Poll: Would you buy it? The A's WILL write a book....

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Would you buy the A's book?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 7.4%
  • No

    Votes: 604 87.8%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 33 4.8%

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  • Poll closed .
Buy it? probably not--read it yes!!! I confess I would read it.I do have a suggestion for a title----" IF KC HAD DONE IT" How she would have done things differently-sound familiar?? I'm waaaay too curious not to read it,and rip it to shreds.I read all of these types of books.So sorry---I will also read "Mommy's Little Girl"
Maybe check it out of the library. Maybe if just for laughs ... Maybe not. There are other more credible sources I would like to hear from. Like Rick P., or Amy H, or Tony L. for example.
Oh baloney. All you people - as much as I respect all your prior postings and well thought out arguments and in depth research - are having knee-jerk reactions which will eventually become "uh... lemme see this here thing..." curiosities. You may not BUY it (and I certainly won't buy it, because I don't have twenty bucks to spare on stuff that doesn't feed my family), but you'll read it. You'll read excepts on the internet. You'll listen to excerpts on wesh.com or the radio, you'll come here and read what other people are saying about the book after THEY'VE bought it, and all your protesting will have been for naught.

The Anthonys will profit. And it's horrible and sad and tragic. But imagine that nobody even buys the book.. they still get an advance for writing it, maybe five grand. If 10,000 people are interested in the case and don't consider the "blood money" factor of it, they make more. If they resell the book there is more. If they rerprint the book, there is more. If they sell rights, there is more. And with all the fascination with the case, they make more.

As noble as we all may wish to be for the sake of Caylee, this child who deserves all of our strength and love and truth and courage - there will still be blood money paid... by us, in some form or another.

It's gonna happen - you will spend the money, you will buy the book. And you will line their pockets. But know this - you WILL read it, then you WILL be that much more informed, then you WILL choose to use that information with which you are now armed, and you WILL spread the truth behind the lies. You WILL fight for Caylee. You WILL know all that there is to know about the lies, so that your truth WILL be that much more powerful.

Do not censor, but rather use their own momentum against them. And you will win the war, not the battle.

Aim small, miss small.

Aim big, hit big.
H to the E to the double hockey stick NO!

Well, I need to qualify my answer, if the Title is "How She Did It, This is How it Happened" I would consider reading the book reviews.

I think the fact that BC won't deny a book deal probably means there at least is the discussion of a book deal on the table! What do you think and will you buy a book by C&G? I won't!!
It seems that a book would more likely be published before Caylee receives justice. There is NO WAY I would buy the book. I've heard enough "stories" from the clan than I care to read about. How does this serve Caylee's memory?
Absolutely, I would buy it and read it. I understand those of you who do not wish to contribute to the A's and respect your decisions not to buy their book or contribute in any way to them and I understand and respect those of you who wouldn't want to read it because you wouldn't believe it. I hope that all my friends on WS will also understand and respect my decision to buy it and read it because I want to know what they would have to say in it whether I believe it or not, I would want to know what they had to say. I read through transcripts and statements and watch videos of them and wonder if they realize any of the inconsistencies in the various statements they have made at different times. I'd like to read a book where they put it all together and have time and opportunity to edit it into one consistent story whether it is truth or fiction, I'd want to see that either way. As for the royalties they'd get off my purchase of a book, well, it might be enough to take them out to McDonalds and if I thought I could get them to tell me the things they will put in that book, I wouldn't blink at spending the money to take them to lunch. Do I think that they should get rich off this tragedy? No, but I also don't have the same opinion of them that many posters have stated and I still feel sorry for them and I don't see them as having had anything to do with Caylee's death and I still see them as victims rather than criminals. So, yes, I will buy and read any book they write or participate in and if they get a trip to McDonalds out of it, that's all right with me.
Oh baloney. All you people - as much as I respect all your prior postings and well thought out arguments and in depth research - are having knee-jerk reactions which will eventually become "uh... lemme see this here thing..." curiosities. You may not BUY it (and I certainly won't buy it, because I don't have twenty bucks to spare on stuff that doesn't feed my family), but you'll read it. You'll read excepts on the internet. You'll listen to excerpts on wesh.com or the radio, you'll come here and read what other people are saying about the book after THEY'VE bought it, and all your protesting will have been for naught.

