Possible Links between RAT and JM

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
It's probably just because thats what everyone knows him as. I am sure if there was any connection that the Murphy's would be all over it.
I have been interested in how Trina Murphy has adamantly talked about how she doesn't see any reason to bring JM into the case...She's 100% feeling RAT is the only one involved. This could be true, no one is closer to the case...but it could also be that they are satisfied with RAT being the murderer (which I am sure he is, I just don't know if he was acting alone), and just want the whole thing behind them and done. Bringing the AM case up all over again (though it's only been a year ago) may be too heartbreaking for them to want to go through again, especially so soon...
Her hair was an extension, so not a part of her body, and her fingernail was a fake nail, also. So, those items while normally would contain DNA, did not in this case.
Here DNA was found on the fingernail and one long black hair.
"The agent described how on Aug. 6, as she and other agents combed through the camping trailer, she turned up a jagged piece of fingernail and a long black hair that DNA tests showed belonged to Murphy."
Her hair was an extension, so not a part of her body, and her fingernail was a fake nail, also. So, those items while normally would contain DNA, did not in this case.

Sorry for my ignorance...but how could they prove they belonged to AM then?
Sorry for my ignorance...but how could they prove they belonged to AM then?
The hair extensions had bits of her real hair attached, but the nail extensions I don't know, either...
I also find it curious that Alexis's blood was only showing up on the BACK of RATs shirt. That seems odd. Unless he had it on backwards?
The hair extensions had bits of her real hair attached, but the nail extensions I don't know, either...
I also find it curious that Alexis's blood was only showing up on the BACK of RATs shirt. That seems odd. Unless he had it on backwards?

I dunno if JM was involved with AM's case. (Though I kind of think so). But what does seem pretty certain to me is that the version of Alexis Murphy events we have come to know...is at the very least missing a whole lot of pieces.
I dunno if JM was involved with AM's case. (Though I kind of think so). But what does seem pretty certain to me is that the version of Alexis Murphy events we have come to know...is at the very least missing a whole lot of pieces.
Exactly. RAT is definitely a key player in this case, but it does seem there is a lot more to the story, and at least one other person involved.
RAT initially identified that Dameon guy as the "black guy with corn rows" who was at the trailer that day. He picked him out of a group of photos his lawyer gave him. Yes, he could have said "none of these men...someone else" ... he says the reason he won't name the other guy is for fear of his family. He fears this person will hurt his family.
RAT is a liar, so it's hard to know what to believe, when to think there is more to it...but I do think there was at least one other person involved. And it could very well have been JM, IMO.
http://www.nbc12.com/story/27178349...ppeal-and-for-a-chance-to-prove-his-innocence - Randy Taylor Speaks out as he wants for DNA Results --> QUOTE: "Do you believe Alexis is alive?" asked the reporter. "I would hope that Alexis is alive. When she left my property she was fine and dandy," Taylor said.

From the beginning, he's talked of a third party. When asked if that person was Jesse Mathew, here's what he had to say: "I'm not portraying Jesse Mathew being linked to my case. I'm not denying the 3rd party involved in my case. Investigators know what they know. Was there a match between Jesse Mathew and this, I guess they'll find that out eventually."

And, to ThinkHard and themom above, RAT has always stated there was a third person responsible for whatever may have happened to Alexis. This is what he said in regards to any possible appeal: "I just hope that I get a fair trial and that I get to go to court again. I know they want justice, but I don't hold the answers to this," he said of the Murphy family. "It doesn't give them closure. I think that closure would be having the answers to this case."

Later in the article:
QUOTE: "Taylor claimed that, on appeal, he would offer new information, touching on the blood-stained T-shirt.
But some things, he said, he will never tell. The friend who he alleges drove him to Charlottesville the night investigators found Murphy's car remains unknown
"He has nothing to do with this case. Was I there with him? Yes, I was there with him."
Throughout the investigation, agents referred to the anonymous man as Taylor's buddy. Taylor told investigators he would not give the friend's name because he is a marijuana dealer. Taylor said disclosing the man's identity could also put his family at risk.
"It's nothing to play with. I'm more worried about my family than anything else with him.""
AM, JM, hair extensions. His hair grew super fast after that taxi photo.

