Police say parents are not answering vital questions

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JHoltFox4KC John Holt
Breaking: John Picerno confirms to me he will represent family of missing Baby #LisaIrwin. Selected by NY firm led by Joseph Tacopina.
2 minutes ago


John Anthony Picerno, Experienced Trial Attorney
Municipal, State and Federal Criminal Defense

Mr. Picerno served as a law clerk for The Jackson County Public Defenders Office, Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri (1990-1992), while he attended law school. Upon graduation from law school (1992), Mr. Picerno served as a Judicial Law Clerk for The Honorable Donald L. Mason, (Retired) Jackson County Circuit Court (1993). After being admitted to The Missouri Bar, Mr. Picerno worked as an Assistant Special Public Defender for The Special Public Defenders Office in Jackson County, Missouri, where he represented individuals charged with a wide variety of crimes including, but not limited to, Murder, Robbery, Burglary, Rape, Kidnapping, and Drug Offenses. Mr. Picerno entered private practice in 1995 primarily focusing his practice in the area of criminal defense and civil litigation. Mr. Picerno is a member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

I don't know what "unrestricted" means to the different players in this case. Cyndi Short, who has since been dismissed by the parents, claimed it meant without an attorney. No one else has made that claim. Ms. Short is out of the picture so I disregard her statement, especially since her clients said she was releasing statements to the press without their advance notification.

My thoughts are that without a lawyer, there were questions that Debbi and/or Jeremy refused or were unable to answer to the satisfaction of LE officers trying to find their baby. It goes back to the "gaps" and "inconsistencies" referred to by Debbi and her father in MSM after Debbi broadcast that she was told she failed her LDT and LE was accusatory to her. Soon after the "I failed my poly and police were mean to me" media blitz, with no known official interviews in between, Debbi again did several media interviews and claimed to be drunk to the point of possible black out (ahh, so it's reasonable that she can't explain the gaps...).

Captain Young said one of the questions that the parents have not cooperated on to LE's satsifaction was who was coming and going from the house that night. Imo, that is a hugely important question when investigating a child abduction with an admittedly impaired parent in charge. If the parents can't or won't answer that question satisfactorily on their own (because Debbi doesn't know / or because it incriminates the parents / or because LE has evidence that the answers given were untruthful, but Debbi won't budge), then it's reasonable that their lawyers wouldn't permit them to answer the question either. LE may be restricted from pursuing that question, and others, whether the parents have an attorney present or not (the parents can refuse on their own). Just one example of the challenges that I fear this LE might be facing.

debate about lawyers and questioning can go here..... thanks
I don't see that it means without a lawyer present.

To me it means that the parents want to dictate ahead of time what questions they will and won't answer, and LE wants to be able to ask them all questions that they deem necessary.


making my way through this thread- but another way to look at it is that unrestricted may mean "without an attorney limiting LE to certain topics, methods, or behaviors." So, yes a Lawyer can be there to be sure you aren't completely abused- but they can't do what Lawyers do, and you may have to sweat a bit.

Just another interpretation.
I think the parents don't want to answer any questions that would tend to incriminate them, and that is certainly within their rights.
So, let's say the attorney goes with DB to the police interview with her attorney. LE asks the questions they want answered and the attorney advises DB which ones not to answer. While DB doesn't have to answer the question(s) we also know that now the attorney, whose client at this point is not a named suspect, has a good idea of how to go about defending DB if she does become a suspect.
What is the benefit to LE in this scenario?
I think the parents don't want to answer any questions that would tend to incriminate them, and that is certainly within their rights.
So, let's say the attorney goes with DB to the police interview with her attorney. LE asks the questions they want answered and the attorney advises DB which ones not to answer. While DB doesn't have to answer the question(s) we also know that now the attorney, whose client at this point is not a named suspect, has a good idea of how to go about defending DB if she does become a suspect.
What is the benefit to LE in this scenario?

LE hopes that the attorney will make an error and allow a question to be answered that maybe shouldn't be, or that the person being questioned will ignore his or her attorney's advice and answer a question anyway. They also will ask questions just to get a reaction,even if they know it won't get answered. It can show them where the vulnerabilities are. That's why attorneys usually request a copy of the questions that LE wants answered before the event takes place.
Some attorneys will even dictate where the questioning takes place.
Moving over from wrong thread (Thanks Nurse for bumping up!),

Putting aside, for the moment, what "unrestricted" means and what level of cooperation is being given by the parents, we know straight from Captn Young's mouth that LE needs more info about who was coming and going from the house that night. Very big and important piece of information when a baby has been taken. Right? So, at first, I think the story was that Debbi was at home with the kids, normal Monday night except dad was working, and she checked Lisa at 10:30 after earlier bathing and changing her and giving her a binky. Presumably, she then went to sleep only to be awakened by Jeremy to find Lisa missing. No holes, parents cooperating.

