POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

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What is your theory in Kyron's disappearance?

  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was unplanned, an accident.

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was planned.

    Votes: 43 15.8%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was unplanned and DeDe was called for help

    Votes: 38 13.9%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was planned and DeDe helped plan it.

    Votes: 108 39.6%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron. (Stranger being ANYONE except Terri, DeDe or accomplice.)

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around the school grounds

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds.

    Votes: 12 4.4%
  • No idea

    Votes: 47 17.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I think that Terri hatched this plot all by herself and did not have any intention of putting herself at risk by involving a second person. She knew of the science fair because it was an annual event for the school. She knew that people were more focused on their own kids work when the went to one of these, and she counted on crowds in some places, and little foot traffic in others. I hope that these projects were merely a traditional way of allowing students to be creative, or even of having no set standards for students who didn't put much time or effert into their project. Hopefully, these projects were not imeant to graded. She made sure that Kyron's project was a "standout" as that would make people less inclined to go up to them and congratulate him on "his" project. Sometimes it was good to be ignored. Terri probably knew to to work a crowd. I am not convinced that Terri had babyK with her at the school. I also am unable to find a single article on the net about this fair that doesn't mention Kyron. No pre-publicity, no previous fairs, standards, etc. - odd that nothing alludes to this annual event. I believe that Terri got Kyron to leave by an exit door which had not encouraged a lot of parents leaving at the time. so it was probably before any warning bells sounded. I don't believe that he told her he was "going to his classroom" and that she watched him headed that way. She probably told Kyron that she needed something in the truck, and asked him to get it for her. That way, she could face away from the door and watch to make sure nobody noticed Kyron leaving. Then Terri made her way out the door. It was the door to the parking lot so she wouldn't have encountered anybody coming in. Had anyone noticed them leaving, she would have the DR. appt. as a handy excuse, then later claimed she was "mistaken", so much going on, blah blah blah.
I don't know if she immediately went to her killing field then, but probably she was wanting to get it over and done with quickly. Maybe she hadn't decided on a "drop off" site at that time. Had to scout out the areas to find one with no humans to see her.
The only part that still is puzzling is the time slot that fits in with the time slot that her friend DeDe also had no excuse for also. Maybe Terri dragged DeDe into this after the fact, because she couldn't get Kyron's body close enought to deep water, or deep ravines, or whatever.
This is IMO, and I suppose people could/will shoot holes in this theory. That's okay, I am just stretching my brain to think of something that makes sense. Nothing does, to be honest. Wish we had more facts to help us speculate.
If TH killed/stashed Kyron, why did she take him to school that morning only to sneak him out again? The last person to see Kyron is obviously going to be under a great deal of scrutiny. Why go out of your way to make sure you are that person? She couldn't assume that no one would see Kyron leaving with her, or that she would know it if someone did. She couldn't assume the school wouldn't call her or Kaine to report Kyron absent, or to confirm that he was at a doctor's appointment.

Taking Kyron to school and immediately sneaking him out again without the school realizing something is amiss is a plan so fraught with risk, I don't see how anybody could envision it being successful ahead of time.

There's been a lot of discussion on how TH may have pulled off this daring plan that had no chance of working. I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts on why she (allegedly) bothered. Surely there were much easier ways.
If TH killed/stashed Kyron, why did she take him to school that morning only to sneak him out again? The last person to see Kyron is obviously going to be under a great deal of scrutiny. Why go out of your way to make sure you are that person? She couldn't assume that no one would see Kyron leaving with her, or that she would know it if someone did. She couldn't assume the school wouldn't call her or Kaine to report Kyron absent, or to confirm that he was at a doctor's appointment.

Taking Kyron to school and immediately sneaking him out again without the school realizing something is amiss is a plan so fraught with risk, I don't see how anybody could envision it being successful ahead of time.

There's been a lot of discussion on how TH may have pulled off this daring plan that had no chance of working. I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts on why she (allegedly) bothered. Surely there were much easier ways.

well, just for starters, the plan has worked fine for almost two months. Assuming that the onlygoal was to be rid of KH and Ky and not get caught.

