding a newspaper headline of Christmas day 1996.
WhiteWolf said:
Barry Levine from the National Enquirer said the woman knew for sure when she remodeled her home. She probably still has receipts for house improvements for income tax purposes for a later resale. Levine said they were double and triple checking information to establish Karr wasn't in Boulder at the time of JonBenet's murder.

Isn't it funny how the Boulder authorities are letting the media do their homework for them - homework they should have done a long time ago?
BirdieBoo said:
Me too, I actually just found a whole paper bag of it with about 6 rolls in it. I stopped using film cameras back in about 2000. I dont even know if they are MY rolls of film.

Who knows what's on those rolls...for all i know could be a roll with the million dollar photo of JMK at home with his family holding a newspaper headline of Christmas day 1996.
ROTF!! You never know huh??
aspidistra said:
Still no pictures showing him around the Xmas tree after how many days now? By now, I would have been able to produce them, for every Xmas I took pictures, even though they are in a storage locker 20 miles away with hundreds of boxes.

Also, the brothers are still curiously silent about which one of them did or did not work for Mr. Ramsey and brought John along to the Xmas party. If it's a bald lie then why not come out and say so right now? "I never worked for the Ramseys and can prove it." How hard would that be ???

Notice how people who have nothing to gain or lose have no shame in sharing what they have with the media (acquaintances of Karr). But the family who may be trying to keep secrets are having a hard time just being honest. Not that I blame them...but we should be aware that they are forever linked with a child murderer if he is found guilty, so it is in their interest to give him an alibi.

The truth will come out.

Maybe the brothers have shared this info with the LE, they have no obligation to share it with "us". Also, in my opinion, people who you said have nothing to gain or loose have no shame in in sharing with the media, obviously think they have something to gain, maybe their 15 min. or part of a book deal or something. Any normal person just looking to be honest and help the police, would share that info with the police, NOT the media, unless of course they wanted to be in the limelight.

This is all so frustrating.
Details said:
That's why she seems more credible - it's a major event, a one time event, so nothing to blur together - but years are tough, especially at the end of the year. Is she thinking 96, that's when she finished it - in Jan 96 - and therefore Dec 95.... or is it a hazy recollection what year it was - I did some major remodels - and I remember clearly that my sister and brother in law were living with me, because they were inconvenienced by it - but I'd sure have to go back and look at the reciept to be certain of the year.

I agree. She does seem more credible...although at this time I do believe the ex, only because Karr seems so hard to believe...he's all over the place. We've been involved with some remodeling over the last few years...and I'd have to look at my cancelled checks to know when we did what. I know what we started with...and where we are today, but things in the middle, aren't as clear. I would like to think that she checked this out before making a public statement.

I'd love to know if anyone at the R's party remembers seeing Karr and his family there. That's kind of a wild thing to say...and quite easy to verify.
WhiteWolf said:
Barry Levine from the National Enquirer said the woman knew for sure when she remodeled her home. She probably still has receipts for house improvements for income tax purposes for a later resale. Levine said they were double and triple checking information to establish Karr wasn't in Boulder at the time of JonBenet's murder.

I didn't see this prior to my posting...

I'll bet they come up with receipts. I know I have cancelled checks and receipts from our remodeling. I'd have to dig...but I could find them.
bakerprune64 said:
Well it's obvious that you cannot take a picture after it was developed. And honestly I have found a roll of undeveloped film in a desk drawers from God only knows when, which I took in to get developed. It was from about 8 years ago. So YES it does happen. I'm just trying to not rule all the other possibilities.

I found a roll one time and took it in with a new roll that I had from when my oldest left for college. To my surprise, it was an old roll of film from when he was at Boy Scout camp when he was in the 7th grade. Talk about crying...I did a lot that day when I picked up those pictures. From my little 7th grade college boy was too much for this mom to handle. :)
tybee204 said:
People are getting really hung up on pictures. If Karr goes to trial pictures likely wouldnt be allowed as evidence because they really dont prove anything and couldnt be dated as to when they were taken and by who. People celebrate Christmas with families on days other then Christmas. What will be relevant is who and how many people testify to being with Karr in Georgia or Alabama during he time frame and whether a Jury finds the witness and testimony credile. That will be weighted against any witness that testify that they were with or saw Karr in Boulder at the same time.

I think that's it in a nutshell.

There are so many other things that can be his story about attending the Ramsey party with his family. I'd love to know if that's true...but I 'd be willing to bet it isn't.
Any photos would have to be accompanied with testimony by family members/friends who would be willing to testify under oath that that JMK was elsewhere than Boulder on Dec 25-26 '96. The jury would believe or disbelief any eyewitness testimony about JMK's whereabouts.
luvbeaches said:
I found a roll one time and took it in with a new roll that I had from when my oldest left for college. To my surprise, it was an old roll of film from when he was at Boy Scout camp when he was in the 7th grade. Talk about crying...I did a lot that day when I picked up those pictures. From my little 7th grade college boy was too much for this mom to handle. :)

Sniff...I'm with you, luvbeaches!

That's why I think if there was a photo of Karr in 96 with his family...someone would have found it by now. The pics turn up...especially if they show Bruno Magli shoes.

Hi All:

Getting back to my first post, does anyone know when Karr's ex-wife moved to California?

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