Poll: Why did Garrido bring Jaycee to the PO office?

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Why do you think Garrido brought Jaycee along to the PO's office?

  • He was tired of running and wanted to get caught

    Votes: 14 8.9%
  • He saw the opportunity for his 15 min of fame

    Votes: 8 5.1%
  • He thought LE would believe his lies that she was his niece

    Votes: 103 65.6%
  • Other ideas

    Votes: 39 24.8%

  • Total voters
Could be. I kind of saw it as Jaycee just answering honestly because that part was not talked about beforehand. I think the age thing did give them a heads up no matter what and maybe she did answer honestly on purpose?
I guess I don't see anything all that perplexing about what happened cause that's what would have happened (PO or PD/LE would have found out long ago) if anyone ever had their eyes open before this.
I think she has told them she was the mother of the children because she claimed to be an abused wife from Minnesota, hiding from her husband.
Maybe that was the back story, in case authorities didn't believe the children were the brother's children.
My guess is she didn't come up with that story on her own (how and why would she come up with something like that?), probably something Garrido came up with as a back up story.
I guess I don't see anything all that perplexing about what happened cause that's what would have happened (PO or PD/LE would have found out long ago) if anyone ever had their eyes open before this.

The perplexing part to me is why would PG rehearse the women on one story, then tell a different story himself?
Didn't all the stories start out as those being his Brother's kids? Let's start with that point.
Anthro, I think you are missing this part - the report is zipping through all this very fast and minimally telling the story:

As the parole agent was on the phone with the officer, he observed that Garrido was accompanied by his wife and three young girls. After completing his conversation with the officer, Garrido’s parole agent wisely isolated the females–including Garrido’s wife–to identify them. The oldest of the three young females identified herself as Alyssa, the second oldest as Angel, and the youngest as Starlet. During further questioning, Alyssa advised that she was the girls’ mother.
Anthro, I think you are missing this part - the report is zipping through all this very fast and minimally telling the story:

Thank you time. I didn't read it that way at all, and I'm still not 100% sure that's accurate, because if it is then that puts Jaycee deviating from the script in a BIG way very shortly into the interrogation. And if as far as she knows PG is sticking to the "all 3 girls are his brother's children" story, then that's an obvious contradiction. Why would Jaycee then change and say that she was their mother? What do you think happened?
Thank you time. I didn't read it that way at all, and I'm still not 100% sure that's accurate, because if it is then that puts Jaycee deviating from the script in a BIG way very shortly into the interrogation.

The story PG tells is that all 3 girls are PG's brother's children. Why would Jaycee then change and say that she was their mother? What do you think happened?

I know ... I've read it several times every time a question comes up. It looks like a typical police report made up from all the notes the individual interviewers made. I think she probably only deviated from the script under pressure. Being interviewed that way and forced to come up with answers is a lot different as I said that just rehearsing a script or memorizing a script. Garrido couldn't have prepared her that completely - for one, there just are no answers that are acceptable once they started pinning her down. I think that's what happened.

Jaycee tried to get out of it - I think twice she says she wants a lawyer. She had no idea what she was asking because where was that going to get her? It wasn't going to get her out of revealing her identity in the end. She tried various things, but I think (the way it sounds), they came back after Garrido told them he was the kids father and even that he had kidnapped and raped her, what was she going to say then. And, as My2Sisters said, they might have already pulled up a picture of Jaycee as they were searching for missing girls. I'm sure at that point, it wasn't difficult to tell they weren't going to buy anything less than the truth.

Another thing - the whole ordeal probably lasted much longer than it seems by just reading it in the report. I'm wondering how much Nancy was freaking out and what she said too.

They aren't telling us every detail, but then that wasn't the purpose of the report.
I know ... I've read it several times every time a question comes up. It looks like a typical police report made up from all the notes the individual interviewers made. I think she probably only deviated from the script under pressure. Being interviewed that way and forced to come up with answers is a lot different as I said that just rehearsing a script or memorizing a script. Garrido couldn't have prepared her that completely - for one, there just are no answers that are acceptable once they started pinning her down. I think that's what happened.

