Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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In jail, every day was the same and predictable. There was a certain security in that. Now, the security is all gone. Nothing left but doubt and uncertainty about what each day will bring - and nighttimes where every noise sends up an alert.

No matter where she goes, she will always have to be suspicious of every person she meets, never knowing if she has run into someone as off-centered as herself - and there are an obvious abundance of them out there. It is an awfully big world out there, especially when you are well-known and despised by "the masses". This is an entirely different sentence than the jury could have handed down. This sentence will be maddening.
CA will face perjury charges.

ICA will face immense hate coming out. She will not get big book or movie deals as sponsors will not want to be associated with her name, even if she changes it.

JA will make big $$ with his book.

JB will not reap the rewards he hoped, as most understand what a very poor job he really did

CM, He's all washed up as he revealed who he really is, a bitter, vindictive person who is not good at practicing law.
I wished one of the THs who are interviewing her friends would ask, "So what are you going to do if KC contacts you." She is nutty enough to start rolling through her rollodex as soon as she gets a phone in her hand.
CA will face perjury charges.

ICA will face immense hate coming out. She will not get big book or movie deals as sponsors will not want to be associated with her name, even if she changes it.

JA will make big $$ with his book.

JB will not reap the rewards he hoped, as most understand what a very poor job he really did

CM, He's all washed up as he revealed who he really is, a bitter, vindictive person who is not good at practicing law.

How can you say JB did a poor job or CM is not good at practicing law? They won the case, didn't they?
I think she will be rearrested when she leaves jail this week on charges of where she buried her daughter and maybe neglect of child. I'm sure the DA is working on something...anything to get her on!

I guess JB covered that in his opening also by stating GA was the last one seen with the body.

I wonder why that wasnt charged also in her charges.

I do not think three is anything the state can do to her at this point.
It is ashame that an attorney with dirty tricks and his lies also can set a murderer free. I do not think for ONE minute he beleives ICA is innocent. I think he invented the GA pool story.
I don't know why - but everytime I think of Casey Anthony's future, I think of Tonya Harding and the two of them joining up for a boxing match, or jello wrestling. Another Pay-Per-View Block Buster.
I wonder if KC will try and befriend children. Kind of like she did while out on bond...she was writing to that little girl.
How can you say JB did a poor job or CM is not good at practicing law? They won the case, didn't they?

I guess you are serious? They did a VERY poor job, but got lucky with a jury that was willing to buy their inane garbage. Because they won the case does in no way make them good lawyers, only lucky lawyers...

Look at it this way, if the Miami Dolphins won the Super Bowl because of a bad call by the officials, would you still say they are a great team? Or would you say the other team got robbed...

They won yes, but if there had been a hung jury, and the case had gone to another jury, ICA would be sitting on death row, IMO.

Would you like them defending you in a death penalty case??? Would you let ICA baby sit your kids??? :)
Here are my predictions for Casey's post-jail life:

First day out - Sunday - She will go to a luxury hotel - I predict the Ritz Carlton (since she missed out on the first Ritz Carlton soiree) - After, sleeping in, ordering amazing food from room service, she will have a spa day - she will get her hair, nails, toes and eyebrows done, have a facial and waxing, and get a massage.

It will be all about having other people pamper HER because she DESERVES it after 3 years in jail. (I think she will dye her hair red, have it cut to about the middle of her back, and wear it in curls, so that she will be a fiery redhead - it fits her).

Second day - Monday - will be the day she gets a new cell phone (OMG!) and a new laptop computer so she can set up her new Facebook page with her new IDENTITY, so she can start meeting men.

Monday will also be a shopping spree day for a whole new wardrobe to go with her new identity, er ummm, new look!

Third day - Tuesday - there's that pesky deposition that she has been summoned to attend - (WHATever!)

She also has to get a new driver's license - that should be an interesting day at the DMV.

