Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert

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I'd still like to know how this is related to SG and how any of it proves or disproves SG was murdered or not.

Seriously its actually getting kind of sad. Nobody can't talk about her any more with out a SCPD bashing session taking over and being shoved in your face.
Its sad because SG's thread and other victims are being robbed repeatedly to benefit someone's personal agenda rather then actually giving two sh*** about the true victimization of these girls. This is all they have left. Why take their threads from them? Because that is what is happening here. Over and over and over and over again.

I keep my thoughts mostly to myself because I don't want to get a time out or anything but this has been going on non stop for a long time now. And I for the life of me can't figure out how its allowed. SG is now just a shadow of SCPD on this thread and that is WRONG!!!!!! In so many ways.
giagreen it is very simple - don't read it. If I didn't write something not much else would be written about the case. The case is unsolved after 5 years and the PD doesn't seem to have a clue. I am trying to tell you WHY that may be so. But you don't get it because you don't want to get it. It doesn't mean I am right. But I am confident what I have been saying MAY have something to do with it. Why don't you tell us what happened.
That's not true at all. I've seen over the past year and a half many of good conversations that were on topic end because out of the clear blue the scpd bashing starts. And it isnt as simple as not reading it. These threads belong to the girls....the victims. There was even a special thread created just for this stuff regarding scpd why can't the threads stay on topic?

And I do get it. And I don't think that these are the reasons that these murders are unsolved. Nor do I care about any of what I think and believe with all my heart has nothing to do with this case.

You wanna know why these murders are not solved? Its because each of the GB4 and SG were escorts. And nobody gave a damn when they went missing. It happens everyday here in America. Its hard sometimes getting cops to take missing teens who are murdered, or hung up in sex trafficking seriously let alone escorts who are of age and abusing drugs. I'm not saying its right or its wrong but that is how its always worked and why nothing has been solved. I mean come on ALC wasn't even reported missing. What should have LE done at that time?!?!?! I'm impressed they were able to figure out who she was other wise she would of been in line with the other Jane does. So they lacked when it came to their missing person report on the girls. Didnt take it seriously and missed things in the beginning that could of helped. BTW THAT WOULDNT OF BEEN SCPD FAULT EITHER. By the time they were found what evidence would there have been? DNA?....doubt it. All they really got from the dump spot was burlap was used, they were placed in a row, and were dumped there. Profiling that is all they've got. The phone calls to Amanda where made from one of the busiest places in the world. LE doesn't have super powers. And I still don't believe there is a recording of this guy. Maybe an attempt with an app. Have you ever downloaded an app that can record calls? I have. I've downloaded about 10 of em and none of em worked when I thought they were. Lets not forget this was five years ago not last year when i downloaded the apps. Can cell phones be tapped and recorded by LE? Can LE go back and listen to old conversations? No. Has it even be cleared up 100% by family or LE that there is with out a doubt in fact a recording? I have yet to see it. If it has been then I'd like a link for that.

The 911 call? Its pretty simple how 911 calls are directed with cell phones. This wasn't a land line this was a cell phone bouncing off of diffrent towers and the call got directed to the wrong dispatcher where should the dispatcher have sent her call if SG her self didn't even know where she was. So Mr. GC calls LE this now going to a completely difrent dispatch department prob even a diffrent building then where SG call went. So nobody put it togeather at that moment. Cop gets to OB and here all he has are a few people saying a crazy lady was running around screaming acting hysterical. Nobody has her name. Nobody knows she came from JB house at this time. GC says there was a man in a black SUV looking for her and told him cops were called. Bamb they left cause the cops were coming. It was a domestic and everything is chill now. At that point what should the officer have assumed? There really isn't much you can do if you can't find the suspects or the victim.
As soon as her family reported her missing and pushed for it to be taken seriously they check her phone and learn she called 911 but didn't put it togeather cause once again her call went to the wrong place and she didn't know where she was. Tragic...but really nothing sinister about it.

Why won't they release the 911 call? Why would they if the voice of her killer wasn't on it? How would we the public be able to solve the case by hearing it? Personally, I don't want to hear Shannon in fear before she died. And if she were my child I wouldn't want it released out of dignity for Shannon. I really don't think her 911 call is relevant. We know what others are saying and not just MP and JB. She was hysterical according to them. There either isn't anything on that 911 call and it isn't being released out of respect for Shannon and her family considering she was not in her right mind. Or maybe there is something. If there is something and they released it and let the public know I'd be disappointed in them. That'd only give the perp a heads up.

