POI: Joseph Brewer

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Mark, we do not really know who the drifter guy is. There was a guy who wrote anonymously
Confessions of the Oak Beach Drifter, he lived with Brewer for a while, but not when the death of Shannan took place. The SCPD said the drifter had no involvement.
I don't believe anything the SCPD says.
I don’t thunk they went to CVS. There wasn’t time. Although we only have Pak and Brewers word for how long it took or how it happened. The fact Brewer said they’d gone to CVS which flies against the timeline he & MP had already given sounds off. There have been other instances when they have contradicted each other too. Differing accounts of where he was parked (outside the Oak Beach Community or in front of Brewer’s house) or how Brewer summoned MP to deal with Shannan (by phone or by walking to his car). It seems classically like a case of two with a story to stick to having leakages. Claiming he went to CVS with SG sounds like it might have been a bit of an arse covering exercise so if her body was found rapidly, he had an explanation for the drugs in her system. Very similar to Hackett saying he’d tried helping and ‘given her something’ before she ran off. I do feel it’s very interesting Hackett and Brewer both separately gave stories which would explain the presence of drugs in a way that shifts the blame off them.

I don’t think police have evidence where they went because Ray still thought it was in dispute enough to ask.

I think they just went to Hackett to get something for her to take that he had supply of in his home/clinic. Not a scrip from elsewhere.

Also, this is entirely speculation on my part, Shannan arrived there and it sounds like it proceed as normal for 2:20 hours, then they went out which accounted for the flurry of calls around 12:25.

Then there was a call to CVS. As soon as she got off the phone from them there was a flurry of calls between her and MP. I’ve always wondered if SG made the call to CVS to investigate what drugs Hackett had given her were. And she didn’t like what she heard (anaesthetic, extreme sedation etc), she might have resisted taking it accounting for the delay to when she ran. I wondered if that was why she was screaming ‘they’re trying to kill me’ and why she thought that.
I thought this as well, playing cards and lube was probably just code for drugs.
I think Dr. H's phone call to Mari was to cover his butt that SG was in his house at some point, or his dna could be linked to her. I believe when SG and Brewer "went to CVS" they actually went to Hackett's for some reason and for a period of time. He probably gave her a drug of some sort and he worried later since she ran off...it would somehow come back to him... so the phone call gave a reason for her to be in his house or for any other contact dna evidence should *advertiser censored* hit the fan. Maybe she serviced him somehow...was Hackett's wife home during all this? I read on youtube where someone said there is no way a person with Shannon's experience would drive all the way to Oak Beach to a John she didn't know without money having been paid up front... this poster believed she was sent there and probably had plenty of drugs with her.... trying to get Pak to drive to CVS was either a ploy to allow the opportunity for a buddy of Brewer's to come over who didn't want to be seen ... Pak refused to leave so SG and Brewer just went out instead... I believe the buddy was Hacket for whatever reason.
I think Dr. H's phone call to Mari was to cover his butt that SG was in his house at some point, or his dna could be linked to her. I believe when SG and Brewer "went to CVS" they actually went to Hackett's for some reason and for a period of time. He probably gave her a drug of some sort and he worried later since she ran off...it would somehow come back to him... so the phone call gave a reason for her to be in his house or for any other contact dna evidence should **** hit the fan. Maybe she serviced him somehow...was Hackett's wife home during all this? I read on youtube where someone said there is no way a person with Shannon's experience would drive all the way to Oak Beach to a John she didn't know without money having been paid up front... this poster believed she was sent there and probably had plenty of drugs with her.... trying to get Pak to drive to CVS was either a ploy to allow the opportunity for a buddy of Brewer's to come over who didn't want to be seen ... Pak refused to leave so SG and Brewer just went out instead... I believe the buddy was Hacket for whatever reason.
Again I believe the police could have cleared this up immediately. CVS would have security camera records if SG and JB were in the CVS. If they were not in the CVS, then the Hackett visit theory becomes plausabile. Again the SCPD could have cleared this up easily by questioning both Dr. and Mrs. Hackett.