She would take him to school to set up the excuse of having left him there, in their care, not hers. I think that's obvious. There are other, better plans, of course, but that is definitely A plan. And it also involves significant potential liability on the part of the school district in the event one were inclined to capitalize off such a tragedy. Having him wander off lost isn't as potentially lucrative. jmoo
If TH killed/stashed Kyron, why did she take him to school that morning only to sneak him out again? The last person to see Kyron is obviously going to be under a great deal of scrutiny. Why go out of your way to make sure you are that person? She couldn't assume that no one would see Kyron leaving with her, or that she would know it if someone did. She couldn't assume the school wouldn't call her or Kaine to report Kyron absent, or to confirm that he was at a doctor's appointment.

Taking Kyron to school and immediately sneaking him out again without the school realizing something is amiss is a plan so fraught with risk, I don't see how anybody could envision it being successful ahead of time.

There's been a lot of discussion on how TH may have pulled off this daring plan that had no chance of working. I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts on why she (allegedly) bothered. Surely there were much easier ways.

Not so bold maybe , imo. TH knew the school. As other posters have said, she may have taken Kyron's picture earlier than she said she did. When did TH set up his project? IDK.

She took a different stairs going out. Kyron was not with her then, by her own admission. TH may have told Kyron to go to the truck for something or another and wait for her there. There are too many details we don't have.

This case is very confusing. It doesn't add up.
Okay this is a rough draft of my theory of what happened on June 4th. First, I am going to state what my opinion is on IMO Terri's "greatest" mistake in planning and executing this (its much like Aedry's in the planning was much easier than how realistically it ended up being)..

As some have speculated that Terri's lack of having all her "ducks in a row" when speaking of her lack of having her "story straight" for the day in question for some seems to give reason to lean towards her innocence in Kyron's disappearance. As in that if she had planned out Kyron's "disappearance" as so many of us believe that she did, then why would she not have gotten air tight alibis, etc for that timeframe in question on June 4th? I know for some this makes them really question was she involved?

IMO Terri is involved in "whatever" happened to Kyron on June 4th and I too(as does DY and TY) think that it was a long time coming as far as Terri planning for Kyron's disappearance and deciding ahead of time that specific day[IMO most likely because of chaotic/hectic nature of an event such as science fair]is why she planned it for that specific day. As others have alluded its quite possible that there may have been 1 or 2 other "attempts" on other specific hectic or chaotic days of this school year, but any number of things could've gone wrong and made her have to wait for another opportunity. IMO she was desperate to make June 4th work.

It was her last chance, as there were only a few days of school left and her plan IMO had to have the most important detail, that Kyron must "disappear" from school. IMO this took all suspiscion off of Terri. As she thought she had come up with a perfect scenario that would leave her COMPLETELY AND ABSOLUTELY BLAMELESS, that the school would be under the full blame and suspicion of the staff and teachers not adequately protecting the young children of Skyline.

This exact detail of Terri's plan IMO is the very reason for Terri's ducks seemingly not in a row for those several hours on June 4th. I think Terri took little effort of making herself an alibi(tho she did make sure she had one stores, gym, etc) but nothing AIRTIGHT for which she realized much too late was MOST DEFINITELY NEEDED AIRTIGHT ALIBIS FOR TERRI FOR EVERY SECOND OF EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY HOUR THAT IS IN QUESTION OF JUNE 4TH.

That said, I believe her plan "included" the taking of the truck on Thurs "to set up project". IMO this took care of any suspicion that MAY had risen if say she "took project" in Mustang&then suddenly NEEDED truck to "pick up project". One aspect I do very much question that we have been told by DY&KH is the fact of baby K being at the school the morning(dont know why they'd not tell this piece of info but possibly it plays a larger role than what we know?)I find it more than odd that NO ONE, not even PTA Zimmerman EVER mentions a WORD of baby K&just as odd the flier w/ Kyron, Terri, and the TRUCK asking did u see them, to "jog" ppls memories, NOT A WORD of baby K.. So that is one aspect I have theories that split for either way...