Jaycee tried to get out of it - I think twice she says she wants a lawyer. She had no idea what she was asking because where was that going to get her? It wasn't going to get her out of revealing her identity in the end. She tried various things, but I think (the way it sounds), they came back after Garrido told them he was the kids father and even that he had kidnapped and raped her, what was she going to say then. And, as My2Sisters said, they might have already pulled up a picture of Jaycee as they were searching for missing girls. I'm sure at that point, it wasn't difficult to tell they weren't going to buy anything less than the truth.

Another thing - the whole ordeal probably lasted much longer than it seems by just reading it in the report. I'm wondering how much Nancy was freaking out and what she said too.

They aren't telling us every detail, but then that wasn't the purpose of the report.
I'm thinking she asked for the lawyer in Garrido's or Nancy's presence for show. What crime had Jaycee/Alyssa committed? She didn't need a lawyer- it was to get on Garrido's good side- stick to the script if she was going home with him.
The first time the parole agents interviewed Garrido and then took him back, they had not talked to the Berkeley police woman. When they left Garrido on the 25th, he thought they were satisfied with everything, but just wanted to recheck it I guess. What the police officer also told them was that these girls (two of them) were calling him daddy - Garrido didn't know that.

And ...

The next morning, August 26, 2009, as Garrido arrived at the parole office, the parole agent spoke with the UC Berkeley police officer, thereby obtaining a more detailed description of her interaction with Garrido and her concern about the safety of the two young girls. The parole agent was surprised at the officer’s description of the girls’ relationship with Garrido because the agent believed that Garrido had no young children. As the parole agent was on the phone with the officer, he observed that Garrido was accompanied by his wife and three young girls. After completing his conversation with the officer, Garrido’s parole agent wisely isolated the females–including Garrido’s wife–to identify them.
Didn't all the stories start out as those being his Brother's kids? Let's start with that point.

No. JC's story was that she is the girls' mother. PG's initial story was they are all 3 his brother's children. I see nowhere in the report where JC ever said she or the girls were PG's nieces. PG is the only one with that story. And, in fact, he was already telling his version the day before he brought everyone with him to Concord. If he was already telling this story the day before, why wouldn't JC also be telling that story??? See pages 4 & 5.

Anthro, I think you are missing this part - the report is zipping through all this very fast and minimally telling the story:

As the parole agent was on the phone with the officer, he observed that Garrido was accompanied by his wife and three young girls. After completing his conversation with the officer, Garrido’s parole agent wisely isolated the females–including Garrido’s wife–to identify them. The oldest of the three young females identified herself as Alyssa, the second oldest as Angel, and the youngest as Starlet. During further questioning, Alyssa advised that she was the girls’ mother.

One question would be considered further questioning. One question, like, "What is your relationship to one another?"
If he didn't trust her not to crack, and didn't want to get caught, why would he bring her along?

This is truly the $1,000,000 question. Luckily none of us think like pg!! Heaven only knows what his motivation to bring the girls to the appt truly was.

I find it very interesting that there is a report stating that jim molino knew pg's secret. I would love to see the article as that makes him an accessory after the fact. Correct? If so, why is he not in jail?? If he did know, that kind of blows Cheyvonne out of the water with her claims of innocence. Songline, could you please point me in the direction of the article? Thanks!!
I'm thinking she asked for the lawyer in Garrido's or Nancy's presence for show. What crime had Jaycee/Alyssa committed? She didn't need a lawyer- it was to get on Garrido's good side- stick to the script if she was going home with him.

That could be, but I think it was only in the presence of Nancy, not sure. It had to be something she had heard to do, whether coached or not. I don't even know if I would be together enough to think of that under those circumstances. It seemed automatic to me, but we are just reading text and text that is the simplest version they could write to tell us the story.
No. JC's story was that she is the girls' mother. PG's initial story was they are all 3 his brother's children. I see nowhere in the report where JC ever said she or the girls were PG's nieces. PG is the only one with that story. And, in fact, he was already telling his version the day before he brought everyone with him to Concord. If he was already telling this story the day before, why wouldn't JC also be telling that story??? See pages 4 & 5.