We do not know if the SCPD actually did any investigateing as outlined above. If they did not , why not?
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The LIARS: This lady I know was arrested for mistreatment of animals. Hires a very good lawyer who wants to do a bench trial. The judge is a pretty honest guy. tells her if he tries her she will be found guilty of something because Spota wants it that way. He gives her an option to ask for another judge. She takes it and gets a crook named James C. Hudson. Hudson is what we call a Finds her guilty of one minor charge. She appeals and wins. Sues one of the principals who brought the false charges. Signs a NDA. If figure she takes down a cool million.
I think Dr. H's phone call to Mari was to cover his butt that SG was in his house at some point, or his dna could be linked to her. I believe when SG and Brewer "went to CVS" they actually went to Hackett's for some reason and for a period of time. He probably gave her a drug of some sort and he worried later since she ran off...it would somehow come back to him... so the phone call gave a reason for her to be in his house or for any other contact dna evidence should **** hit the fan. Maybe she serviced him somehow...was Hackett's wife home during all this? I read on youtube where someone said there is no way a person with Shannon's experience would drive all the way to Oak Beach to a John she didn't know without money having been paid up front... this poster believed she was sent there and probably had plenty of drugs with her.... trying to get Pak to drive to CVS was either a ploy to allow the opportunity for a buddy of Brewer's to come over who didn't want to be seen ... Pak refused to leave so SG and Brewer just went out instead... I believe the buddy was Hacket for whatever reason.
Your first 3 sentences I agree with and always have.
They will lie about most everything even if they don't have too. This is the way they are programmed. They didn't have to worry about paying for their perjury because the DA was protecting them.
With all the corruption, and cover ups with a top LEO, and DA it makes me wonder who investigated JB's home and found 'nothing'. Shannon was convictenced "They" were trying to kill her. I am not at all convinced she was wrong about that. I also don't believe the 'explanation' given about her death being accidental, and that she is not part of the GILGO victims. Imho she was discarded differently than the rest because there was a time crunch unlike with the others where there was plenty of time to hide the bodies. MOO
I do know Dekalb County picked up italyrider. He's definitely got violent priors and ties to GA. Jason Murry is that guys name. Maybe he's the drifter.

How do you know that's who this is? When I google "italyrider", I see the Twitter page that says Jason Murry, but I also noticed that he posted craigslist ads selling an iPhone in 2009 in Spokane Washington. Could very well be someone completely different, or a fake name. I ALWAYS use fake names on Twitter or any other sites that ask for a first and last name. Is the Twitter post how you got this information, or did this come from somewhere else?
It's just that I feel like the international serial killer headquarters being in Long Island is really really a stretch of the imagination. People like Kevin Spacey in Se7en are extremely rare.

All murder has a motive the motive and this might be more practical than we first think. The motive being "Crazy Deranged Rando" is too rare for Long Island to be breeding a new serial killer every 10 years. That alone is just super suspect. Something else is going on.

I disagree. I think the sheer population size of Long Island means that if anything, it would be out of the ordinary if there WASN'T multiple serial killers. Los Angeles, for example, with 9 million people in the county, had at least 7 active serial killers in the 80's and early 90's, and those are just the ones that were caught. NYC had at least 6 in that timeframe that were caught (Shulman, Rifkin, Baxter, Bullock, Cottingham, Seda etc.). Comparable to Los Angeles, Long Island has a population of 7 million people. It just so happens to have one of the longest stretches of roadway without any nearby buildings in all the area. People far and wide in NYC know about the beach areas in Long Island, so it would be in the back of anyone's mind who is looking for a sparsely populated place to dump a body, even people further out in NYC who come to Long Island just for that. You're not going to find a stretch like that in NYC itself.

Also, the bodies may not all be serial killers. I believe victims 1-6 on Gilgo are linked to the same person who does/did live in Long Island, simply because of their proximity to each other and the fact that they're all young, attractive, petite sex workers that seem to fit that very particular description.

The others, might be related but who knows. For example, the infant and mother found could maybe just be a single and isolated incident where a husband killed his wife and child. May not be a serial killer or linked to others. Same with the Asian male. May have been an isolated incident. So it may not be a hotbed of serial killers dumping there, but just a convenient place where anybody dumping a body would think of.