As questioning continued (and perhaps as a result of some LDT questions), it is determined that there are the "gaps and inconsistencies" that Debbi admitted she couldn't fill in days before she did the morning interviews about her drunkeness; the point at which the parents stopped official LE interviews conducted at the station. We now know that Debbi actually left the baby unchecked for at least 9 hours. We now know that at least a neighbor was at the house drinking with Debbi. We now know that Debbi feels she might have blacked out. Whole new ball game. We know that statistically the perp is a family member or someone who knows the family in some way.

Now, LE REALLY needs to know what happened during those gaps, maybe somebody was there and left with the baby! But, the parents aren't answering to LE's satisfaction about the comings and goings that night/morning. Why? Debbi and Jeremy are acutely aware of the fact that Jersey, Megan, and Mr. Brando have been interviewed multiple times. They know LE is looking at other people. Why then are they not down at the station answering questions and letting LE help Debbi to possibly remember details - LE may have gathered info that could spur her recollection during the course of their interviews and investiation. How do the parents know that LE doesn't have information that might help them determine that one of these folks (or others that are on the LE radar whom we haven't heard about) was involved? Sure, the parents may be anwering some questions about possible leads, but if they are not open to LE and aren't working to clear themselves, LE can't show them everything they have. I can't reconcile why these parents aren't grasping at every lead and offering themselves up to aid in the investigation like their baby's life depends upon it (because it does). They have to know that at least these 3 folks have been questioned hard, it's been all over the press.

This leads me to fear that the parents know what happened to Lisa. If they know what didn't happen or who isn't involved (which appears to be the case to me by their continued lack of full cooperation after knowing for a fact that they are not the only people being looked at by LE), then they must know what did happen, imo. If they did not know, they would want to tell LE everything about that night/morning in desperate desire to help LE put the pieces together and lead them to the perp that leads them to Lisa. Imo, they would be open to LE under any conditions upon hearing about LE investigating other possible perps (unless those possible perps are connected to the disappearance through the parents). Imo, they would take themselves and their lawyer in for questioning immediately, letting their lawyer know that they want to answer all questions and that he is only there to witness and protect them if they feel LE is being abusive.

Moving over from wrong thread (Thanks Nurse for bumping up!),

Putting aside, for the moment, what "unrestricted" means and what level of cooperation is being given by the parents, we know straight from Captn Young's mouth that LE needs more info about who was coming and going from the house that night. Very big and important piece of information when a baby has been taken. Right? So, at first, I think the story was that Debbi was at home with the kids, normal Monday night except dad was working, and she checked Lisa at 10:30 after earlier bathing and changing her and giving her a binky. Presumably, she then went to sleep only to be awakened by Jeremy to find Lisa missing. No holes, parents cooperating.

As questioning continued (and perhaps as a result of some LDT questions), it is determined that there are the "gaps and inconsistencies" that Debbi admitted she couldn't fill in days before she did the morning interviews about her drunkeness; the point at which the parents stopped official LE interviews conducted at the station. We now know that Debbi actually left the baby unchecked for at least 9 hours. We now know that at least a neighbor was at the house drinking with Debbi. We now know that Debbi feels she might have blacked out. Whole new ball game. We know that statistically the perp is a family member or someone who knows the family in some way.

Now, LE REALLY needs to know what happened during those gaps, maybe somebody was there and left with the baby! But, the parents aren't answering to LE's satisfaction about the comings and goings that night/morning. Why? Debbi and Jeremy are acutely aware of the fact that Jersey, Megan, and Mr. Brando have been interviewed multiple times. They know LE is looking at other people. Why then are they not down at the station answering questions and letting LE help Debbi to possibly remember details - LE may have gathered info that could spur her recollection during the course of their interviews and investiation. How do the parents know that LE doesn't have information that might help them determine that one of these folks (or others that are on the LE radar whom we haven't heard about) was involved? Sure, the parents may be anwering some questions about possible leads, but if they are not open to LE and aren't working to clear themselves, LE can't show them everything they have. I can't reconcile why these parents aren't grasping at every lead and offering themselves up to aid in the investigation like their baby's life depends upon it (because it does). They have to know that at least these 3 folks have been questioned hard, it's been all over the press.