The Anthonys will profit. And it's horrible and sad and tragic. But imagine that nobody even buys the book.. they still get an advance for writing it, maybe five grand. If 10,000 people are interested in the case and don't consider the "blood money" factor of it, they make more. If they resell the book there is more. If they rerprint the book, there is more. If they sell rights, there is more. And with all the fascination with the case, they make more.

As noble as we all may wish to be for the sake of Caylee, this child who deserves all of our strength and love and truth and courage - there will still be blood money paid... by us, in some form or another.

It's gonna happen - you will spend the money, you will buy the book. And you will line their pockets. But know this - you WILL read it, then you WILL be that much more informed, then you WILL choose to use that information with which you are now armed, and you WILL spread the truth behind the lies. You WILL fight for Caylee. You WILL know all that there is to know about the lies, so that your truth WILL be that much more powerful.

Do not censor, but rather use their own momentum against them. And you will win the war, not the battle.

Aim small, miss small.

Aim big, hit big.
Good points...but speaking for myself...nah, won't read it- don't need to.

George Anthony's big day offered several stunners.

I was shocked to see how he was dressed today to meet prosecutors. In his lime-green shirt and striped shorts, George looked ready for a barbecue, not a deposition. Given the gravity of the situation, George might have dressed up.

Then at 6 p.m., WFTV-Channel 9 raised the issue of a book deal, and I nearly fell out of my chair.

"We heard from a reliable tipster that the Anthonys, their private eye and their lawyer are negotiating a package deal for a book with Simon & Schuster," Kathi Belich said.

The publisher, part of the CBS Corp., was not commenting, she added.

Belich said her source was "a tipster who's been right before." A tipster of the other variety wouldn't be very helpful.

Belich, at her restrained best, asked Conway about a book deal. "I wouldn't comment on anything personal like that," Conway said.

Belich: "Why not?"

Conway: "There's no reason to."

Oh, pal, are you ever wrong on that.

Belich: "Is it true?"

Conway: "I'm not going to way whether it's true or not true."

So who's the writer? George, Cindy, Conway or private eye Dominic Casey? The mind boggles. Given the way George and Cindy have told the story so far, would that book be classified as fiction or nonfiction? Would you buy it?

Simon and Schuster is part of CBS! Hmmm....I did not know that! I wonder if they would like our opinion?:waitasec:
No wonder the ES interviews were pure fluff.
But, don't you see how closed minded it is NOT to read it? not buying it, I can understand, but not reading it? Not having that false information at you fingertips to be able to point to and say "this is not true, and i can explain to you why it's not true" and then take all the information you've learned from this site - from these colleagues and friends - from your own research, and be able to say to the world "and THIS is why it's not true..., don't believe the lies in this book..."... don't you think that's important? I mean, if the Anthonys and anyone associated with them is going to go ahead and publish a book with information that they want people to believe - and YES there are going to be people who believe it because they don't have the time or inclination or resources or intelligence to come to Websleuths to read conflicting reports - then don't you want to be well armed to do battle with those false ideas at any cost? Wouldn't you rather spend some time reading the Anthony lies so that you can then spend better-used time dispelling those vile words so that you can reach even more people, or change the minds of those that are too gullible or lazy or otherwise unable to determine their own beliefs?

Don't you wanna fight for Caylee, no matter what the cost to you, even if it IS a book that comes out? I mean, are you really saying you don't want to read something? I find that hard to believe. in this forum, in this message board, at Websleuths, that somebody would say "i won't read that".

