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Not in this case...not for me, anyway. I can tell you for a fact, without any hesitation and with complete conviction, I would never shove a broken paintbrush handle into my dead 6 year old daughter's vagina to cover up an accident. Not to save myself...not to save my other child...not under any circumstances. Not ever. Period. End of story.

nor would you pull a cord around her neck.thats why i tend to agree with Kolar on this part that all this was part of the crime and not the staging
I thought it was interesting when Det. Jane Harner said it was a joint decision not to go ahead with the indictment. From what I had always read DA Alex Hunter seemed to be the one taking all the heat for the decision. To hear he was backed by Det. Harner and others was unexpected.

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I expect his coworkers knew he would be unable to successfully prosecute.
There can't be any justice for JBR.

Most don't think JR actually did the killing, though he participated at least to some degree in the coverup.

Exactly what do people think is going to happen here? 3 people were in that house. No one outside of those 3 people knows exactly what happened that night and 1 of them is dead and the other was 9 yrs old at the time.

What I want to happen is to have John caught in his lies with no wiggle room so he knows that everyone in the world knows once and for all what a liar he is, and that he will stop claiming his innocence.

Can anyone clear this up for me? On the Dateline special, someone (I can't recall who) stated that fibers from the duvet cover in the suitcase were found on JB's body. I don't recall EVER having heard that. Is that an established fact that I somehow missed ?
Can anyone clear this up for me? On the Dateline special, someone (I can't recall who) stated that fibers from the duvet cover in the suitcase were found on JB's body. I don't recall EVER having heard that. Is that an established fact that I somehow missed ?

Lou Smit's theory is that the kidnapping intruder put JBR in the suitcase and pushed it through the window into the window well before realizing that once the suitcase was in the window well, there was no room for the kidnapper so . . unable to remove her from the house, he bludgeoned her and strangled her. It is a theory unworthy of discussion.

There are 2 things that last night's special cleared up for us. The first is that there were, in fact, 3 distinct voices heard after PR thought she hung up on the 911 operator. Kim heard the 3 voices. BR told the GJ, which heard the enhanced tapes, that he thought it sounded like his voice on the tape. We have gone back and forth for years over who heard it, whether the voices were there, who they were, blah, blah, blah and last night it was confirmed for me - the 3 Rs were on the tape.

Also confirmed is that BR was NOT asleep, he was pretending to be asleep and staying in his room during all the commotion, waiting for his dad to come and tell him what to do.

New to me was that PR entered BR's room, turned on the lights "Oh, my gosh.....where's my baby?" didn't search the room, just looked in and then left without turning off the lights. JR turned them off later. I will never understand how anyone who thinks their child has been taken from their bed would then leave their other child alone upstairs while the whole house filled with LE and frantic fiends but not much about this case makes sense.
Lou Smit's theory is that the kidnapping intruder put JBR in the suitcase and pushed it through the window into the window well before realizing that once the suitcase was in the window well, there was not room for the kidnapper so . . unable to remove her from teh house, he bludgeoned her and strangled her. It is a theory unworthy of discussion.

I know Smit's theory, and I agree with's hogwash. But were fibers from the duvet cover found on the body? I've never read that anywhere that I can recall. I think I would have remember that.
There can't be any justice for JBR.

IF Patsy did it, well she'd dead and you can't sue a corpse.

IF Burke did it, well he was 9 yrs old and there wouldn't have been a conviction for a 9 yr old. He might have been taken away and hospitalized or who knows...

Most don't think JR actually did the killing, though he participated at least to some degree in the coverup.

Exactly what do people think is going to happen here? 3 people were in that house. No one outside of those 3 people knows exactly what happened that night and 1 of them is dead and the other was 9 yrs old at the time.

I'm thinking there must be a money making opportunity afoot - why else would Burke go on national TV smiling at how psycho his mother got when she found her daughter kidnapped or worse? Is the Dr. Phil show paying Burke for these interviews?
I watched parts of the show again last night and I must clarify what Judith Phillips said about PR and the cross. Judith said that PR believed the cross had cured her, she didn't use the word save. My mistake.
I know Smit's theory, and I agree with's hogwash. But were fibers from the duvet cover found on the body? I've never read that anywhere that I can recall. I think I would have remember that.

I can't recall the details of the fiber evidence. Sorry.
nor would you pull a cord around her neck.thats why i tend to agree with Kolar on this part that all this was part of the crime and not the staging

I think that these parents would have to be absolutely certain that she was dead to not call 911 and hope for the best if they were confronted with a child that was not responding. I find it impossible to believe that either of these parents would, even if they struck Jonbenet in anger (which I don't believe happened) proceed to strangle her to cover that up.
The show said the investigators found JonBenet wrapped in the white blanket with the black tape over her mouth. Not true. John Ramsey claimed he found JonBenet with the tape over her mouth while she was wrapped in the blanket. Sounds a little sloppy to me.
I'm thinking there must be a money making opportunity afoot - why else would Burke go on national TV smiling at how psycho his mother got when she found her daughter kidnapped or worse? Is the Dr. Phil show paying Burke for these interviews?