As I said I believe that Terri prolly had "attempted" this atleast once this school yr&it failed for whatever reason. She had to make the 4th WORK! I think she had a near perfect plan for her&Kyron NOT being seen leaving together. I think she planned well, as in she made sure they were seen touring around together, happy fam pix in front of project, I think she planned for him to be seen slao WITHOUT her, as in the older boy seeing Kyron in gym w/out Terri&states he saw white truck in lot, also. Tho, the times are not allowed to be released but IMO this kid did prolly see that white truck some time near the time he saw Kyron, because I believe whole heartedly SHE WAS STILL there, tho not WITH Ky, she wanted to make sure he was seen w/out her, too, for it to work. There could be a1000 excuses that she could have told Kyron for having him come outside to meet her(IMO it was the Dr.appt)I think she said something to the effect of Ky, u enjoy walking around looking at projects I have to go_____, and at 8:55(or whatever time, we know nothing definite as they won't release a LE timeline)come out this specific door for me to meet you and take u to the dr. she could've told him not to tell anyone because possibly he was getting some sort of "testing" done(tho I am NOT STATING FACT, RATHER AM GIVING AN EXAMPLE OF WHY SHE COULD ALMOST GUARANTEE HIM NOT TELLING BECAUSE OF SHAME OR EMBARRASSMENT of why he was having to go to dr)...

I think Kyron did just as he was told, I think Terri knew that he would, afterall he was a good little boy. I think its possible that as they left she prolly questioned him "heavily", possibly even angrily to scare him into telling the truth "if" he had told a lil friend about his appt. maybe saying there would be a very bad punishment if&when she found out from the friend or mom that Kyron had told.
[a 7yr old would believe all of this including feeling "shame" if she told him that it was negative/embarrassing& that he'd be made fun of or not liked if ppl knew, a 7yr old would DEFINITELY believe this]...

I think that is very close possibly to what happened and I think she was so DESPERATE to make it work that day that because evereything "looked" as if it had gone as planned and she felt confident about it. My theory does take into major consideration that Terri NEVER truly believed it WOULD ALL COME DOWN ON HER. I think at the point of them being off campus that she thought she was "homefree"..[makes me so very sad] for Kyron..

That is the first part of my theory at this time (which if and when given more, new, and detailed info it could change) but at this time with what lil we know I feel it could be something quite similar that happened and was Terri's plan for that particular aspect of the "disappearance" concerning the school...

Continued on following post...
.. continued from above post of "My Theory"..

I left off with Terri leaving the school with Kyron and Terri feeling confident in her plan being successful (and again my belief is that Terri NEVER EVER planned for or thought that the suspicion would fall so heavily on her).. So, IMO Terri was quite confident and proceeded with Part 2 of her plan of Kyron's disappearance,

I think that Terri had already planned for this very much in advance. IMO she already had the majority of the "manual Labor" done prior to this day (Remember Kaine has stated that during those hours that Kaine worked on a daily basis that he could not tell you where or what Terri did, that before now there had been no reason to ever check to see) IMO Terri was able to get alot prepared and done during this time frame while Kaine was at work daily and Kyron at school.

Its IMO that she possibly dug a grave at a place that wouldn't be known to the family. I think that is somewhere not in the "near" vicinity of the home&school but not too far away either.(Although this could be anywhere within a fairly short driving distance due to the time restraints she had that day) I also think that it is INDEED Private Property that is owned by someone Terri either knows or knows of this place thru someone she knows (IMO quite possibly thru DD, that would make sense as to why DD relatives properties being searched).. But not necessarily thru DD and I think its important to add that whomevers property that she did use that they more than likely have NO CLUE WHATSOEVER that Terri did this. (Think about the vast areas of land, field, woods that some ppl have on their property. Areas that for months or even years are not even seen or walked on by anyone[ Morgan Harrington comes to mind&the huge acreage that her body was left for many many months unnoticed by anyone&only cause of major storms damaging the property was the area even looked at when she was found]... To me this more than possible to be a similar case for where Kyron is...

