Possible Matches for Anna - #1

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I have been in contact with a person in the UK who is sending me this movie. He claims this is not Anna who is the Tasmanian singer. I should be receiving the movie any day now.

Doogie, Sherlock, help me here. I know we investigated and even looked at pictures of this actress quite some time ago and concluded that there was no connection with our case other than that she had the same name. I don't know where on the forum that information and the pictures are, but I hate for good time to be wasted on something we have ruled out, especially since even looking at the YouTube clips of this movie seems to bring up very unsavory and suggestive links which none of us wants on our computers. I remember Doogie's declaring that Brit actress, along with the Tasmanian singer having the same name, as "Not Anna".
I received the movie today. I watched it but did not see anyone who resembles Anna.

I have been in contact with a person in the UK who is sending me this movie. He claims this is not Anna who is the Tasmanian singer. I should be receiving the movie any day now.
Doogie, Sherlock, help me here. I know we investigated and even looked at pictures of this actress quite some time ago and concluded that there was no connection with our case other than that she had the same name. I don't know where on the forum that information and the pictures are, but I hate for good time to be wasted on something we have ruled out, especially since even looking at the YouTube clips of this movie seems to bring up very unsavory and suggestive links which none of us wants on our computers. I remember Doogie's declaring that Brit actress, along with the Tasmanian singer having the same name, as "Not Anna".

I remember coming to that conclusion but I do not recall how we arrived there.

I suspect that the unsavory links that appear when accessing the Youtube clips are based on certain "keywords" associated with the content and not the content itself. In other words, a serious expose' of child *advertiser censored* will have the keywords of "child *advertiser censored*" which may pull up links to actual child *advertiser censored*. The movie itself seems to a "Lifetime Channel" style movie of mainstream content, but because of its subject matter, it may be triggering the disturbing links. Since Kivasupporter now has the movie, I assume that since she did not mention that it was pornographic or expoitative, I believe that my above theory is correct.

Now the question becomes: Is it worthy of further research? I suspect that the answer will be "no", but I also do not want to point us away from something prematurely. If the person who said that she saw a resemblence between an actress and Anna in the movie would contact Kivasupporter and identify the character, then KS may be able to "screen capture" a picture that we can all compare to Anna. Once we have that, we can collectively reach a conclusion about the viabilty of this line of investigation.
I remember coming to that conclusion but I do not recall how we arrived there.

I suspect that the unsavory links that appear when accessing the Youtube clips are based on certain "keywords" associated with the content and not the content itself. In other words, a serious expose' of child *advertiser censored* will have the keywords of "child *advertiser censored*" which may pull up links to actual child *advertiser censored*. The movie itself seems to a "Lifetime Channel" style movie of mainstream content, but because of its subject matter, it may be triggering the disturbing links. Since Kivasupporter now has the movie, I assume that since she did not mention that it was pornographic or expoitative, I believe that my above theory is correct.

Now the question becomes: Is it worthy of further research? I suspect that the answer will be "no", but I also do not want to point us away from something prematurely. If the person who said that she saw a resemblence between an actress and Anna in the movie would contact Kivasupporter and identify the character, then KS may be able to "screen capture" a picture that we can all compare to Anna. Once we have that, we can collectively reach a conclusion about the viabilty of this line of investigation.
Since it looks as if this movie just won't go away, I'll add that there were two different movies with the same title. One was a "Lifetime Channel" movie with no connection to our case and the other was a British film which had an actress named Anna Waters portraying a character named Donna. There is no information on the popular search engines about this actress unless she is the same actress who later used the name Anna Waters-Massey.
The movie which I have is the one where Anna Waters plays the role of Donna. I do not see any resemblance to "our" Anna. I think we can dismiss this as a lead.
I have mentioned in the past how damnable coincidences have frustrated our search when we thought that we may have been close. The following is a good recent example.

I found a woman by the name of Dr. Christina Waters who was a very interesting candidate for being Anna. In addition to the closeness of the name, here is a list of reasons I took a good look at her:

*The strong resembelence between this woman and Annasmom. (see pictures below)

*This woman was raised in Santa Cruz - fifty miles away from Half Moon Bay and the next town of any note heading south on Highway 1.

*She was a college professor like Annasmom.

*She was a journalist like Annasmom.

*She is involved in long distance running like Annasbro.

*She is active in organic food co-ops like Anna's family was at the time of her disappearance.

*She is active in current anti-war / peace movements like Annasmom and Dr. George Waters were during the Viet Nam era.

There were other smaller clues that showed multiple similarities between this woman and members of Anna's family - nothing definitive, but all pushing me toward thinking that I had found something important.

