Post-Verdict: KC not seeing parents -KC refuses visit with CA on Fri 7/8

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I think it would be really healthy for Casey Anthony to stay away from her parents. She needs help if she has any chance at all, and she isn't going to get it from them.
exactly Casey is not going back to hopespring dr she has an agent and she soon will be free and rich..she doesn't need Cindy or George right now..

Yeah I think the house on Hopesprings Drive is "so 2008" to ICA. She wouldn't want to go back there imo. If things pan out for her she'll be gone and won't look back.
MattMorganESQ Matt Morgan
#CaseyAnthony depo will air live on July 19, 2011. Mark your calendars.

via twitter
Forgive me if this has been posted. Here is an interview with Cindy's second cousin on a Houston radio station She talks about how the truth about George will come out. Thanks to Sue on Twitter for getting this to me.

After listening to CA's second cousin's enterview, we're to believe from her per CA that everything that the DT said about GA during the case are true. Then I'd want to ask her, why did and does CA stay and stand by GA. That would make CA an accomplish to the sexual abuse portions of the abuse. I don't think that CA would put herself into that position now as she's in clean-up/damage recovery mode. OR are they saying that GA is responsible for only the hiding and covering up of Caylee's death?
Didn't baba wawa (barbara walters) already interview JB? I did not watch it, I can't stand her, but even so I will not watch any show that will have any of them on. The people who say they don't pay for interviews are liars too. I think BW will have KC on, and GA and CA. I WON'T WATCH!!!!
I was just wondering about something. Cindy and George have sold so many pics and videos of little Caylee, I wonder if Casey knows just how many they sold? Is Casey going to be pizzed when she finds out? I really don't see how there could be many we haven't seen.

The entire Anthony family know what they have done. They have all lied and covered up. Casey can't very well go home if the very person she accused of molesting her is there. She cannot very well stay with Lee and Mallory when she has also accused him of molestation.

In the long run, I think there will be a huge blow-up within the family over money. Casey will resent that she gave Baez the $200,000.00 and she now owes $68,000.00 in taxes to the IRS. Casey will find out how much money Cindy and George have gotten from also selling pics and videos and will be pizzed about that as well.

With Cindy's book deal and Casey being given money for whatever, they will be like people who have won the lottery - they will be broke within a short period of time. Then what will they do?

I hope each and every one of the Anthony's are miserable for the rest of their lives. That goes for Baez as well.

No, Casey would never dream of giving us miserable people one last jail video. She will say again, "Sucks for them" just as she did in one of the jail videos. (she was talking about the media) Well, guess what, Casey??? It does not bother me in the least whether you see Cindy or not. I simply do not care. It was probably all just a plan you cooked up with Cindy anyway through illicit messages passed by one of your many lawyers.

Luziane said:
I bet Cindy is sorry now that she lied for ICA. ICA doesn't need her any more now that she is going to be free and able to make money off of the death of Caylee.
Nova24 said:
ICA isn't going to see CA when she gets out either.
Gee, all of Cindy's perjuring herself on the stand for Casey's benefit- to get Casey's approval- WASTE, HUGE WASTE!!!:snooty::behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
Seems like ICA has a lot of anger toward her parents. I'm sure in her version of history, this is all their fault.
MattMorganESQ Matt Morgan
#CaseyAnthony depo will air live on July 19, 2011. Mark your calendars.

via twitter

Bless Morgan and Morgan. They will force Casey to tell her story for free :) yes, they are for the people.
Every move all the players in this family make right now is planned and plotted. If they want to see ICA or if ICA wants to see them or refuses to is just part of what the attorneys are telling them to do.
It is to throw everyone off track..I also do not believe for one minute that the release date is changed due to calculations.. even IF there was a few days error the judge could leave release date as is.. this is nothing more than giving the public more cooling off time and finding a place that ICA will be staying.. it is not Houston.. why in the world would anyone tell the truth as where she is going. I would think that for all we know she could be out right now..

I personally hope she fades into the background and is never seen again.. The one major hope I have is that she is NEVER ever blessed with another child.