This leads me to fear that the parents know what happened to Lisa. If they know what didn't happen or who isn't involved (which appears to be the case to me by their continued lack of full cooperation after knowing for a fact that they are not the only people being looked at by LE), then they must know what did happen, imo. If they did not know, they would want to tell LE everything about that night/morning in desperate desire to help LE put the pieces together and lead them to the perp that leads them to Lisa. Imo, they would be open to LE under any conditions upon hearing about LE investigating other possible perps (unless those possible perps are connected to the disappearance through the parents). Imo, they would take themselves and their lawyer in for questioning immediately, letting their lawyer know that they want to answer all questions and that he is only there to witness and protect them if they feel LE is being abusive.


great postt :woohoo: i couldn't agree more,they've dug themselves a heck of a big whole.
I don't know what "unrestricted" means to the different players in this case. Cyndi Short, who has since been dismissed by the parents, claimed it meant without an attorney. No one else has made that claim. Ms. Short is out of the picture so I disregard her statement, especially since her clients said she was releasing statements to the press without their advance notification.

My thoughts are that without a lawyer, there were questions that Debbi and/or Jeremy refused or were unable to answer to the satisfaction of LE officers trying to find their baby. It goes back to the "gaps" and "inconsistencies" referred to by Debbi and her father in MSM after Debbi broadcast that she was told she failed her LDT and LE was accusatory to her. Soon after the "I failed my poly and police were mean to me" media blitz, with no known official interviews in between, Debbi again did several media interviews and claimed to be drunk to the point of possible black out (ahh, so it's reasonable that she can't explain the gaps...).

Captain Young said one of the questions that the parents have not cooperated on to LE's satsifaction was who was coming and going from the house that night. Imo, that is a hugely important question when investigating a child abduction with an admittedly impaired parent in charge. If the parents can't or won't answer that question satisfactorily on their own (because Debbi doesn't know / or because it incriminates the parents / or because LE has evidence that the answers given were untruthful, but Debbi won't budge), then it's reasonable that their lawyers wouldn't permit them to answer the question either. LE may be restricted from pursuing that question, and others, whether the parents have an attorney present or not (the parents can refuse on their own). Just one example of the challenges that I fear this LE might be facing.


To be fair, I don't think anyone else was in contact with LE trying to work out the details of a further interrogation. LE and Ms. Short were in communication. LE has refused to publicly give the details of what they mean by "unrestricted" - so you in fact won't be able to hear from anyone else besides Ms. Short what their terms were.
I just can' t believe that going on 5 weeks later, the parents still can't find a way to meet with LE and just clarify (if they can) whatever it is LE needs to know. Their baby is either deceased, with someone getting away with murder, or is growing and will soon no longer resemble the photos that have been released. The whole premise of their rights being protected, their disdain of LE daring to accuse them, etc. etc. etc. is just so beyond my comprehension in a case like this that I am (almost) speechless.
Who have we heard was in the house that day?

DB: DNA swab taken?
JI: DNA swab taken?
Oldest boy: No DNA swab taken
Younger boy: No DNA swab taken
SBrando: DNA swab taken?
PN? (DB's brother who drives her to the store): DNA swab taken?
Teen neighbor: DNA swab taken. This is the only one I know for sure.

Anyone else?

SBrando's daughter: DNA swab taken?
What is the exact reason Tacopina, Short, Perconi and the Law Professor were retained?

Was is because the Po Po were mistreating the parents? If that is the case, why don't they ask the FBI to interview them? If the parents retained lawyers because of the LE's words, I am sure that LE would not call them names if the parents would answer easy questions.

Let's say they did call them names...Would that be a reason to stop co-operating and resist finding your daughter. There is not one of us that would stop because of name calling or our feelings being hurt. Who Cares? No innocent parent would give a darn about what LE thinks of them. They want to find their baby.

This exact behavior was exhibited in Satsuma Florida when Ron Cummings and his wife, Misty Croslin stopped cooperating with LE. Misty said that she was treated in a rude manner. When two people hole like this, they are hiding something. I am not being fair some liberal thinkers may say. I say I don't have to be fair; I happen to have seen this situation before. I would venture to say that it is a very very long shot that any innocent parent hired a criminal defense attorney/Law professor within a day of their child gone missing.

