Poll: What was the duct tape used for?

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What was the duct tape used for?

  • To silence Caylee during the murder

    Votes: 333 47.9%
  • To stage a kidnapping

    Votes: 184 26.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 178 25.6%

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there is also always the possibility that she wrapped Caylee's body up in a sheet, pillow case or towel and used the duct tape to keep it in place...
If we knew what else was found at the scene and in that bag that would be quite helpful..
I don't think that she staged based on the fact that LE found things with the body leading straight back to the A house. Surely if KC was attempting to stage it she would not have left anything that obvious?
It seems to me that there is a possibility of more then one crime scene. I, like some others, think she may have been moved at least two, maybe three times. We have the cadaver hit on the car and on the yard. It appears that something in that bag early on alerted CSI back to the home and KC's bedroom. The very bedroom she could no longer sleep in per CA.
I don't think she planned that far ahead. I believe the nanny abduction was an afterthought, maybe even after she got caught. I honestly think at one point she had planned just to leave town like go out to Calif. with MH, or continue to run circles around her mother with various excuses why Caylee was unavailable. MOO

just a thought peeps.... but could she have revisted the scene to place the ductape after she had her kidnapping story all hashed out? In that instance I believe she used the tape to reinforce the bag and then had a lightbulb moment...returned to the scene and used it to stage the scene. She did back into that garage more than twice per the neighbor


I'm not sure she silenced Caylee with it.

If it was across her mouth/face it was put there as an afterthought (formulating the kidnap story in her mind)

It's possible as well, since KC was not sure what she was going to do with the
body, is she taped her wrists and ankles together for simplicity reasons: less chance of a hand or foot popping out of the bag while you're doing your disposal. Keeps everything together as it were, easier to carry.

I also think it was used to keep the bag closed.
I would think the investigators would be covered in drywall debris if they had torn the walls apart. JMO.

Drywall isn't that messy to cut if you're only removing a specific section. You just cut it with a razor knife and pop it out. :)
I think she told on Mommy and Mommy got choked as a result, so Mommy made sure she would never "tell" on Mommy again. Even if it was applied after death, it was symbolic of "silencing Caylee". Caylee got Mommy in trouble, it was all her fault.

I prefer this scenario over others.
I think she told on Mommy and Mommy got choked as a result, so Mommy made sure she would never "tell" on Mommy again. Even if it was applied after death, it was symbolic of "silencing Caylee". Caylee got Mommy in trouble, it was all her fault.

don't know if I'm supposed to put this here or not , delete if not.....okeedokee
but I've been wondering about this because IF Caylee had told CA and /or GA something about where she had been and what she had seen or anything bad that had been happening to her I just can't see them letting KC take the baby away from the house after the "fight" and then letting a month go by without DEMANDING that they see or talk to her????? or trying to find KC and make sure Caylee was ok. I know CA said , "I've given you a month"....but if they even SUSPECTED that Caylee was in any way not being well taken care of I don't think she would have given her a month.......but then, what else makes sense in this case????
I don't think that she staged based on the fact that LE found things with the body leading straight back to the A house. Surely if KC was attempting to stage it she would not have left anything that obvious?

Are we certain that artifacts were found in the bag, along with the remains? LE may have been trying to match fibers/duct tape, things like that.
I think she told on Mommy and Mommy got choked as a result, so Mommy made sure she would never "tell" on Mommy again. Even if it was applied after death, it was symbolic of "silencing Caylee". Caylee got Mommy in trouble, it was all her fault.
I'm with ya, Dot. See my post at #19.
Whoa whoa whoa.... when/where did we hear this? If this is common knowledge sorry, but it's the first I've heard of it.

Sorry, this was on the rumors thread. Allegedly, someone on there was in a chat and someone close to Cindy heard from her over the weekend, where she was complaining about what all LE did to the house. I'll find the link for you.

Here you go: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75662&page=25

Cindy is most upset that cops tore into her house.
This is coming from a chat I visit.
One of our members has a sister who was in contact with Cindy today.
Cindy was telling what all the cops tore up in her house.
Dry wall in garage torn out.
Carpets and padding torn up.
Mattress cut into.
Most of this cutting was done in Casey's room.
I think that it was used to silence Caylee for when she was coming out of the chloroformed state. I still think Casey chloroformed Caylee, then put the baby in the trunk of her car, ductaped her mouth shut so that no one would hear her cry/scream when she came out tof the state, and then when she went to check on Caylee she found her dead. I think that Caylee died from a chloroform overdose.

