Poll - If you were on the Jury today

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If you were on the jury today, how would you vote?

  • Guilty of 1st Degree Murder - Death Penalty

    Votes: 200 51.0%
  • Guilty of 1st Degree Murder - LWP

    Votes: 165 42.1%
  • Guilty of a lesser charge - 10-25 years

    Votes: 11 2.8%
  • Guilty of a lesser charge - Off with time served

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • Not Guilty

    Votes: 4 1.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 10 2.6%

  • Total voters
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DP, and I could pull the switch, inject the drug, fire the rifle, go home and get a good nights sleep, resting assured that Caylee received the justice she so deserves after being murdered by her mother and abandonded by her grandparents and Uncle Lee. And I have always been against the DP before this case. In fact, was a juror on a double murder trial and was not able to sentence a man to the DP, only myself and one other juror voted for LWOP.
The video of KC in Blockbuster with Tony on what very possibly was THE day that she murdered her daughter convinces me that she has not one redeeming quality. If she showed even a tidbit of remorse I could live with LWOP.
During the Penalty Phase, the Jury may suggest a Life sentence for Casey if the majority vote against Death.

Judge Perry also has the option to completely ignore the Jury's suggestion for Penalty and instead, impose one of his own beliefs. This isn't often done, but it is an option.

I think what you're asking is, why wasn't this charged as "1st Degree with the stipulation of Life" ....? There is no such thing. This is a Capital case, charged as a DP case, but that doesn't mean the Jurors won't have the option of deny the DP option and voting instead for Life, or tangible years instead.

I hope that answered your question.

Casey says, “the b!tch knows what it feels like now,” referring to her mother, Cindy.

BBM - That part of your post cleared it up nicely, "thank you".
If she gets Life in prison without parole, she will never be released from prison unless new evidence comes up showing she's innocent or if the governor commutes her sentence. "Life in prison" and "Life in prison without parole" are two different sentences; Charles Manson has "Life in Prison" not LWOP and that's why he's able to come up for parole every year. When California overturned the DP back in the 1970s, all Death Row inmates got "Life in Prison" because that was the next harshest punishment, at the time. LWOP didn't exist back then.

Respectfully BBM

Not in Florida. A life sentence in Florida means just that - life. There is no parole with a life sentence. I know not all states are like that, but in Florida LIFE is the same sentence as LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE.
Casey says, “the b!tch knows what it feels like now,” referring to her mother, Cindy.

BBM - That part of your post cleared it up nicely, "thank you".

I know that the State has an enormous smorgasbord of "Casey-isms" to choose from and present because the girl never shut up, but I'm very much hoping that they deliver this line of Casey's to the Jury as part of their CiC.

It is a simple sentence, but one that packs a very powerful punch of guilt. It makes reference to past tense, (Casey's actions), and the "now"; the pain that she has not only inflicted on Cindy, but that Casey is also elated at Cindy's pain and Casey's success of delivery.

This, among a huge assortment of other reasons that we've all hashed time and again, is why I believe Casey deserves Death.
Based on what I know today, I voted for the death penalty. I'm keeping my mind open for evidence that we have not yet been privy to, however. I guess it is always possible the defense could explain away or make sense of all ICA's actions, but I'm not holding my breath.

My guess is that when I have heard all the evidence from both the State and the defense, I will still believe her to be guilty and deserve the death penalty.
Based on what I know today, I voted for the death penalty. I'm keeping my mind open for evidence that we have not yet been privy to, however. I guess it is always possible the defense could explain away or make sense of all ICA's actions, but I'm not holding my breath.

My guess is that when I have heard all the evidence from both the State and the defense, I will still believe her to be guilty and deserve the death penalty.

I think at one time or another we've all mulled over any possible explanation for Casey's actions and in-actions.

For the life of me, I can't fathom one single excuse that could ever fit my not ever reporting my baby daughter "missing". I don't care who the biggest, baddest is on earth, my baby daughter's "rescue" is of utmost importance, all the more reason if the really was big and bad.

The thought that, "I'm scared to death of these people!" - being an excuse just doesn't fly. If I'M scared to death, what peril do you think that puts my baby daughter in? (talking to self here)

What's worse is that there is positively no explanation or excuse for Casey's cavalier attitude, laughing, joking with her parents and Lee, and most of all, asking her father of her mother as she sits in a sobbing heap, "What's she crying for already?" - as Casey is laughing! I will never get over that.