Is this seriously the only SK case that wasn't solved the first five years?!?!?? No. So why is it because it isn't solved that the police must be dirty then?
Are all the other officers dirty then who couldnt catch the zodiac killer? Where all the officers who couldnt catch the green river killer for years dirty up till they caught him? Nope serial killings are hard because at the end of the day there is no real motive other then just killing. Victims are random. And dump sites are usually found long after the facts.

The fact of the matter is that cops are just people. Some good. Some bad. A lot of police departments have seen their fair share of bad officers. I know this because I have seen officers lose their jobs as well as charged for crimes they did. That does not mean that a whole police department is covering for a serial killer cause of yaddie yadda. If the serial killer happens to be a cop I doubt any of his co-workers have a clue.

Sorry Hawkshaw but it is as simple as posting in the right thread so the people can go to the thread they want and talk about that topic. The last I new there was a thread made just for scpd. Why should I have to scroll past long winded rants about scpd everytime I wanna see what others have to say about what they are thinking about SG and her case while on her thread when there is a thread for scpd? And you know what....I'd actually be over here all the time but everytime someone even brings up a conversation I'd like to get in on you've all ready gone off about scpd again and I'm lost trying to read threw everything in order while having to scroll threw a long post then another and another.

I respect your veiws. And you very well might be right. But its like no other ideas are welcomed and over powered by your veiws that are off topic anyways.
My post (#511) we know for a fact... SCPD Detective Stephan lied, in writing, about SG's 911 call.

IMO, a very important part of that fact is determining WHY the detective lied. Why didn't he just stay silent? He must have had something to gain by being deceitful (or was it something to lose by being truthful)??

IMO, Hawkshaw gives us background on those involved. Okay, Hawk gives us TOO MUCH background (clearly more details than most of us can even read through, including me)... but otherwise we have nothing at all... no one else here has any knowledge of ol' Detective Vincent Stephan.

There was an SCPD detective who took it upon himself to publicly lie about SG's last recorded phone call, and I believe a discussion about whether or not she was murdered involves (to some degree) a discussion about this letter to Newsday and the deFective who wrote it. It's impossible for me to believe that he was just a dumb, bad cop who decided he wanted to write a public letter full of lies.
Fred&Edna, you are pretty much on target when you say Stephan took it upon himself to write the letter. Right church, wrong pew. He DID NOT take it upon himself to write that letter, he was TOLD to write that letter by those that were looking to hide the damned truth ! He was going to retire anyway and if their was flak from it he would be long gone not returning calls.

I was going to retire in several days. The Chief had a touchy case with the media. He asked me to agree to be interviewed. He told me what I could say and not say. The idea was if I screwed up and bigger folks got involved I would be long gone in retirement.

Been there, done that.

Sure I read a lot. And I don't expect folks to follow or understand much of it. But some of you folks do and try to understand what I am trying to say. Most of you I am sorry to say don't have a clue.

Try to understand what I am driving at.

On another topic Mystery Attic referred to the 1979 John Pius Murder and how terrible that case was. AND who is connected to that case, too? Tom Spota and a then 14 year old named James C. Burke. You folks just don't get it, do you?
THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A CAUSE OF DEATH reported for SG. The PC said it was an apparent accident. He even said it might have been an accidental drowning. There were no signs she died of drowning. I believe she was found face up which reduces the chances she fell down and drowned in a few inches of water. The same idiot goes public and tells us the detectives don't tell me EVERYTHING !!! While I suspect that to be true, and I have said that many times, it is quite another to be the head man in the PD and ADMIT it.
That's not true at all. I've seen over the past year and a half many of good conversations that were on topic end because out of the clear blue the scpd bashing starts. And it isnt as simple as not reading it. These threads belong to the girls....the victims. There was even a special thread created just for this stuff regarding scpd why can't the threads stay on topic?

And I do get it. And I don't think that these are the reasons that these murders are unsolved. Nor do I care about any of what I think and believe with all my heart has nothing to do with this case.

