Police think George, Lee, and Cindy know more than they are telling!

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You all are talking GREAT points here and they line up perfectly with the Cocoamom theory #2 thread!! Would you guys come there and post some of this excellent info? I'm having a hard time getting some of them to see that Caylee may have still been in the car on July 15, that GA may have done something with the body, that CA knew all about this and the excited and tragic "sounding" 911 calls were all an act!

Please visit the theory #2 thread! I think LE needs to read WS more often too!! But maybe they already know this stuff?
Did I read or hear somewhere that LE has a secret witness?
That would be news; that is inter sting to me, if that is true that Is a good job. :clap:
I was on to the Anthony's from day one as many here have been.
Without a body there is no case, no evidence, week case at best.
What we see as obvious does not rule in the court of law, and they wont even give a garment to the search team to find the baby. IF they are so sure that Caylee is alive they'd have nothing to lose by providing a garment. If they are so sure that the credit card purchases would not incriminate Casey in any way they would hand it over. Since George is an ex LE he knows the ropes and that car should have never been cleaned.
As I have said from the start: IMHO It was a family affair in order to save Casey.
To SuzieQ:

No, I do not have any pattern of EPass account. I have EPass for the green SUV of Cindy's but it looks like she drove the G's car also. I have June and July. GA changed jobs during this time too.

I will continue to look..it would be interesting.

Keep us posted.
You all are talking GREAT points here and they line up perfectly with the Cocoamom theory #2 thread!! Would you guys come there and post some of this excellent info? I'm having a hard time getting some of them to see that Caylee may have still been in the car on July 15, that GA may have done something with the body, that CA knew all about this and the excited and tragic "sounding" 911 calls were all an act!

Please visit the theory #2 thread! I think LE needs to read WS more often too!! But maybe they already know this stuff?

Actually I think it's possible that if GA removed Caylee from the car, that he did it without Cindy's knowledge. Therefore Cindy called 911 without GA's knowledge. If Cindy had known, I don't think she would have called 911 at all and would they would have swept it under the rug and told everyone that Caylee was adopted or whatever story they wanted.
Exactly Peace,

But either of these two women are candidates for legal xanax, IMO.

That video, though, tonight, gave me the weebie-jeebies when that precious child placed that cloth over her nose and was blinking her eyes.

I hope I am just reading too much into this.

OMG, I can't believe someone noticed this besides me. I caught this one day while watching the video with my husband, and he was so disturbed by my suggestion that Caylee looked, to me, like she was very familiar with the habit of placing fabric over her nose and breathing in... You're right, it was just the way she was blinking when was doing it. It was chilling, definitely. Now my husband thinks I'm reading too much into that video, and I know kids play around with stuff all the time (I have a 2 year old, but I can honestly say sitting at the table she has never played with the tablecloth the same way Caylee did) but it's important to me, because #1- It was the last day anyone other than her family saw her alive, and #2- It really looked like she was "acting out" with the tablecloth an action that had been seen/performed before. This is so long... I'm sorry. But if this is true, and it comes out that KC really did chloroform her daughter, then my heart will break some more for this precious child that was just doing what she knew her mommy "taught" her.
Sort of O/T here and sorry if this has been talked about previously. I for one would like to know why LA and KC were high fiving. I think LA is the one that knows more than he is telling. I think CA may have cleaned the car as she did the pants. I think GA now feels Caylee is gone but I think KC, LA and CA have kept him out of the loop on everything. Even before all of this went down. I think that CA rules the roost in that house and the reason she is continuing her behavior is because she feels guilty for possibly giving KC and ultimatum that last weekend little Caylee was seen.
So why is the police not questioning GA and CA again?
They should certainly be held accountable for everything they have said in the media. LE should question them about this Caylee alive theory for sure.

LE cannot question someone against their will. That might be inconvenient at this moment, but that's the way it works.

JMO, I think there will be an obstruction charge - or perhaps even an accessory charge coming against one or more of the Ants in the future. It will be much easier once Casey is convicted.

I don't think LE really has any alternative. If they don't, people all over the place will think acting this way is a great method for getting away with crimes.
I wish the media would wise up and stop fueling the media-attention obsession the A's now have. If the A's didn't have such an eager audience for all their rantings and ravings, maybe they'd start facing reality and this outrageous behavior of theirs would stop, or at least be limited to the confines of their own home. I personally won't watch any more of their appearances or be one of the members of their audience. My blood pressure just can't take it anymore.