This girl deserves Death. She is shallow, cold and heartless even to the living, let alone to Caylee.
Casey had many choices…

She had the choice of giving Caylee away to a loving couple/ family
If an accident she had the choice to call 911 and give Caylee a chance at being revived
She had the choice to give Caylee a decent burial
She had the choice of telling the truth
She had the choice of facing up to the consequences of her actions
She had the choice of not throwing Caylee away like trash
She had the choice to not throw Caylee in an area that had animals that would tear, ravage, and gnaw at her body and bones
She had the choice of putting her beautiful baby before herself

I reserve the death penalty for the extreme worst in society (serial killers, etc.) I have no doubts she took the life of her child…. PERIOD... What I have read or heard from the defense just sounds like bad excuses and I cannot fathom that it would be any different at trial.

It tears at my heart and I struggle because you can’t get worse then a baby killer but in the end I believe I would vote for LWOP…
I voted LWOP. If I was the only juror deciding I would vote death penalty. I think it will be easier to get a LWOP vote from the jury than the death penalty. Does the vote have to be unanimous?

No. I've seen some cases for Florida that were posted here showing guilt/penalty results. Some of those were from Judge Perry. One example was a 8 to 4 vote in favor of the DP and the Judge gave the DP. If convicted ICA would have had a much better chance of LWOP over the DP with Judge Strickland who has never handed down a death sentence.
I haven't read the whole thread yet, so I don't know if anyone has answered your question, but yes... there are lesser included offenses to first degree murder. What those are exactly, I am not sure. So the jury can find her not guilty of first degree murder, but guilty of a lesser included offense.

Maybe AZ or another lawyer will come along and give you a definite answer.

What the state has done has charged her with murder one and felony child abuse resulting in death. Both are DP eligible. What I understand that to mean is if the jury thinks she drugged Caylee and put her in the trunk not intending death they can find her guilty of the felony child abuse and recommend death.
If the facts and evidence as we know them are the same set of facts and circumstances presented in court, then the jury should consider that KC is the worst of the worst and recommend death. Premeditation, post-murder fascination with death and flippant attitude about it (the hanging teddy bear, oh, KC poor little martyr...), no remorse, entitled attitude, such carelessness for the dignity of life that she could easily toss such an innocent one like trash. After possibly placing a sticker on duct tape that covered Caylee's face, as if the whole thing was cutesy. NOT A TEAR FOR HER DAUGHTER. So unaffected by it that even another killer (MayaD) and a drug trafficker were shocked at KC's demeanor.

A jury gave Timothy McVeigh the DP-Let's compare mitigating factors and state of mind...so McVeigh's mom walked out on him as a child, he had trouble while in the Army and did not get promoted as he had hoped, tantamount to not getting a hard worked-for job (degrading for a soldier and has made other professionals go "postal" or "daytrader"), he was in a war, he had a radical political view of the country that took over his every thought. And he had accomplices, the ol' group mentality.
KC's mom and dad are there, gave her all she needed and thensome, KC has had no major stressors in her life that we know of, especially not a job that she poured blood sweat and tears into...and the only thought that took over her mind was the next party and "sleepover." In fact, I can't think of one moral conviction, right or wrong, that KC held that would cause her to do this-As Andrea Yates had a moral conviction that played a part in the death of her sons, some version of Satan that overtook her thoughts and actions.

As a juror, I could make no excuse for her behavior to mitigate this in the slightest, and in fact I think her actions reach the level of that "elite" group of convicts that the death penalty is especially reserved for. (I hate ending a sentence in a preposition, but I did it anyway!)
I voted LWP. It did not take me long to decide she was guilty just by her actions and non actions, Words spoken and not spoken. Caylee found Close To Home in garbage bags. Also the image in the trunk liner that i do see. The total lack of respect for everyone except for herself. No emotions, no remorse. Not one tear shed for her daughter. I can go on. With all that said I do not believe in the death penalty but I guess if it were my own I might change my mind but I don"t want to find out
Personally I think this woman is insane. As a juror I would probably go with the death penalty, I just don't think anyone could do anything to make me feel compassion for her.
I think at one time or another we've all mulled over any possible explanation for Casey's actions and in-actions.

