Poll - If you were on the Jury today

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If you were on the jury today, how would you vote?

  • Guilty of 1st Degree Murder - Death Penalty

    Votes: 200 51.0%
  • Guilty of 1st Degree Murder - LWP

    Votes: 165 42.1%
  • Guilty of a lesser charge - 10-25 years

    Votes: 11 2.8%
  • Guilty of a lesser charge - Off with time served

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • Not Guilty

    Votes: 4 1.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 10 2.6%

  • Total voters
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I voted for LWP .. the reason being... Death is way to quick.. I would rather see her locked up for life in General Population !!! She can't hide from "BIG Bertha" for long... :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I would vote guilty with the death penalty.

I have no doubt she is guilty. She never even reported her child missing and was going on with her life as if she were finally free. She lied about every single thing she said to law enforcement, who were there to help find Caylee. As Yuri said, who does that? Only a guilty person.

She threw her away like a bundle of trash.

I would have considered LWOP IF I had seen one scintilla of remorse from her but she has never shown that. She hasn't even shown any sorrow that her daughter is dead.

Sorry Cindy and George. In my eyes, there is no do-over for murdering your child.
WOW !!!! I never would have thought (but I do respect everyone's opinion) that the posters here at WS would vote for LWOP. For my money I voted for the death penalty. My reasons are that Caylee never had a chance,can you imagine what she might have gone through the last minutes of her life,that the person who was suppose to take care of her and love her KILLED her? I believe the duct tape was placed over her mouth to keep her from crying,I believe Caylee knew something was "wrong" and ICA was angry and the way she was reacting to her made this child cry. I also believe that the boxes of pizza,sodas etc found in the truck,were for Caylee and that they were placed there if she woke up and wanted something to eat. JMHO. I have no sympathy at all for ICA and I don't want her enjoying not one day,of life that she took from a small child.Can you just see CA/GA/LA going to the prison to visit ICA making a big deal about it,being a pain in the neck. Nope!! for my money put her on death row,let her see what it feels like knowing someone is about to take your life and you have no control, just like Caylee saw it coming and had no control.:maddening:
If you were a juror today, with all the evidence we have seen, what verdict and penalty would you apply? Please elaborate, if you would like :)

Guilty of 1st Degree Murder - LWP......ONLY Because I don't support the DP.

ETA I have stated that she SHOULD get the DP, but I couldn't wish it on her. I wish I was stronger in that area, but I'm not. :(
WOW !!!! I never would have thought (but I do respect everyone's opinion) that the posters here at WS would vote for LWOP. For my money I voted for the death penalty. My reasons are that Caylee never had a chance,can you imagine what she might have gone through the last minutes of her life,that the person who was suppose to take care of her and love her KILLED her? I believe the duct tape was placed over her mouth to keep her from crying,I believe Caylee knew something was "wrong" and ICA was angry and the way she was reacting to her made this child cry. I also believe that the boxes of pizza,sodas etc found in the truck,were for Caylee and that they were placed there if she woke up and wanted something to eat. JMHO. I have no sympathy at all for ICA and I don't want her enjoying not one day,of life that she took from a small child.Can you just see CA/GA/LA going to the prison to visit ICA making a big deal about it,being a pain in the neck. Nope!! for my money put her on death row,let her see what it feels like knowing someone is about to take your life and you have no control, just like Caylee saw it coming and had no control.:maddening:

See? That's what makes this forum a cut above the others. You RESPECT our opinions, just as we respect yours. :) Have I said that I love WS ers today? :blowkiss:

for the one and only time in her miserable, waste of a life, I want ICA to feel... feel exactly the way that beautiful little girl felt, betrayed, terrified and facing death. It may be the one an only chance she ever truly understands what other people feel as a result of her cold, calculated usage of others for her own ends.

This one time, I really really want her to understand the terror of death, to acknowledge if only to herself, it truly is the end of the last hallway and this time the state is taking her as far as she wants to go down it. all the while gazing into her mother and father eyes so they can all acknowledge how terribly they all failed Caylee.

death... anything less is not justice for that child who will never get to know what it is to have her own child, to love, to marry, to go to school , to choose her own bella vita.

I am not a cruel woman... I would give the remainder of my own life to have the life of my only son given back to this world... so I have no sympathy at all for a game player of this magnitude... she deserves to die for deliberately taking the life of Caylee... I cannot bear to imagine what the child felt.
Too bad her punishment can't be to be Chloroformed, Duct Taped, & thrown into the woods to rot! That would truly be "An Eye for An Eye".
25 to Life with no possibility of parole.
Casey needs to serve way more than 25 years for this murder, otherwise she'll be in her 50's when she gets out, and god help society because she'll kill again!:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
I've been reading, researching, and pondering since this baby went missing, and my opinion is based on the preponderance of all the evidence, even before the remains were located.

Years of lying about employment
Years of theft of money from any person she could get close enough to
Years of lies about her life - from high school and before (this does not happen overnight)
Years of lies about the father of her child
Lies about her pregnancy
Lies about where her daughter was being cared for when she was out and about
Lies about her feelings for everyone in her circle of friends/family
Lies about daily activities
Lies about people who never existed - years of this

Acting out a life that did not exist
Acting out scenarios that never actually happened


What did she do with Caylee when she was out running around, those times when the baby was not with Cindy?
Not to mention, what did she do with Caylee 31 days before the baby was reported missing? (ok, we think we know this answer, but still)

Too much - way too much.
I voted for LWP .. the reason being... Death is way to quick.. I would rather see her locked up for life in General Population !!! She can't hide from "BIG Bertha" for long... :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Looking back at some of those pictures she took at a Halloween party,and at the club,during the 31 days.Me thinks she would not have a problem with this scenario one bit,if anything she might be a hot commodity and be sought out,and "live the life of Riley" (wow showing my age) JMHO :banghead:
See? That's what makes this forum a cut above the others. You RESPECT our opinions, just as we respect yours. :) Have I said that I love WS ers today? :blowkiss:

This is what makes you a stronger woman than me.