You wanna know why these murders are not solved? Its because each of the GB4 and SG were escorts. And nobody gave a damn when they went missing. It happens everyday here in America. Its hard sometimes getting cops to take missing teens who are murdered, or hung up in sex trafficking seriously let alone escorts who are of age and abusing drugs. I'm not saying its right or its wrong but that is how its always worked and why nothing has been solved. I mean come on ALC wasn't even reported missing. What should have LE done at that time?!?!?! I'm impressed they were able to figure out who she was other wise she would of been in line with the other Jane does. So they lacked when it came to their missing person report on the girls. Didnt take it seriously and missed things in the beginning that could of helped. BTW THAT WOULDNT OF BEEN SCPD FAULT EITHER. By the time they were found what evidence would there have been? DNA?....doubt it. All they really got from the dump spot was burlap was used, they were placed in a row, and were dumped there. Profiling that is all they've got. The phone calls to Amanda where made from one of the busiest places in the world. LE doesn't have super powers. And I still don't believe there is a recording of this guy. Maybe an attempt with an app. Have you ever downloaded an app that can record calls? I have. I've downloaded about 10 of em and none of em worked when I thought they were. Lets not forget this was five years ago not last year when i downloaded the apps. Can cell phones be tapped and recorded by LE? Can LE go back and listen to old conversations? No. Has it even be cleared up 100% by family or LE that there is with out a doubt in fact a recording? I have yet to see it. If it has been then I'd like a link for that.

The 911 call? Its pretty simple how 911 calls are directed with cell phones. This wasn't a land line this was a cell phone bouncing off of diffrent towers and the call got directed to the wrong dispatcher where should the dispatcher have sent her call if SG her self didn't even know where she was. So Mr. GC calls LE this now going to a completely difrent dispatch department prob even a diffrent building then where SG call went. So nobody put it togeather at that moment. Cop gets to OB and here all he has are a few people saying a crazy lady was running around screaming acting hysterical. Nobody has her name. Nobody knows she came from JB house at this time. GC says there was a man in a black SUV looking for her and told him cops were called. Bamb they left cause the cops were coming. It was a domestic and everything is chill now. At that point what should the officer have assumed? There really isn't much you can do if you can't find the suspects or the victim.
As soon as her family reported her missing and pushed for it to be taken seriously they check her phone and learn she called 911 but didn't put it togeather cause once again her call went to the wrong place and she didn't know where she was. Tragic...but really nothing sinister about it.

Why won't they release the 911 call? Why would they if the voice of her killer wasn't on it? How would we the public be able to solve the case by hearing it? Personally, I don't want to hear Shannon in fear before she died. And if she were my child I wouldn't want it released out of dignity for Shannon. I really don't think her 911 call is relevant. We know what others are saying and not just MP and JB. She was hysterical according to them. There either isn't anything on that 911 call and it isn't being released out of respect for Shannon and her family considering she was not in her right mind. Or maybe there is something. If there is something and they released it and let the public know I'd be disappointed in them. That'd only give the perp a heads up.

Is this seriously the only SK case that wasn't solved the first five years?!?!?? No. So why is it because it isn't solved that the police must be dirty then?
Are all the other officers dirty then who couldnt catch the zodiac killer? Where all the officers who couldnt catch the green river killer for years dirty up till they caught him? Nope serial killings are hard because at the end of the day there is no real motive other then just killing. Victims are random. And dump sites are usually found long after the facts.

The fact of the matter is that cops are just people. Some good. Some bad. A lot of police departments have seen their fair share of bad officers. I know this because I have seen officers lose their jobs as well as charged for crimes they did. That does not mean that a whole police department is covering for a serial killer cause of yaddie yadda. If the serial killer happens to be a cop I doubt any of his co-workers have a clue.

Sorry Hawkshaw but it is as simple as posting in the right thread so the people can go to the thread they want and talk about that topic. The last I new there was a thread made just for scpd. Why should I have to scroll past long winded rants about scpd everytime I wanna see what others have to say about what they are thinking about SG and her case while on her thread when there is a thread for scpd? And you know what....I'd actually be over here all the time but everytime someone even brings up a conversation I'd like to get in on you've all ready gone off about scpd again and I'm lost trying to read threw everything in order while having to scroll threw a long post then another and another.

I respect your veiws. And you very well might be right. But its like no other ideas are welcomed and over powered by your veiws that are off topic anyways.

Thank you for taking the time to think about it. Let me digest it and respond. One thought I would leave you with. When you say the case is unsolved because the victims were prostitutes there is some merit to that. BUT it blew up when 4 bodies were found, and one remained missing. NOW IT BECAME A VERY BIG DEAL.
We have some truth and we know some background... we need more hard facts to actually pin the tail on the jackass/es.

If we knew exactly what truths they were hiding by getting Stephan to write the letter... exactly who is involved in SG's death or the cover-up of her murder. We need exact details and we don't have 'em :(

We're just here in re-spin mode :(
My post (#511) we know for a fact... SCPD Detective Stephan lied, in writing, about SG's 911 call.