Unfortunately, there was one other important fact that escaped me until much time had been spent researching this woman: She is a full twenty years older than Anna. :doh: Dr. Waters was nice enough to return my very strange phone call and explained that she was much older than Anna (later confirmed by independent research). Based on the photograph below, I never would have guessed her to be near 60 years old, but multiple sources back up that age (including that she was attending graduate school in 1973 - something that would have been beyond the abilities of even a remarkably bright kindergartener).

The amazing coincidences between Anna and "C" showed us how two different people can have stunningly similar memories. This episode reminds us of how two seperate people can share similar traits and looks also.


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Wow, that's uncanny! Too bad. I know you must be so disappointed, but I can definitely tell why you would have thought she was around Anna's age based on that picture.
WOW Dr. Doogie...amazing sleuthing. Thank you for sharing your 'ups and downs' w/results as example. This is fantastic for our sleuthers to see.

Would love for you to stop by the LTWH section here recently put at WS and give us some tips on the SLEUTHERS COME HERE Section :D

hint hint :blowkiss:
Wow Doug! I can see how she could easily be Annasmoms sister! The resemblence is uncanny. And I can only hope to look so good at 60! That was very kind of her to return your call. Glad she did.
...I know you must be so disappointed...

...Thank you for sharing your 'ups and downs'...

Actually, this episode didn't take too much wind out of my sails because it was fortunately resolved in just a matter of a couple days from first discovery to final conclusion. It is when weeks and months have been spent on what ultimately turns out to be a fruitless endeavor that my energy wanes. We all have had our moments of frustration, but we have been blessed to have so many talented researchers involved that when one of us reaches a low point, another person steps into the breach to continue the battle. If Annasmom and I had not found Websleuths, I am sure that any advancements that we may have made have been dwarfed by the knowledge that we current have and the progress that is surely to come.

I was recently asked by a friend of mine when I was explaining my preoccupation with finding missing children, "How many missing children have you found?" Well, the answer is zero. The stark reality of my answer, I must admit, hit me hard. It led to to re-examine and review my motives and strategies. The best explaination of my conclusions is to ask "What else could I do but try to right some wrongs?" I would love to be able to recite a long list of returned children and closure for families, but I believe that measure of success is not realistic. Our victories are tallied in small increments. We help move investigations along and we develop new areas of research for LE. We, every once in awhile, achieve the ultimate victory such as finally supplying a name to the lost such as Maricopa Jane Doe, but those rare sucesses should not be the sole judge our efforts. It is like the character that Jack Nicholson played in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Next" when faced with ridicule by his fellow pysch ward patients when his scheme to toss a large fountain through a window and escape failed miserably. He answered, "At least I tried, dammit. At least I tried."

"Far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much . . . in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
- Theodore Roosevelt
Actually, this episode didn't take too much wind out of my sails because it was fortunately resolved in just a matter of a couple days from first discovery to final conclusion. It is when weeks and months have been spent on what ultimately turns out to be a fruitless endeavor that my energy wanes. We all have had our moments of frustration, but we have been blessed to have so many talented researchers involved that when one of us reaches a low point, another person steps into the breach to continue the battle. If Annasmom and I had not found Websleuths, I am sure that any advancements that we may have made have been dwarfed by the knowledge that we current have and the progress that is surely to come.

I was recently asked by a friend of mine when I was explaining my preoccupation with finding missing children, "How many missing children have you found?" Well, the answer is zero. The stark reality of my answer, I must admit, hit me hard. It led to to re-examine and review my motives and strategies. The best explaination of my conclusions is to ask "What else could I do but try to right some wrongs?" I would love to be able to recite a long list of returned children and closure for families, but I believe that measure of success is not realistic. Our victories are tallied in small increments. We help move investigations along and we develop new areas of research for LE. We, every once in awhile, achieve the ultimate victory such as finally supplying a name to the lost such as Maricopa Jane Doe, but those rare sucesses should not be the sole judge our efforts. It is like the character that Jack Nicholson played in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Next" when faced with ridicule by his fellow pysch ward patients when his scheme to toss a large fountain through a window and escape failed miserably. He answered, "At least I tried, dammit. At least I tried."

"Far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much . . . in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
- Theodore Roosevelt
Maybe the friend asked that question in all innocence, but I would have answered that you have supported and consoled the parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and friends of missing children.
Maybe the friend asked that question in all innocence, but I would have answered that you have supported and consoled the parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and friends of missing children.

The question was asked in innocence and was sincere. My immediate reaction to it was what I found troubling - that I was "keeping score" instead of recognizing that there was value in the discovery process itself. Though I may physically resemble Buddha, I had lost sight of the fact that the journey is as important as the destination. Finding Anna can only occur by the act of searching for Anna. And I was judging my contribution in terms of "Have you found her? Yes or no?" The question provided me an opportunity to reset my value structure and refocus on the process of searching itself.

