POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

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What is your theory in Kyron's disappearance?

  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was unplanned, an accident.

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was planned.

    Votes: 43 15.8%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was unplanned and DeDe was called for help

    Votes: 38 13.9%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was planned and DeDe helped plan it.

    Votes: 108 39.6%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron. (Stranger being ANYONE except Terri, DeDe or accomplice.)

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around the school grounds

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds.

    Votes: 12 4.4%
  • No idea

    Votes: 47 17.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Hi everyone, this is my first post, but I've been following this forum since probably day 2 of Kyron going missing. Here's one of the many theories that I've been kicking around over the last 8 weeks. It's not my leading theory, but it's one I think has been discussed the least.

For now, let's assume TH killed Kyron. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. I tend to look at this thing as a tree of branching assumptions, and this is the path that this particular theory follows. I'm not making any assumptions about the nature of the killing. Could be accidental or not. Could be premeditated or not. Next, let's assume that if Kyron were seen leaving the school that morning, someone would have noticed it (and we would have heard about it by now). Or at least, TH could not have assumed that nobody would notice it.

So here's the theory: Kyron was at the school the morning of June 4th, and never left it.
What possibilities does that leave us with? Searchers descended on Skyline Elementary School last Saturday for some reason, right?

Just my OO, given a set of assumptions that I don't necessarily consider very likely.
He is a minor. I'm sure LE is aware of his situation. I'm also sure that WS members are not allowed to sleuth minors in this case.

Sorry - not sleuthing him. I just remember him being discussed on an HLN show and I thought that was odd - then nothing more was said. Hope he is doing okay - he is losing a step-bro AND a mom. And, considering the way she seems to use people (I will say "alledgibly"), I hope she hasn't said anything to him or tried to involve him - physically or emotionally. I'm sure LE has interviewed him in some manner.
Hi everyone, this is my first post, but I've been following this forum since probably day 2 of Kyron going missing. Here's one of the many theories that I've been kicking around over the last 8 weeks. It's not my leading theory, but it's one I think has been discussed the least.

For now, let's assume TH killed Kyron. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. I tend to look at this thing as a tree of branching assumptions, and this is the path that this particular theory follows. I'm not making any assumptions about the nature of the killing. Could be accidental or not. Could be premeditated or not. Next, let's assume that if Kyron were seen leaving the school that morning, someone would have noticed it (and we would have heard about it by now). Or at least, TH could not have assumed that nobody would notice it.

So here's the theory: Kyron was at the school the morning of June 4th, and never left it.
What possibilities does that leave us with? Searchers descended on Skyline Elementary School last Saturday for some reason, right?

Just my OO, given a set of assumptions that I don't necessarily consider very likely.

Hi everyone, this is my first post, but I've been following this forum since probably day 2 of Kyron going missing. Here's one of the many theories that I've been kicking around over the last 8 weeks. It's not my leading theory, but it's one I think has been discussed the least.

For now, let's assume TH killed Kyron. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. I tend to look at this thing as a tree of branching assumptions, and this is the path that this particular theory follows. I'm not making any assumptions about the nature of the killing. Could be accidental or not. Could be premeditated or not. Next, let's assume that if Kyron were seen leaving the school that morning, someone would have noticed it (and we would have heard about it by now). Or at least, TH could not have assumed that nobody would notice it.

So here's the theory: Kyron was at the school the morning of June 4th, and never left it.
What possibilities does that leave us with? Searchers descended on Skyline Elementary School last Saturday for some reason, right?

Just my OO, given a set of assumptions that I don't necessarily consider very likely.


Do you have a link to show that the school was searched last Saturday?
passionflower said:
Aedrys, ITA great post

This is an "I second the motion" regarding Aedrys' great post #365.

Aedrys, to me your theory really makes sense, captures the drama and momentum, and the motive works. If we weren't talking about a real life drama, I could also see your post as a great short synopsis of a proposed book or movie.