IMO, a very important part of that fact is determining WHY the detective lied. Why didn't he just stay silent? He must have had something to gain by being deceitful (or was it something to lose by being truthful)??

IMO, Hawkshaw gives us background on those involved. Okay, Hawk gives us TOO MUCH background (clearly more details than most of us can even read through, including me)... but otherwise we have nothing at all... no one else here has any knowledge of ol' Detective Vincent Stephan.

There was an SCPD detective who took it upon himself to publicly lie about SG's last recorded phone call, and I believe a discussion about whether or not she was murdered involves (to some degree) a discussion about this letter to Newsday and the deFective who wrote it. It's impossible for me to believe that he was just a dumb, bad cop who decided he wanted to write a public letter full of lies.
Right. And don't get me wrong. I haven't over looked the fact that he for no real reason (as far as we know) publicly said things untrue or not that simply didn't need to be addressed. At least not by him.

I personally have always felt that SG is a link to the SK. Its just so confusing because if the sk is JB then why call an escort with a driver when you could pull a MW on her?
If its the doctor then really what are the odds MP JB and the doc are all in on this?

I think there could be things on the 911 call LE doesn't want us to know. The way they came out saying she drowned. The letter talking about the 911 call. Just seems like a show to me. I think they have someone in mind from OB but if they make a move what do they really got to prove he killed the other girls or SG? If they let on they know then he won't slip up imo.

You know them videos they did on youtube I don't care what anyone says those were ment for the killer. I'm sorry but I've never seen anything so bazaar in my life. I honestly think us here at ws are the only ones to watch them.
Thank you for taking the time to think about it. Let me digest it and respond. One thought I would leave you with. When you say the case is unsolved because the victims were prostitutes there is some merit to that. BUT it blew up when 4 bodies were found, and one remained missing. NOW IT BECAME A VERY BIG DEAL.
Ive been thinking about this for years. MB was found on my birthday. I was stuck at home that year in blizzared glued to my t.v. if only i had known about ws then.

But your right. Its a huge deal. And SG turning up dead what was it....4 miles down the road? From where the other girls where found is a huge HUGE red flag that something isn't right in OB. Which leads me to my theory on why LE is acting sketchy. I think they know its a red flag.

But unfortunately by the time it all came to light all the evidence was washed away. Nothing to pin it on anyone. If LE would of cared more when they first went missing they could of found a witness, videos, anything. But as we agree on one thing they were escorts so that info wasnt taken seriously at the time.

Another random tidbit on my end that I know most won't agree with but I think that LE started to figure things out because of SG. And sent an officer out with his dog for some training on a hunch.
I have ALWAYS felt Shannan was a LISK victim.... and I also feel what happened to her is the KEY to catching this guy..... without diligent investigation into what happened to her LE could be making a HUGE mistake on this... and FWIW... I do not believe, not for a second that she "ran out of her pants".... I am NOT buying that one, never did, never EVER will.
I have ALWAYS felt Shannan was a LISK victim.... and I also feel what happened to her is the KEY to catching this guy..... without diligent investigation into what happened to her LE could be making a HUGE mistake on this... and FWIW... I do not believe, not for a second that she "ran out of her pants".... I am NOT buying that one, never did, never EVER will.

AND I can't believe a police commissioner would go public and say SG died from some sort of exposure without having the ME call it. That he really knows nothing and admits they don't tell him everything - BTW, didn't I say that well before he said it? He hasn't a clue how she died. He has to know he couldn't even trust his own detectives to tell him the truth.

My gosh, people, it is staring you right in the face and you are looking for excuses not to see it.

Trust me this is EVEN more complicated than what you think I have made it.

Maybe Dormer can do another few shows for You Tube and fill us in. Maybe Arrow can tell us something about the Oheka shooting while they are at it.
And the thing is that if SG is a victim of the lisk then its so clear who he is then. I mean she went screaming and running from a John's house while telling 911 they were trying to kill her. I don't know how much more clear it could be. But what proof is there?

I'm not locked into who exactly but just like I can't over look how SG is linked to the GB4. I can't over look who's house she went running from. A John. A John is exactly what picked up the other four girls. MP throws me off a little bit.

