Police say parents are not answering vital questions #3

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So far there has been none, plus if this was an abduction, how come no sightings of Lisa? If this child was alive, I would think at least someone would have seen her esp. after these many months.

It's Def. no looking good for DB/JI BUT they can stop this charade if they choose to and for some reason they choose not to.

They could come in for interviews and the LE could rule them in or out and LE could move on to other people, as long as DB/JI don't do that, they are going to be in the sights of LE. JMO.

That's one of my biggest questions iluvmua. Why have there been no sightings if Lisa was kidnapped? She would of been seen by someone by now imo. People don't usually show up at church or the grocery store or at friends homes with a strange baby.

My second question why won't the parents talk to LE? I can't wrap my head around parents of a missing baby not talking to LE for another round or questioning.
That's one of my biggest questions iluvmua. Why have there been no sightings if Lisa was kidnapped? She would of been seen by someone by now imo. People don't usually show up at church or the grocery store or at friends homes with a strange baby.

My second question why won't the parents talk to LE? I can't wrap my head around parents of a missing baby not talking to LE for another round or questioning.

BBM: there have been numerous sightings of little girls who looked like Pumpkin Pie. Up-thread has many links as well as MSM. I don't think she was kidnapped -- where's the ransom? Was it for some other purpose (crazy women who need a baby 'cause they've lied to their BFs for 9 months)?

Lisa's parents HAVE talked to LE & FBI . . . again, links are up-thread and available if vetted.

Facts are facts . . . where is Lisa?
If I'm someone who had never heard of Baby Lisa, and I watched this video, I'd come away with no clue what baby Lisa looks like. Half the interview was about Deborah, the last 2 minutes was thanking everyone, including "strangers" who started "facebook pages" for Lisa.

Not once did she lift the fliers sitting in her lap. IMO, she knows she's not out there to be found alive, so why show it. Yeah, I'm going to say it, they don't act like parents desperate to find their missing baby girl - they act like parents scared to death of being separated and busted.

BBM Almost all of us in the neighborhood were annoyed at Edith and her so-called vigils. They were sweet at first, but Edith and a couple of others turned them into anything BUT a vigil. A prayer vigil for Lisa should have been kept at just that, not a biotch fest that was anything but about Lisa. Most vigils are held in a public place and not in somebody's yard anyway. They were kind enough to let her have the last one she had already scheduled there. If they were truly doing it out of spite they could have just told her to go away and not even let her have the last one.
I don't see them as lieing. We haven't heard anything from LE even stating this at all.
And searching, that would be a bad idea for them to do. What if they found something? A LOT of people would just be screaming that it was planted and not real evidence and all.

Unless you and others you claim in the neighborhood were annoyed live next to or in close proximity to the house where the vigils were held, why were all of you annoyed?
That's one of my biggest questions iluvmua. Why have there been no sightings if Lisa was kidnapped? She would of been seen by someone by now imo. People don't usually show up at church or the grocery store or at friends homes with a strange baby.

My second question why won't the parents talk to LE? I can't wrap my head around parents of a missing baby not talking to LE for another round or questioning.

You must be specific - why haven't the parents talked to LE for the past three months. You see, they talked to LE for, depending on which attorney you listen to, 14 - 30 hours!

Good news though, there are new clues/developments in the case, according to Tac - and instead of taking these clues/developments straight to LE, they are going to take them to Dr. Phil. Makes perfect sense....if you're from PLANET MERLOT!
BBM: there have been numerous sightings of little girls who looked like Pumpkin Pie. Up-thread has many links as well as MSM. I don't think she was kidnapped -- where's the ransom? Was it for some other purpose (crazy women who need a baby 'cause they've lied to their BFs for 9 months)?

Lisa's parents HAVE talked to LE & FBI . . . again, links are up-thread and available if vetted.

Facts are facts . . . where is Lisa?

Crazy woman who needs a baby would kidnap a baby. Not a child who was a very large child for her age. No way to pass "baby Lisa" for a baby.
Crazy woman who needs a baby would kidnap a baby. Not a child who was a very large child for her age. No way to pass "baby Lisa" for a baby.


