Poll: Why did Garrido bring Jaycee to the PO office?

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Why do you think Garrido brought Jaycee along to the PO's office?

  • He was tired of running and wanted to get caught

    Votes: 14 8.9%
  • He saw the opportunity for his 15 min of fame

    Votes: 8 5.1%
  • He thought LE would believe his lies that she was his niece

    Votes: 103 65.6%
  • Other ideas

    Votes: 39 24.8%

  • Total voters
Also, the fact that he was the one who spilled the beans and not the women, speaks volumes. What made the women stick to their story so steadfastly while he caved? To me, it's because PG told them to and not because they came up with their story, themselves. It's rather obvious, to me, that PG knew precisely what the script was and for some reason ventured away from it.

Snipped by me. Tizzle this is s great post and an interesting theory. My question is, why did PG immediately deviate from the script? He didn't change midway through, he went directly in and told them a vastly different story than Jaycee.
I read somewhere that he gave the FBI some of his scripts "Manifesto".
I read somewhere that Molino knew his secret...

That is not the sign of a man who does not want to get caught....It is the sign of a man who is very arrogant....
It is also the sign of someone who wants fame.
I do believe that taking the girls out with him spells out one of 2 plans.
1) If he gets away with taking the girls out publicly. He will be setting up some presidency that they do exist,
and that it is OK.
2) Another way to get closer to getting caught.

I definitly do NOT think that he wanted to stay clear of LE - These gestures do not say that at all.
1) given the FBI his manifesto.
2) told Molino his "Secret"
3) taken the girls out publicly.

Arrogance yes...He also knew he had a record. Stupid he was not...Insane, deviant he was.
Snipped by me. Tizzle this is s great post and an interesting theory. My question is, why did PG immediately deviate from the script? He didn't change midway through, he went directly in and told them a vastly different story than Jaycee.

I know. That's exactly what makes me question his motives.
I really can't believe he wanted to be caught. He had a life of relative freedom, traveling where he wanted, doing what he wanted, without recourse.

People really didn't strongly question pg through out his time following release from his Nevada prison stay. He would tell everyone something different, just what popped into his head. Heck he even told his Aunt that the girls were "neighbors kids that he was watching.

When he brought everyone to the PO in concord, I really think his thoughts were that he would just give a little spiel and they would all walk out of there and go home.

What kept Jaycee from telling the truth right away? Ummm lets see, could it have been fear of reprisal from pg and ng? Could it have been terror of past punishments from saying something, or saying nothing and pg still being unhappy? Or could it even been fear of the unknown? She felt guilt for letting her Mom worry all those years, unspeakable things had been done to her, she now had children with a monster (not at will of course). How was she supposed to have any idea at all how society or her family would react to her. Also with pg's sickp philosophy he probably had her believing she was guilty of something. Didn't give her much of a feeling of trusting in the truth before she felt she was safe, in my honest opinion.

she was probbly also threatned by garrido that if she told the police everything they'd take her girls from her
When you are being questioned like that, it's not the same as repeating a script in rehearsal or just memorizing it. They were confronted with having to provide proof which threw everything off. Jaycee had to have been coached on the 'calling a lawyer' thing - last resort, worse case scenario, say nothing and ask for a lawyer.

Garrido was cunning enough to realize his time could be up. He must have thought one of the women would spill the beans for sure and he cut his losses by outing himself, he thought. Even if not, was it really going to work if Jaycee got a lawyer? It was probably the first time he was really out of control since 1983 and then he had good reason then to think Nancy would not spill the beans since she was an accomplice. I bet there was more going on in his questioning than we are privy to.


If she was coached on this detail then she was coached on all of the details. I'm simply saying, it's extremely curious that PG didn't at least try to give the same story that the women were giving.

He didn't out himself right away, he just told a different version of the trio's origin as if it was a game to him. It almost seems as if it was done to create drama and confusion. As a control tactic. One last chance to control the situation before the end. And as controlling as PG obviously is, I just don't think he would take the women with him without preparing them in some way before arriving. Otherwise, JC & NG came up with their own story and left PG out of the loop, which is highly doubtful considering JC's proclamations of him being a "great person" and "changed man". They wouldn't have defended him and protested as much as the report says they did.
This is such a great post. Thank you, Sunnie. Reading about Jaycee at the parole office just broke my heart! When she says she "had learned a long time ago not to carry or give any personal information to anyone" that just screams to me that she had been punished harshly, probably numerous times, by the Garridos for any little infraction. Maybe the first time was talking to the boy through the fence?

And the charges say threats to her and another, violence, etc. Jaycee was obviously aware that PG was a bold criminal and capable of violence. She must have been scared to death.

pretty sure in the early days he was using threats against her family to get her to comply and not escape attempt.
in the later days he probably used the girls as leverage. not threatning physical harm but tht she'd never see them again if she escaped.
guy is one twisted sicko

If she was coached on this detail then she was coached on all of the details. I'm simply saying, it's extremely curious that PG didn't at least try to give the same story that the women were giving.