One of my theory is that MP was actually JB driver. Whos to say MP wasn't the one who picked Amber up. Maybe he was pursenstent with her because he was getting her for someone els? If you were getting paid big to go get the girls that were requested would you not be pursenstent? And that'd be a good way to get the girls to let their gards down. Thinking they are going to some rich guys house who has his own personal driver. And lets face it. MP is weird. His interviews were weird. The sun glasses. Ughh

While SG was running away what was JB doing? I mean really there is an escort you just picked up on cl running around your community saying your trying to kill her. And you just shut the door, lock it and go to bed? JB knows his hood. He could of found her and strangled her in the bushes for all we know then dropped her where she was found.

Take her pants, shoes, lip gloss, and purse and find the biggest talker willing to do anything for some attention and acceptance. Put her stuff in his back yard. Then go back a day later with SG boyfriend and get good old CPH to make some phones calls. Make sure you tell Diaz that today is the 3rd a few times. Its easy to trick people like that especially if they are high. I think that guy CPH was set up from the word go Imo. Apparently so does LE. There is no mistaking with phone records he called. LE kept that low key...and have never really seemed to address it....why?

JB and MP would maybe be thinking that LE would find her sooner and well with that phone call CPH now looks guilty and her things right in his back yard. There is no way CPH killed her then left her stuff in basically his own back yard.

It would of been to risky to put her with the other two girls. If they were found then we would know for a fact she is linked and well who she was running from. As time went by someone noticed LE wasn't searching and decided to add a few more girls to the collection....why not? It was pretty clear by then cops were not searching for missing escorts.

If...IF a phone call regarding if MW had been reported missing was recived by MW mother that'd make sense then if JB was worried about that. And it'd also maken sense that at that point LE started investigating and started putting two and two together.

For all I know they won't release the 911 call because SG straight up said he was killing escorts. Maybe the dispatcher thought the call was a prank. Maybe she seen something. Pictures? Maybe he told her cause he planned on killing her but she got 911 on the phone and that was a game changer. But once LE looked at it and looking at other missing escorts the phone calls to the MBB voicemail ping and MB ping it all came together and it was time to send good old Blue out to get the job done. I mean I personally think they had all of the GB4's bodies identified rather quickly. They had an idea of who they where. Funny cause there are lots of people missing from New York but they new.

The book...Lost Girls (loved it) but I'm sorry I cant remember what exacly JB said but it was along the lines of he's just sorry any girls had to die. He was cold. His comments were weird. And he fits the whole divorced white male living in the area profile. MP just straight up disappeared into GA.

Theories are always crazy but this is seriously the only way I can make any sense of GB4 and SG being linked. Its the only way I can logically tie togeather CPH's phone call, the pants, JB, MP, SG, and GB4. Along with the why wasn't SG placed by the other girls.
I have often wondered if SG had heard rumors on the street about missing girls / or a creepy john on LI and that is why she freaked out. I am undecided on whether or not she was a victim of the SK or not. I know that I keep saying this but I think the key to solving this case is to interview other escort s or sex workers. Someone got away from this guy. SKs do not kill every one of their potential victims. Sometimes someone escapes and sometimes they have a change of heart. This is where the conspiracy sets in for me. Is LE motivated to do a lot of digging around considerring?
AND I can't believe a police commissioner would go public and say SG died from some sort of exposure without having the ME call it. That he really knows nothing and admits they don't tell him everything - BTW, didn't I say that well before he said it? He hasn't a clue how she died. He has to know he couldn't even trust his own detectives to tell him the truth.

My gosh, people, it is staring you right in the face and you are looking for excuses not to see it.

Trust me this is EVEN more complicated than what you think I have made it.

Maybe Dormer can do another few shows for You Tube and fill us in. Maybe Arrow can tell us something about the Oheka shooting while they are at it.
And hawk I'm sorry for being such a crab today. Its not that I don't get what your saying. Or even that I disagree. I do appreciate your insight and it'd be weird and lonely to come here and not see your post. Well....because they are so offten and long!!! Lol I just don't see things the same and it can get a bit frustrating at times.
i have often wondered if sg had heard rumors on the street about missing girls / or a creepy john on li and that is why she freaked out. I am undecided on whether or not she was a victim of the sk or not. I know that i keep saying this but i think the key to solving this case is to interview other escort s or sex workers. Someone got away from this guy. Sks do not kill every one of their potential victims. Sometimes someone escapes and sometimes they have a change of heart. This is where the conspiracy sets in for me. Is le motivated to do a lot of digging around considerring?