I'm not saying buy the book and feed the Anthonys. I'm saying if it's out there, absorb it so you can refute it. Please. You must know it's gonna happen, they're GONNA print the book. Please read it, whether you buy it or not, so you can fight for the truth.
I hope they hire a ghost writer, because if their written word is anything like their manner of speech it will be unreadable.
I'm nauseous! The A's haven't been on the talk show circuit for a while and here I thought it might have been because they were trying to keep a low profile! :bang: I knew it was too good to be true. While I very respectfully understand those fellow sleuthers who have more compassion for them than I have at this point, I still think that the very thought of the A's trying to profit in any way whatsoever from the death of their darling grandchild is sickening and repulsive, especially in light of the circumstances surrounding her death. Since they have lost all credibility with me because of their lies and outrageous behavior, I will not buy or read the book. I hate being made a fool out of.
But, don't you see how closed minded it is NOT to read it? not buying it, I can understand, but not reading it? Not having that false information at you fingertips to be able to point to and say "this is not true, and i can explain to you why it's not true" and then take all the information you've learned from this site - from these colleagues and friends - from your own research, and be able to say to the world "and THIS is why it's not true..., don't believe the lies in this book..."... don't you think that's important? I mean, if the Anthonys and anyone associated with them is going to go ahead and publish a book with information that they want people to believe - and YES there are going to be people who believe it because they don't have the time or inclination or resources or intelligence to come to Websleuths to read conflicting reports - then don't you want to be well armed to do battle with those false ideas at any cost? Wouldn't you rather spend some time reading the Anthony lies so that you can then spend better-used time dispelling those vile words so that you can reach even more people, or change the minds of those that are too gullible or lazy or otherwise unable to determine their own beliefs?

Don't you wanna fight for Caylee, no matter what the cost to you, even if it IS a book that comes out? I mean, are you really saying you don't want to read something? I find that hard to believe. in this forum, in this message board, at Websleuths, that somebody would say "i won't read that".

I'm not saying buy the book and feed the Anthonys. I'm saying if it's out there, absorb it so you can refute it. Please. You must know it's gonna happen, they're GONNA print the book. Please read it, whether you buy it or not, so you can fight for the truth.
I love your passion...but the only truth I want will come out in a court room.
No only because it will be a defense of Casey and what a great daughter and mother she was. It will be all their lies. I might get it from the library though.
You know-everytime we watch a segmant of NG,GVS, GR,or buy a copy of People magazine,people are making money off of Caylee's death,and yes sometimes that has been the A's,certainly the advertisers,and yes,even KC herself.Sadly had Caylee not been murdered,this forum would not be here,on this particular little child.But die she did,and at the hands of her own mother,and this sweet little child has been loved like no other that I can think of,by an entire world.So while Caylee has died,she has left a legacy,an awareness,something good will come out of this.
You know the saying "Don't believe everything you read' and most won't,some will,and some just won't know what to think,but the money will continue to be made off of Caylee's death for years to come---You'll see this will be okay--I have to believe it-and again I will read it.
I "absolutely" would NOT buy it, but, if a copy were available for free, I admit, I would read it. I would just have to. The way these people have lied and contradicted themselves so far has been unbelievable. I think it would be interesting to see just how many more lies they are capable of spinning out of this tragedy to protect their murderess daughter who killed the beautiful little granddaughter that they profess to love so. IF they do have a book published, I hope they say something in it that gives LE a reason to reconsider charges against them. One can wish! JMO!
You know-everytime we watch a segmant of NG,GVS, GR,or buy a copy of People magazine,people are making money off of Caylee's death,and yes sometimes that has been the A's,certainly the advertisers,and yes,even KC herself.Sadly had Caylee not been murdered,this forum would not be here,on this particular little child.But die she did,and at the hands of her own mother,and this sweet little child has been loved like no other that I can think of,by an entire world.So while Caylee has died,she has left a legacy,an awareness,something good will come out of this.
You know the saying "Don't believe everything you read' and most won't,some will,and some just won't know what to think,but the money will continue to be made off of Caylee's death for years to come---You'll see this will be okay--I have to believe it-and again I will read it.

That's true but it's the fact that the A's are making $$ that I find so repugnant. It's like OJ and If I Did It. At least the Goldmans were smart enough to get the proceeds from their wrongful death suit so he didn't profit.
(As an aside, when I clicked on this thread the ad that popped up was for a book called How To Smell A Rat)

My answer is a double barrelled NO.

That is hilarious!!! :blowkiss:

People will buy it. They will profit. It is utterly despicable. :furious:


They do the completely unexpected and tell the truth for once! :eek:

But let't not hold our breath...

If I saw it at a yard sale I might buy it for fiction reading and for purposes of critique...but I would not buy it from the shelf because THEY would get the money...

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