Poll: Did Casey Really Keep Caylee in the Trunk Before Caylee Died?

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Did KC Really Keep Caylee in the Trunk at Anytime Before Caylee Died?

  • Yes

    Votes: 490 54.4%
  • No

    Votes: 258 28.7%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 152 16.9%

  • Total voters
I don't see how anyone can say it was an accident .
If my cat got hit by a car and killed I would have been more hysterical than Casey Anthony was over the loss of her baby! Someone said she was stuck with a dead body ?? This dead body was HER CHILD!
Nah, I don't believe the tape was intended to make it look like a kidnapping because:

A. It didn't. It made it look like a murder, because the tape killed her. (it was over mouth and nose.)
B. The tape came first, then the kidnapping story, IMO. If she already had the kidnapping plan laid out, why wait until Lee told her that unless she brought them Caylee, the cops were going to show up? When the police show up, she would have to show them Caylee. Up until that point, she never coughed up the Nanny story.
About the neck breaking and making weapons out of household items, Casey could have been searching on ways to stage an attack of some sort ending with the abduction Caylee. Maybe she didn't want to accidentally kill her own self. Neck breaking could have included trying to learn the pressure points to strangle someone without breaking the hyoid bone. Going by the theory that this is a premeditated cold blooded murder it's not too far a stretch.
The duct tape definitely could have been the manner of death but also a way to stage a fake abduction with car taken. She mentioned the park and hiking trail that Caylee really liked. Attack while hiking, forced back to the car, knocked out with chloroform, car found with Caylee taped and suffocated in the trunk along with the bottle of chloroform. The thefts and lies to family would all be forgiven and forgotten in their grief.
ICA NEVER called and reported anything to anyone . She could have done that ages before her mom called the police .
I don't think she was using the trunk as a babysitter .
That's where she stored her little girls body after she killed her .
I don't see how anyone can say it was an accident .
If my cat got hit by a car and killed I would have been more hysterical than Casey Anthony was over the loss of her baby! Someone said she was stuck with a dead body ?? This dead body was HER CHILD!

Just because she's a psycopathic monster doesn't mean that at that moment she intended to kill her.

It actually just shows Caylee was always on borrowed time. It's a real shame her parents did not realize before it was too late. Neglect of a child can often lead to "accidents" as is evidenced by women who leave their kids in the car and they die, toddlers who fall from high story apartment buildings where a mom took out the window guard to install an air conditioner and neglected to watch the baby.

You've got stories of kids wandering into the kitchen and falling headfirst into a bucket and drowning because they mom was watching television.

Did these parents deliberately kill their kids? No. Are they responsible for it. YEP. Should they go to jail for the rest of their lives YEP. In my mind if you can't care about your own child you will be nothing but a danger to the rest of society.
This is a bit frustrating because we are continually seeing a long debate as to whether KC left Caylee in the car as a "babysitting" device on a regular basis. However I'm not sure why so many people need it to be a long term thing or not at all. Plenty of women have left their children in their cars while they went to work, went drinking, went to casinos or went shopping. Some of them seemed to think that if it was at night it wouldn't be that big of a deal. And the kids died.

If Caylee fell asleep and was doped out by KC and KC was drunk, it is not unreasonable for her to have thought she could get away with putting her in the trunk and coming back later. If she came back and Caylee was dead KC could have been concerned about getting in major trouble and looking like a vile human being in front of her friends. If she called the cops about it they would know that she did it to go out and get drunk and party. So she concocts this story about the baby sitter and plans to have it look like a kidnapping.

Some of the assumptions that have been made in this forum and in commentary on other sites are baffling to me. That NO ONE puts duct tape over the mouth of a dead body. So because it has never been done before it means KC 100 percent didn't do it? Please! She obviously wanted it to look like an abduction and slapped on the duct tape.

Problem with the bolded scenario above is why would KC have then transported Caylee's deceased body home, remove it from her trunk and place in the backyard, only to return it to the trunk?

If you will recall, the cadaver dogs "hit" in the backyard, so at some point, Caylee's body WAS back there....
What you desribing here are accidents Chewy .
I am sure the mothers or fathers were inconsolable afterwards too , full of shame and guilt ...maybe even suicidal .
Casey wasn't ..that's one way of telling it wasn't an accident .
This is how I feel and I am not going to change my mind . We are all free to our own opinions here . That's why this place rocks
Because she thought (it's been said before, but maybe you haven't read through the thread) she could pass off a suffocation as a drowning. That's what KINDA makes me wonder if George actually knew something more. Seems like she took her out thinking she could dump her in the pool. Then for some reason realizes it's not going to work. She laid her down several places in the yard which is why cadaver dogs picked up on it.

