POLL After The Interview Docs Release on 9-23-08

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After READING new interview docs realeased 9-23, have you changed your mind.

  • I believed Caylee was alive, but after reading new interview docs, I now believe she is dead.

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • I believed Caylee was dead, but after reading new interview docs, I now believe she is alive.

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Previous fence sitter, but after reading new interview docs, I now believe Caylee is dead.

    Votes: 16 2.8%
  • Previous fence sitter, but after reading new interview docs, I now believe Caylee is alive.

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • After reading new interview docs, I have not changed my mind, I still believe she is dead

    Votes: 523 90.5%
  • After reading new interview docs, I have not changed my mind, I still believe she is alive.

    Votes: 11 1.9%
  • After reading new interview docs, I have not changed my mind I am still a fence sitter.

    Votes: 23 4.0%

  • Total voters
Casey is guilty. Caylee deserves better than what this so called family is giving her! Poor Caylee! Nothing but a pawn while she was living and in death! Poor poor Caylee.....

I wish I could personally tell Cindy that Caylee is so disappointed in her that she is THE ONE person on the face of this earth that she (Caylee) thought would take up for and protect to the better end. Oh well...
I have believed she was gone from day 1 and Ive never changed my mind, because of her lying for 1 and the cadaver dogs, they had hit on the sandbox due to Cindy taking some toys from the car AFTER they had brought it back from the towyard, of course they would smell, I elieve she had buried her under the playhouse , later dug her up and moved her to where ever she has dumped the poor baby

How did that pic get on my post?? Thats not my pic???

I don't believe Casey ever buried her anywhere.....it was too much WORK and it would have been stronger evidence for the dogs. I do agree about the gas cans having decomp and the toys possibly tossed from the car into the yard, triggering the dogs.

this is the weird part, how could she bring herself to look at that child, just dispose of her like garbage and erase her from her life? I still have trouble getting her into that scenario, so there may be an accomplice, (jmho)
I have always believed that Caylee was dead, and that Casey is responsible for the death of her daughter.

I previously thought that Caylee's death may have been an accident, but after reading the documents released yesterday, I believe Casey intentionally murdered Caylee.

Casey is a sociopath, and even Cindy has acknowledged this fact. Cindy was in counseling prior to Casey and Caylee disappearing, and no doubt she had come to the conclusion that Casey was a sociopath after discussion with the counselor.

Sociopaths are very good actors and actresses. They are always playing a role, and prey upon family and friends to fulfill their needs. Lying comes easy to sociopaths, whether it's to feed their narcissistic ego, or to excuse their behavior. It is clear after reading some of the interviews that many of Casey's friends were duped into believing that she was a doting mother with a responsible job. Casey went to extremes to maintain that picture.

With her family members, it's clear after reading Lee's interview that the family suspected the worse from the very beginning. They feared Caylee was dead from the moment they smelled that car. Amy's interview, in which she relates the conversation she had with Cindy in the car on the way to pick up Casey at Tony's apartment, further supports the fact that the family believes Caylee is dead.

At this point the Anthony family is facing the prospect of their daughter being charged with premeditated murder. They live in Florida which has the death penalty, and this will likely be a death penalty case. I believe this is the major factor in the family's denial of their granddaughter's death.
I'm convinced more than before that she's guilty!

Me too! It's so obvious that the whole family knew from the smell of the car what had happened. It's also obvious from Casey's night sweats and her nightmares at Tony's that her subconscious is catching up to her. The woman might actually have a conscience!

Also her statements about "Guess who gets to spend an eternity in jail" and "shes in a good place".
I still think Caylee is deceased, but am off the fence about the family covering anything up. I pretty much believe they have told the truth to LE and aren't covering anything up. They have just changed some of their statements and given excuses to the media. I believe that Casey has convinced Cindy that she did give the child away, or sold her to someone and Cindy is holding out that hope.
I've always thought Casey was guilty. Always. For awhile I really felt for the grandparents. Then I thought the grandparents had something do with it. I think she killed Caylee to spite her mother. Pure and simple.

I no longer think that the GP's had anything to do with it other than protecting Casey and behaving stupidly. I hope for their sanity that they wake up and smell the coffee, and call a spade a spade.

OOO I so agree, only I think Casey lashed out because she was upset that Caylee wanted to be with Cindy....after the big fight on the 15th Casey was out of control. I also think Cindy feels guilt for the way she treated Casey, saying things like your not a good mother and putting Casey down...........I think Cindy feels a lot of this is her fault, that is why she is now protecting Casey. I think she wants to believe Caylee is alive, but she knows she is not.
I also think she knows Casey will get the he$$ beat out of her in jail.....many times over, while I will delight in that thought, that would be hard for any mother to deal with.
I have been 99% sure that Caylee has passed on with the 1% hanging on by a thread hoping Caylee was stashed somewhere to so Casey could punish CA .
100% passed on. Looking less like an accident every page of transcript that I read.
I also agree that whatever she did to Caylee was out of being the "spiteful bi..." as she said to her bro. There is no doubt she could have just left and left Caylee at the house, she would have been cared for by the gp's. Very sad, I also agree gm feels guilt about it but I feel sorry for them now as sure if they had had a clue what was to come it would have been different. :(
Always thought she the baby was dead. Always thought it was pre-meditated murder. Always wished I was wrong.
Sometimes I sit, have a cup of tea, and wonder what is happening at the home of the killer. Are they just sitting around having breakfast and talking about Dancing With the Stars? Are they talking about what to have for dinner? Do they dust and vacuum Caylee's room? It is unfair that we have servicemen and women going without, and "mommy dearest" is enjoying the comfort of her home. She needs to be locked up!
Unfortunatly I still believe that Casey is responsible for Caylee's murder.
I've never thought anybody else was involved with it and that hasn't changed. imo her family has spent many years covering for her, making excuses for her and they have gone into defense mode only now it's under a national spotlight. That house has to be such a powder keg with all of the interviews being released, someone is going to snap, will it be GA and Casey goes flying through a window? or will it be CA who gets her hands around Casey's throat again?

Me too! It's so obvious that the whole family knew from the smell of the car what had happened. It's also obvious from Casey's night sweats and her nightmares at Tony's that her subconscious is catching up to her. The woman might actually have a conscience!

Also her statements about "Guess who gets to spend an eternity in jail" and "shes in a good place".
While I am still "on the fence"...(a hopeless eternal optimist)....the nightmares do give me pause to reconsider. Previously, I looked at all the photos of Casey dancing, partying and seemingly unconcerned. That posture of hers was one of the principal reasons I had doubts that Caylee was dead. Nightmares, particularly with shaking and sweating indicate night terrors....they very well could indicate intense fear and guilt for something terrifying.
I kept hoping to find something in those documents that would make me think otherwise, but i do believe that casey killed beautiful little Caylee.
The thing that just sealed it for me was hearing that Caylees doll was left behind in the car, and she never went anywhere without it.

and if it had been an accidental death that she covered up, then where is the maternal love?.... why didnt she at least give her baby girl the thing she loved most to be with her at the end, wherever she is now?, just one small piece of comfort....one sign of love.

That just breaks my heart....

There are so many other things in the documents that point to gulit, but as a mum to a lil girl the same age as Caylee, it was the "mama" doll that convinced me she's gone forever.

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