Poll: Was Shannan Gilbert Murdered?

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Was Shannan Gilbert Murdered?

  • Yes, and I have a POI in mind (and he's among those who can be talked about at WS)

    Votes: 33 14.3%
  • Yes, and I have a POI in mind (though he's not presently among those who can be talked about here)

    Votes: 15 6.5%
  • Yes, I think she was, and I have some theories, but no specific person in mind.

    Votes: 59 25.5%
  • If I had to guess, I'd guess that "yes", she was murdered.

    Votes: 65 28.1%
  • If I had to guess, I'd guess that "no", she was not murdered.

    Votes: 32 13.9%
  • No, I firmly believe (think) Shannan Gilbert was not murdered.

    Votes: 27 11.7%

  • Total voters
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Back to the topic at hand...we can debate whether or not Shannan was mentally unbalanced or whacked out on drugs until we are blue in the face. The fact of the matter is that we simply don't know what was wrong with her that night. There are any number of plausible explanations for why she was behaving the way she was, including, but not limited to, panic.

My personal feeling is that there was a combination of several things going on with her that night that lead to her emotional state. But that's just my opinion.
Oh well, on another board in Germany, someone told me, he doesn't have to take me seriously because I'm a fake. As evidence, he argued, I would use the name of a known writer ... errr ... yes ... Most people are strange ducks.

:floorlaugh: That is funny PB! Surely you can't be he!
It seems almost beyond plausibility, but I actually don't believe SG was murdered and that the Gilgo Beach bodies are just one of the most bizarre coincidences ever.
Ahh, the million dollar question. After countless hours of research, I am now still as conflicted as ever but leaning more towards accidental death due to drug use. (more likely than not, unwilling)

I am sure of one thing. Shannan's "groupies" (for lack of a better word) are doing more to hurt the investigation than help it!

I don't believe SG is a LISK victim, nor do I believe that LISK and Manorville are related. I am on the fence about LISK= AC4

JF - opinions are like Hemorrhoids, sooner or later every AHole has one. BTW, that was meant to be funny. Heck, your guess is as good as anyone's. I am still dealing with the issue of the other gals, the GB4 being murdered and dumped in a location that is a pretty well closed community. We don't really know how she died because the ME has not told us how she died. We might have found something more about this case if the police released the 911 tapes. SG made a 23 minute call that had to be on the verge of hysteria. What, if anything will the tape tell us?

The police have already suggested SG died from exposure combined with drugs. They have already eliminated Joe Brewer. So what is the big deal about releasing the tapes. What 'investigation' could they be jeopardizing if they are saying the death was accidental?

Lets kick this one around for a bit: SG dies from exposure. I think we can all agree on SG ran off because she was in fear of her life. Whether the situation called for that is really not known to us. But consider this. SG knows something or thinks she knows something how 4 fellow working gals disappeared. She has an idea that the last place they went was in an area at Gilgo, or some such location near Gilgo. She spends 3 hours at Brewer's house. Something triggers her to run off. Was it just paranoia induced by drugs or is it something else?

The very idea that four gals who advertised their wares on Craigslist and SG did the same and they all are dead has to make one wonder is this a coincidence or is it something else?

I worked homicides for the last 10 years of a long career. Unless there is something I don't know they are not telling us I think I can tell you there is NO WAY that Brewer could have been eliminated as the prime suspect, in the SG case and the GB4 case.