I want the DP for Casey, and I want the DP for your brother's murderer. I don't see any excuse or reason for taking another person's life. PERIOD
I voted Guilty and DP based on the information I have right now. I believe the murder of Caylee was deliberate, premeditated and without remorse.
And not that it matters, but she was murdered for such a selfish, avoidable, unnecessary reason by the person she should have been able to look to as her safe keeper.
I voted LWOP. If I was the only juror deciding I would vote death penalty. I think it will be easier to get a LWOP vote from the jury than the death penalty. Does the vote have to be unanimous?
I voted for guilty of 1st degree with the death penalty.

I have in my life watch grieving parents bury children due to disease, car accidents and suicide. Watching these parents go through these things were horrific, and certainly gut wrenching... Casey Anthony was never a grieving parent. She has no remorse for what she did, whatsoever. The parents I watch go through this, were and are still to this day devastated! Even 15 years later, you can hardly speak their child's name without seeing the most hurtful tears... I cannot imagine sitting in court and hearing the words body, remains, or anything else eluding to Caylee without some sort of emotion.

I vote the death penalty for parents who grieve and truly loved their children. I am NOT saying that all parents should feel the way I do.. this is my opinion.
And for all the loving people in this world who would love to have children and cannot.
LWOP. It's worse than the DP, IMO, and a lot cheaper for taxpayers. She's spent enough already! I say let her spend her life thinking about it. Forget appeals. LWOP is the way to go ;)..

I don't know how LWOP is cheaper? She sits in prison for the rest of her life on our dime. You're right, she's spent enough already, so I say stop the bleeding to the taxpayers. Thinking about it? Nah.....not ICA.
If she gets Life in prison without parole, she will never be released from prison unless new evidence comes up showing she's innocent or if the governor commutes her sentence. "Life in prison" and "Life in prison without parole" are two different sentences; Charles Manson has "Life in Prison" not LWOP and that's why he's able to come up for parole every year. When California overturned the DP back in the 1970s, all Death Row inmates got "Life in Prison" because that was the next harshest punishment, at the time. LWOP didn't exist back then.

Can they make it LWOP for ICA, or why is that not an option?

Diane Downs went up for a parole hearing again in 2010, and got turned down. She has to wait ten more years before she'll get another chance at parole, I read. She's been in prison since the 80s.
I voted DP and I have 2 words of explanation why: Duct Tape. If ICA had just wanted to knock her out, there wouldn't have been any need to wrap duct tape 3X around her head. Think about it - can you imagine trying to get duct tape out of Caylee's hair without her screaming bloody murder if she had lived? ICA had the intention for Caylee to DIE. I might buy accident or manslaughter except for the duct tape.
Also - if ICA is given LWOP we have not heard the end of her. She will be another Susan Smith - constantly in trouble for seducing the guards. I don't live in FL, but if I did I wouldn't want my tax dollars going for the "special" requirements she will need for the rest of her life.
If Casey gets "LIFE", there is no parole attached to that in the State of Florida. It's automatic, set in stone.

I voted for Death, but I certainly won't be sad if she gets a Life sentence. I hold baby-murderers, (or any child), in the lowest bracket of humanity and view those who harm children to be the prime definition of what the DP is intended; inhumane creatures who are not deserving to carry on a life themselves, even in prison.
I have asked this question in a few threads but still do not know the answer:

Is the jury being given options besides Capital Murder? Is it being found guilty of Capital Murder or acquittal as the only options?

Does anyone know?

I haven't read the whole thread yet, so I don't know if anyone has answered your question, but yes... there are lesser included offenses to first degree murder. What those are exactly, I am not sure. So the jury can find her not guilty of first degree murder, but guilty of a lesser included offense.

Maybe AZ or another lawyer will come along and give you a definite answer.
Can they make it LWOP for ICA, or why is that not an option?

Diane Downs went up for a parole hearing again in 2010, and got turned down. She has to wait ten more years before she'll get another chance at parole, I read. She's been in prison since the 80s.

During the Penalty Phase, the Jury may suggest a Life sentence for Casey if the majority vote against Death.

Judge Perry also has the option to completely ignore the Jury's suggestion for Penalty and instead, impose one of his own beliefs. This isn't often done, but it is an option.

I think what you're asking is, why wasn't this charged as "1st Degree with the stipulation of Life" ....? There is no such thing. This is a Capital case, charged as a DP case, but that doesn't mean the Jurors won't have the option of denying the DP option and voting instead for Life, or tangible years instead.

I hope that answered your question.
I firmly believe that LWP is a harsher punishment than the DP - every day the same and spent in the same place. I don't know whether she will be put in general population or not. Some prisoners don't take kindly to child murderers. I feel that is a far harsher punishment than the DP, especially for someone who thought she had "The Good Life" by the tail.

As Casey told someone (Tony I think) "If they don't find Caylee, guess who gets to spend eternity in jail?".

Well, they did find Caylee, and guess who gets to spend eternity in jail?

Respectfully BBM

If ICA is found guilty and given a sentence of LWOP, she will go into general population. She will no longer be in protective custody at that point. She is only in protective custody now because her case is so high profile and she has not yet been found guilty. The State won't take the chance something could happen to her while she is awaiting trial.
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