Hi, I am totally new to posting but I have been following this forum from earlier this year prior to when all the tv shows were announced (or before I heard about them). There is so much information here so thank you all! Someone yesterday (maybe on the Dateline chat..) linked to Lin Wood Twitter from last night: It is beyond anything I would ever expect. But within those responses (in which he threatens to sue many people), he wrote, in response to a question, that the reason Burke Ramsey is going on Dr. Phil is because of "information that the upcoming @CBS mini series would include false accusations against him." (attached screen shot ... or I hope it attached, not sure that worked). Maybe should post on Dr. Phil post thread but it seemed an "answer" to the above question. Thanks!
I just noticed on the interior view of the house shot from I believe the stairway towards the front door one of those old-fashioned iron hot water heating things. It's about 3 feet tall. I wonder if JonBenet could have been pushed and her head hit it or she could have had her head smashed into it causing the head injury.
Hi, I am totally new to posting but I have been following this forum from earlier this year prior to when all the tv shows were announced (or before I heard about them). There is so much information here so thank you all! Someone yesterday (maybe on the Dateline chat..) linked to Lin Wood Twitter from last night: It is beyond anything I would ever expect. But within those responses (in which he threatens to sue many people), he wrote, in response to a question, that the reason Burke Ramsey is going on Dr. Phil is because of "information that the upcoming @CBS mini series would include false accusations against him." (attached screen shot ... or I hope it attached, not sure that worked). Maybe should post on Dr. Phil post thread but it seemed an "answer" to the above question. Thanks!

But surely someone must have told Burke that if he smiles while he talks about the murder of his sister and the events that surround it he's not going to be effective at countering accusations against him. If he smiles while saying I didn't kill my sister then he'll only add to Kolar's narrative - at least for me. It's all very curious.
I'm thinking there must be a money making opportunity afoot - why else would Burke go on national TV smiling at how psycho his mother got when she found her daughter kidnapped or worse? Is the Dr. Phil show paying Burke for these interviews?

I don't know if he's paying B, but I would assume he is. I think the real reason for going on Dr. Phil is so that Mr. Wood can bring defamation law suits against networks or people with assets. This has and will stir up talk, thus giving the attorney opportunity to "go after" those who "slander" or "libel" Burke. If Dr. Phil is truly represented by L Wood as reported, then you can bet Dr. Phil will be doing a soft toss. JMO based on 'the past, which is the predictor of the future'.
Burke confirms the one thing that ever sounded truthful to me; that John told Patsy to call 911. In a lie it would have been easier to just say Patsy found the note and called. Just about everything else they kept as simple and vague as possible. So that always stood out to me. It suggests to me that John is not part of the staging at this point, and maybe even suspects Patsy is up to something and is testing her. "Calm down, call the police"? Why wouldn't he just call?
I don't know if he's paying B, but I would assume he is. I think the real reason for going on Dr. Phil is so that Mr. Wood can bring defamation law suits against networks or people with assets. This has and will stir up talk, thus giving the attorney opportunity to "go after" those who "slander" or "libel" Burke. If Dr. Phil is truly represented by L Wood as reported, then you can bet Dr. Phil will be doing a soft toss. JMO based on 'the past, which is the predictor of the future'.
Dr. Phil flat out told Entertainment Tonight that Burke was going on to "control the narrative."
As the 20th anniversary of JonBenet's tragic death approaches, Burke was aware that the crime would once again be the subject of many headlines, which is why he chose to finally give an on-camera account of his side of the story. "His thinking was, 'If that's going to happen, I want to control the narrative,'" Dr. Phil says.
If his idea of controlling the narrative was going on TV and smiling while he remembers his sister's viewing (see the clip at the link), I'm not sure he made the right choice. There are already tons of stories about him smiling all through the interview.
Dr. Phil flat out told Entertainment Tonight that Burke was going on to "control the narrative."

If his idea of controlling the narrative was going on TV and smiling while he remembers his sister's viewing (see the clip at the link), I'm not sure he made the right choice. There are already tons of stories about him smiling all through the interview.

It reminds me of that creepy clip of him walking a distance in front of his parents at JonBenet's funeral and to me appearing to be smiling.

I could understand him saying that he wanted to tell his side of the story. But "controlling the narrative" about your sisters murder is a flag raise for me.
Everyone's having a heyday because Burke smiled.

Good lord...a few clips, sound bites and he's convicted in the court of public opinion of murder because he's smiling! Great editing, Dr Phil show! You accomplished the maximum sensationalism. As usual.

I agree he may not have made a good choice in giving an interview, but only because he will be exploited. Does anyone really think he finds his situation funny, pleasant or ha-ha-worthy? Maybe he's uncomfortable and this is how his discomfort is expressed. Should he be cloaked in black, somber, depressed, cry and overwrought 20 years later?
Let's keep in mind that the media can edit clips all they want for the trailer. It's possible Burke was reacting to a completely different question.

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