Cops aren't psychics. We don't use a crystal ball or a Ouija Board. We go where the evidence leads us. Cops are pretty much in a mystery as all of us are. There is no possible way they could have ruled out Brewer, and do it so soon unless they know who did it.
I would like the members to consider this item of interest. I trust it will give you folks a sense as how far the political establishment, in particular the DA will go to cover up something embarrassing.
Some years ago a young man who was in college reached under a woman’s dress and fondled her buttocks and her genital area. This wasn’t a horny guy with a gal in the back of a Chevy; this was a guy who just thought it would be fun to sexually abuse an innocent female.
He gets charged with sexual abuse and pleads out to that crime. He receives 1 year probation.
Some years later he applies to the NYPD to become a police officer. He is rejected because they find illegal drugs in his body.
He is later arrested in Nassau County for malicious mischief. He pleads out to disorderly conduct.
His license is suspended three times. I believe that in at least one of those suspensions he was found guilty of DWI – maybe all three times.
He would then apply for a position with the SC Sheriff’s Dept. He fails to mention all of the above when he applies. The Sheriff’s Department personnel office writes an opinion that his man should not be hired. He is hired anyway.
His position now is now of a higher rank and higher pay. Last year he took down over $200,000.00. His job now is to investigate wrongdoing and other matters that come to the attention of the Sheriff.
He is not only an important member of the Sheriff’s Department but he has as his ‘day job’ as the leader of a major political party. His boss, the Sheriff received his endorsement when he ran for that office a few years ago. Judges and politicians clamor to him for his endorsements. For gosh sakes this man has the power to name judges. He has also given his endorsement to District Attorney Spota.
The above matter becomes known to the Sheriff. The Sheriff is said to have asked DA Spota for his advisement – what do we do with this guy. Spota, reportedly writes a letter to the Sheriff and says something like no big deal. This fellow was not convicted of the sex crime by a jury verdict, he pled out to it. No big deal. He carries a gun. He is very instrumental in picking judges. He rounded out the 5 party endorsement for Spota and the Sheriff to run unopposed even though the Legislature passed a law that persons in those elective offices are limited to 3 terms.
Now let us go back to Gilgo. Spota inserts himself into that investigation. He criticizes the police commissioner when his theory conflicts with Spota’s theory. Why is a DA inserting himself into this investigation at this time? I smell cover-up, and it is as simple as that.
Can anyone tell me why I have a message posted @ 4:40 PM yesterday when I made no such post. I opened the page and found the above, a message I posted on 5/2?

TRACEY, if you are reading this: I received your PM's and tried to respond with a PM. The replies didn't seem to have gotten through. Try and send me a PM with a more direct way of contacting you if you are still interested in contacting me.
Can anyone tell me why I have a message posted @ 4:40 PM yesterday when I made no such post. I opened the page and found the above, a message I posted on 5/2?

Any time someone votes in a poll thread, it registers as new activity for that thread, regardless of when the last actual post was made.

By the way, as of right now, of voters who take a definite yes/no stance on the issue of Shannan Gilbert's murder, 81.25% say "yes she was" and 18.75% say "no she wasn't". Of those who don't feel certain either way but have ventured a guess, slightly more than 2/3 guess "yes".
Hawkshaw, look at the symbol to the left of the thread. Sometimes my posts do not appear on threads with that symbol present. Other times they do. Dont know why that is. Its weird it would appear you posted something if you didnt. If im understanding you correctly. Several days ago it appeared you posted something also and May 2nd appeared when Iclicked on. On another note, I have a problem with my PM folks. There are some features on my Nook that cause my screen to freeze when I attempt to use them. Dont know why that is.
I say Gilbert wasn't murdered. I know I'm in the minority, however.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
I think she was murdered. Shannon did not take off her own jeans and her jeans did not fall off of her. People have used different adjectives to describe Shannon. Its all speculation and none of them are a basis for removing her own jeans when she is running away in fear.
I don't think I will ever make my mind up. I will always go back and forth on whether she was murdered. I mean just from reading her story it's like duh she was murdered. But then when you take a look at the fact she may have done some type of drug it very well could of been an accident. Drugs could make her take her clothes off...but until I know 100% if she was on drugs or not I can't make my mind up.
GIA, I guess you are unaware or forgot the Police Commissioner opined that her clothes came off when being snagged by the brush and bramble. You gotta be kidding me, right?
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