I have to admit I find this ironic. If it were't for all the media attention, most of us would be going about our daily lives, blissfully unaware that Caylee Anthony had even disappeared. Unfortunately, it's impossible for everyone to agree on where to draw the line between actual news and broadcasting the family's every off-guard musing or complaint.
It is odd that this info is breaking now, after all of this time. Is it a deliberate leak or an unauthorized leak? Is LE leaking it to put pressure on the A's or is it a last chance type warning to them that if they don't start talking that they too may be up on charges?
this might be ot here, but...did the police dig up the a's backyard after the dog hits? what if kc buried caylee's clothes with decomp smell on them in the backyard with the borrowed shovel. but left her in the trunk moved into a trashbag? this could be why she made the strange comment about "not even being her clothes", ca and ga do yardwork, place pavers and lime the grass and why there was only 2.6 days of decomp in the fbi lab results. she only laid out for that many days in the trunk before she was moved into a leakproof plastic bag and later she disposed of this in a dumpster since it looked like a bag of trash and since dumpsters smell bad anyway?

what do y'all think?

"Police think George, Lee, and Cindy know more than they are telling!"

I've also noticed what I think is a pattern of long periods of sunshine followed by darkness, then, the pattern repeats itself.

Anyone else? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?
Does anyone wonder if there is anything corrupt about LE that keeps the A's or KC from talking? There are bad people in every profession - bad lawyers (I had a boss who was shooting up in the office and stealing from me), bad doctors, bad accountants, etc. I know we all love Yuri and I think that the initial interrogations of KC were great but after that, they just mellowed way too much for my taste.

No. I think they are smart enough to realize the kind of personalities they were dealing with and treat them accordingly.
The fact that George is an ex-cop helps them alot. LE is notorious for protecting each other. I'm not saying that's the case here but they have been very sugary with the A's and I suspect this has something to do with it.

I don't believe that LE would be overly solicitious of a former LE from another state, whose daughter is accused of murder. This became a BIG story very quickly. I think LE made every effort to bring the Ants around and, once they realized that wasn't going to happen, they worked around them.

"Police think George, Lee, and Cindy know more than they are telling!"

I've also noticed what I think is a pattern of long periods of sunshine followed by darkness, then, the pattern repeats itself.

Anyone else? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

thinking the same. also thinking something major is up with the atty quitting---I think LE is getting tired and their patience is running out....the A's just don't get it--- :bang: jmo
How long, I wonder, can you keep someone in jail for contempt? Can you imagine what a cause celeb she would be? Talk about your circuses. Ugh.

Just thinking but can't they use "evidence" from her own mouth (interviews, etc.) and even if she pleads the fifth - they have her on tape lying constantly. So perhaps they can run a stream (like 911 tape) and ask "Was that you saying the car smelled like a dead damn body was in it" and CA pleads the fifth - the information is still available to the jury. Again, just thinking.
How long, I wonder, can you keep someone in jail for contempt? Can you imagine what a cause celeb she would be? Talk about your circuses. Ugh.

Just thinking but can't they use "evidence" from her own mouth (interviews, etc.) and even if she pleads the fifth - they have her on tape lying constantly. So perhaps they can run a stream (like 911 tape) and ask "Was that you saying the car smelled like a dead damn body was in it" and CA pleads the fifth - the information is still available to the jury. Again, just thinking.
<<Your comment about KC's immaturity is interesting. Even the experts in the media and some posters here have forgotten that KC is a 22 year old adult. I've even caught myself doing this.>>

I think it's also interesting the way CA talks to Casey. Like on the phone call from jail, "I don't know what you're involvement is sweeetheaaart". That sounded like a mother speaking to a small child. Not a 22 year old young adult. Also in the interview with TonE when CA shows up at the apartment for Casey, she tells Casey "get your stuff, you're leaving" or somthing like that. Casey protests but does exactly what CA tells her to do.

To me, Cindy sounded like a mother who knew from experience that getting the truth from Casey can only happen IF Casey has no reason to be on the defensive.

A mother who has to placate her child in order to NOT start a big fight and kill any chance at a civil discussion.

This whole family probably had YEARS of experience trying not to set off Casey & having yet another family war.

I bet Casey was ONLY happy when she had her whole family at each others necks because of some stupid thing she had said or done. She's the instigator who enjoyed having everyone fighting because of her.

And now she's STILL able to control this whole family as long as she never tells them the truth.

On WESH-Channel 2, Amanda Ober reported that George Anthony had learned of more than 1,200 compromising photos of Casey. "She's done some bad things," George says of the photos. "I got even sick about that. I thought I knew my daughter."

The dirt on Casey just never seems to stop!!
Actually I think it's possible that if GA removed Caylee from the car, that he did it without Cindy's knowledge. Therefore Cindy called 911 without GA's knowledge. If Cindy had known, I don't think she would have called 911 at all and would they would have swept it under the rug and told everyone that Caylee was adopted or whatever story they wanted.
can you imagine
or even told everyone she was living with her father
and they don't wish to divuldge who the father is so there would be no way of know if it was true or not
I think equally important in this article is Cindy's quote that law enforcement doesn't believe the evidence found in the car's trunk is proof that Caylee is dead or that Casey killed her.
I thought more of you would also comment on that statement. Do any of you believe LE would tell Cindy this or is this just something from CindyLand?

At worst, I think they might have tried to tell her something gently. But I really think that's only true in Cindyland.

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