Poll: What was the duct tape used for?

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What was the duct tape used for?

  • To silence Caylee during the murder

    Votes: 333 47.9%
  • To stage a kidnapping

    Votes: 184 26.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 178 25.6%

  • Total voters
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I think she used it to silence Caylee. Possibly to keep her from waking up and crying ahead of planned time between choroform administration and body dumping. i wonder if Caylee was still alive, but unconscious (I hope) when she was thrown in the swamp.

That way KC, in her twisted way, could tell herself she didn't actually kill Caylee. She only drugged her and threw her under water.

But that wouldn't explain the decomp in the trunk. I feel she killed Caylee and planned on blaming it on zanny.
Yes, other, because we don't know where or how the duct tape was used! Sheesh!
I voted "other."

IF KC's bedroom is the murder scene then IMO she had to have killed Caylee there when no one else was in the house. How many people have duct tape in their bedroom right now. I am sure there are a few, but no one keeps duct tape in their bedroom as a habit. You may have left it there but most people keep it in a drawer in the kitchen, the garage, or perhaps the laundry room.

Again, if she used the tape in that room then she had to go get it from somewhere else in the house which suggests pre-meditation to me. In a rage killing the person loses it and uses what ever is before them. If there is a blunt object in the room, a gun, a knife, ect.

If she was somewhere else or in her car and Caylee was accidently killed she may have had the duct tape in the car..

To put duct tape on a child's mouth would imply, to me anyway, that the child is still awake and the person is deliberetly trying to silence the child. It's a supreme act of cruelty, IMO, for a child to see a parent glaring at them and putting tape on the mouth. IF that happened the visualization of that alone by the jury will put KC away. IMO

I have lots of questions and hopefully the trial will answer most of them.:waitasec:
I voted that she used it to keep her quiet at the time of the killing, but you know, the fact that LE has torn the Anthony's home apart this weekend, including cutting up the mattress, carpeting and drywall lead me to believe that a violent murder occurred in the home. Maybe a possible blunt force trauma to the head? Did KC use duct tape to tape the kid's skull together? That would be effed up to the max.

I dunno, I'm just throwing that out there.
I voted "other" because I believe duct tape could be used for both reasons. To silence and speed along death while in the process of dying and to stage a kidnapping. Chloroform could have been used on an asleep child to knock her out and left over the nose, duct tape applied to prevent crying out, then smothering with a pillow over the duct tape. The most horrible scenario that could come to my mind though is being placed knocked out with chloroform and duct taped THEN placed into the plastic bag and into the trunk while still alive and dying from smothering.
The duct tape confuses me. Maybe I just don't want to go there. I'm still unsure of the reports that it was attached to her mouth. I just can't see that all of that tissue would still be there after all this time.

LE removed coolers from the home, so it's possible that KC kept her on ice for awhile, thus preserving the body to a degree. Also, being in water slows down the decomp process and it was in water at least some of this time. There were heavy rains here from June until September and in the middle of all that, the tropical storm or hurricane or whatever it was we had. So it did spend some time underwater, in a bag, somewhat preserved.

I voted that she used it to keep her quiet at the time of the killing, but you know, the fact that LE has torn the Anthony's home apart this weekend, including cutting up the mattress, carpeting and drywall lead me to believe that a violent murder occurred in the home. Maybe a possible blunt force trauma to the head? Did KC use duct tape to tape the kid's skull together? That would be effed up to the max.

I dunno, I'm just throwing that out there.

Whoa whoa whoa.... when/where did we hear this? If this is common knowledge sorry, but it's the first I've heard of it.
I voted other. I think she used the duct tape to block body fluids from coming out of the mouth after she died.

