POI: Michael Pak

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I respect your fervor, and your desire to assist in solving this crime. I am concerned that it is easy to follow the wrong path.

Shannan was on the phone with 911 and in Brewer's house with the drifter for a considerable period of time. If you remember she only left the house when told to by Brewer and when Brewer asked MP to come into the house and get Shannan out. If their plan was to kill her why were they telling her to get out? Shannan felt relatively safe in the house and made no attempt to seek the security of MP. She only left the house when MP came in to get her, and she ran away from MP.

Because we do not know what Shannan said in the 20+ minute 911 call, we do not know if she mentioned what she was feeling threatened by. Likely she did mention what or whom she feared. That is why it is so important that the contents of the 911 call are released to the Public.

If the drifter or Brewer were the eminent threats to Shannan, why do you think they allowed her to call 911 and stay in the house talking to 911 dispatch for 20+ minutes? If she felt threatened by them why did she stay in the house? Why did she not run to the security of her driver? After she had disclosed Brewer's house location and address, why would they then decide to kill her, knowing the police were on the way and her driver MP was nearby?

You may be correct in your assumptions about Brewer and the drifter, but if you consider how Shannan acted in the presence of Brewer and the drifter, and how she acted in the presence of MP, who do you think she feared?

May I ask a question?

If everything was so candy pink at Brewer's, why the police took him and impounded his SUV when they they found Shannan's body, which was in fact Melissa Barthelemy's body with a noose around her neck?

My answer is the story is not that simple. There sure are parts in the 911 call that may potentially incriminate Pak and Brewer. But once SCPD screwed up with Melissa's body in the first place and they figured how big a botch that was within two days, they chose to bury it all. Which is why they can not release the 911 audio.
How convenient that any case that can't be solved because of a lack of evidence is definitely an intricate police cover up.
Obviously, I'm not living in the universe where Thomas Spota fights child *advertiser censored*...
How convenient that any case that can't be solved because of a lack of evidence is definitely an intricate police cover up.
All of Burkes dirty doings have been covered up.
For the Drifter to be involved in Shannan's death, he would have followed her from Brewer's house when Shannan ran away from the house and had MP following her. Assuming the Drifter did follow after Shannan, catch up to her, the Drifter was not be seen by Gus, or the other witness who saw Shannan that night. Not seen or confronted by MP either, who claims he was trying to help Shannan.

Remember MP was the last to see Shannan alive.
MP was trying to catch her, and she was trying to elude MP for some reason.
MP told Gus he should not have called the Police.
MP who has claimed he was trying to help Shannan, allegedly did not find her that night, and left empty handed before the police arrived.
To me if MP was really concerned about Shannan, he would not have left. He would have waited for the police to assist in the search for her. As it was becoming daylight and likely Shannan was still alive wandering in the marsh at that time; MP and the Police could have likely saved her. By leaving before the Police arrived MP shows absolute disdain for Shannan's well being, from my perspective.

Regarding lying, the police have no way of knowing who is lying. We know CPH has lied. MP has likely not been completely truthful, I am not sure the police have been truthful either. I believe the key is to look for motive and opportunity.
Well the motive could be something she seen. The opportunity could be as simple as JB going out and finding her...dragging her back into his house after Pak left.

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May I ask a question?

If everything was so candy pink at Brewer's, why the police took him and impounded his SUV when they they found Shannan's body, which was in fact Melissa Barthelemy's body with a noose around her neck?

My answer is the story is not that simple. There sure are parts in the 911 call that may potentially incriminate Pak and Brewer. But once SCPD screwed up with Melissa's body in the first place and they figured how big a botch that was within two days, they chose to bury it all. Which is why they can not release the 911 audio.
They found MB body with a noose around her neck? I've never heard that before.

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Once Shannan was on the phone with 911 brewer and the drifter were in check, do you understand? Shannan was keeping them at bay because she had 911 on the phone. She obviously called 911 because of something that happened INSIDE the house with Brewer & Drifter. The question is why she was ALSO afraid of PAK? And i already said, either she thought he was in cahoots with them, or thought he couldn't protect her
Robert Kolker asked Brewer what scared SG? He laughed and said that maybe he will tell him about it one day. Shannan is dead and this is laughing.
Emre E,
Since the police were investigating the disappearance of Shannan, and knew that she had phoned 911 from Brewer's house, it would be normal procedure to question Brewer and impound his SUV (The police had a report about a SUV from Gus) for forensic testing.

