Post-Verdict: KC not seeing parents -KC refuses visit with CA on Fri 7/8

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IMO Casey will not contact her parents unless they have something she wants.

Perhaps the house.
Does anybody else see KC going the same way as Anna Nicole Smith?

Overdosed in a hotel room somewhere?

That, to me, was one of the most curious parts of this entire sad episode. Casey, by almost everyone's account, was not a drug user (with the exception of a little weed) and quite a light drinker. I think I could wrap my head around this so much easier if she was a raging addict.
ICA won't even be grateful her own mother lied for her on the stand. No surprise there.

I bet she denied it because she wants to make sure her first words are paid for. ICA won't say anything for free from here on out.
Wait a minute...

The Anthony's attorney said the reason they wanted to talk to Baez before trying to visit Casey... was because they wanted to make sure their visit wouldn't be refused.

They didn't want to show up and be rejected.

So why did Cindy schedule a visit? Was she told Casey would accept and then she didn't?

Or were they still unable to get ahold of Baez, so they gave up and tried to schedule as a test to see if she'd accept?

I didn't realize the jailhouse videos would still be released after the verdict. Since there is no investigation going on now. I thought that would stop once the verdict came down and there was no more case going on. But I guess it would apply as long as she was incarcerated.
Most of America hates Casey Anthony !
I don't think many people want to see her . I didn't see OJ making tons of money after he was released from jail ...he already had money .
She will get paid for one or 2 interviews and then what? Noone believes a word that comes out of her mouth .
Just looking at her pisses my whole family off .
Mom and Dad Anthony would have been better off if she was convicted ! People would have had some sympathy and just maybe bought their book they are getting death threats .
Think about it .
How could they market KC ? Certainly not as a victim

What is she good for, from the media's perspective ? Talk shows ? What then -- what could they ask her that she'd be prepared to answer ? ' Did you father and brother molest you ? What could she say ?

' Did you murder your daughter ? ' -- what could she say, other than 'no' -- and then what ? They'd ask her, ' Who did murder her then ? '. And again, what could she say ?

and so on

So she'll be a difficult product to sell. And knowing that, who'd part with good money and promote her ? How, in what way could they promote her -- as a woman who miraculously escaped life in prison for the murder of her own daughter ? Pretty limited

If they ask her, ' Why did you go partying and boozing immediately after your daughter died ? ' ... what could she say ?

If they confront her with the publicised thefts -- what could she say ?

People can go online, google her name --- and first thing to pop up would be Websleuths -- and every tiny detail is laid out here, from the pings on her phone at the time of Caylee's death to letters she wrote in jail. Who needs to buy a book ? Who needs to tune in to a talk show to see her when she's all over Youtube ?

I honestly don't see money in it for KC or any of her clan. They'd have to out each other to supercede everything that's freely available online. And internal revenue is hot on her tail and will be hot on all their tails

They're in for a big disappointment if they're expecting to become 'rich and famous' I think

(what my stepdaughter's BPD mother would do if she was denied access to her daughter)

-- CA will keep calling her and telling her how much she misses her and wants to talk to her. She will let her know how she understands how ICA feels about her father, etc. (example: "you don't have to see him, just me. We'll get through this together." I love you so much.)
-- if this does not work, she will begin calling JB and the DT members to harass them about being cut off from her daughter. (example: She's my daughter, I gave birth to her, and I demand to talk to her")
-- if this does not work, CA will ratchet it up a notch and go to the Mass Media, suggesting the JB and team are keeping ICA from her.
-- This could escalate to allegations about inappropriate behavior between JB and other DT members against ICA or about JB wanting to steal ICA's money.

IMO It will be hard for CA not to be the center of attention.

Cindy can't call Casey in jail.

I think Cindy has every right to demand to talk to Casey.
Could be that ICA just doesn't want another jailhouse visit aired out in public.
I don't believe for a second that CA expected KC to accept her visit. I don't think CA is hurt, I don't think KC is mad. But that's how it may appear to the public... hinky.. why do they want us to think that?

The only bad thing is we may have missed an oscar-worthy performance from them both.


I am soooooo with you on that. I think it is still part of the show. Personally, I don't really think they have NOT been communicating all along through JB. I just don't trust anything the A's do.
Casey does not want an "average" house. A condo on the beach is more of what she has in mind.

exactly Casey is not going back to hopespring dr she has an agent and she soon will be free and rich..she doesn't need Cindy or George right now..
She doesn't need them anymore. Caylee is dead and she is free which is what she wanted all along.

Exactly. Her parents are dead to her as well (IMHO). Why would Cindy think the ex-inmate would want to see her? Because Cindy lied on the stand for her (ahhh..clap, clap, clap). No, Cindy is just another pawn in Casey's web of deceit, and Cindy was the puppet for Casey once again.

Casey will only speak or see Cindy when she needs something (money, shelter, etc) and not any sooner. She doesn't need her now as she has a close-knit group taking care of her.

Just me thinking out loud - thanks.


I am soooooo with you on that. I think it is still part of the show. Personally, I don't really think they have NOT been communicating all along through JB. I just don't trust anything the A's do.

I still think it was a decoy visit and Casey wasn't even there. Just another way to throw off the media.

OOPS - Casey won't see me (wah, wah, wah). Meanwhile, in another part of town, Casey is sipping champers and soaking in bubbles.



ICA isn't going to see CA when she gets out either. She will now be under JB's thumb. A battle will be coming between CA and JB and I wouldn't be susprised to see that aired out in public. Eventually ICA will turn on JB as well. He better get ready for it.
I still think it was a decoy visit and Casey wasn't even there. Just another way to throw off the media.

OOPS - Casey won't see me (wah, wah, wah). Meanwhile, in another part of town, Casey is sipping champers and soaking in bubbles.




That would not surprise me at all.
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