(And your answer was much better than mine!)
Dr. Doogie,

If I may add as well, part of what you have also done is to teach us and inspire us other sleuthers. Not only those of us who actively post in this forum, but others who read and may not have much to contribute which has not already been posted. Because of this, another case we at LTWH were working on, we were able to assist reuniting a mother and her 16 year old son who was kidnapped by his father at age 3. They will be meeting over the christmas holiday, as they live on other sides of the country. The family-bio mom, step mom, two children and dad, have been communicating since last February. While you were not directly involved in that so to speak, I can attibute much of what you have done here and the example that you have set in this particular forum to what many others have learned and do. Your actions have also set forth the path which has also assisted Sherlock in reuniting so many adoptees with their birth mother/family. You are like a tree and we are like branches.

Dr Doogie: you are the best here!
To find something is no easy, and the Anna's case is hard, because GB saying so much lies... and we know not if GB is the real name! So you made a so great job!! I know!
And please being no frustrated, because any search's success depending from God... we can only to work and hoping in the help... I had some success but almost some data was rights! Otherwise as to make a search? In this topic ( suanj is me=raf) you can read abt my last success... The sure was only the first name; unsure: the surname ( better a part of surname) and totally wrong the birthyear... however this my last case had good conclusion....

For Anna's case is different, the only sure data are: the pictures! the name ..GB... who knows? In this case we are in presence of a criminal: GB... sure a criminal.... and what he say... hmm... I think no true... so all is difficult in the search...
You spent so much time and energies, and you made a so execellent work...
we must have feith in God... to 100% because he know that we are searching and needing of help... I'm sure that he preparing the way.... any search is as a chain... ring by ring... our last ring ( with a probability of certainty abt 80%) it is the article of 1941... also the lost diamond in the 1931 give us some idea...
the idea that GB was no a genius, but only a swindler... oh yes we cannot say if the Brody of lost diamond is he, but from all GB story I think he was a swindler and a criminal, but no a genius so some error abt identity he maybe made, and we must find it... so by last chain's ring enough sure (1941 article) we must to find more, linking by this article... it is some way for to find the police report abt GB-J J Sgroe? It could be interesting.... I believe this is a necessary step, so we can search and descover if is our GB or not... we are going by exclusion...

I can to say that Internet have wonderful power for a search... as this other ...
so please to have feith in God... you are the best... :blowkiss:
This possible match has already been ruled out but I recently obtained a picture of a Kukoda who (1) at the time, was the only known Kukoda in California besides Margaret and (2) had resided within five miles of where Annasmom lives. The picture is not large so details are not clear, but if I had found this pic prior to getting confirmation from the Kukoda family that she was not adopted, I probably would have soiled myself.


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Yesterday another possible match was ruled out for being Anna. A few months ago I received an e-mail from an individual I assumed was a non-member. She knew of a woman around Anna's age who closely resembled the age advanced photo of Anna. Luckily, living in the Las Vegas area I called on a friend to knock on her door. My friend reported back that she indeed resembles the looks of Anna. I waited till yesterday to contact her and spoke with her on the phone. She told me she was not adopted and she was surprised because someone else had already told her she looked like Anna. I was glad to hear she had already head about Anna!
This is interesting, not because I think that Diane Dye might have anything to do with Anna necessarily but because, if you scroll down, there was some consideration that she could be "Princess Doe". "Princess Doe"'s remains were found in New Jersey in 1982. She was "approximately 16" when she died. Not sure if anyone has ever looked into her as a possible match for Anna. I hope so and I hope that this was found NOT to be a potential match but here is the link in which I found mention of "princess":

D M. (V) S in Anaheim is not the same "D M.V" as mentioned in the previous article.

There is another D V listed as living in Pasadena, CA. This may be the correct one, but I do not know if the contact number listed is the one that others have tried and found disconnected.

Bumping... Doogie, were you ever able to contact the correct D M V and confirm she is not Anna? I realize this post is quite old, but perhaps you can reach the birth mother who had spoken with her (info previously posted on page one of this thread from a former member
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Possible Matches for Anna this is the link to the post I am referencing.)
Gerald Nash, Anna's case worker at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, just phoned me to say that they had recently run DNA comparisons between all missing children in their files, alive or not, and family DNA which they have (ours is in their national database, by the way) and found no match to Anna. In a way, no news is good news. I also told him about how traumatized I felt when Jaycee was found, and he said quite a few other parents of missing children went through the same experience...the old sorrows just came right back up, when you thought you had them under control. But I told him things were OK now. I did buy the People magazine that had all Jaycee's photos in it. Her hair is darker, but it still has blonde streaks.
If anyone runs across this womans picture and is stopped in their tracks just as I was based on the stunning similiarity to Anna's most recent age progressed photo, this school principle is NOT Anna. Various records confirm her 30 years of teaching experience as well as being a principle for more than one school making her too old to be Anna.

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