Poll: Would you buy it? The A's WILL write a book....

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Would you buy the A's book?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 7.4%
  • No

    Votes: 604 87.8%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 33 4.8%

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  • Poll closed .
I would not buy the book. I wouldn't want to contribute a single dime to their crazy world. But, I have to admit, if someone here bought the book and posted snippets, I would be amused by the inconsistensies that would certainly be revealed. It's like trying not to look at a car wreck.
I doubt the A's will write about the Caylee case per se, they know that if they try to spin for family image and damage control no one will believe them. They are more likely to write about their experiences dealing with a missing child and spin this to complement their CMA foundation, as a supposed self-help to others in their situ. We all know the reality is that Caylee was never missing, she was murdered by her Mother. I will not buy the book because my information has come from WebSleuths which translates into volumes of books with factual info and great analysis. I have everything I need here and any curiosity will be satisfied by any reporting here. I will not buy, not read, not care.
Buy it? probably not--read it yes!!! I confess I would read it.I do have a suggestion for a title----" IF KC HAD DONE IT" How she would have done things differently-sound familiar?? I'm waaaay too curious not to read it,and rip it to shreds.I read all of these types of books.So sorry---I will also read "Mommy's Little Girl"

I don't have a problem with Dianne Fanning's honest appraisal.

But no, I won't contribute to the A's, nor do I feel any curiosity about what they may write. It's difficult enough reading their le interviews. I wouldn't give them the attention or numbers by checking it out of a library. I'm seriously just not interested in reading what they have to say and will make that clear to anyone who may value my opinion, including local retailers.
IMO, Cindy and George need to remember Caylee did not need to die before they think about profiting in any way, shape or form from her murder.
This is an outrage! And what kills me is that a LOT of people will buy it because it's from a big publisher who will provide a lot of publicity AND:

Today GA saying he wants to get back to work??? Ha! He won't EVER need a job now! Rather than horrible visions of little Caylee in the woods, they're dreaming of cashing checks at her expense!!! That's a big publisher and people will buy the book even if they hate the A!!! Looks like DC and BC will be cashing in too!
Buy the book? Nope, I prefer the softness of Charmin.

We need to find out specifically whose book it is. Time to write Simon and Schuster with a suggestion they wait to publish a book concerned with getting the truth out there, and not some fanciful version of the truth that the Anthonys might write.

Do not mention WS when you write. Tricia wouldn't appreciate it at all!

the only reason i might buy it is IF it was on clearance for a penny i might buy a bunch of them and use it as a pooper scooper :cool::biglaugh:
This is an outrage! And what kills me is that a LOT of people will buy it because it's from a big publisher who will provide a lot of publicity AND:

Today GA saying he wants to get back to work??? Ha! He won't EVER need a job now! Rather than horrible visions of little Caylee in the woods, they're dreaming of cashing checks at her expense!!! That's a big publisher and people will buy the book even if they hate the A!!! Looks like DC and BC will be cashing in too!

Think about it: As an employer, after watching these personalities for the last year, would you trust any of the A family enough to hire them?

He blames the publicity. I sort of agree; I think it's the lying and other repugnant behaviors that were made public. But for the publicity, prospective employers may not have known so much about the candidate.
I wouldn't even think of buying it. You know it would be ghost written, as I don't see the anthony family as capable of writing a coherent book. I'm really hoping they are investigated much more thoroughly. The book amounts to blood money in my mind.
I'm appalled. Seriously what is wrong with this family?? A foundation, a book.. sheesh probably a movie deal no doubt and their daughter isn't even on Death row yet! What the heck would they say that isn't any different then what we have already had to read in the discovery so far. They don't even know what cause they should apply themsevles too imo. Just when you think you've heard it all eh

Anyhow, I won't buy or read it as I tend to read factual accounts from reputable writers whom would not slant the facts one way or another ... and would wait until after the trial.