I think that Terri killed Kyron. I do not know nor does anyone except Terri and whoever she has involved(if even by just telling about it)BUT THATS AN IF Terri involved or told anyone.. There really is no way of even speculating how he died with what lil we know but I am leaning towards something such as strangulation for reasons such as its not something that would have left a whole lot of DNA as other manners would. IMO it would have taken place outside of the truck, at or near the pre determined location. near enough that she would not put Kyron back into the truck which would have lead to possible DNA(death band on the hair) and certainly enough scent for the cadaver dogs to pick up on (I believe it was butterfly1978 that found the data stating that dogs can pick up the scent of deceased person from after 2mins they have died) because of these things I do not think she ever placed Kyron at, in, or near the truck after she killed him. She would only be "dirty" from the covering up of the burial site, which IMO could be easily taken care of. I think even possibly that she threw out the sneakers, gym pants, and shirt she was possibly wearing at the time of the murder. Kaine would have never noticed that 1 pair of gym pants, 1 pair of sneakers, and t shirt were gone. I would imagine that they both had an over abundance of work out gear....

I think that at 11:15-11:30 a couple of different things could have possibly occurred but all were mainly related to Terri possibly realizing that she was running short on time and had to get in the gym alibi and be back at home all before Kaine's early arrival home from work that day around 2. It's at that time that I think the possibility of DD enters the picture and I feel her role could be one of a few things... Possibly baby K had awoke from sleeping in her car seat in the truck thus Terri quickly needing "someone" to occupy baby K from what was going on[in this case DD would not necessarily be privy to what Terri was actually doing rather meeting Terri somewhere and only told to take baby K for an hour or so and Terri goes back to finish] .. OR .. I still think its a possibility that she DD had baby K at this time and further aided Terri by being a "decoy" as her at the gym to set up the alibi (as in the reason for going to a different gym in Beaverton rather than "The Edge", IMO thats possibly so that Terri was not as well known therefor DD more likely to not have prob passing as decoy for Terri, clocking in with Terri's card at 11:39. If employees and members questioned they'd say a redhead with wavy hair, in her 40's, chunky, with red headed baby. IMO quite plausible...[in this case DD would have known more info of what was happening and needed to help Terri with an alilbi, tho possibly not told the full truth of what Terri was doing but rather blindly being a loyal friend&figuring she'd ask questions later]

A Less likely case IMO would be DD actually helping at the sight of Kyron while Terri(w/baby K) goes to gym herself to make sure that she has time to get in the gym alibi...This I do not see so much as a possibility but who knows exactly how close these two were..

All of these theories detailing DD involved with the "gym alibi" part are based on the timeline being a fact that "Terri" clocked in gym at 11:39 around the same time that DD abruptly left the home she was working at around 11:15-11:30 and returning around 1... If these times turn out to be different then my theory of DD involvement could include MORE of a part DD possibly played in the crime... But for now these two possibilities of DD involvement are based on the known times that are alleged at this time..

IMO most of the above cases that Terri involved DD at this time was not pre planned, but rather Terri running short on time to get every thing finished and cleaned up knowing that Kaine would be home early from work that day about 2. And Terri HAD TO HAVE that gym alibi..

Obviously this timelime and theory of what took place during this allotted amount of time definitely fits and gave Terri plenty of time to get home, tend to baby K, fed, changed, possible nap, etc and give Terri time to "decompress" from the events of that day so that when Kaine arrived home that Terri would appear as normal as any
Other day.. This timeframe also allows for the posting that allegedly Terri did on FB that day around 1:30..

As I said this is my theory so far with what is known or thought to be the case... As more, new, detailed info comes to light this theory may too change..
But one thing I am sure of is that IMO Terri is the main perp in this case and unfortunately I think that Kyron is not alive...

May add or subtract from this theory as necessary...
Okay this is a rough draft of my theory of what happened on June 4th. First, I am going to state what my opinion is on IMO Terri's "greatest" mistake in planning and executing this (its much like Aedry's in the planning was much easier than how realistically it ended up being)..

As some have speculated that Terri's lack of having all her "ducks in a row" when speaking of her lack of having her "story straight" for the day in question for some seems to give reason to lean towards her innocence in Kyron's disappearance. As in that if she had planned out Kyron's "disappearance" as so many of us believe that she did, then why would she not have gotten air tight alibis, etc for that timeframe in question on June 4th? I know for some this makes them really question was she involved?

