POI: Michael Pak

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I think MP killed her.
The law of simplicity (occams razor) - he was the last one chasing after her and she ends up dead.

LIN, I'm shocked at your revelation -you've been around long enough to have studied this case - and you decide it's Pak. You are entitled to your opinion but I would love to hear how you came to that conclusion...Occam's Razor indeed...I believe that points to Brewer - not Pak. Maybe Gus Coletti too, but not Pak. Pak was/is a pimp/driver/coordinator for the girls meetings with Johns. No doubt that while Shannan was doing that call in NY that night (before they went to Brewer's, remember)??? Pak was lining up her appointment at Brewer's house. I believe he had dealt with Brewer before and I think Shannan knew that and felt she could not trust Pak anymore -when things got too freaky for Shannan - and this was not her first rodeo...IOW I don't believe she would have scared easily. When I heard she ran and said "they are trying to kill me..." I was terrified for her.And her 911 call for help breaks my heart that they didn't get there to help her.
Why would Pak kill his moneymaker? What else has Pak done to make you think he is a murderer? He's a human trafficker for sure IMHO. I don't think he lawyered up either but i'm not sure about that.
This perp LISK is a sexual sadist - I just can't see Pak with his puppies dressed up (looks gay to me, not that it's a bad thing) but if you like men you're not going to commit sex crimes against women...especially murder. I am NOT a fan of Pak by any means - he should not have left her...but I don't think he killed her. One of the main reasons I believe this is he went to Shannan's boyfriend and with him went back to look for her. Coletti is the wildcard - he knows a lot more than he's saying IMO.
As for debating the condition of SGg's remains...they could have been kept for awhile somewhere else...Duh ...Maybe not - but none of us knows what really happened. JMO - not personal LIN.
Here is a video I made giving a better feel of the Gilgo beach crime area. My gut feeling is that the perp is a small man between 5'3 and 5'7" and thin.

Wow that was really, really great!!!!! It is so useful to have that perspective. Great skill set to bring to the table.

The only thing was the X and O bracelet was found on the mother of the Baby Doe (or at least closely related), not on JD 6. And there's been much confusion with all that so don't feel bad!!!
I've been reading a lot lately about SKs and either John Douglas or Robert Ressler said that SKs with small frames often dismember bodies for easy transport, not solely to hinder identification.
Someone may want to correct me....but I'm pretty sure in an early interview with Pak he made mention of "Driving Back" after he got a call from Brewer that Shannan wouldn't leave.

Question...if he was her driver/protector....why would he have left oak beach.

In future interviews it was made out that he never left oak beach ...so which is it???

Could Brewer have been the money spinner...as in Big Money for a client with special needs willing to pay Pak to deliver Shannon to fill his special need.

Remember Michael Pak - Convicted for Flying a Chinese lady from Sri Lanka to Zurich then onto Dallas Airport (she had a false passport) Pak said he knew nothing....he was simply paid to help the woman English ??? How does that even make sense ..... This guy is a money for hire man....
Here is a video I made giving a better feel of the Gilgo beach crime area. My gut feeling is that the perp is a small man between 5'3 and 5'7" and thin.
it was a little erie. Watch the tape again. There seems to be a boat access area East of where most of the bodies were found. You can drive in and out of it. Its 5 min and 19 seconds into the video.
it was a little erie. Watch the tape again. There seems to be a boat access area East of where most of the bodies were found. You can drive in and out of it. Its 5 min and 19 seconds into the video.

Yep and I'm pretty sure there is a similar access to the west of where the Asian male was found. From memory I think locals said these walkways were used by people entering bayside who would then cross over the parkway (surfers etc)

Id have to double check but I think it was said only people on foot or someone on a small RV would be able to use the tracks..
Here is a video I made giving a better feel of the Gilgo beach crime area. My gut feeling is that the perp is a small man between 5'3 and 5'7" and thin.

Thank you that is beautifully done... helps to have a visual.

May be of no importance but the one thing I felt... (Yeah that gut thing) was there was a systemic way the bodies were disposed off... Like the killer may put victims into some sort of category and assign a location accordingly...not sure why I feel this way....Also made me curious if the toddler had some significant value in the killer's mind as it appears to be the only victim (In the video at least) that was left next to a identifiable marker as in the "Emergency stopping only Sign".
How far into the brush were they found? Were they all found a similar distance in?

The GB4 were closer to road, while the others were closer to the water.


The newest set of remains showed marked differences from the previous four victims. The bodies were not contained in burlap sacks, were placed a bit further from the road (not on the edge of the bramble but some thirty feet in from the highway), and had been there much longer than the first four bodies. Some of the victims had lain undiscovered for nearly a decade (later police would discover more bodies that had lain undiscovered for nearly 15 years).
How far into the brush were they found? Were they all found a similar distance in?

I believe they were all only a few feet into the brush.... I think it was even speculated they could have been tossed into the brush from the back of a vehicle....but I personally think he would have walked the bodies in - as it would have been to risky to toss them....risky as in the body (wrappings) getting caught on brush... then more readily seen.

That's something I found strange...how far off the road was the skull of Mum of toddler found (the one at Jones Beach)...do you know??

That's something I found strange...how far off the road was the skull of Mum of toddler found (the one at Jones Beach)...do you know??

Skull was right off an inroad in the bird sanctuary if I recall. It's in one of those articles. Would be great to have a video with them on it too!!! hint hint...
Skull was right off an inroad in the bird sanctuary if I recall. It's in one of those articles. Would be great to have a video with them on it too!!! hint hint...

Fieldnotes, I think you're confused about the mom and the Fire island Lady.

Mom's extremities were found only


The skull belongs to Fire Island Lady. Now, I have a question on that, I searched a lot but I couldn't find the answer.

Some sources say police officers just came accross the skull when they were walking the shore. On the other hand the sketch has hair, so that makes me think the head was in a bag or something. (that the hair was maintained)

My question is : Was the head/skull washed up or it was placed?

Anybody has info on that?
Yep... I didn't say it was the Mother's skull, Puggle did - but yes that's right Mother's remains were upper extremities I had always heard with no head. Which makes sense since that's where they found bracelets and no sketch was made. But it's just so weird she's not in NamUs. I feel like they lost her.
Yep... I didn't say it was the Mother's skull, Puggle did - but yes that's right Mother's remains were upper extremities I had always heard with no head. Which makes sense since that's where they found bracelets and no sketch was made. But it's just so weird she's not in NamUs. I feel like they lost her.

Right.. sorry ..

But the question still remains.. How come a skull (if it is waiting on the shore for 15 years) can have hair so that the FIL sketch has hair? Seems to me it should be in a bag or something.. Unfo, I can not confirm this.
I don't know if skull had hair or how they managed to come up with sketch. The Fire Island legs were in a plastic bag and so was skeleton of Mother. But I think head was just covered in sand.
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