Back to the topic of the thread, Brewer, I feel that he may be unofficially on their list of suspects. I know he passed a polygraph and all, but I don't feel it's conclusive enough. I'm not saying he's likely to be the killer, but I just don't feel he should be excluded just yet. It's possible they're still looking at him and waiting for more solid evidence to come forward. Pak had been working with Shannan for at least a few months, so I feel it's unlikely he had anything to do with it. It's possible but unlikely.
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What is interesting to me regarding Pak and Brewer and their relationship with the criminal justice system is the fact that both were clearly violating a number of State and Federal laws on the night Shannan died, yet neither has had any criminal charges laid against them.

When you have something of such a serious nature as a death, they don't normally arrest for misdemeanor things like this because they don't want to discourage people from calling in a death, worried they might be charged with a petty crime. They want you to be honest and transparent to make their investigation easier. Last thing they need is a witness in a death not cooperating because they're worried about a drug or prostitution charge. It's the same reason they won't arrest you if you bring someone to a hospital who has overdosed, even if they know you did drugs with that person.
When you have something of such a serious nature as a death, they don't normally arrest for misdemeanor things like this because they don't want to discourage people from calling in a death, worried they might be charged with a petty crime. They want you to be honest and transparent to make their investigation easier. Last thing they need is a witness in a death not cooperating because they're worried about a drug or prostitution charge. It's the same reason they won't arrest you if you bring someone to a hospital who has overdosed, even if they know you did drugs with that person.

Wow, first of all I did not think the related laws that were broken in this case were misdemeanors.

Secondly, these individuals (JB, MP) never called the police or did one thing to mitigate harm to the victim, what did they do to get the free ride?

If you arrest for homicide I agree you normally do not arrest for the minor crimes, but in this case nobody has been arrested for anything.

As well it is not unusual for charges to be laid against an individual for numerous related offenses even in Suffolk County. For example in a totally unrelated case, on May of 2020 SCPD charged
  • Cordea D. Buckhannan, 35, of Selden, is charged with two counts of Operating as a Major Trafficker, a class A-1 felony; two counts of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the First Degree, a class A-1 felony; Conspiracy in the Second Degree, a class B felony; seven counts of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree, a class C felony; and two counts of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Third Degree, a class D felony.
Wow, first of all I did not think the related laws that were broken in this case were misdemeanors.
I only mentioned misdemeanors because you did. I was simply replying to your comment about why misdemeanor charges were not brought forth. On a side note, I can't imagine what else JB could be charged with. Solicitation of a prostitute is just about the only thing and that's a misdemeanor.
If there is anybody who is involved in the criminal justice system who follows this forum, I would love to hear why no charges have been laid, even misdemeanor ones

Secondly, these individuals (JB, MP) never called the police or did one thing to mitigate harm to the victim, what did they do to get the free ride?
JB called the police, but even if he hadn't, they wouldn't charge him....and they shouldn't (not only because it would be a difficult case to try, but also because of what I say about MP below).
" Gilbert estate lawyer John Ray told Oxygen.com one call was from Gilbert's client Joseph Brewer, two were from neighbors and one – which is believed to be over twenty minutes long – was from Shannan herself."
Why Do The 911 Tapes From ‘Lost Girls’ Remain Hidden – Despite A Court Order?

Charging MP for acting as a driver would be an incredibly difficult case to try, plus it could hinder the investigation. They'd have to somehow prove that he was aware she was prostituting (i.e. "Hey, I didn't know she what she was doing with this man, she just paid me to drive her places."). Plus, if word gets out that they're charging people for crimes relating to prostitution, it could hinder the entire case. They know many of their witnesses and friends of hers may be prostitutes. The last thing they need is people afraid to talk to the police because they heard so and so got picked up on a solicitation/driver charge.

If you arrest for homicide I agree you normally do not arrest for the minor crimes, but in this case nobody has been arrested for anything.
Then this sounds like a personal irk. You want someone arrested, whether it makes sense to arrest them or not. We're all irked by the fact that a killer hasn't been arrested, but that's no reason to go around doing things that might hinder the case. And I disagree with this statement. Police will normally tack on as many charges as they can easily prove. They only ignore smaller crimes when there's a more serious crime if those smaller crimes are difficult to prove. But again, these people are witnesses, they need witnesses to cooperate, not go silent and lawyer up because they're charged with a petty crime of solicitation.