For the life of me, I can't fathom one single excuse that could ever fit my not ever reporting my baby daughter "missing". I don't care who the biggest, baddest is on earth, my baby daughter's "rescue" is of utmost importance, all the more reason if the really was big and bad.

The thought that, "I'm scared to death of these people!" - being an excuse just doesn't fly. If I'M scared to death, what peril do you think that puts my baby daughter in? (talking to self here)

What's worse is that there is positively no explanation or excuse for Casey's cavalier attitude, laughing, joking with her parents and Lee, and most of all, asking her father of her mother as she sits in a sobbing heap, "What's she crying for already?" - as Casey is laughing! I will never get over that.

This girl deserves Death. She is shallow, cold and heartless even to the living, let alone to Caylee.

Well said. I will never forget that moment either, when she looks at Cindy who is obviously in such terrible anguish she can hardly speak, and says "What's SHE crying for already?". I knew she felt contempt and loathing for her Mother,but Jeez, it's your child she's crying for.. you could at least respect that.
WOW !!!! I never would have thought (but I do respect everyone's opinion) that the posters here at WS would vote for LWOP. For my money I voted for the death penalty. My reasons are that Caylee never had a chance,can you imagine what she might have gone through the last minutes of her life,that the person who was suppose to take care of her and love her KILLED her? I believe the duct tape was placed over her mouth to keep her from crying,I believe Caylee knew something was "wrong" and ICA was angry and the way she was reacting to her made this child cry. I also believe that the boxes of pizza,sodas etc found in the truck,were for Caylee and that they were placed there if she woke up and wanted something to eat. JMHO. I have no sympathy at all for ICA and I don't want her enjoying not one day,of life that she took from a small child.Can you just see CA/GA/LA going to the prison to visit ICA making a big deal about it,being a pain in the neck. Nope!! for my money put her on death row,let her see what it feels like knowing someone is about to take your life and you have no control, just like Caylee saw it coming and had no control.:maddening:

Guilty of 1st Degree Murder - LWP......ONLY Because I don't support the DP.

ETA I have stated that she SHOULD get the DP, but I couldn't wish it on her. I wish I was stronger in that area, but I'm not. :(

trying the multi quote, bbm

I relate totally to what you said Tulessa, LWOP and then reading BBM on Whome's post... just hit me deeply in how Caylee suffered from the one person that was suppose to protect her. I really respect everyones choice.

At this time I will choose LWOP because I haven't heard the DT's 1st minute of their opening statement (when all will be understood) and probably then I'd vote the DP.
My vote as of today:
Guilty of 1st Degree Murder - Death Penalty.
I don't know how LWOP is cheaper? She sits in prison for the rest of her life on our dime. You're right, she's spent enough already, so I say stop the bleeding to the taxpayers. Thinking about it? Nah.....not ICA.

Well that just brings up what I've thought for a long time. That a mother who does not report 'truthfully' where their child is or the circumstances surrounding it... should be thrown in prison... Like I don't believe she deserves a DT or a Trial. Perhaps 'when it comes to children' and the parents responsible for their well-being the laws 'should be different'.

I'm just really tired of hearing how the DP makes it different when she is fortunate to have all these protections when she just lied and hid in prison, behind her right. jmo
If Casey is found guilty, and like 7 jurors want DP and 5 want LWOP, what happens? Do they declare a hung jury or mistrial or do they just wait until they all come to an agreement? People are very strong-willed when it comes to this issue.
Well that just brings up what I've thought for a long time. That a mother who does not report 'truthfully' where their child is or the circumstances surrounding it... should be thrown in prison... Like I don't believe she deserves a DT or a Trial. Perhaps 'when it comes to children' and the parents responsible for their well-being the laws 'should be different'.

I'm just really tired of hearing how the DP makes it different when she is fortunate to have all these protections when she just lied and hid in prison, behind her right. jmo

I'm a little confused by your comment. How the DP makes it different? She's counting on the lies to allow her to continue to hide in prison rather than face the DP IMO.
I am not opposed to the death penalty in certain cases, although I tend to view this as an easy-way-out for many hardened criminals. Additionally, the death penalty becomes a badge of honor for criminals whose "dead-man-walking" saga becomes the focus of the evening news. I feel that Casey Anthony, her family, and legal team would seek to capitalize on her death-row experience with efforts to turn this murderess mommy into a hubristic heroine. Life without parole is the appropriate sentence for ICA. jmo
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