He didn't out himself right away, he just told a different version of the trio's origin as if it was a game to him. It almost seems as if it was done to create drama and confusion. As a control tactic. One last chance to control the situation before the end. And as controlling as PG obviously is, I just don't think he would take the women with him without preparing them in some way before arriving. Otherwise, JC & NG came up with their own story and left PG out of the loop, which is highly doubtful considering JC's proclamations of him being a "great person" and "changed man". They wouldn't have defended him and protested as much as the report says they did.

the part about him being a great person was obviously invented by him imo lol.
I read somewhere that his PO told him to bring his daughters to the meeting or maybe it was just to explain the incident that happened at Berkeley and his 3 daughters.

I don't think PG wanted to get caught, I think he fully expected to talk his way out of this situation. Thankfully this time the PO/LE finally did their jobs right.
I read somewhere that his PO told him to bring his daughters to the meeting or maybe it was just to explain the incident that happened at Berkeley and his 3 daughters.

I don't think PG wanted to get caught, I think he fully expected to talk his way out of this situation. Thankfully this time the PO/LE finally did their jobs right.

That can not be true, because it was reported his parole officer believed he had no children.
I havent read what really happened at the PO office, but my quess is that he took everyone with him, he really had to cause of the berkley officers raised the red flag and he had to explain about the kids one way or the other. He had a script but when JC and the girls wouldnt answer questions they seperated them and got JC to admit the truth, after all she wasnt a liar like him. Then when confronted he admitted it ( probably not real good thinking on his feet)
and tryed to reason his way out of it. He had a plan but he didnt expect to have the complication of JC being questioned alone.

Actually the report states the opposite. She wouldn't admit who she was and told a story about being an abused wife from Minnesota.
He admitted he was the father of the girls, and that he kidnapped JC. Only then she admitted who she was.
pure speculation but it's possible garrido cracked cause he knew jaycee would eventually anyways
Here are direct quotes from the report just for fact checking:

Following up on the officer’s information, Garrido’s parole agent later that day went to Garrido’s residence with another agent. The parole agents handcuffed Garrido and detained him outside the residence while they searched the house. The parole agents found Garrido’s wife and mother in the residence but no one else. The agents then drove Garrido to the parole office for questioning. During the trip, Garrido explained that the girls who accompanied him to UC Berkeley were the daughters of a relative and that he had permission from their parents to take them to the university. Garrido told the parole agents that a parent had picked up the girls when he returned from UC Berkeley. At the parole office, Garrido’s parole agent reviewed Garrido’s parole file with a supervisor. Taking into account Garrido’s cooperation, along with the information in Garrido’s file and other information they obtained, the parole agent and supervisor determined that Garrido had not violated any conditions of his parole.

A new condition had been instituted in Garrido’s parole the month before, in July 2009, prohibiting Garrido from being in the presence of minors, but on August 25, the parole agent and supervisor decided that the condition didn’t apply to Garrido because Garrido had no prior or current convictions involving minors. Accordingly, the parole agents returned Garrido to his house with instructions to report to the State of California • November 2009 parole office the following day to further discuss his visit to UC Berkeley and to follow up on the parole agent’s concerns related to the young girls.

The next morning, August 26, 2009, as Garrido arrived at the parole office, the parole agent spoke with the UC Berkeley police officer, thereby obtaining a more detailed description of her interaction with Garrido and her concern about the safety of the two young girls. The parole agent was surprised at the officer’s description of the girls’ relationship with Garrido because the agent believed that Garrido had no young children. As the parole agent was on the phone with the officer, he observed that Garrido was accompanied by his wife and three young girls. After completing his conversation with the officer, Garrido’s parole agent wisely isolated the females–including Garrido’s wife–to identify them. The oldest of the three young females identified herself as Alyssa, the second oldest as Angel, and the youngest as Starlet. During further questioning, Alyssa advised that she was the girls’ mother. The parole agent believed that Alyssa looked too young to be the mother and asked her age. Alyssa said that she was 29 years old, laughingly explaining that she often gets that comment and that people believe she is the girls’ sister.

As the parole agent continued his questioning, Alyssa and Garrido’s wife became defensive and agitated, wanting to know why the parole agent was interrogating them. The parole agent explained that he was investigating Garrido’s visit to UC Berkeley with the two young girls. Alyssa said she was aware that Garrido had taken the girls to UC Berkeley and that he was a sex offender who was on parole for kidnapping and raping a woman. She added that Garrido was a changed man and a great person who was good with her kids. Alyssa subsequently stated that she didn’t want to provide any additional information and that she might need a lawyer.

