Poll: What was the duct tape used for?

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What was the duct tape used for?

  • To silence Caylee during the murder

    Votes: 333 47.9%
  • To stage a kidnapping

    Votes: 184 26.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 178 25.6%

  • Total voters
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I voted other, there is not enough info yet. But duct tape seems to be popular with criminals and kidnapping. I have first hand knowledge of how it feels to be bound with duct tape by an escaped prisoner while being held hostage and raped in my own home. Poor little klee didn't have a chance. Duct tape was used on me to cover my eyes, my mouth (and yes it is very difficult to breath) and used to bind my hands and feet to our poster bed. I tried to free myself for 2 hours and was unable to. If my then husband didn't break free, I am not sure if I would have been able to break the binds. It sounds odd but it may be an important message to get out or find info on, how to break free of duct tape as a public service announcement. I have not been able to find info but with home invasions on the rise and duct tape cheap and efficient I think it is more common than most people think.
This thread is for duct tape discussion only.
we are talking about the remains on so many threads that the information is getting lost. Feel free to vote on the duct tape and defend your choice.
That's true. I am sure that they must have gotten a luminol hit on that wall though, why else would they have taken dry wall??

That's definitely why they did it I bet - good thinking!
I hate to even think about this possibility, but I wonder if the duct tape also covered the nose area of the skull. There have been murder cases in which people were suffocated with duct tape.
SDavidson... what a horrible thing to go through. I am so sorry!
I think KC put the duct tape on Caylee's mouth after she died to make it look like a kidnapping.
I voted other because I think it had a dual purpose...possibly to hold a cloth soaked with chloroform in place and to keep her silent if she woke up in the trunk while her monster, I mean mother was partying or sleeping with a dude.
I think it was placed on the bag so no more leakage and human decompostion would keep leaking in her trunk. Perhaps the first bag ripped or opened, hence the spot in the trunk?

If it was placed on her mouth I think it was to shut her up as she was probably crying and wanting to go home to her GPs.
If blood or body fluids were on Casey's mattress, carpet and pad, and drywall wouldn't the dogs have hit in these places?

I think those dogs only smell decomp fluids. They could be looking for chemicals in the bedding or blood splatters that had been cleaned. Remember that the gray pants were also in the car and smelled and Cindy washed them. The dogs didn't pick up on that, IIRC.
I think those dogs only smell decomp fluids. They could be looking for chemicals in the bedding or blood splatters that had been cleaned. Remember that the gray pants were also in the car and smelled and Cindy washed them. The dogs didn't pick up on that, IIRC.

I would be shocked to learn that LE didn't luminal for blood during any of the prior searches.
I have enjoyed reading all of the different posts about Caylee and her "diabolical" mother! I finally have to jump in with a post and my opinion.......
I think the duct tape was used to keep Caylee from crying out if she woke up while spending time in the trunk of KC's car......while KC was "entertaining".
Here is a new link that just came out saying the mouth was taped shut. I like you have heard various stories on this as well.


Hmmm! It sounds like official confirmation, but if it is I am surprised, because it seems totally unprofessional to me to be leaking info. out like that, especially after Friday's court hearing when the prosecution were so insistent that details of the remains should not be spread all over the media, especially before a positive ID has been made!
Duct tape to stop a trauma wound from oozing out everywhere.
I need more details. If the tape was only over the mouth, it opens to the door to several possibilities. If however, the tape was wrapped around the entire skull and the mouth, that suggests a lot more.
dont think she staged a kidnapping because I dont think she ever thought of that until cindy said the magic words "who took her?"

had cindy not come in she may have told lee the truth and this would be a whole nother story.
Here is a new link that just came out saying the mouth was taped shut. I like you have heard various stories on this as well.

The link also says ~

Investigators said they're still trying to determine why the child's mouth was taped shut with duct tape. At this point they said they do not believe this was meant to look like the child was killed by a kidnapper.
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