Poll - If you were on the Jury today

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If you were on the jury today, how would you vote?

  • Guilty of 1st Degree Murder - Death Penalty

    Votes: 200 51.0%
  • Guilty of 1st Degree Murder - LWP

    Votes: 165 42.1%
  • Guilty of a lesser charge - 10-25 years

    Votes: 11 2.8%
  • Guilty of a lesser charge - Off with time served

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • Not Guilty

    Votes: 4 1.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 10 2.6%

  • Total voters
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What the state has done has charged her with murder one and felony child abuse resulting in death. Both are DP eligible. What I understand that to mean is if the jury thinks she drugged Caylee and put her in the trunk not intending death they can find her guilty of the felony child abuse and recommend death.

In the lawyer thread, AZ explains that there are lesser-included offenses attached to the first degree murder charge... and then there is the aggravated manslaughter charge, and there are lesser-included offenses attached to that charge as well. If I understood AZ correctly, ICA could be convicted of any of them.

I, myself, am praying for the first degree murder conviction.
I am not opposed to the death penalty in certain cases, although I tend to view this as an easy-way-out for many hardened criminals. Additionally, the death penalty becomes a badge of honor for criminals whose "dead-man-walking" saga becomes the focus of the evening news. I feel that Casey Anthony, her family, and legal team would seek to capitalize on her death-row experience with efforts to turn this murderess mommy into a hubristic heroine. Life without perole is the appropriate sentence for ICA. jmo

I, for one, do not want to fund that. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see the average cost to house, clothe, bathe and feed one inmate per day in the State of Florida between the years of 2009 and 2010. To think that almost $500.00 per week would be spent to keep this woman in prison for the rest of her life is more than a lot even make. That's approx. $24,000 a year and over an average lifetime for her could add up to $1.2 million dollars according to my calculations, not to mention the cost to the State for her appeal(s), if any. For what, so she can think about it? I say do what needs to be done and let her memory fall where it may, hubristic heroine or not. JMHO

1st degree murder and Death Penalty. No qualms. I will reconsider when the DT presents the real ZFG. Until then, I say fry her.
I'm a little confused by your comment. How the DP makes it different? She's counting on the lies to allow her to continue to hide in prison rather than face the DP IMO.

I was referring to how it appears that since the DP being on the table makes this trial different then if it wasn't an option. I hope I explained that better.
If Casey is found guilty, and like 7 jurors want DP and 5 want LWOP, what happens? Do they declare a hung jury or mistrial or do they just wait until they all come to an agreement? People are very strong-willed when it comes to this issue.

In the guilt phase, the verdict has to be unanimous. But in the penalty phase, there does not need to be a unanimous vote for the DP. If it was 7 to 5 in favor of death, the recommendation would be DP. However, HHJP has the authority to sentence her to LWOP even if they recommend death, as the jury's vote is only a recommendation.

It could also go the other way... if the jury voted 7 to 5 in favor of LWOP, HHJP could still sentence ICA to death.

I voted Guilty of Murder and sentenced to death.

IMO, the death penalty is for crimes that are so heinous that we are left with no other option. Crimes against children fit into this category for me. Any crime against a child.

If ICA gets LWOP, I doubt that she will ever see a day in general population. She will be kept with a select group of inmates because her crime will put her in jeopardy in gen pop and once she becomes a prisoner her well being is the state's responsibility. She will never have to work a day in her life. Never have to wonder where her next meal is coming from. Never have to pay taxes. Her laundry will be done for her. Her meals will be prepared for her. She will make some friends. She will have penpals that declare their undying love for her. She will get to see her family when she chooses. They will supply her with plenty of money so that she can buy things. She will get to be the princess that she always thought that she should be.

Hummmm. I beginning to think that LWOP would be a holiday compared to my day to day life.

Anyway, I don't want my tax dollars taking care of this no good, worthless, scab on the butt of humanity.

Casey planned Caylee's murder, duct tape.
Callous, driving around town with her dead child in the trunk.
Lack of remourse, I've seen none.
Dumping her child like trash.
Sick, sticker on her mouth.

Evidence is there for me. If this terrible crime had to happen. Thank You ICA for giving us the duct tape evidence. Ironic it just might end her life as well.
I voted LWOP. I have always said death but in thinking it over I have changed my mind.I want her to spend years in prison. I want her to think of the beautiful little girl she murdered.As she gets older her thoughts may change.No one will visit ma and pa will be gone,Lee I believe is gone already except for formalities of trial. The urge for the attention of men will fade. She will spend her latter years as a miserable old forgotten excuse of a woman. That is if no one knocks her :floorlaugh:

Reading more of the above pages I also thought that subconciously I think I want her to be turned over to GP as Dahmer was. It would make the situation not as rosy as the needle. I think he was turned over when they got tired of feeding that monster!!
I'm more than a bit surprised at the number of people who chose DP in this poll. Although, I think that's what she deserves. Not only is little Caylee gone but many people have been hurt or run over in her attempt to cover what she's done. jmo
RR00004 - did you make a choice in the poll? If so, please comment as though you were on the jury "today" on that.
Yup...I voted...and I was surprised that I really had no problem with voting for the DP. This is so unlike me.
It is time to allow the American Taxpayer to have a vote..."keep em or cook em" I am tired of paying hard earned money for the likes of this crazy Casey, and Charles Manson. Look at the good that could be done with the money spent and wasted on people who would rape and kill if ever given the opportunity to be free. This keeping alive a person as a form of torture is crazy... we are the ones being tortured ..we work our selves to death,either from worry trying to protect ourselves from them or just to keep them locked up.
Death to those that would choose to do harm to the innocent We need to reinstate the death penalty in every state.My tax money would be better spent, on better pay for teachers, more after school programs for children whose parent's work till Five and can't afford a baby sitter.
Health care for our citizens.dental care...Casey Anthony Did Not Report Her Child Missing..what innocent mother would do that? People mention a stray cat or dog when they havn't seen them in a few days...Casey let everyone believe "she had it all under control,for 30 days...COOK HER

Casey planned Caylee's murder, duct tape.
Callous, driving around town with her dead child in the trunk.
Lack of remourse, I've seen none.
Dumping her child like trash.
Sick, sticker on her mouth.


You were so close to Haiku on this one! Beat poetry? ITA, BTW
Would that fit into Other or are you not comfortable putting that with an explanation of how you voted?

Personally I think she is a cold blooded killer. I would be fine with either the DP or LWP.

I am just worried that the jury might lean towards it being an accident. And IF that happens and the only option is Capital Murder or acquittal,then it might be a problem.
In the lawyer thread, AZ explains that there are lesser-included offenses attached to the first degree murder charge... and then there is the aggravated manslaughter charge, and there are lesser-included offenses attached to that charge as well. If I understood AZ correctly, ICA could be convicted of any of them.

I, myself, am praying for the first degree murder conviction.

Thank you. That is what I wondered about. I am praying for her to be found guilty of Capital Murder as well.

I am just hoping they have their bases covered in case they get some jurors who want to believe it was an accident. Some people are perhaps going to have a hard time believing that this 'sweet young mother' could be so coldblooded, imo.
-----kc currently is facing 7 charges.

.."Maura" @ the Hinky Meter put together this list of All charges/sentences.

» Maura said: { Sep 7, 2010 - 04:09:29 }
Here are the grand jury counts along with the Florida criminal statutes referred to in the grand jury indictment for each count:

Count 1. First degree murder (Capital)
Casey Marie Anthony, between June 15 and July 16, 2008, did, in violation of Florida Statute 782.04(1)(a)(1), from a premeditated design to effect the death of Caylee Marie Anthony, a human being, unlawfully kill Caylee Marie Anthony.
Florida Statute 782.04(1)(a)(1)
(1)(a) The unlawful killing of a human being:
1. When perpetrated from a premeditated design to effect the death of the person killed or any human being . . . is murder in the first degree and constitutes a capital felony, punishable as provided in s. 775.082.
Sentence: LWOP or execution

Count 2. Aggravated child abuse
Casey Marie Anthony, between June 15 and July 16, 2008, did, in violation of Florida Statute 827.03(2), cause great bodily harm, permanent disfigurement, or permanent disability to Caylee Marie Anthony, a child under 18 years of age, by intentionally inflicting physical injury upon Caylee Marie Anthony, or by intentionally committing an act or actively encouraging another person to commit an act which could reasonably be expected to result in physical injury to Caylee Marie Anthony.
Florida Statute 827.03(2) “Aggravated child abuse” occurs when a person:
(a) Commits aggravated battery on a child;
(b) Willfully tortures, maliciously punishes, or willfully and unlawfully cages a child; or
(c) Knowingly or willfully abuses a child and in so doing causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the child.
Sentence: Up to 30 years

Count 3. Aggravated manslaughter of a child
Casey Marie Anthony, between June 15 and July 16, 2008, did willfully or by culpable negligence, in violation of Florida Statutes 782.07(3) and 827.03(3), while a caregiver to Caylee Marie Anthony, a child under 18 years of age, fail or omit to provide to Caylee Marie Anthony with the care, supervision, and services necessary to maintain Caylee Marie Anthony’s physical and mental health, or fail to make a reasonable effort to protect Caylee Marie Anthony from abuse, neglect, or exploitation by another person, and in doing so caused the death of Caylee Marie Anthony.
Florida Statute 782.07(3)
3) A person who causes the death of any person under the age of 18 by culpable negligence under s. 827.03(3) commits aggravated manslaughter of a child, a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
Florida Statute 827.03(3) “Neglect of a child” means:
1. A caregiver’s failure or omission to provide a child with the care, supervision, and services necessary to maintain the child’s physical and mental health, including, but not limited to, food, nutrition, clothing, shelter, supervision, medicine, and medical services that a prudent person would consider essential for the well-being of the child; or
2. A caregiver’s failure to make a reasonable effort to protect a child from abuse, neglect, or exploitation by another person.
Neglect of a child may be based on repeated conduct or on a single incident or omission that results in, or could reasonably be expected to result in, serious physical or mental injury, or a substantial risk of death, to a child.
(b) A person who willfully or by culpable negligence neglects a child and in so doing causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the child commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
Sentence: Up to 30 years

