Post sentencing discussion

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This is very good news! My first time watching a trial and I was hooked not only with the trial but the sheer tenacity and informative posting in this forum!
I have lingered in the background reading the post sentence thread and waiting hopefully to hear that there would be an appeal.
I may have to hang around for the next stage of this car crash trial...but I will be in excellent company if you share my view that OP deserves much more than he got...It is not vengeance but Justice that has to be served.

Libra, until the regular Welcome Wagon sleuthers appear, let me temporarily assume that role so you know how glad we are to have you come out of the closet and join us in the trenches.

I personally don't believe judge wants their verdict to be reversed. If she wanted him convicted of murder..she would have done so.

My comment was made after the verdict. I always thought she'd find him guilty of murder.
I've been so caught up in the joy, shock, and excitement of today that I forget to take a moment to give a HUGE shout out and HUG to Reeva.

It's not over, babe. We've got your back!!

:juanettes: :smiliescale: :juanettes:
I'm not going to lump all MEGA-wealthy people into the same group but I have known a couple in my day and several of them are VERY tight.

A friend of mine said, "How do you think rich people get rich?"

Agree wholeheartedly. I know many wealthy people, a couple of them multi-millionaires ... not that I mix in those circles myself. Would you believe a multi-millionaire who sends someone to hand deliver a letter to save on postage???????
Thank you for providing the link to this story. The issue of ''if the roles had been reversed'' is one that has bothered me.

"However appalling Pistorius's actions, it should be recognised that he killed his girlfriend in a wild, reckless and obscenely macho attempt to protect her."

This sentence still seems ridiculous, whether Pistorius shot Reeva or Reeva shot Pistorius. There is nooo way, it isn't true and it will never be true.
There is always an advocate for the defendant and both advocates will present Heads of Argument. The appeal process is costly. A full transcript of the entire proceedings has to be provided to each member of the full bench, and this consists of 3 or 5 judges. I don't know what other costs are involved. From what I've seen, the appeal itself usually only takes a couple of days and a decision is made within a matter of days. OP will not be required to attend. Obviously it's going to take quite a long time for all the judges to read the full transcript, and they must read it in its entirety.

As this is such an important case for SA, I'm hoping it will be a 5 judge bench. Each judge is required to provide a judgment with reasons as to how he/she reached their decision. The decision will be that reached by the majority. When the judgment is delivered, it will be available for everyone to read it as before, however only one judgment will be published and at the end will be a summary of what the other judges said.

Masipa will not be one of the judges hearing the appeal.

I think it will probably take 12-18 months before it's heard in the Supreme Court of Appeal.

A couple of questions:

1. Do you think OP could attend if he wanted to?

2. To save trees, time, and expense -- and move the court into the 21st Century -- can't the panel receive everything on CDs vs. printing everything out?

3. Won't they fast-track it because it's this case?
I have questions too:

1. If the Appeal process is costly. will Roux still have to represent OP even if his bill has not been paid by then? Or are the main expenses incurred by the State and OP's costs would be minimal?

2. Do you predict that this Appeal will not go to court until say 2016?

3. Currently, it is predicted that OP will only be incarcerated for 10 months which brings it up to about August, 2015 which would be about the earliest time he could be released, so would you predict that he would be allowed to go home to his uncle's house with all those guns there and do his two days per month cleaning a museum in the meantime if he has shown good behaviour in the meantime?

4. If so, this is the time, I would suggest that OP would be a so-called flight risk by road to Mozambique as they do not have an extradition agreement with SA. However, if he is monitored electronically, I guess that could not happen. What do you think?

5. Do you think they could expedite the Appeal in the interests of justice in SA so it occurs before OP can leave prison?

6. I have also heard that OP could be incarcerated for 20 months. What are the chances of that now?

7. Is there no chance of a retrial now? At what stage, do they decide whether a retrial is necessary? Only after the Appeal or before?

Please excuse my ignorance but these are the questions, I have been pondering.
It has also emerged that the athlete sported a mysterious black eye in a video filmed a month ago for a charity campaign.

The Paralympian lent his support to a South African *campaign for gay and lesbian youth. But charity bosses were surprised when he turned up for filming with a black eye.

In the video message recorded to raise awareness for the It Gets Better campaign in South Africa, Oscar instructed young people who were being bullied about their sexuality to 'not retaliate'.

An It Gets Better charity source told the Sunday Mirror: 'Oscar turned up on the day of filming with a very angry *looking black eye.

'Oscar was keen for the filming to still go ahead and didn’t seem to mind too much. Although eyebrows were raised, Oscar wasn’t forthcoming on how he managed to get the injury.'

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Mon, 18 February 2013

Maybe, this is another "accident/incident" which is still missing on the long list, JJ?
It has also emerged that the athlete sported a mysterious black eye in a video filmed a month ago for a charity campaign.