And as far as the neckbreaking goes... Casey could have broke the babies next aftwards to stage the whole thing and then maybe even left the ducttape on her mouth to make it look like a kidnapping.
Yes, other, because we don't know where or how the duct tape was used! Sheesh!


In fact we know very little about the discovery - period. I have read various reports that include tape on bag/tape on skull/skull practically wrapped in tape/tape over mouth only. I have also read that the remains found were skull only/full remains but skeletonised/full remains with soft tissue. Then we have clothes in the bag/no clothes in the bag/clothes nearby/no clothes found at all.

I think one of the first reports about tape being on the skull was based on information that was allegedly given to the reporter by a resident and it seemed to snowball from there on. There's no way any resident (or anyone else except LE/FBI/the utilities worker) has yet been allowed anywhere close enough to see anything! It's all rumour at the moment, but it sure does feed imaginations! :eek:
I think it was used to hold the chloroform-soaked rag to her mouth/nose so she wouldn't wake up.
I do believe KC placed the duct tape on Caylee's mouth to keep her quite after she chloroformed her. The duct tape was simply a back-up in case Caylee woke up before KC was through doing what ever is was she was engaged in. I also believe she may have had her hands bound to prevent little Caylee from removing the tape from her mouth or draw attention to the trunk due to beating the inside of it with her little hands.

I also believe Caylee woke up scared at some point and began to cry. This, in turn, made her nauseated at which time she vomited. With no way for the vomit to escape, she inhaled or aspirated the vomit, choked (drowned) and died.

Just my 2 cents...
I voted "other".

This is my opinion only.....

Casey placed already dead Caylee in a large garbage bag, wrapped the duct tape around the bag, along with something heavy to weigh the bag down.

As the body decomposed, while in the trunk, the body fluids leaked through a tear or hole made by the heavy object.... and left a stain "the size of a basketball."

After Casey placed/threw her precious baby's body in the woods....
the skin and other soft tissues eventually came away from the body, while submerged in water for several months.

Due to the water, the body gases, and decomposition...
the bag and duct tape became loosened from around the remains and the weighted object.

The skull and other bones came apart from each other (because of the soft tissue no longer there to hold them together and in place).

Then the current, the weather, animals, searchers, or ? ..... dislodged some of the remains from the loosened bag. As the bag was loosening, some of the duct tape came in contact with the skull and adhered itself to it.

As for how Caylee actually died... as I've said before, I think Casey had been thinking of ways to do away with Caylee for a long time. I don't think she saw herself as Caylee's "mother" and resented having to take care of her.

Caylee may have been crying very loudly, asking for Cindy, wanting to go home....
and I think with all the rage brewing inside Casey from the fight she had with Cindy, etc and wanting to be with TL and at Fusion... she, in a fit of anger, hauled off and whacked her, threw her, shook her... thus killing baby Caylee.

(Re the bag and tape loosening from the body.... I had said the same thing about baby Connor, when a few people thought he had been strangulated by Scott. It was the tape that had loosened from around the bag that held Lacey. The gases had pushed Connor from the womb, and the tape became tangled around his neck.)

Sorry to be so graphic. It hurt like heck to write the above descriptions.
Oooops... I didn't realize I wrote that much until I clicked "post reply" and then saw the space it took up!!!
I just can't bring myself to vote on this one. I don't want to think about it. It makes me really sick at heart.
If blood or body fluids were on Casey's mattress, carpet and pad, and drywall wouldn't the dogs have hit in these places?

In fact we know very little about the discovery - period. I have read various reports that include tape on bag/tape on skull/skull practically wrapped in tape/tape over mouth only. I have also read that the remains found were skull only/full remains but skeletonised/full remains with soft tissue. Then we have clothes in the bag/no clothes in the bag/clothes nearby/no clothes found at all.

I think one of the first reports about tape being on the skull was based on information that was allegedly given to the reporter by a resident and it seemed to snowball from there on. There's no way any resident (or anyone else except LE/FBI/the utilities worker) has yet been allowed anywhere close enough to see anything! It's all rumour at the moment, but it sure does feed imaginations! :eek:

Here is a new link that just came out saying the mouth was taped shut. I like you have heard various stories on this as well.

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