I will ask those who choose to read it, if bychance there is a picture in it of the 'nanny' to please post it as I'd like to see what CA considers a 10.
But, don't you see how closed minded it is NOT to read it? not buying it, I can understand, but not reading it? Not having that false information at you fingertips to be able to point to and say "this is not true, and i can explain to you why it's not true" and then take all the information you've learned from this site - from these colleagues and friends - from your own research, and be able to say to the world "and THIS is why it's not true..., don't believe the lies in this book..."... don't you think that's important? I mean, if the Anthonys and anyone associated with them is going to go ahead and publish a book with information that they want people to believe - and YES there are going to be people who believe it because they don't have the time or inclination or resources or intelligence to come to Websleuths to read conflicting reports - then don't you want to be well armed to do battle with those false ideas at any cost? Wouldn't you rather spend some time reading the Anthony lies so that you can then spend better-used time dispelling those vile words so that you can reach even more people, or change the minds of those that are too gullible or lazy or otherwise unable to determine their own beliefs?

Don't you wanna fight for Caylee, no matter what the cost to you, even if it IS a book that comes out? I mean, are you really saying you don't want to read something? I find that hard to believe. in this forum, in this message board, at Websleuths, that somebody would say "i won't read that".

I'm not saying buy the book and feed the Anthonys. I'm saying if it's out there, absorb it so you can refute it. Please. You must know it's gonna happen, they're GONNA print the book. Please read it, whether you buy it or not, so you can fight for the truth.

I appreciate your passionate posts, Gnatcatcher; they made me rethink my gut reaction to the news of a possible book. . . and I do thank you for that. But I still don't think I would read it.

My first reason is because it seems so blatantly wrong for them to make a profit from this tragedy any more than they already have. If I refused to buy the book but read it anyway (borrowed copy or whatever) it would be like claiming to be a vegan until someone buys you a big juicy steak dinner.

The second reason is because I have such a hard time reading their statements, depositions and transcriptions of their interviews; the video clips are torture. I do it because I want the facts. I'll still have them to refute their claims in the book.

I'm in hopes that by the time the book is published that the trial will be over and the need for more facts and future arguments will be unnecessary. (Not that I believe many real facts would be included in the Anthony spin, anyway.) I don't believe the book would enrich me in any way ~ Sadly, I think the Anthonys will be the only ones enriched. MOO and I certainly respect yours as well!
If it was titled
"We know Our daughter killed our grandaughter" and explained the reasons why they hid behind so many lies then I would purchase it.

But we know that wouldn't happen, the truth and ALL OF THE ANTHONY"S are strangers.
The question is: Will you buy it?

Not just NO, but He!! No.

I have seen this 'horror story' unfold in 13 or so months. I have seen too many interviews with 'these people' in them. I have read thousands of documents, watched the hearings, etc. No way will I read anything written by the Anthony's or their lying private investigator - DC.

The biggest reason is that I would not contribute one single penny to that family. Ever.
I'd buy it if it was a USED and was CHEAPER than the daily newspaper
that I could use to stuff my barbeque chimney.


Oh, and p.s. - I wouldn't read it. Casey has already scrawled the awful truth all over our hearts and Caylee's.
Well ok. I'm just saying.. Charlie Manson still, after 30 years, draw a boat load of attention. And it should be. Sharon Tate deserves to have her name known to every generation who came along after the 70's, and from every angle.

My mom used to say that the only education worth anything was a well-rounded education. And that means reading everything from every angle.

For those of you who post messages on here, or start and end threads by saying "please provide a link", or "where do you get your information" or "I want to know your resource" - consider this ... if a book is published and it is NOT read, how would one make a case against any given argument?

If we had burned books because a select few deemed them unfit to read, we would have more problems than I care to shake a stick at.
The day the A's will ever educate me! Humpf!!
JMO The A's and DC will write it-they will make some money-the bookstores will be stuck with alot of their books to markdown!:bang:
The final chapter will be written when karma comes and :python:
I'll read excerpts posted online-but I won't give my hard earned money to the Anthony Retirement Fund!:furious:
I wouldn't line a bird cage with it much less purchase it.

Are they gonna ask Jackie Peterson to write the "Forward" for the book?

This is right up there with OJ Simpson writing a book.

Although, with the way the A's speak and write, I pity anyone who has to edit the book!

ITA- with everything you said in this post!

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