Possible Matches for Anna - #1

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Annasmom said:
We need to find out about the vaccination scar first.
I don't know how much weight to put into that. I had one when I was a kid but there is no sign of it now.
I know I have a vaccination scar that is bairly dicernable but I remember Anna's other brother had a pretty large one. Isn't that right Annasmom? I will ask him how prominent it still is - these things seem like they run along family lines.
I'm a long time lurker, have been reading this and WOW! Great news! Hope that things move foward quickly and in a positive direction!

Shadow205 said:
How about so as she got older and the name Anna Christian kept popping into her mind as her name it would be easier to make her beleive that she must have just confused the similarities and that no your name is........I know it's kind of a far out guess but everything about this case is so strange it could make sense.
I agree with this! My birth name was Amorita-it was changed years later to Amy.

Is there any way to check California birth records to see if Anna's original birth certificate has been ammended?

Keep up the great work-you guys (and gals) are awsome!
bearschick said:
...Is there any way to check California birth records to see if Anna's original birth certificate has been ammended? ...
It was amended two weeks after the original one was issued to include the middle name "Eifee". We are not aware of any changes after that. I believe that Annasmom got a copy of it after Anna disappeared - is that right, AM?
I am stunned. I have looked at the pics again and again, as I am sure many of you have.

Does the "mystery woman" have a pic from her baby years that we could compare with Anna's pics?
As far as I understand from DrDoogie -the look-alike has no childhood pictures and asked how our informant got pictures of her as a child when she was shown Anna's pictures
We are looking into obtaining school pictures of the woman that would be closer in time to our pictures of Anna for comparison. Annasbro is right: the woman has no pictures of herself as a child and does not have a relationship with her parents to obtain one.
Annasbro said:
I know I have a vaccination scar that is bairly dicernable but I remember Anna's other brother had a pretty large one. Isn't that right Annasmom? I will ask him how prominent it still is - these things seem like they run along family lines.
It's a good idea to ask him. A lot depends on how strong the "take" to the vaccine was. Yours was mild, probably because you had some immunities, but his was rather severe. I remember Anna's reaction as being mild, too.
Dr. Doogie said:
It was amended two weeks after the original one was issued to include the middle name "Eifee". We are not aware of any changes after that. I believe that Annasmom got a copy of it after Anna disappeared - is that right, AM?
I got another copy of it a few months ago, which means it was not sealed or amended.
Dr. Doogie said:
We are looking into obtaining school pictures of the woman that would be closer in time to our pictures of Anna for comparison. Annasbro is right: the woman has no pictures of herself as a child and does not have a relationship with her parents to obtain one.

Christine is working on finding someone who might have old class pictures at classmates.com. There are quite a few students registered for that school. If that doesn't come up with anything then I think we will contact the school and see if the took class pictures there during the 70's.
Shadow205 said:

Christine is working on finding someone who might have old class pictures at classmates.com. There are quite a few students registered for that school. If that doesn't come up with anything then I think we will contact the school and see if the took class pictures there during the 70's.
the public library is often a depository for all kinds of school yearbooks. She might want to look in the public library of the town she went to school in.

most schools dont have yearbooks for that young of an age i know in jr high and hs we had yearbooks 6-8th grade was in the year book and 9-12 ( when parents went to school only srs were in the books) my library has toons of them from the high schools. i know when my brother graduated 5th grade the parents and teachers put out a black and white yearbook. and when i graduated 5th grade they did a vote yearbook or teeshirt teeshirt won
Most grade schools so a class picture for the younger kids. That is what I would like to find.
smile22 said:
something sounds fishy about this person that wont give us direct contact with the look alike.it sounds like she is starting to play a game and i think le should get involved if it does turn out that their is a 98% chance that she could be anna. just my opinons. i got taken for a ride when a man posting at a website was claming to be a missing child but fellow sleuthers were able to uncover his lies and he was also being watch by le
My name is Robin, I am a Records Manager, the mother of 3 grown children, and the grandmother of 2 wonderful little boys. I AM the person that you speak of, and I assure you I do not play games. I did not know how to find these threads until I saw a bulletin yesterday, and I immediately applied for an account. I DID try to get my contact to allow me to give her number out, but she was very afraid to, for several reasons. She finally gave me permission 2 days ago to give that information, which I promptly did. I would also like you to know that I only met this person 6 weeks ago, but she is my friend. I found out about Anna less than 3 weeks ago. I took the picture of my contact, I sent it to the proper people, I went to the library to find her birth announcement, and I am going to the library again to see if I can find any younger pictures of her in any classbooks. Please be patient, I am only one person, and a library search with so little information can be time consuming. I will keep everyone posted now that I know how.
RobinH said:
My name is Robin, I am a Records Manager, the mother of 3 grown children, and the grandmother of 2 wonderful little boys. I AM the person that you speak of, and I assure you I do not play games. I did not know how to find these threads until I saw a bulletin yesterday, and I immediately applied for an account. I DID try to get my contact to allow me to give her number out, but she was very afraid to, for several reasons. She finally gave me permission 2 days ago to give that information, which I promptly did. I would also like you to know that I only met this person 6 weeks ago, but she is my friend. I found out about Anna less than 3 weeks ago. I took the picture of my contact, I sent it to the proper people, I went to the library to find her birth announcement, and I am going to the library again to see if I can find any younger pictures of her in any classbooks. Please be patient, I am only one person, and a library search with so little information can be time consuming. I will keep everyone posted now that I know how.
Welcome RobinH, thank you so much for all that you have done. I apologize if any of the posts you read here sound like they are negative about you. Unfortunitly, for us we have run into people too many times while working on other cases who are insincere and out right fraudulant and malicious in their claims. This has nutured a healthy, but sometimes unforunite hesitation in outright acceptance of what people present to us. I aplogize if you were offended in anyway. Now lets move on to what is really important here Anna and your friend!! It is clear to me you have made extrodinary efforts in trying to help your friend and help find Anna, I thank you for that. The photo of your friend to Anna has an extrodinary resembalance. Thank you so much for all you have done. Many of us here have access to various reserach tools and archieves so if there is anyway we can help with your searching let us know.
Welcome to Websleuths :)

I do understand, and no harm done. I will continue to research Christine and also will continue to look for Anna in other areas. I would also like you all to know that Christine is getting married in 2 weeks, and although she said she would try to locate pictures, she has told me that from day one, and has not done so, that is why I am going to search the libraries myself. Keep in mind that one of the schools is quite a distance from me, and I will not be able to get there until later this week. I may also have other sources for photos of her, since I found out yesterday that many of her relatives work at a company where I may be able to contact them as well.
Hi Robin, and welcome to Websleuths! I run the Anna Waters Missing 1973 on Myspace. Glad to see you posting over here too :)
Hi Robin, welcome to WS's. My page for Anna is "Looking For Anna Christian Waters" over at myspace.

If you want to take a look, click here http://www.myspace.com/rust205

I have a couple of other missing on there too.
Welcome Robin. We appreciate what you are trying to do. Whether this turns out to be Anna or not, it is people like you who are willing to take a leap who will help bring Anna home.
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