One question would be considered further questioning. One question, like, "What is your relationship to one another?"

Just a guess here, but possibly they said that the story of the girls being his nieces was to "protect Alyssa". (Being an abuse victim). This would open up the chance to tell the other story. I believe Jaycee said exactly what she was told to say.
No. JC's story was that she is the girls' mother. PG's initial story was they are all 3 his brother's children.

I think she originally just went in sort of validating that - it doesn't specifically say that but it says only after further questioning did she say that she was their mother. I think they would just use the phrase "when questioned' if that weren't the case instead of "further questioning" - these people write fairly precise.
Just a guess here, but possibly they said that the story of the girls being his nieces was to "protect Alyssa". (Being an abuse victim). This would open up the chance to tell the other story. I believe Jaycee said exactly what she was told to say.

Yeah, bingo! then the abused MN housewife story. Then from Jaycee, "I don't carry ID" and I want a lawyer.
This is truly the $1,000,000 question. Luckily none of us think like pg!! Heaven only knows what his motivation to bring the girls to the appt truly was.

You know, I just think he thought it was a minor inconvenience and he didn't realize they knew the PO from Berkeley told them the girls called him daddy. Remember, they had questioned him and let him go... even thought he was doing well.

I find it very interesting that there is a report stating that jim molino knew pg's secret. I would love to see the article as that makes him an accessory after the fact. Correct? If so, why is he not in jail?? If he did know, that kind of blows Cheyvonne out of the water with her claims of innocence. Songline, could you please point me in the direction of the article? Thanks!!

Wow... I didn't know that? Yeah, where is that article.
The more I think on this, the more I'm going back to the original theory I posted about before. PG had plenty of time to feed everyone a script, I doubt he would take the three of them in without one. If they had all started out with the same story, we're all sisters and PG's nieces, then Jaycee says she's their mother...that just seems like a total non-sequiter and a show stopper for everyone. Even if Nancy was freaking out, giving a "Do something!" signal why would you do *that*? Then start the Minnesota thing. I'm sure that, as you pointed out Time, the questioning was intense and Jaycee was sweating, but I just can't see her coming out with something like that of her own accord so soon. Especially considering that she then goes into the whole abused Minnesota woman story.

ETA: Sunnie, your idea makes a lot add up! Especially Jaycee's "I'm sorry I lied". Very interesting. One thing though, the "Sorry, I lied" Minnesota wife thing sounds like it was a while later. Wouldn't they be pressing her a LOT more about it when she originally switched stories? It doesn't sound as though they even detected a change in her story at that point.
Anthro... we can just agree to disagree. I think they started with the same story. Garrido had no idea they would all be separated. Jaycee was questioned and came up with story #2 because she was cornered. I don't see that as so difficult to explain because obviously Jaycee did not just come up with that story off the top of her head. I think Garrido had been slowly giving her more freedom and they could have even talked about some of these things before the Berkeley incident. It makes sense to me that Garrido had come up with the MN abused housewife story because he was developing a sort of acceptable identity for Jaycee. Unfortunately, the Berkeley cops knew the girls were calling him daddy so then he had to say they all three were his brothers' daughters. I don't know why he took them in with him - maybe there is info missing, or maybe it is like I said, he thought it was a no brainer. Just go in for a bit and then they go back home.
I think I.G. Shaw was careful about the details regarding the initial accounts given by JC and PG, right down to the details of JC "laughingly" explaining she's often mistaken as the girls sister and PG "thought about it for a moment".

I, too, have thought about how long they were questioned. I think after all was said and done it was at least full work day that they were there. But, I think the initial questioning that Shaw outlined in his report was within a matter of about the first 20 minutes after they all arrived in Concord.

I think JC was given guidelines or a script by PG about what to say. I don't know that PG was trying to get caught. I'm not assuming anything. I'm just curious about the major hiccup in their stories. There's a reason that PG's story differed from JC's, I just want to know what it is. There's really no need to debate it, the report clearly shows the initial stories were different.

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