And, your last paragraph speaks brilliantly to what I think happened after the
"fact" -- although I wish so strongly that it wasn't so as to Kyron not being found. I do think, along with you, that it is the "only thing that has gone her way."

Aedrys said:
I also think that planning is a lot different than carrying something out. I think she built herself up in her mind and thought it would be easy. Then she actually did it, and found it it's not as easy as she thought it would be, and she's not as brilliant or brave as she thought she was. And Le is a lot smarter and on to her than she ever thought they'd be. I think the only thing that has gone her way is that Kyron hasn't been found.

Also, with the way you've postulated your theory, you're not getting caught up in the things we think we've known as "facts" that we're all now questioning again. Your theory gets down to the basics, IMHO, and I thank you for sharing it with us.

Clearly, I'm not on the fence, and really never have been. I believe things will unfold to reveal all that has been hinky since June 4th.
Hi everyone, this is my first post, but I've been following this forum since probably day 2 of Kyron going missing. Here's one of the many theories that I've been kicking around over the last 8 weeks. It's not my leading theory, but it's one I think has been discussed the least.

For now, let's assume TH killed Kyron. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. I tend to look at this thing as a tree of branching assumptions, and this is the path that this particular theory follows. I'm not making any assumptions about the nature of the killing. Could be accidental or not. Could be premeditated or not. Next, let's assume that if Kyron were seen leaving the school that morning, someone would have noticed it (and we would have heard about it by now). Or at least, TH could not have assumed that nobody would notice it.

So here's the theory: Kyron was at the school the morning of June 4th, and never left it.
What possibilities does that leave us with? Searchers descended on Skyline Elementary School last Saturday for some reason, right?

Just my OO, given a set of assumptions that I don't necessarily consider very likely.

Interesting, could he have been held somewhere in the school until everyone went home and then taken out??? Was the school searched immediately when they realized he was not on the bus? If not, maybe in all the confusion someone took him out without being noticed.
I was wondering if another parent could have walked out with him. Someone that he knew.
Respectuflly snipped. Not picking on you, stmarysmead, you just happend to have the most recent post that involved looking for tree frogs. There have been a few theories that speculated if Kyron went out looking for a red eyed tree frog. I think we can safely rule this out, as he had just finished a research project on them and would know that there aren't any in Oregon. They live in "rainforests from southern Mexico, through Central America, to Northern Colombia." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agalychnis_callidryas

Not saying it's improbable that he wandered off on his own, just wanted to dispell this minor discrepancy. Sorry if it's a bit OCD... I'm a stickler for the details. :blushing:

And I thank you for that helpful attention to detail. I can take THAT theory off my list. LOL!
I don't necessarily think TH is guilty, but here's one:

Kyron wets his pants during the science fair. TH takes him home to change, but makes him suffer first--sitting in the car while she runs errands. At one point, she leaves him so long that he's overcome from the heat. She panics, and dumps him somewhere. There's no trail, because there was no plan.
I don't necessarily think TH is guilty, but here's one:

Kyron wets his pants during the science fair. TH takes him home to change, but makes him suffer first--sitting in the car while she runs errands. At one point, she leaves him so long that he's overcome from the heat. She panics, and dumps him somewhere. There's no trail, because there was no plan.

IIRC some locals have reported it was raining that day, and also hoodie weather so I doubt Kyron was overcome from the heat if he was left in the car while she ran her errands, however since learning that Kyron would not even get out of his bed or leave his room until he was given permission to leave his room, I can see Kyron obeying her if she told Kyron to stay in the truck, not to move or let anyone see him...
I get the feeling this child was terrified of her, never quite knowing what would set her off or what she was going to do from minute to minute..JMO
IIRC some locals have reported it was raining that day, and also hoodie weather so I doubt Kyron was overcome from the heat if he was left in the car while she ran her errands, however since learning that Kyron would not even get out of his bed or leave his room until he was given permission to leave his room, I can see Kyron obeying her if she told Kyron to stay in the truck, not to move or let anyone see him...
I get the feeling this child was terrified of her, never quite knowing what would set her off or what she was going to do from minute to minute..JMO

Makes me wonder, I wonder if when he stayed at Desiree and Tonys if he got out of bed without waiting for someone to tell him to?
Just a theory, not my opinion.