I wonder about that taxi fare. Why didn't he use the $300 in cash?

It says here: http://www.timesdispatch.com/news/s...cle_0ce64b0c-d21c-11e3-b129-0017a43b2370.html

"The trip cost $35, the cabbie testified, but one that was short of his passenger’s stated destination. Taylor got out some 4 miles north of his home."

and also says this about AM

"The volleyball star and rising senior at Nelson County High School, loaded with some $300 in cash"


In looking for something else, I found the location to where RAT was driven by the cab the night AM went missing: Woods Mill, 3 mi. N of his camper.
JM lived nearby at the time. What was his Nelson County address there? Could RAT have been dropped off at JMs house, or at a mutual friends home?

It's about a 2 mile walk from Woods Mill to Wells Lane.

Too many coincidences.

It's about a 2 mile walk from Woods Mill to Wells Lane.

Too many coincidences.

So he was dropped off 3 miles from his own trailer, and 2 miles from JMs' moms place...basically right between the two. Good meeting spots are often halfway between one place and the other...
Rat appeal in Richmond Va. I doubt his bid will get over turned.

What ever info rat give up should be based on facts, not hear say( should've could've maybe) not going to work no hard to feel substance.. A prisoner cant give info up in such nature unless it a confession if not, It considered hear say. Unless he's a taking pleas deal or confession. Which I think is not on the table( plea deal). If the state take it some how. some way. I don't see a reduced sentence.

Its dangerous game Rat is playing., it has never worked.

I don't see how he can get off on new information alone. It has never been done that way, not for a missing person / murdered after a conviction.
http://www.nbc12.com/story/27178349...ppeal-and-for-a-chance-to-prove-his-innocence - Randy Taylor Speaks out as he wants for DNA Results --> QUOTE: "Do you believe Alexis is alive?" asked the reporter. "I would hope that Alexis is alive. When she left my property she was fine and dandy," Taylor said.

From the beginning, he's talked of a third party. When asked if that person was Jesse Mathew, here's what he had to say: "I'm not portraying Jesse Mathew being linked to my case. I'm not denying the 3rd party involved in my case. Investigators know what they know. Was there a match between Jesse Mathew and this, I guess they'll find that out eventually."

And, to ThinkHard and themom above, RAT has always stated there was a third person responsible for whatever may have happened to Alexis. This is what he said in regards to any possible appeal: "I just hope that I get a fair trial and that I get to go to court again. I know they want justice, but I don't hold the answers to this," he said of the Murphy family. "It doesn't give them closure. I think that closure would be having the answers to this case."

Later in the article:
QUOTE: "Taylor claimed that, on appeal, he would offer new information, touching on the blood-stained T-shirt.
But some things, he said, he will never tell. The friend who he alleges drove him to Charlottesville the night investigators found Murphy's car remains unknown
"He has nothing to do with this case. Was I there with him? Yes, I was there with him."
Throughout the investigation, agents referred to the anonymous man as Taylor's buddy. Taylor told investigators he would not give the friend's name because he is a marijuana dealer. Taylor said disclosing the man's identity could also put his family at risk.
"It's nothing to play with. I'm more worried about my family than anything else with him.""

Maybe this has been discussed at length...but you know how drug dealers...its like a pyramid, you might know the one up from you, meaning who you get it from, but you don't know who they get it from....and you know who you give it to...but may not know who they then sell it to if they don't intend to smoke it themselves.

Well from observation it seems the guys that sell to the end point...usually have better "curb appeal"....and the ones who tend to take more risks, meaning be willing to have larger supply and more money in there possession at one time tend to be a little rougher around the edges, and have "less to loose" like your middle men I guess....then the further up you go they don't just have curb appeal, but there clean cut and likely business men. ... Well do you suppose JM and RT where connection points on one of these type of webs?

OMG I just had a totally ah ha moment! That's it! Its drugs! All these cases! Hear me out: it might not be what you think I'm thinking..