IMO Terri is involved in "whatever" happened to Kyron on June 4th and I too(as does DY and TY) think that it was a long time coming as far as Terri planning for Kyron's disappearance and deciding ahead of time that specific day[IMO most likely because of chaotic/hectic nature of an event such as science fair]is why she planned it for that specific day. As others have alluded its quite possible that there may have been 1 or 2 other "attempts" on other specific hectic or chaotic days of this school year, but any number of things could've gone wrong and made her have to wait for another opportunity. IMO she was desperate to make June 4th work.

It was her last chance, as there were only a few days of school left and her plan IMO had to have the most important detail, that Kyron must "disappear" from school. IMO this took all suspiscion off of Terri. As she thought she had come up with a perfect scenario that would leave her COMPLETELY AND ABSOLUTELY BLAMELESS, that the school would be under the full blame and suspicion of the staff and teachers not adequately protecting the young children of Skyline.

This exact detail of Terri's plan IMO is the very reason for Terri's ducks seemingly not in a row for those several hours on June 4th. I think Terri took little effort of making herself an alibi(tho she did make sure she had one stores, gym, etc) but nothing AIRTIGHT for which she realized much too late was MOST DEFINITELY NEEDED AIRTIGHT ALIBIS FOR TERRI FOR EVERY SECOND OF EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY HOUR THAT IS IN QUESTION OF JUNE 4TH.

That said, I believe her plan "included" the taking of the truck on Thurs "to set up project". IMO this took care of any suspicion that MAY had risen if say she "took project" in Mustang&then suddenly NEEDED truck to "pick up project". One aspect I do very much question that we have been told by DY&KH is the fact of baby K being at the school the morning(dont know why they'd not tell this piece of info but possibly it plays a larger role than what we know?)I find it more than odd that NO ONE, not even PTA Zimmerman EVER mentions a WORD of baby K&just as odd the flier w/ Kyron, Terri, and the TRUCK asking did u see them, to "jog" ppls memories, NOT A WORD of baby K.. So that is one aspect I have theories that split for either way...

As I said I believe that Terri prolly had "attempted" this atleast once this school yr&it failed for whatever reason. She had to make the 4th WORK! I think she had a near perfect plan for her&Kyron NOT being seen leaving together. I think she planned well, as in she made sure they were seen touring around together, happy fam pix in front of project, I think she planned for him to be seen slao WITHOUT her, as in the older boy seeing Kyron in gym w/out Terri&states he saw white truck in lot, also. Tho, the times are not allowed to be released but IMO this kid did prolly see that white truck some time near the time he saw Kyron, because I believe whole heartedly SHE WAS STILL there, tho not WITH Ky, she wanted to make sure he was seen w/out her, too, for it to work. There could be a1000 excuses that she could have told Kyron for having him come outside to meet her(IMO it was the Dr.appt)I think she said something to the effect of Ky, u enjoy walking around looking at projects I have to go_____, and at 8:55(or whatever time, we know nothing definite as they won't release a LE timeline)come out this specific door for me to meet you and take u to the dr. she could've told him not to tell anyone because possibly he was getting some sort of "testing" done(tho I am NOT STATING FACT, RATHER AM GIVING AN EXAMPLE OF WHY SHE COULD ALMOST GUARANTEE HIM NOT TELLING BECAUSE OF SHAME OR EMBARRASSMENT of why he was having to go to dr)...

I think Kyron did just as he was told, I think Terri knew that he would, afterall he was a good little boy. I think its possible that as they left she prolly questioned him "heavily", possibly even angrily to scare him into telling the truth "if" he had told a lil friend about his appt. maybe saying there would be a very bad punishment if&when she found out from the friend or mom that Kyron had told.
[a 7yr old would believe all of this including feeling "shame" if she told him that it was negative/embarrassing& that he'd be made fun of or not liked if ppl knew, a 7yr old would DEFINITELY believe this]...