1. Kyron's clothes and socks were wet from the weather,and he had to pee really bad when he went to see the cool electricity project. Kyron was holding something, or touched something that jolted him more than it should have because his clothing was wet. He received a shock through his heart, and wet himself a little, and headed to the bathroom or the office upset. The nurse wasn't there yet, (if they have a nurse) and Kyron was't feeling well. He fainted, hit his head, and was found by someone who is afraid of something, or he passed out, lost conciousness and the school didn't have the devices or knowledge to shock his heart.

Has anyone seen what type of electricity projects the middle school IB kids brought in?

edited to add, I wonder if Kyron was wearing any jewelry that could have carried a current, maybe a chain?
Another theory is that the power company was working on the lines at the same time as the school electricity project, and a power surge went through the lines at the same time Kyron was checking out the projects.
The wiring in the gym is old, and the incorrect breaker fuse was on the breaker allowing too much electricity through the lines and the breaker didn't pop.~
My Sunday eve new theroy......................she somehow killed or overdrugged him. Put him the box that they carried the project in to the school with.

Box you say? What box? I still dont know why she needed to truck. There appeared to be several rather loose items on the project. covered the project, carry Kyron out with the same cover.
I do however still stick with Kyron being in the water. Going back looking at the SUV that had a scuba sticker one time then next time no sticker. She could have put on the tank, googles, shoved the mouth piece in her mouth within 30 seconds, maybe less. Took him somewhere in the lake/river ???? and tied him to underwater branchs, close to shore. Side scanner would prob not notice lumps on big tree roots. sigh................
Sorry - not sleuthing him. I just remember him being discussed on an HLN show and I thought that was odd - then nothing more was said. Hope he is doing okay - he is losing a step-bro AND a mom. And, considering the way she seems to use people (I will say "alledgibly"), I hope she hasn't said anything to him or tried to involve him - physically or emotionally. I'm sure LE has interviewed him in some manner.

I am hoping that LE, with the father's permission, has interviewed this son more than once. More than once because the first time, he's liable to stick up for his mom and make her look like Donna Reed. But subsequent visits, he may want to say more, having regretted not saying it earlier about his actual upbringing and/or feelings.
Makes me wonder, I wonder if when he stayed at Desiree and Tonys if he got out of bed without waiting for someone to tell him to?

I've read where that was true, I believe from Kaine...However, if that was the case, and master Kyron had that fear, then I would have my concerns about everyone that was in that house, down to a mouse! It would definatley be interesting if indeed he did experience the same and DY and TY's.....
Just a theory, not my opinion.

1. Kyron's clothes and socks were wet from the weather,and he had to pee really bad when he went to see the cool electricity project. Kyron was holding something, or touched something that jolted him more than it should have because his clothing was wet. He received a shock through his heart, and wet himself a little, and headed to the bathroom or the office upset. The nurse wasn't there yet, (if they have a nurse) and Kyron was't feeling well. He fainted, hit his head, and was found by someone who is afraid of something, or he passed out, lost conciousness and the school didn't have the devices or knowledge to shock his heart.

Has anyone seen what type of electricity projects the middle school IB kids brought in?

edited to add, I wonder if Kyron was wearing any jewelry that could have carried a current, maybe a chain?

Maybe his glasses? I had a dream last night about electrical science projects. One was smoking and had to be taken out of the auditorium. Did Kyron follow?
I guess he could have been holding his glasses using both hands while something was attached to them. Then his body would have completed the circuit.
There are people who receive a small electrical shock that continue to walk around feeling fine, then their heart just stops within the next 24 hours.
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