To block body fluids the eyes, ears, nose and anus would also had to have been taped up. Just taping up the mouth would not have worked.
I voted that the duct tape was used to silence Caylee. I can't think of another reason she would have needed duct tape. As for staging a kidnapping, I don't think KC came up with that until later. If she had concocted a kidnapping scenario, I would think it would have been a little more cohesive. Surely she would not have needed to take LE on such a silly search to the non-existent job, etc. OTOH, she was pretty busy partying, leaving little time for developing plots. I do think KC just flies by the seat of her pants. She really only thought she had to fool mom and dad as usual. It seems they were pretty easy to fool one day at a time (in a backwards sort of way).
I don't think she planned that far ahead. I believe the nanny abduction was an afterthought, maybe even after she got caught. I honestly think at one point she had planned just to leave town like go out to Calif. with MH, or continue to run circles around her mother with various excuses why Caylee was unavailable. MOO

just a thought peeps.... but could she have revisted the scene to place the ductape after she had her kidnapping story all hashed out? In that instance I believe she used the tape to reinforce the bag and then had a lightbulb moment...returned to the scene and used it to stage the scene. She did back into that garage more than twice per the neighbor
Whoa whoa whoa.... when/where did we hear this? If this is common knowledge sorry, but it's the first I've heard of it.

It's in the rumor thread and not fact. It supposedly came from a friend of a friend that spoke to Cindy.
LE removed coolers from the home, so it's possible that KC kept her on ice for awhile, thus preserving the body to a degree. Also, being in water slows down the decomp process and it was in water at least some of this time. There were heavy rains here from June until September and in the middle of all that, the tropical storm or hurricane or whatever it was we had. So it did spend some time underwater, in a bag, somewhat preserved.

another thought...chloroform has to be mixed/made while on ice so as not to explode. If there are traces in that cooler twould be interesting:waitasec:
I voted other because it could be the tape that kept the bag closed. I keep thinking of how Laci Peterson's baby was found with tape wrapped around his neck. Turns out it had nothing to do with the case.
It's in the rumor thread and not fact. It supposedly came from a friend of a friend that spoke to Cindy.

I would think the investigators would be covered in drywall debris if they had torn the walls apart. JMO.
the tape also could have been used to hold a rag soaked in chloroform in place.
I voted that the duct tape was used to silence Caylee. I can't think of another reason she would have needed duct tape. As for staging a kidnapping, I don't think KC came up with that until later. If she had concocted a kidnapping scenario, I would think it would have been a little more cohesive. Surely she would not have needed to take LE on such a silly search to the non-existent job, etc. OTOH, she was pretty busy partying, leaving little time for developing plots. I do think KC just flies by the seat of her pants. She really only thought she had to fool mom and dad as usual. It seems they were pretty easy to fool one day at a time (in a backwards sort of way).

Well, she didn't offer to take LE on the wild goose chase. They asked to go to her job and she was gonna take that lie as far as she could.
I want to hear more about the duct tape before I have an opinion. I believe some was wrapped around the bag to seal it, but isn't it rumor, so far, that the tape was around the mouth/skull? At this time, I don't have an opinion about the tape on the skull. It doesn't really make sense to me. If chloroform was used, I can't see why she would need to silence her. I doubt that a chloroform rag was taped to the mouth. But not sure about the staged kidnapping. But as Puzzler, said, if she was kidnapped by a "nanny" or someone that Caylee knew, they wouldn't have needed to silence her either. I need more info!

I pretty much agree with you and especially about needing more info; unless we know exactly where and how much duct tape how can we guess what it was used for?
and I'm pretty much blushing with brassband because I thought it might have been around the bag, too, and that what we were hearing was just wild , morbid rumor???????:cry:......wishful thinking?
I think she told on Mommy and Mommy got choked as a result, so Mommy made sure she would never "tell" on Mommy again. Even if it was applied after death, it was symbolic of "silencing Caylee". Caylee got Mommy in trouble, it was all her fault.
another thought...chloroform has to be mixed/made while on ice so as not to explode. If there are traces in that cooler twould be interesting:waitasec:

There is that cooler again. It's always bothered me "from day one". Early on when the media was camped outside the A's house, GA put the cooler in his vehicle. When asked, GA said he was going to check out leads in Georgia, making it sound like he was going on a long trip. He was back just a few hours later. I always thought if the A's wanted to get something out of the house without detection, what a great way to do it.
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