I think that is very close possibly to what happened and I think she was so DESPERATE to make it work that day that because evereything "looked" as if it had gone as planned and she felt confident about it. My theory does take into major consideration that Terri NEVER truly believed it WOULD ALL COME DOWN ON HER. I think at the point of them being off campus that she thought she was "homefree"..[makes me so very sad] for Kyron..

That is the first part of my theory at this time (which if and when given more, new, and detailed info it could change) but at this time with what lil we know I feel it could be something quite similar that happened and was Terri's plan for that particular aspect of the "disappearance" concerning the school...

I will post further of my theory of what happened on June 4th and following days, including DD's role in the "disappearance[which IMO she is involved].... To Be Continued...

I wonder if Kaine didn't ask Terri when she came home with his truck but NOT with Kyrons project, why didn't you bring the project home, I thought that was why you took the truck?
And why didn't they take the truck and go pick up Kyron that afternoon rather than let him ride the bus, since Terri hadn't brought his project home, so they could pick it up after school that day? You would think the teachers would want the cumbersome projects that were taking up desk space removed as soon as possible after the science fair. Did Terri tell Kaine she would borrow the truck again Monday morning and go get his project then? Didn't Kaine say, that doesn't make sense Terri why didn't you just bring it home after the science fair today? Why did you not stay the extra few minutes to get it, since that was your intention, and what was your hurry getting out of the school to "run errands"?
I think that Terri hatched this plot all by herself and did not have any intention of putting herself at risk by involving a second person. She knew of the science fair because it was an annual event for the school. She knew that people were more focused on their own kids work when the went to one of these, and she counted on crowds in some places, and little foot traffic in others. I hope that these projects were merely a traditional way of allowing students to be creative, or even of having no set standards for students who didn't put much time or effert into their project. Hopefully, these projects were not imeant to graded. She made sure that Kyron's project was a "standout" as that would make people less inclined to go up to them and congratulate him on "his" project. Sometimes it was good to be ignored. Terri probably knew to to work a crowd. I am not convinced that Terri had babyK with her at the school. I also am unable to find a single article on the net about this fair that doesn't mention Kyron. No pre-publicity, no previous fairs, standards, etc. - odd that nothing alludes to this annual event. I believe that Terri got Kyron to leave by an exit door which had not encouraged a lot of parents leaving at the time. so it was probably before any warning bells sounded. I don't believe that he told her he was "going to his classroom" and that she watched him headed that way. She probably told Kyron that she needed something in the truck, and asked him to get it for her. That way, she could face away from the door and watch to make sure nobody noticed Kyron leaving. Then Terri made her way out the door. It was the door to the parking lot so she wouldn't have encountered anybody coming in. Had anyone noticed them leaving, she would have the DR. appt. as a handy excuse, then later claimed she was "mistaken", so much going on, blah blah blah.
I don't know if she immediately went to her killing field then, but probably she was wanting to get it over and done with quickly. Maybe she hadn't decided on a "drop off" site at that time. Had to scout out the areas to find one with no humans to see her.
The only part that still is puzzling is the time slot that fits in with the time slot that her friend DeDe also had no excuse for also. Maybe Terri dragged DeDe into this after the fact, because she couldn't get Kyron's body close enought to deep water, or deep ravines, or whatever.
This is IMO, and I suppose people could/will shoot holes in this theory. That's okay, I am just stretching my brain to think of something that makes sense. Nothing does, to be honest. Wish we had more facts to help us speculate.

Caligram, I like your style!...and your theory! It works for me and I'm grateful you took the time to think it through and write it out.

I agree the part about DeDe (if she is involved and I think she is, even inadvertently) is a more difficult part to piece together at this point. I do trust we will know eventually.

I like the way you "stretch your brain to think of something that makes sense."