My daughter was 10 months old once....and just my experience, but if she were sound asleep and a stranger turned on all the lights, she would have made noise, lots of noise. Not only would the lights startle a baby who had been all warm and cozy in her bed, but to be taken out of the house, half naked, by this stranger who cops a squat in the woods to try and get on the Internet - then takes her for a gazillion mile walk in the cold night air -- would cause some fussiness.

Not a peep.
Yes, which is why I don't think, if anything bad happened to her in the house, that it was premeditated.

IIRC, she bought a wipes (not diapers) and a jar of baby food. IMO, Lisa could have passed by the time she went to the store. We have no credible sighting of her since Sunday when she visited Deb's family.

At no time have we EVER heard of a visit, nor seen a picture of any side of JI's family with this baby or with DB....but I digress.

The wipes and food could have been staged just like the window. How did the boys get to school on Monday morning? If JI works from early morning till 5:00pm (usually), who takes the boys to the bus stop. Has anyone ever seen DB walking the boys with Lisa in a stroller dropping off or picking them up? We have not heard one things about the routine that day except JI worked a night shift for the very first time. The very first time he leaves his daughter at night, she gets stolen. What a coincidence!

I wonder if something happened to LIsa the night before or during the day.
Again I clearly see your point and it does make good sense. I, as many others, would love to see the parents go in for another interview. I think a good many of us still on the fence will agree that their present lawyer has not always given them the best advice (take that for what it's worth, I'm no lawyer). Personally, I think they were much better off with the local female lawyer (name escapes me at the moment, long day today). And as for BS, someone really needs to kick his phoney rearend to the curb, if you want my honest opinion. He has done little as far as we've seen to further the investigation, or the public perception of the parents.

I think a fresh start with both parents, lawyers and LE is what is needed, regardless of who is responsible for Lisa's disappearance. And if they want to hire a PI, they really need to get someone that can get the job done, without bias, and without alternative motives. Of course the above is all MOO

Yes, I can agree to that. But I think you can understand the attitude of some of us here that it seems as if DB and JI don't want to find Lisa, or get their car fixed, if you will. They can hire another mechanic. . .hire a PI, like you have said, that will actually do something besides just promote himself. They can work with organizations that help with missing children. It just seems as if they are not interested, and that makes me question their motives. What really is their priority here? What do they REALLY want?

Yes, I can agree to that. But I think you can understand the attitude of some of us here that it seems as if DB and JI don't want to find Lisa, or get their car fixed, if you will. They can hire another mechanic. . .hire a PI, like you have said, that will actually do something besides just promote himself. They can work with organizations that help with missing children. It just seems as if they are not interested, and that makes me question their motives. What really is their priority here? What do they REALLY want?


In all fairness, about the lawyers and PI, DB and JI didn't hire them, but "a wealthy benefactor and friend of BS did". the rest I can totally agree with, or at least consider a very good arguement. Just because they did not hire them, doesn't mean they can't shut the door in their face, which personally I think they should, especially BS. I still can't fathom his role in all this. He said he had feet on the ground searching for leads, but that is about all we have heard from him. I would not buy a used car from this man. :waitasec:

I haven't ruled out that what JI said in the beginning as to who he thought may have been involved holds a major clue, but at this time I am not persuaded it was DB. I've had some suspicions since the case came to MSM which i have posted in a couple different threads, but still waiting for more information. when that time comes i may write a blog on it and elaborate.
I don't doubt that the police told DB she failed the polygraph. I do doubt, however, that she really did.

What I don't understand is why so many people think that LE told her she failed when she actually passed. If she passed, don't you think LE would "move on" like they did with JB? Why are they still so focused on her if she passed? :waitasec:
DB knows the results of her test. My understanding is LE can play a little with it for a brief tme but eventually the results are made known. She can get a copy of the results from what I understand.

She failed more than one question from her wording on TV but when pressed, she minimized it with one question, reporting it was the question concerning Lisa's whereabouts. In watching her, she is slick and tries to cover quite frequently. She is not fooling me.