The Paralympian lent his support to a South African *campaign for gay and lesbian youth. But charity bosses were surprised when he turned up for filming with a black eye.

In the video message recorded to raise awareness for the It Gets Better campaign in South Africa, Oscar instructed young people who were being bullied about their sexuality to 'not retaliate'.

An It Gets Better charity source told the Sunday Mirror: 'Oscar turned up on the day of filming with a very angry *looking black eye.

'Oscar was keen for the filming to still go ahead and didn’t seem to mind too much. Although eyebrows were raised, Oscar wasn’t forthcoming on how he managed to get the injury.'

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Mon, 18 February 2013

Maybe, this is another "accident/incident" which is still missing on the long list, JJ?

So OP had a black eye in January, 2013 as the article you posted said it happened a month before. The article is dated 25 February, 2013. Has the video ever appeared online?
So OP had a black eye in January, 2013 as the article you posted said it happened a month before. The article is dated 25 February, 2013. Has the video ever appeared online?

I tried searching for the video the other day when I stumbled upon this story and couldn't find anything as it seems to have been scrubbed, sadly. What on earth was he thinking, turning up to be filmed for a video looking like that .. he clearly didn't seem to think there was anything wrong at all with it, though! :facepalm:
I tried searching for the video the other day when I stumbled upon this story and couldn't find anything as it seems to have been scrubbed, sadly. What on earth was he thinking, turning up to be filmed for a video looking like that .. he clearly didn't seem to think there was anything wrong at all with it, though! :facepalm:

To be fair, it was a no win situation. Rock up with a black eye or Don't rock up to support a gay and lezbian campaign. The option he took at the time was the best but now not so much.

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I think I would've just phoned in sick! ... or .. just not have got the black eye in the first place ...
I tried searching for the video the other day when I stumbled upon this story and couldn't find anything as it seems to have been scrubbed, sadly. What on earth was he thinking, turning up to be filmed for a video looking like that .. he clearly didn't seem to think there was anything wrong at all with it, though! :facepalm:

And he was worried about Reeva chewing gum !

It's still a big helping of Karma, think how forlorn and afraid he'll be every moment from now until the appeal is heard knowing he may be stuck inside there for years instead of a few paltry months.

I don't know if you remember but I posted once that I believed in karma and I wished it on OP.
To be fair, it was a no win situation. Rock up with a black eye or Don't rock up to support a gay and lezbian campaign. The option he took at the time was the best but now not so much.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

I guess that Reeva would have noticed his black eye. Were there any SMS messages in January that might refer to this type of thing in a not obvious way?

Would make up have worked to cover it up?
Some speculation here:

Annette Stipp gives us a time of 03:02 less 3-4 minutes for when she wakes feeling fluish. She doesn't say how long she is lying in bed feeling like this, thinking about getting water etc. before hearing the first 'shots'. It could be seconds, it could be minutes.

Christo Menelaou is reportedly (You Magazine, May 2013) woken at 03:08 to the sound of 3 thunder claps. He lays in bed waiting for the rain to start. He gets up about an hour later.

If these are the first sounds heard by the Stipps then we have a latest time of 03:08 assuming his clock is correct and he looks at his clock immediately he hears the sounds. I suggest the latter is unlikely - I think he might lay there listening for the rain, then look at the clock, so the sounds could have been a little while before 03:08. It also looks like he's convinced himself it's a storm and goes back to sleep hearing nothing else. I know I do this in storms. I hear the first thunder then I'm conditioned to accepting it and fall asleep again.

Dr Stipp gets up after hearing the first sounds and goes to the balcony, sees a light on in OP's bathroom and hears a woman screaming. He comes in and phones Security. It rings a while and is unanswered. He then tries 10111 (SAPS). The Security Call Logger shows the unanswered call to be much later, at 03:27:14, and after the call he later makes to Security at 03:15:51 which is answered.

This is suspicious. Firstly, why would Stipp call 10111 first when he lives on an estate with security? Secondly, why doesn't he recollect making a call at 03:27:14, which would be just after he's phoned the hospital? And thirdly, why call security anyway at that time when one or more guards are standing within metres of him at the end of OP's drive?

(As an aside: Masipa has Stipp attempting to call 10111 after successfully calling Security at 03:15:51 and them saying they will attend. Why would he then call the police?)

Was the call log data supplied to the police 'doctored' to save someone's skin because they didn't answer the call and would have a lot of explaining to do?

Conveniently, if we change the time from 03:27:14 (when I guess Security could justifiably not answer the call because they were busy) to 03:07:14, we have a set of times for the first sounds and subsequent events that begins to make sense.

My email to Captain Moller queried, amongst other things, whether the police obtained the Security Call Log data directly from the system or was it extracted for them.

Like I say, all speculation.
I think I would've just phoned in sick! ... or .. just not have got the black eye in the first place ...

Seems a bit hilarious that he would show up with a black eye to make a 'Do Not Retaliate' video.
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