Your line of thinking makes sense to me.:applause:
Does anyone think DD looks enough like TH to pass for her on video? Maybe with her hair up, baseball cap on? I've been wondering if DD could have been the one who was at the grocery stores. Could she have even been the one to check in the gym, using TH membership card? Of course at my gym, they look up my picture when they scan my card, but each place is different. Perhaps she called DD and said something like "the baby is sick, can you go to the store and get her baby motrin -- I need to get back to the science fair by ____a.m.?" I guess it depends on the paper trail, and whether a credit card was used, etc. Just food for thought.
I think Terri called Dede and said I need you to watch baby K for an hour or so, and she put the baby in Dedes car and when and disposed of Kyron and met back up with Dede and took the baby back.
Don't know where to put this but I have a question.. Anyone know have any idea as to how long it would take for a child to become totally unresponsive or even deceased If give a strong tranquilizer?
If TH killed/stashed Kyron, why did she take him to school that morning only to sneak him out again? The last person to see Kyron is obviously going to be under a great deal of scrutiny. Why go out of your way to make sure you are that person? She couldn't assume that no one would see Kyron leaving with her, or that she would know it if someone did. She couldn't assume the school wouldn't call her or Kaine to report Kyron absent, or to confirm that he was at a doctor's appointment.

Taking Kyron to school and immediately sneaking him out again without the school realizing something is amiss is a plan so fraught with risk, I don't see how anybody could envision it being successful ahead of time.

There's been a lot of discussion on how TH may have pulled off this daring plan that had no chance of working. I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts on why she (allegedly) bothered. Surely there were much easier ways.

IMO, you ask some excellent questions, questions that do not lend themselves to any immediate answers..... Thank you for this thought provoking post....

I have never heard of a parent taking a child to a school event, being seen by teachers,including the child's own teacher, then taking the child out of school,sight unseen, killing the child in cold blood,and disposing of the body without leaving any apparent crime scene ... But, I have heard of a child being taken out of elementary school,raped,beaten and left for dead.It was discussed on Kyron's forum... I've also heard of children being lured and killed on their way to school and coming home from school...


Don't know where to put this but I have a question.. Anyone know have any idea as to how long it would take for a child to become totally unresponsive or even deceased If give a strong tranquilizer?

I've been "googling" to find out what different tranquilizers
would do. It's extremely scary to read about all the benzodiazepines[valium. xanax, ativan, klonopin, etc] and what they are capable of doing.. These could really cause harm if not death to a small child such as Kyron..

From what I've read the xanax seems to be the fastest working(as in the tranquilized feeling hits within 30 mins&even less on an empty stomach)... some of the others such as ativan and valium take much longer to work, but their effects are longer in their amt. of tranquilized time...

So to answer your question it would be 30 mins or under for the effects to consume a small child and not only would it knock (all depending on the exact med. and dose) out a small child but definitely could kill a child...
But what is most bothersome is that they just do not drift off to sleep never to wake, rather from what I read in most cases it is a very violent death of seizures, foaming, and convulsing, losing all control of bodily functions...[terrifying and sad]
I've been "googling" to find out what different tranquilizers
would do. It's extremely scary to read about all the benzodiazepines[valium. xanax, ativan, klonopin, etc] and what they are capable of doing.. These could really cause harm if not death to a small child such as Kyron..

From what I've read the xanax seems to be the fastest working(as in the tranquilized feeling hits within 30 mins&even less on an empty stomach)... some of the others such as ativan and valium take much longer to work, but their effects are longer in their amt. of tranquilized time...

So to answer your question it would be 30 mins or under for the effects to consume a small child and not only would it knock (all depending on the exact med. and dose) out a small child but definitely could kill a child...
But what is most bothersome is that they just do not drift off to sleep never to wake, rather from what I read in most cases it is a very violent death of seizures, foaming, and convulsing, losing all control of bodily functions...[terrifying and sad]

We could ask eyes4crime.....
but yes- terrifying and sad.
I don't know...:(
There are a lot of things we have heard about Terri that sure don't add up to the actions/statements of an innocent person (things she said to Deisree or
Tony, etc...)
But I am not seeing all of the "dots" Tony promised us...
I too would have been in a tizzy if LE told me or even implied that I failed a LD test. And if I were the nervous type, I might be blabbing about that, even when everyone else was crying and in distress. A lot of things make her seem very "off" and the reason could indeed be due to guilt.
But I'm not seeing obvious dots leading me to an obvious conclusion at all.
All I know for sure is that Terri went into the school with Kyron on that fateful day...and that he came out of it at some point.
If TH killed/stashed Kyron, why did she take him to school that morning only to sneak him out again? The last person to see Kyron is obviously going to be under a great deal of scrutiny. Why go out of your way to make sure you are that person? She couldn't assume that no one would see Kyron leaving with her, or that she would know it if someone did. She couldn't assume the school wouldn't call her or Kaine to report Kyron absent, or to confirm that he was at a doctor's appointment.