She then realizes it's not going to work and puts her back in the car. For all we know she actually put her in the pool and it just didn't work. (I've no idea on that one)
What you desribing here are accidents Chewy .
I am sure the mothers or fathers were inconsolable afterwards too , full of shame and guilt ...maybe even suicidal .
Casey wasn't ..that's one way of telling it wasn't an accident .
This is how I feel and I am not going to change my mind . We are all free to our own opinions here . That's why this place rocks

Not if you are a psychopath.

Actually I'm using psychological terms loosely here. If you are of that sort, with no conscience, then you don't have remorse.

My friends son when he was 8 years old went to play with the puppy in the pool. Got out and went inside to watch tv and the dog drowned. He was not in the slightest bit remorseful. That was actually MORE scarey than him drowning the dog. He was later diagnosed as schizophrenic.

I'm not saying she isn't capable of murder. I am saying that it is clear she was uprepared for dealing with this dead body which leads me to believe that she didn't plan it. Also, if she wanted to kill her kid why not just throw her in the pool?

Yeah I love the discussion. It's a fascinating examination of a messed up person.
Ugh! I am so conflicted. Some days I think that she killed Caylee intentionally. Some days I think it was an accident. I dont know what to think any more! Sorry this post is Off topic!
She hasn't been diagnosed as anything . The doctors that did check her personally and one on one found nothing wrong .
I know ..this should all be in theories anyway ..not here .
What would that mean though? How is that even possible?
Ugh! I am so conflicted. Some days I think that she killed Caylee intentionally. Some days I think it was an accident. I dont know what to think any more! Sorry this post is Off topic!

Child Neglect is murder on the pause button. Sometimes a person get's lucky and that button never gets pushed to play. Sometimes it does. In Caylee's case it did.
I voted "unsure".

I am now convinced that Caylee's deceased body (sans bag) was kept for a time in the trunk of ICA's car, and was probably also later bagged in the trunk of ICA's car. But I haven't been able to formulate an opinion as to whether or not Caylee died in the trunk of that car. And I don't know that I ever will be able to say that with any certainty.

ETA: Although, I am still waiting to hear more about the chloroform levels found in the trunk of the vehicle.
I go back and forth about 'accident' or 'murder' as well. But one thing I realized---even if it was a so-called 'accident'--her wretched behavior afterwards nullifies any sympathy I could have for her. She had ZERO remorse or regret or grief over the precious child's death. She wrapped duct tape around that sweet face and triple wrapped her baby in garbage bags, and drove around, singing to the car radio,while the body decomposed in her trunk. She partied and danced and got tattooed, texted, shopped for furniture, downloaded Fusion Pix, made love to Tony, and avoided her family, while the body turned to mush. She is a callous, cold hearted monster, accident or no accident, imo.

And I really hope the jury sees all the ugliness that surrounded the death of that child, no matter how it occurred.
Caylee was put into the trunk, but who know by who? So, unsure.
Problem with the bolded scenario above is why would KC have then transported Caylee's deceased body home, remove it from her trunk and place in the backyard, only to return it to the trunk?

If you will recall, the cadaver dogs "hit" in the backyard, so at some point, Caylee's body WAS back there....

I think maybe Caylee never left the trunk at all after death. I can't see ICA risking that anyone might come home early, etc. I think the day ICA backed into the garage and borrowed the shovel went down like this:

1) ICA knows she needs to move Caylee's body.

2) ICA goes home and backs in the garage (with Caylee in the trunk) and goes into the house to find laundry bag, trash bag, etc. to put Caylee into.

3) ICA goes back to the trunk, opens it, and begins placing Caylee into the bags.

4) Decomposition has made the body wet, there is leaking and tissue stuck on the trunk carpet.

5) ICA borrows the neighbor's shovel to scrape tissue up to put in the bag with Caylee's larger remains.

6) ICA closes the trunk (with Caylee now inside the bags), and takes the shovel to the backyard to wash the remains off of it with a hose. I think these remains rinsed from the shovel into the backyard are what cadaver dogs hit on.

7) ICA returns the shovel and drives around the corner to the "pet cemetery" and leaves Caylee there.
Caylee was put into the trunk, but who know by who? So, unsure.

well, Casey was the one driving the car around. And the trunk was full of other things that she herself had placed there. So she had to know the garbage bag with the dead body was in there.

The child was in HER care when she 'went missing.' How do we explain that?
And she was out partying it up. How do we explain that she had no concerns that her child was gone?

Who would have put the child in her trunk? I can't think of anyone. The perfect person for her to try and blames is her father because he had car keys. But SHE was the one with control of the car. And she is the one who abandoned it when it began to smell like death.

Oh, and WELCOME to WS!:rollercoaster:

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