.I think he has a connection point to the higher ups of this web. Im not saying its because he's necessarily related to them, of course thats possible, but it could also be because he has known them for a while and gained there trust. (there is an interesting case that you can feel free to sleuth regarding the owner of a certain company we are all well aware he worked for, its history may or may not be applicable).

I think its possible early on when he was part of this "web" he was just a street dealer....could HS athlete of the year also been the school dealer?...hmmmm....i've known a few of those types....or did he become involved with them later, After getting kicked out of college? Did dealing help him develop his smooth approach, the ability to act like he knew a total stranger? ....

I think its possible the taxi company could have been a way to launder money and "legally" keep JM on the pay roll. I think, all just theory of course, that as JM gained their trust he moved up in ranks, and I think about the time he applied for his taxi license is likely when he got promoted to some type of transporter. I think he would have been the one RT would have gotten his supply from. I think if RAT to rat out JM he knows its not just JM he has to worry about. He's choosing his words very very carefully.

Here's the thing, I do not think the murders, meaning the reasons for them, have anything to do with the actual drugs themselves. But if they start piecing together JM's activities, there's the potential to get a whole lot more people in trouble for other reasons.

I have been going through the missing list with a fine tooth comb, there are some that aren't him for sure, but there is a pattern. Left all personal belonging behind, missing with little info, often from grocery or convenience stores, women who were alone walking....some of them known addicts and prostitutes down on their luck. I don't think he tried to sell to all these women, but in some cases I suspect that's how he was given opportunity to murder them, others I think just crossed his unfortunate path, perhaps even when he was in places for "business". Its interesting that there happens to be a major port in an area highly suspect of repeat offenses.

Having access to this web would have also given him access to drugs, and I can see JM using that to "make friends" with "pretty girls" even when he was not really a " street dealer" anymore. Maybe he gave them free "goodies" because it was the only way he could get girls to "flirt" with him.

It could explain how he could strike up a conversation with a stranger, and have them casually walk away with him, unnoticed.

I'm not suggesting HG bought drugs from JM, though we don't know for sure she didn't , and it certainly wouldn't make her the first college girl to do that.

I think the rapes/ murders are on JM alone though. I don't think they are part of the web, I think he's a serial killer, who happens to be a drug dealer....who's drug connection was often a contributing factor in selection of victim...location, approach...etc. I think it gave him access points to victims he wouldn't otherwise have had without this connection. But I think he murdered because he is very very ill!

I dunno, all just a theory of course, maybe its bordering on too far fetched....but wow...if I hadn't studied the victim lists today...

ETA: If LE needs to be able to prove this connection, or needs testimony....from perhaps powerful people. It could be a tricky situation...one they need to "word" very carefully in the press...could explain the FBI.
ETA: If LE needs to be able to prove this connection, or needs testimony....from perhaps powerful people. It could be a tricky situation...one they need to "word" very carefully in the press...could explain the FBI.

Perhaps, just perhaps, that's the "connection" discreetly mentioned to the three cases (I still don't buy they would have discussed/not discussed a DNA/suspect connection in that manner). It doesn't explain much as far as the weird wording, though, as far as JM's charges/trials. Unless, perhaps, he really didn't do it and took them to the person who did. I don't know. I think you're onto something, and I think it's a lot more convoluted than any of us (or at least most of us) can begin to imagine, because we fail to realize there is such ugliness and evil and underhandedness in the world.

The FBI is often involved in these cases. They were involved in Morgan, Alexis....so I wouldn't read too much into that per se.

I have no doubt drugs are involved in both JM and RAT. I don't know that, but I don't doubt it. Perhaps that is their connection. Perhaps AM went to meet JM for drugs/went with JM and RAT because of drugs. Who knows. This is a very drug-wealthy area. Google some of the drug busts (you've already mentioned one) in Charlottesville and surrounding counties - but cocaine, heroin, marijuana, meth...it's a big problem (though seemingly less of a problem here than other cities, which is equally disturbing). The JADE task force on drugs was created because of the case you mention.

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