Taking Kyron to school and immediately sneaking him out again without the school realizing something is amiss is a plan so fraught with risk, I don't see how anybody could envision it being successful ahead of time.

There's been a lot of discussion on how TH may have pulled off this daring plan that had no chance of working. I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts on why she (allegedly) bothered. Surely there were much easier ways.

I still firmly believe that TH expected liability and suspicion to fall on the school....she maintains that she left Kyron at school and they were responsible for him....he disappears under their watch = lawsuit worth $$$$.
Maybe TH and DeDe switched vehicles. People have come forward with sightings of a woman driving a Ford F250, but who was the person really driving?

People are not noticing a blue (correct me if I'm wrong) Ford Explorer because TH drove a F250 on June 4 to the school.

And along with the switch of the vehicles, why not leave your cell phone in it also, so it will ping wherever the F250 went.

No one is paying attention to what she was driving. Why would they? They only know she drove the truck to the school that morning.

I really do not think that Kyron was even at the school on Friday morning at all. The pic of Kyron could have been taken on Thursday when his project was first set up. Kyron's friend could have been mistaken. Terri could have taken Kyron's coat and backpack and placed it in the room on Friday morning. I would love to know what the janitor has to say about that Friday morning. For some reason, that pic of the janitor walking toward the stairs with his back to the camera when the pic was taken haunts me. Did Terri snap that pic after having him unlock the classroom door early? Terri had been to that classroom many times to read to the class or whatever, so the janitor may have unlocked the door for her when asked. I think she wanted to place Kyron's jacket and backpack in that classroom.

Anyone seeing Terri at the school that Friday morning would just automatically think that Kyron was there as well whether they saw him or not. What was Kyron wearing at school on Thursday? Was it the black CSI shirt and the pants? It was mentioned somewhere that Terri had supposedly gone home and washed clothes. Did Terri report that Kyron had the outfit on that was in the pic, yet the outfit was found at home and had been washed? This just keeps nagging at me. At the PC where LE had the clothing, shoes, and glasses laid out on a table, Desiree looked as if she was going to faint, throw up, and it looked as if her stomach was rolling. Could those have actually been Kyron's clothes on that table? Only the tennis shoes looked new. I was overwhelmed with compassion for her at that moment. It did not seem to bother Terri, tho.

Now we find out that one of Terri's friends had gotten her a couple of throwaway or 'bat phones' (think the Anthony's). Could that maybe be why Desiree thought that Terri may have Kyron stashed with someone somewhere? Terri would have one of the phones and the person having Kyron could have the other. At the very least, an accomplice could have the other phone so that discreet contact could be made.

I don't know anything, of course, but there is just so much to this story that we do not know. Without some details, we can only speculate. Whatever happened to Kyron was planned, IMO. I would love for Kyron to be alive. IF he is no longer with us, I cannot bear thinking he is out there somewhere all alone.

Sorry for the long post and the rambling. This case has just haunted me. GB little Kyron wherever he may be.
I don't know...:(
There are a lot of things we have heard about Terri that sure don't add up to the actions/statements of an innocent person (things she said to Deisree or
Tony, etc...)
But I am not seeing all of the "dots" Tony promised us...
I too would have been in a tizzy if LE told me or even implied that I failed a LD test. And if I were the nervous type, I might be blabbing about that, even when everyone else was crying and in distress. A lot of things make her seem very "off" and the reason could indeed be due to guilt.
But I'm not seeing obvious dots leading me to an obvious conclusion at all.
All I know for sure is that Terri went into the school with Kyron on that fateful day...and that he came out of it at some point.

Yes but it was within mins of being with TH that he went missing...minutes ...and this whole thing took place in the matter of a few short hours so whatever happened he can't be that far away imo
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