And hawk I'm sorry for being such a crab today. Its not that I don't get what your saying. Or even that I disagree. I do appreciate your insight and it'd be weird and lonely to come here and not see your post. Well....because they are so offten and long!!! Lol I just don't see things the same and it can get a bit frustrating at times.

Be as crabby as you like just as long as you continue to post. I forget why I post and when someone like you gets tired of someone like me I get crabby. WHAT you guys should understand is the audience I want to attract is NOT you, or Mysteryattic, and all the other fine posters, IT really is the SPOTA'S, BURKES, BELLONES, and all the other swarmy politicians who have to wake up each morning worrying when the lid is going to blow off.

LONG POSTS? You noticed. LOL. It is a killer and I am well aware of it What else can I do? LOL
I have often wondered if SG had heard rumors on the street about missing girls / or a creepy john on LI and that is why she freaked out. I am undecided on whether or not she was a victim of the SK or not. I know that I keep saying this but I think the key to solving this case is to interview other escort s or sex workers. Someone got away from this guy. SKs do not kill every one of their potential victims. Sometimes someone escapes and sometimes they have a change of heart. This is where the conspiracy sets in for me. Is LE motivated to do a lot of digging around considerring?
I agree. But I'm not sure how willing an escort would be willing to talk to LE. Even with annuity their pimps wouldn't alow it.
And the thing is that if SG is a victim of the lisk then its so clear who he is then. I mean she went screaming and running from a John's house while telling 911 they were trying to kill her. I don't know how much more clear it could be. But what proof is there?

I'm not locked into who exactly but just like I can't over look how SG is linked to the GB4. I can't over look who's house she went running from. A John. A John is exactly what picked up the other four girls. MP throws me off a little bit.

One of my theory is that MP was actually JB driver. Whos to say MP wasn't the one who picked Amber up. Maybe he was pursenstent with her because he was getting her for someone els? If you were getting paid big to go get the girls that were requested would you not be pursenstent? And that'd be a good way to get the girls to let their gards down. Thinking they are going to some rich guys house who has his own personal driver. And lets face it. MP is weird. His interviews were weird. The sun glasses. Ughh

While SG was running away what was JB doing? I mean really there is an escort you just picked up on cl running around your community saying your trying to kill her. And you just shut the door, lock it and go to bed? JB knows his hood. He could of found her and strangled her in the bushes for all we know then dropped her where she was found.

Take her pants, shoes, lip gloss, and purse and find the biggest talker willing to do anything for some attention and acceptance. Put her stuff in his back yard. Then go back a day later with SG boyfriend and get good old CPH to make some phones calls. Make sure you tell Diaz that today is the 3rd a few times. Its easy to trick people like that especially if they are high. I think that guy CPH was set up from the word go Imo. Apparently so does LE. There is no mistaking with phone records he called. LE kept that low key...and have never really seemed to address it....why?

JB and MP would maybe be thinking that LE would find her sooner and well with that phone call CPH now looks guilty and her things right in his back yard. There is no way CPH killed her then left her stuff in basically his own back yard.

It would of been to risky to put her with the other two girls. If they were found then we would know for a fact she is linked and well who she was running from. As time went by someone noticed LE wasn't searching and decided to add a few more girls to the collection....why not? It was pretty clear by then cops were not searching for missing escorts.

If...IF a phone call regarding if MW had been reported missing was recived by MW mother that'd make sense then if JB was worried about that. And it'd also maken sense that at that point LE started investigating and started putting two and two together.

For all I know they won't release the 911 call because SG straight up said he was killing escorts. Maybe the dispatcher thought the call was a prank. Maybe she seen something. Pictures? Maybe he told her cause he planned on killing her but she got 911 on the phone and that was a game changer. But once LE looked at it and looking at other missing escorts the phone calls to the MBB voicemail ping and MB ping it all came together and it was time to send good old Blue out to get the job done. I mean I personally think they had all of the GB4's bodies identified rather quickly. They had an idea of who they where. Funny cause there are lots of people missing from New York but they new.

The book...Lost Girls (loved it) but I'm sorry I cant remember what exacly JB said but it was along the lines of he's just sorry any girls had to die. He was cold. His comments were weird. And he fits the whole divorced white male living in the area profile. MP just straight up disappeared into GA.

Theories are always crazy but this is seriously the only way I can make any sense of GB4 and SG being linked. Its the only way I can logically tie togeather CPH's phone call, the pants, JB, MP, SG, and GB4. Along with the why wasn't SG placed by the other girls.

You must be hanging out with me because your posts are getting longer and longer. Well done, BTW.
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