PI's following out of state lead on Picture of Caylee.

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I don't think we can really judge a picture before we see it.

I'm not judging the picture, I'm judging the people who "claim" it shows Caylee and Casey with Zanaida.
I have no doubt that this a just another lame attempt by Casey & her Private investigators.

btw, I agree Janis.
Right...with the technology we have, the guy can't just email the pic to JB or upload it to an account? I'm sure if they have any questions, they can just ask KC.

And to think, they've been looking for this guy for 'weeks'...well, why didn't KC think of this guy with the pic 4 months ago. What's the chances of some guy out of state having this pic? :bang:

Well now, I don't really know and this is total speculation, but what if Casey told the PI's that a guy in the park took their picture that could prove there is a ZFG? Maybe the guy talked to them and told them he was a tourist from such and such state and somehow, after weeks of tracking him down, they found him?
It will be interesting to see how CA explains this one away when the picture doesn't materialize or turns out to not be Caylee, Casey and Zenaida.

One always holds a little tiny bit of hope but unfortunately, this is not looking to be likely at this point.

ETA - Why ON EARTH would they not want the FBI to have access to this photo?
I bet we won't. The picture will be either blurry, grainy or shot from a long distance so it won't be clear as to who is REALLY in it. It may have 3 people, of the right sizes and ages, but there won't be a way to tell WHO they are. Just my take on it.

But..that photo can be enhanced and cleaned up enough to view it.

Let us vow to NOT let this fade from sight.
They are going to have to put up---or shut up!!!
Time is NOW.:mad:
Oh and I bet it just will so happen to be *drum roll please* Jay Blanchard Park!!!! Dang I'm so smart, I can already see where this is going!
Interesting so according to the story, a random person is at the park at the same time all three are there and he's got the incident in pics? Can't wait to see this evidence.

And it is how many days into this story, and or course no one has been talking about this story, or there has not been a HUGE reward out there. If this guy was legit, and it did lead to the finding of Caylee he would be entitled to part of the REWARD, would he not?

BS............................. desperate attempt............not going to work..........
If only Caylee could still be out there somewhere wouldn't that be wonderful?
In my heart I wish it were true but my brain says no way.

"Black says the picture was taken at a park and has all involved parties in it: the woman they say is the zanaida Fernandez Gonzalez, Casey and caylee. No information at this point when this picture was taken. "

The "Zanaida" person is probably some random woman who happened to walk through the picture as it was being taken. God, they're just ridiculous. Also, would be nice if they learned that names are always capitalized!

I have seen some bad photoshop stuff and I wouldn't be surprised if that is what they come up with. Bad photoshop. If they are smart they won't photoshop ZG in from the blurred interview. Then again, I don't think the Baez team is all that brilliant.
I just read that article.
I think all leads still need to be followed yet I find it curious, how did they find out about this man and that he had this photo?
As I read the statement it says, the nanny, Casey and Caylee are in the picture so I presume it was taken in Orlando yet this man is out of state? What was he doing in an Orlando park taking this picture?
Does Crimeline and LE/FBI know about this lead?
Since the child neglect trial is getting closer I find we are seeing more "movement" from Casey's Defense team starting with the new motions filed by Mr Baez and now that this.
If only Caylee could still be out there somewhere wouldn't that be wonderful?
In my heart I wish it were true but my brain says no way.


I know where Caylee is ! She is in heaven and safe in the arms of Jesus.:)
But..that photo can be enhanced and cleaned up enough to view it.

Let us vow to NOT let this fade from sight.
They are going to have to put up---or shut up!!!
Time is NOW.:mad:

But of course when it turns out to be FAKE, KC will not have to take responsibility.................. who was that guy in Thailand who claimed to have kille JBR, he was nuts, I am sure if this guy does exist.... maybe it is his brother.

Nothing would make me happier than to see Caylee brought home alive, however, I do not believe it is going to happen.
If only Caylee could still be out there somewhere wouldn't that be wonderful?
In my heart I wish it were true but my brain says no way.


Well, this picture supposedly shows Casey in it, too, so that means it had to have been taken before Caylee went missing. But yes, it would be beyond wonderful if Caylee was out there somewhere.
Ill betchya this mystery guy with the picture has it in a file with the "script" they gave KC the same day!!
If they had a photo it would have been put on the net so people would be searching for the real Zenaida. This is more of the same BS. When will this circus come to an end?
If only Caylee could still be out there somewhere wouldn't that be wonderful?
In my heart I wish it were true but my brain says no way.


I wish it were true too, it would be wonderful proudgrandma! I just know in my heart and head though it isn't.
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