The parole agent then directed Garrido to a room and asked him to explain the relationship of the three young girls. Garrido thought for a moment and responded that they were all sisters and that the father was his brother who lived nearby in Oakley, California. Garrido stated that the parents were divorced, the girls were living with them and other people, and he did not know his brother’s address or phone number. Because of the inconsistencies in their stories, the parole agent isolated Garrido in an office with another parole agent and returned to the females. The parole agent told Alyssa that she needed to provide him with identification or with the phone number of a relative or friend whom he could call for verification of her identity. Alyssa told the parole agent that she had learned a long time ago not to carry or give any personal information to anyone. When questioned about this comment, Alyssa responded that she needed a lawyer. Being suspicious about the identities provided, the parole agent called the Concord Police Department and requested an officer respond to assist in the questioning
pure speculation but it's possible garrido cracked cause he knew jaycee would eventually anyways

If he didn't trust her not to crack, and didn't want to get caught, why would he bring her along?
If he didn't trust her not to crack, and didn't want to get caught, why would he bring her along?

that assumes any of his actions since about 1970 have been logical.
nothing this wacko does woud suprise me. including making a monumental screwup cause he thought he was invinvcible
More fromt he report:

Two Concord police officers arrived and questioned Alyssa, but she maintained the story she had provided earlier to the parole agent. Finally, a Concord police sergeant interviewed Garrido alone in a room. After a short while, the sergeant told the parole agent that Garrido had admitted that he was the father of the two girls. The parole agent then resumed questioning Garrido. Eventually, Garrido admitted to kidnapping and raping Alyssa
More fromt he report:

i really dont like the fact that it was the po that got the confession. i said the other day i was worried about the authorities crossing there t's......
while she did say he didnt touch her in years, im trying hard to think how he could possibly think she wasnt going to tell the police everything he did to here before that.

once she learned that he had confessed to kidnapping her, the veil of protecing him came crashing down. could he possibly think she was going to deny that he raped her for years or that the girls were the product of that? does he think that now and thats why he sent that bizarre letter thru the reporter? he seriously underestimated jaycee and is still doing so.

Apparently, Garrido is the one who told them first that he was the father of the two girsl and then that he did kidnap and rape the mother - see text from report I just posted. I'm assuming they got very suspicious after Jaycee had already told them she was 29, so I assume they started counting it up and got suspicious there was another twist to the story. Plus, the girls are said to look like Garrido. It also reads as if Garrido only admitted to kidnapping and raping Alyssa, not that he told them who Alyssa was (not sure). Jaycee confirmed her identity after Garrido told them all that, as it reads.
Awhile back I remember reading that the PO was searching missing persons online while the Concord PD officer was interviewing PG. Her picture came up on the screen at the same time the officer came out of the room from interviewing PG. So at that point they both knew the other PO was in the room with Jaycee. He said she looked the same.
Awhile back I remember reading that the PO was searching missing persons online while the Concord PD officer was interviewing PG. Her picture came up on the screen at the same time the officer came out of the room from interviewing PG. So at that point they both knew the other PO was in the room with Jaycee. He said she looked the same.

Yeah, I'm sure they started thinking she was too evasive, not only that and that the stories changed, but the age thing - maybe how they all looked and sounded.
The more I think about this and re-read the report, the more I think Tizzle is on to something.

We all know that Jaycee is a smart woman. Why would she go in there and tell the PO that she is the mother of those two girls, then tell him that she's 29? The oldest daughter appears to look her age, if not older. She's also very tall, especially next to Jaycee, which adds to that effect. That would raise a red flag even in Barney Fife the Parole Officer's mind. All he'd had to do is some simple math, and even the lowest estimate would put 'Alyssa' being a teenager when she had her, which would lead to more probing questions. Jaycee is smarter than that. So the mother of the two girls thing had to be a PG script, and Jaycee was doing what she was told despite the obvious mathematical flaws.

If that was rehearsed, then there is NO reason for PG to be telling a completely different story. And it doesn't sound as if he was questioned nearly to the extent that the women were.

1st questioning from the PO he says they're all his nieces. The next time Garrido is mentioned in when the Concord PD shows up. They question him a second time and he says that the two girls are his. If they already think that Alyssa is the children's mother then the obvious conclusion is the exact thing Garrido says next. He tells the PO that he kidnapped and raped Alyssa. Contrasted with all of Alyssa's questioning that is discussed, this seems like a pretty quick cave-in. And he didn't even need to bring the three of them in the first place, the PO seemed satisfied by the search of the house the previous night.

I'm starting to think he saw the opportunity for a dramatic end and took it.

I don't know. I'm sorry for posting so much today, I'm just trying to wrap my head around all of this and typing it out helps.

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