For Counts 4-7 (four counts of providing false information to a LEO)
837.055 False information to law enforcement during investigation.–Whoever knowingly and willfully gives false information to a law enforcement officer who is conducting a missing person investigation or a felony criminal investigation with the intent to mislead the officer or impede the investigation commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
Count 4. Providing false information to LE

Casey Marie Anthony, on July 16, 2008, did, in violation of Florida Statute 837.055, knowingly and willfully give false information to Yuri Melich, an OCSO law enforcement officer, who was conducting a missing person investigation, with the intent to mislead Yuri Melich or impede his investigation, to wit: that Casey Marie Anthony was employed at Universal Studios Orlando during the year 2008.
Count 5. Providing false information to LE

Casey Marie Anthony, on July 16, 2008, did, in violation of Florida Statute 837.055, knowingly and willfully give false information to Yuri Melich, an OCSO law enforcement officer, who was conducting a missing person investigation, with the intent to mislead Yuri Melich or impede his investigation, to wit: that Casey Marie Anthony left the child Caylee Marie Anthony at the Sawgrass Apartment, 2863 South Conway Road, Apt. 210, Orlando, Florida, with a person identified as Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez on June 9, 2008 or any subsequent date.
Count 6. Providing false information to LE

Casey Marie Anthony, on July 16, 2008, did, in violation of Florida Statute 837.055, knowingly and willfully give false information to Yuri Melich, an OCSO law enforcement officer, who was conducting a missing person investigation, with the intent to mislead Yuri Melich or impede his investigation, to wit: that Casey Marie Anthony informed persons identified as Jeffrey Michael Hopkins and Juliette Lewis, former Universal Studios Orlando employees, of the disappearance of the child Caylee Marie Anthony between June 9, 2008 and July 16, 2008.
Count 7. Providing false information to LE

Casey Marie Anthony, on July 16, 2008, did, in violation of Florida Statute 837.055, knowingly and willfully give false information to Yuri Melich, an OCSO law enforcement officer, who was conducting a missing person investigation, with the intent to mislead Yuri Melich or impede his investigation, to wit: that Casey Marie Anthony received a phone call from the child Caylee Marie Anthony on July 15, 2008 at approximately 12:00pm.
Sentence: Each count has a maximum sentence of one year

--------i voted guilty -----death penalty.

..(IMO) she murdered her, in the most callous fashion ( possibly duct-taping her arms ) so that she had no way to even try to remove the duct tape applied over her nose and mouth......tossed "it" in the trunk.

..and then----freshened up her lip gloss and had movie night/sex in the morning with the boyfriend du jour..

..a few days later, "it" was starting to annoy her ( b/c HER car had a bad (dead skunk) smell.

..so, she took time away from her imagi-job---and tossed "it" , in garbage bags---into the woods/swamp.

..and continued to live HER life..
..next annoyance? her mom---bringing up--"that child"-- caylee, again. (!)

..even though with the DP----she gets an automatc appeal, and it will be forever before she's executed----at least she'll be in her own little pathetic cell for 23 hours per day. ( a la' scott peterson ).

..with LWOP, she won't be in general popualtion---but in a "special" wing ( similar to susan smith ) specific to 'high profile' cases. where she will be 'free' to take classes, mingle with her new 'friends'----pretty much BE the event planner that she imagined herself to be.

..it's not that i'm an "eye for an eye" person ( b/c that would be kc @ 22, snuffing out the life of another person who was also 22---in this case, kc snuffed out the life of a defenseless child -not yet 3--that was interfering with HER life, as opposed to what she'd "rather be doing" as a 22 year old.)

..the DP qualified "aggravators" that the state lists are clear----and kc qualifies for all of them.

..yes andrea, she did "kill her kid"----and yes jeffA, she should get the Death Penalty sentence b/c of it.
I voted DP but only because I what I know of the case thus far.

I guess there is always the chance something will come out at trial that could change my mind about the DP. But nothing could change my mind that she is definitely guilty of something that deserves at least a lengthy sentence....31 days, the stealing and all the lies.
I voted other...simply because of the 1st degree charge of LWP...

I believe ICA will get convicted of 1st degree murder and given LWOP...no parole possible...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Agreed ... and I might be the lone soul here who still is fence sitting. :truce:

The A clan is definitely involved in the after of KNOWING and in the COVERUP of Caylee's murder, but WHO actually was directly involved and responsible for Caylee's murder has me sitting on the fence.

There is no doubt that ICA has involvement and participation. Almost three years later, I still am not convinced it was all ICA.

I hear you! &basically agree. Outside the family, and documented on video Caylee was last seen with CA. CA has lied sooooo much she has lost all credibility with me IMO at this time... ICA is the lesser of two evils. Still evil, but on the fence at what point and with whom Caylee died. I also need to "hear" testimony that GA is JUST the grandpa. I know I'm hard headed. CA strikes a nerve with me because of my own mother. Who has been dead almost 11years
so I'll not speak badly about the :innocent: deceased. She WAS mean as A snake but I still loved her.
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