If the Lisa situation happened in a normal relationship, the father would have doubts about what actually happened and be suspicious that maybe the mother did something. If any of us left our child with an addict/drunk and the child came up missing, I am pretty sure that none of us would be supportive of the addict/drunk, FGS!
This is pure craziness to me. If this happened to me, I would have had my kids there talking to LE, telling them everything they heard so we could have our complete family back. One little girl missing is as important to protect as two little boys! Come on, already!! I may stand alone on this but I want a court order to get those swabs on the boys and also speak to a child specialist in LE! Is a court order that hard to get for something like this? This just makes me sick to my stomach that this has happened, gone on for so long, and the parents not cooperating nor letting their children cooperate. I don't for one instance believe that these people, Debbi and Jeremy, are so stupid that they are just doing what the attorney is telling them to do. I believe they are doing it to save their own hide! It's disgusting.

I'm new and very curious about something. If the DNA swabs are done on the children, and then LE goes on to their other parent for a DNA swab, that doesn't have custody of them, would it show if perhaps Jeremy and Sean aren't the natural parents of these children?

What is in it for Jeremy Irwin to not cooperate w/LE?
What is in it for Deborah Bradley to not cooperate w/LE?

LE is no longer doing an active search to find the baby. Apparently JI & DB are fine with that. After all, they don't want to take the chance that LE might think THEY are responsible. According to this reasoning, their feelings are much more important than anything LE or the FBI could do for them.

They are making sure the public knows that the LE are bad and rude to them. They have chosen to malign the police...to make sure it gets done..They have retained several attorneys and a Spokesman, not related or close to the family in any way to speak for them. They are going to fight back and let the world know about the bad Po Po...and that it is just not possible to talk with them because LE are meanies. The heck with finding their daughter, they must protect themselves.
This is pure craziness to me. If this happened to me, I would have had my kids there talking to LE, telling them everything they heard so we could have our complete family back. One little girl missing is as important to protect as two little boys! Come on, already!! I may stand alone on this but I want a court order to get those swabs on the boys and also speak to a child specialist in LE! Is a court order that hard to get for something like this? This just makes me sick to my stomach that this has happened, gone on for so long, and the parents not cooperating nor letting their children cooperate. I don't for one instance believe that these people, Debbi and Jeremy, are so stupid that they are just doing what the attorney is telling them to do. I believe they are doing it to save their own hide! It's disgusting.

I'm new and very curious about something. If the DNA swabs are done on the children, and then LE goes on to their other parent for a DNA swab, that doesn't have custody of them, would it show if perhaps Jeremy and Sean aren't the natural parents of these children?

WELCOME!!!!! :seeya:

BBM :)

Wow, never gave it that much thought, but you know, it sure would fit with the way she is acting. That would be SO damning to DB. and to top it off, it makes the fact that she is still married to Sean, a little bit better to understand. On the flip side of that, he could request DNA at anytime, if he believes DB's son isn't Seans. WOW--talk about the Drama that would create. Maybe that is the secret? just speculating, of course. (don't know if i believe it myself, but it certainly would clear just a few things up) JMO
Who have we heard was in the house that day?

DB: DNA swab taken?
JI: DNA swab taken?
Oldest boy: No DNA swab taken
Younger boy: No DNA swab taken
SBrando: DNA swab taken?
PN? (DB's brother who drives her to the store): DNA swab taken?
Teen neighbor: DNA swab taken. This is the only one I know for sure.

Anyone else?

SBrando's daughter: DNA swab taken?

IMO, this is why the boys should be submitted to the DNA swab. IF the first four are eliminated, that only leaves a select few. But b/c they won't submit to it, they remain on the suspect list..IMO, JMO.
Sure makes you wonder why the parents won't allow the kids to get swabbed...hmm.

Is it a fact that DB's husband only lives 13 miles from Kansas City? How close are he and DB? I also would like to know the real status of Jeremy and Deborah. Were they really happy? I somehow think there is a story to be told.

I also think there is a very close relationship with DB and her brother Phil. I am not sure about he other brother. Did either brother reside in that house on N Lister w/the parents? When did the brother leave after dropping DB off? Did he return? Does he know Jersey? Was jersey in the house and use the phone that night?

One of our newest members wrote a post about the perp and the cells? Jeremy said they were taken so that the parents couldn't call for help....how in the world did the perp know there were no land lines? Many, many people have land lines.

Whatever questions LE has in store for the parents, it's darn sure the two parents are not interested in answering. This case is looking more and more like the one in Satsuma..
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