I watched her and I listened carefully when she spoke about the cell phones. She never stated all three were not working. She said "one". She also minimized the theft of her phones, stating, "But I don't really care about that". She cared a great deal about them and attempted to confuse anyone that would listen about the phones. She even offered up that the person who took them just didn't want her to call 911 when they realized Lisa was gone.

This girl, IMO, is a very manipulative woman. I don't put much past her. We are told she doesn't have a DL...really? What happened? Why not? Does she drive anyway? I bet she does. Maybe she drove one of the vehicles when Lisa vanished..

Any of the locals here ever hear she was driving or do they think she sat in the house all day...every day?

BTW...if she passed the poly, Joe T and Joe P would be screaming it from the rooftops! We can be fairly certain she failed.
Anyone happen to know if JI drove that the company van, owned by his friend...every day or was that day special? I have seen a large white car and a large SUV parked in the Irwin driveway. Is Jeremy a licensed electrician? Or is he a journeyman in training? Has anyone actually sleuthed the parents? It doesn't appear like it was done.

Four months and there hasn't been any reporting on what this family did that day from early morning till 4:00pm. I wonder what kind of day Lisa had . I would love to hear all about it. We heard Lisa was sleeping @ 4l00pm, went back to sleep again. Wh DB observed her standing in her crib, she gave her a bottle and put her down (her words) @6:40. Never checked on her again.

In all fairness, about the lawyers and PI, DB and JI didn't hire them, but "a wealthy benefactor and friend of BS did". the rest I can totally agree with, or at least consider a very good arguement. Just because they did not hire them, doesn't mean they can't shut the door in their face, which personally I think they should, especially BS. I still can't fathom his role in all this. He said he had feet on the ground searching for leads, but that is about all we have heard from him. I would not buy a used car from this man. :waitasec:

I haven't ruled out that what JI said in the beginning as to who he thought may have been involved holds a major clue, but at this time I am not persuaded it was DB. I've had some suspicions since the case came to MSM which i have posted in a couple different threads, but still waiting for more information. when that time comes i may write a blog on it and elaborate.

It doesn't matter who is writing the attorney's check. An attorney can't represent you unless you agree to that. I notice a trend, posters who are still on the fence aren't very fond of JT et al. I actually think, going off the assumption that DB/JI are somehow involved, that JT et al has done a bang up job. I don't like them, but it's true they have done their job of defending and introducing some reasonable doubt to a potential jury pool.

So the observation is if the parents are not involved, then JT is not doing a good job, but if they are invovled than JT is doing a great job. And yet. . .much to the dismay of the fence sitters, DB/JI stick with JT. Why do you think that is? :waitasec:
It doesn't matter who is writing the attorney's check. An attorney can't represent you unless you agree to that. I notice a trend, posters who are still on the fence aren't very fond of JT et al. I actually think, going off the assumption that DB/JI are somehow involved, that JT et al has done a bang up job. I don't like them, but it's true they have done their job of defending and introducing some reasonable doubt to a potential jury pool.

So the observation is if the parents are not involved, then JT is not doing a good job, but if they are invovled than JT is doing a great job. And yet. . .much to the dismay of the fence sitters, DB/JI stick with JT. Why do you think that is? :waitasec:

Some of the posters on the fence aren't very fond of JT. Either way JT seems to be a fine choice.
If I'm someone who had never heard of Baby Lisa, and I watched this video, I'd come away with no clue what baby Lisa looks like. Half the interview was about Deborah, the last 2 minutes was thanking everyone, including "strangers" who started "facebook pages" for Lisa.

Not once did she lift the fliers sitting in her lap. IMO, she knows she's not out there to be found alive, so why show it. Yeah, I'm going to say it, they don't act like parents desperate to find their missing baby girl - they act like parents scared to death of being separated and busted.


This isn't a comment by me about whether the parents are guilty or not.

To be fair, unless you have seen the entire raw footage of this interview, you can't say that she never held up the flyers. She could have spent the first 20 minutes holding up those flyers and talking about Lisa, for all we know.

In any interview, in any case, you can't judge someone by what the media decides makes it to air.
Wasn't there billboards put up locally for BL? Wasn't the town blanketed with flyers?

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