Assuming that there was no evidence of a crime in Brewer's SUV, and nothing in his questioning lead the police to charge him, he is not criminally involved or the police are protecting him. Why would the police do that, Brewer does not appear to be connected with the police nor the political power in the community? If they are protecting him because he 'knew too much' I am surprised he is still alive this long after Shannan's disappearance.
Windsor, you've never heard of the police telling the public someone isn't a suspect because they like to keep what they have secret? You know cause they usually say "We believe this person is a serial killer but we don't have enough to charge them yet" LOL. Come on dude get it together. Or look at Ridgeway where they had him and let him go "cleared him" because they were stupid. don't go by what the cops say or do, they are either lying or stupid..always
Emre E,
Since the police were investigating the disappearance of Shannan, and knew that she had phoned 911 from Brewer's house, it would be normal procedure to question Brewer and impound his SUV (The police had a report about a SUV from Gus) for forensic testing.

Assuming that there was no evidence of a crime in Brewer's SUV, and nothing in his questioning lead the police to charge him, he is not criminally involved or the police are protecting him. Why would the police do that, Brewer does not appear to be connected with the police nor the political power in the community? If they are protecting him because he 'knew too much' I am surprised he is still alive this long after Shannan's disappearance.

Thank you.

I'm not saying the police is protecting Brewer though, I'm saying police is covering up for their own botch.

For a moment think the first body they found was not Melissa but actually Shannan with a noose around the neck. Brewer would be in neck deep trouble. Quite a suspicious scene, right? But it was Melissa, there was no connection with Brewer etc. etc..

However, a year later when they found Shannan, she is naked, her clothes are strewn around, she is in a part of the swamp that machines and dogs have hard time to access. Now Melissa's scene is suspicious but this scene is not?

Of course it is suspicious. But SCPD was so much down the s..hole that they didn't even bother to correct the "missing hyoid bone" story when it circulated on papers for a long time, while they could simply send a notice to papers saying that her hyoid bone was recovered.

How did this information came out it the first place? Why police allowed this story to be in the media so long? Because it adds to their smokescreen.
Lindsay and Emre,

Brewer and/or the drifter may be Shannan's killer and/or the LISK. I do not know. The point I am trying to make, unsuccessfully it appears, is that MP is a more probable suspect in Shannan's death, based on what is publicly known. This being a MP thread, it probably makes sense to confine the posts to him. It is my personal belief based on what the public knows for sure, he is one of the two prime suspects. Until there is some evidence or information, besides MP's own statements that he had no involvement with Shannan's disappearance, he remains highly suspicious. Based on his previous human trafficking conviction, he may just as well be connected with the SCPD in criminal activity and they are protecting him. Finally any news at all about the FBI work on the LISK and Shannan's case?
Does Pak have any connection to Long Island at all? Early on someone found that Paks number on Shannan's phonebill showed on google registered to a house on LI. Anyone remember this? Yes Shannan ran from Pak...According to the version of events we've been told but who really knows. The fact is Shannan's fear ORIGINATED inside the house with the the drifter and brewer. It's my suspicion that Pak might have been involved in some type of deal with the drifter/brewer that Shannan wasn't aware of and when she somehow found out this is when she freaked. I have a suspicion that the drifter and Pak may have been previously acquainted. Megan's mom claimed Cruz knows what happened to Megan but won't say...this brings to mind a similar scenario where the girls may have been "sold out" by their pimps
The point I am trying to make, unsuccessfully it appears, is that MP is a more probable suspect in Shannan's death

Definitely agree, Pak and Hackett deserve better scoping. Brewer, despite I don't think he has got anything to do with dead hookers, is not very clean though. The next day he goes to the police with Alex Diaz (Diaz pushes him) but he fails to report she called 911, neither he tells that detail to Diaz. That counts for suspicious behavior in my eye.

Remember "the body was found during a random training" story in the beginning? I elaborated that a lot in my previous posts. That is and has to be a story fed to the media by police, because media won't make up such an irrelevant detail . On the contrary, an "accidental discovery" would be a glorifying narration for the police. Unfo, the body was not Shannan's but Melissa's. Then the police recanted. Why?

Becase the training story was bs in the first place. You don't train cadaver dogs that way.

SCPD must bury everything because they have a detective called Jack Fitzpatrick who chose not to disclose the tattoo of the victim JD2000 15 years ago and who denied even the possibility of a serial killer. Along with many other incompetent ill-willed actions of SCPD.

For the moment burying seems like the only way out for SCPD, if they want to control the damage.

Feds? I don't think they give a wooden nickel about some impoverished prostitutes and gay boys and dead babies.
Why was there a mobile forensic van on OP in 2004? Since they knew there was an SK for sure in 2003 after JT was dumped near to JD, why were they searching the brush on OP? Strange considering JT's skull was there. Were they looking for JT's skull? If so what led them to searching OP? Very strange
Why was there a mobile forensic van on OP in 2004? Since they knew there was an SK for sure in 2003 after JT was dumped near to JD, why were they searching the brush on OP? Strange considering JT's skull was there. Were they looking for JT's skull? If so what led them to searching OP? Very strange

I suspect that LE has had some communication from LISK since day one. Just a feeling.

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