As well it is not unusual for charges to be laid against an individual for numerous related offenses even in Suffolk County. For example in a totally unrelated case, on May of 2020 SCPD charged
  • Cordea D. Buckhannan, 35, of Selden, is charged with two counts of Operating as a Major Trafficker, a class A-1 felony; two counts of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the First Degree, a class A-1 felony; Conspiracy in the Second Degree, a class B felony; seven counts of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree, a class C felony; and two counts of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Third Degree, a class D felony.
This has nothing to do with anything I said. This isn't a witness in a much more serious crime and the charges are most likely easy to prove. Completely irrelevant and not just unrelated to the other case, unrelated to what we're talking about. When I was 18 years old I was involved in an altercation with a high school bully of mine. I was charged with a felony and two misdemeanors. Yes, I'm aware that if there are felonies and misdemeanors involved in a crime, they normally charge for all crimes they can prove, whether it's Suffolk or anywhere else in the US (anybody who has watched even one episode of COPS is aware of this). I was not JB, I was not a witness in a massive investigation involving homicides, and what I did was easily proven. Not related.
I only mentioned misdemeanors because you did. I was simply replying to your comment about why misdemeanor charges were not brought forth. On a side note, I can't imagine what else JB could be charged with. Solicitation of a prostitute is just about the only thing and that's a misdemeanor.

JB called the police, but even if he hadn't, they wouldn't charge him....and they shouldn't (not only because it would be a difficult case to try, but also because of what I say about MP below).
" Gilbert estate lawyer John Ray told Oxygen.com one call was from Gilbert's client Joseph Brewer, two were from neighbors and one – which is believed to be over twenty minutes long – was from Shannan herself."
Why Do The 911 Tapes From ‘Lost Girls’ Remain Hidden – Despite A Court Order?

Charging MP for acting as a driver would be an incredibly difficult case to try, plus it could hinder the investigation. They'd have to somehow prove that he was aware she was prostituting (i.e. "Hey, I didn't know she what she was doing with this man, she just paid me to drive her places."). Plus, if word gets out that they're charging people for crimes relating to prostitution, it could hinder the entire case. They know many of their witnesses and friends of hers may be prostitutes. The last thing they need is people afraid to talk to the police because they heard so and so got picked up on a solicitation/driver charge.

Then this sounds like a personal irk. You want someone arrested, whether it makes sense to arrest them or not. We're all irked by the fact that a killer hasn't been arrested, but that's no reason to go around doing things that might hinder the case. And I disagree with this statement. Police will normally tack on as many charges as they can easily prove. They only ignore smaller crimes when there's a more serious crime if those smaller crimes are difficult to prove. But again, these people are witnesses, they need witnesses to cooperate, not go silent and lawyer up because they're charged with a petty crime of solicitation.

This has nothing to do with anything I said. This isn't a witness in a much more serious crime and the charges are most likely easy to prove. Completely irrelevant and not just unrelated to the other case, unrelated to what we're talking about. When I was 18 years old I was involved in an altercation with a high school bully of mine. I was charged with a felony and two misdemeanors. Yes, I'm aware that if there are felonies and misdemeanors involved in a crime, they normally charge for all crimes they can prove, whether it's Suffolk or anywhere else in the US (anybody who has watched even one episode of COPS is aware of this). I was not JB, I was not a witness in a massive investigation involving homicides, and what I did was easily proven. Not related.

I'll keep it short.
Whatever grand strategy that SCPD is following in investigating and solving this case, it has not worked to date. Maybe after 10 years they possibly should try a different approach.

Maybe laying some charges could loosen some tongues, that has known to work in other cases.

You can defend the SCPD's approach of not charging anybody, but all I have to say is; how has that worked out so far?
I feel as if we've entered into a circular argument now and leading right back to the part about not making arrests if they're impossible to try in court. I'm going to have to exit this now because I feel it's not productive.
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