Really like your post. I agree that the attorneys are orchestrating everything and will be for a while. I truly think KC has been released already and squirreled away with one of the lawyers. The court would never tell the date that KC will be released, there is a vendetta for her.
Why do I feel like JB and CM are liars like ICA??????
Listening to both talk they know it was an accident, they admit ICA is a liar, where do they get innocent out of that??
The jury members who have spoke didn't say they thought ICA was innocent but her attorneys are acting like she was proclaimed innocent. They are saying questions weren't answered. She disposed of a body in an illegal manor where is that in the ranks of innocent?? She is not a responsible MOTHER. These attorneys make no sense and make me sick with their lies and making a sad story sound normal.
The attorneys don't like the media spin and what the heck do they think they are doing?
Hope they get themselves so confused about what they are trying to sell. Makes me wonder if there is any honor in this world, these 2 guys are proving there isn't with some attorneys.
ITA with posters who think that ICA has "left the building". Not sure whether I think CA knew this and it was part of the scheme of things to get ICA out "safely" but I definitely think she is long gone from the jail.

Also, I found it totally creepy the way ICA looked at JB throughout the trial and especially the way she looked at him after the verdict was read. It brought ole Monica Lewinsky to mind in the way she looked at Bill, especially when they would hug. The term "fatal attraction" may take on a whole new meaning if the Baez family welcome her into their home or even pay for her to stay in some fancy hotel. When he decides to cut her loose, he may find it harder than he thinks. If she told all those lies (allegedly) on GA, what is to say she is not going to spin a few new ones on her DT if they cross her or try to cut her loose now. He better hope he never was alone with her in the past 3 years he has been working on her case, because she is not above making up other lies if she feels the need in order to get what she wants. All my own opinon of course, but nothing would surprise me with this individual.
IMO the only death threats George and Cindy have to worry about are the ones from their daughter. She will get even. She sat in jail for 3 years and even though her parents helped her get acquitted she will get even for them helping to put her there in the first place.

She is going to ruin those parents. MOO

I don't believe there were any death threats. I know this statement came from their lawyer, so where did he get it from? It dad to come from GA and CA, which is why I don't believe it.
I think Ann Rule should write a book entitled, 'An Inconvenient Child'. Casey and Cindy would hate that.

Gee, all of Cindy's perjuring herself on the stand for Casey's benefit- to get Casey's approval- WASTE, HUGE WASTE!!!:snooty::behindbar:behindbar:behindbar

I love your siggie pic! I've never seen it before!

It's almost 6:30. I wonder if CA will show up anyway like she did on Mother's Day.
Didn't baba wawa (barbara walters) already interview JB? I did not watch it, I can't stand her, but even so I will not watch any show that will have any of them on. The people who say they don't pay for interviews are liars too. I think BW will have KC on, and GA and CA. I WON'T WATCH!!!!

I can picture Oprah doing some sort of TV special in order to get the interview from KC. Sadly, people will watch it. Hey...Oprah even said on one program she wished she could interview OJ and have him tell her the truth. (Paraphrasing on this last statement about OJ) Maybe she could have them on together. Eweee. That is a scary thought.
ITA with posters who think that ICA has "left the building". Not sure whether I think CA knew this and it was part of the scheme of things to get ICA out "safely" but I definitely think she is long gone from the jail.

Also, I found it totally creepy the way ICA looked at JB throughout the trial and especially the way she looked at him after the verdict was read. It brought ole Monica Lewinsky to mind in the way she looked at Bill, especially when they would hug. The term "fatal attraction" may take on a whole new meaning if the Baez family welcome her into their home or even pay for her to stay in some fancy hotel. When he decides to cut her loose, he may find it harder than he thinks. If she told all those lies (allegedly) on GA, what is to say she is not going to spin a few new ones on her DT if they cross her or try to cut her loose now. He better hope he never was alone with her in the past 3 years he has been working on her case, because she is not above making up other lies if she feels the need in order to get what she wants. All my own opinon of course, but nothing would surprise me with this individual.

Oh, yes. The soap opera is just getting started. :snake: He deserves everything he has coming to him too, IMHO.;contentBody

If KC is still refusing her parents visits, I wonder where she is planning to live when she gets out. JB's? She can't have enough money to live on her own (yet), can she?

I bet money she will be taken in by someone in the DT, like the Rosemary Bolin character for example. She will glom onto her 'new family' for as long as possible. And if she is able to bring in a half a million for her film rights they will accept her in to the family, imo.
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