Longer term, I predict she moves to Miami, where she will be set up in a condo in a high rise (where she will have more security than in a house) and she will go out every night on South Beach and lead the party lifestyle. With all the people from so many countries in South Beach, she can be someone 'new' every day, if she wants to.

I also predict that she will burn through whatever money she makes from a book, movie and interviews very quickly in the real world with those pesky bills like electric, cell phone, cable, food, gas, etc.

I also think that a reporter will try to befriend her to get the 'truth' like the reporter did with Joran Van Der Sloot.

Even if she changes her look, she will be hounded wherever she tries to hide. In the days of the internet and tabloid journalism, she will be 'outed' wherever she goes.

As far as working, I think she will set up an internet site where she will 'make money.' Think of it, she won't have to really work.

Plus, who is going to hire Casey Anthony? Even if she does change her name, any employer who does even the most basic hiring check, should photocopy her driver's license. And if they do a real background check, they would run her social security number and do a criminal history check.

She's going to need a bank account and credit cards, too. That should be interesting to see how she is able to obtain both of those with her history.
She's going to need a car, too.

What I think she should do is go straight from jail and check into an intensive, long-term mental health facility to deal with her issues. This is her only hope for any type of redemption with the public.

I think she is done with her family. After all, 'THEY' are the reason she was in jail to begin with! By refusing to see them or talk to them, she will continue to 'punish' them for what 'they' have 'done' to HER!

But we all know that will never happen.
Here are my predictions for Casey's post-jail life:

First day out - Sunday - She will go to a luxury hotel - I predict the Ritz Carlton (since she missed out on the first Ritz Carlton soiree) - After, sleeping in, ordering amazing food from room service, she will have a spa day - she will get her hair, nails, toes and eyebrows done, have a facial and waxing, and get a massage.

It will be all about having other people pamper HER because she DESERVES it after 3 years in jail. (I think she will dye her hair red, have it cut to about the middle of her back, and wear it in curls, so that she will be a fiery redhead - it fits her).

Second day - Monday - will be the day she gets a new cell phone (OMG!) and a new laptop computer so she can set up her new Facebook page with her new IDENTITY, so she can start meeting men.

Monday will also be a shopping spree day for a whole new wardrobe to go with her new identity, er ummm, new look!

Third day - Tuesday - there's that pesky deposition that she has been summoned to attend - (WHATever!)

She also has to get a new driver's license - that should be an interesting day at the DMV.

Longer term, I predict she moves to Miami, where she will be set up in a condo in a high rise (where she will have more security than in a house) and she will go out every night on South Beach and lead the party lifestyle. With all the people from so many countries in South Beach, she can be someone 'new' every day, if she wants to.

I also predict that she will burn through whatever money she makes from a book, movie and interviews very quickly in the real world with those pesky bills like electric, cell phone, cable, food, gas, etc.

I also think that a reporter will try to befriend her to get the 'truth' like the reporter did with Joran Van Der Sloot.

Even if she changes her look, she will be hounded wherever she tries to hide. In the days of the internet and tabloid journalism, she will be 'outed' wherever she goes.

As far as working, I think she will set up an internet site where she will 'make money.' Think of it, she won't have to really work.

Plus, who is going to hire Casey Anthony? Even if she does change her name, any employer who does even the most basic hiring check, should photocopy her driver's license. And if they do a real background check, they would run her social security number and do a criminal history check.

She's going to need a bank account and credit cards, too. That should be interesting to see how she is able to obtain both of those with her history.
She's going to need a car, too.

What I think she should do is go straight from jail and check into an intensive, long-term mental health facility to deal with her issues. This is her only hope for any type of redemption with the public.

I think she is done with her family. After all, 'THEY' are the reason she was in jail to begin with! By refusing to see them or talk to them, she will continue to 'punish' them for what 'they' have 'done' to HER!

But we all know that will never happen.

I think you've covered all the bases! She probably is dreaming of each and every one of these things, starting with making sure her own body is pampered after three years in the wilderness. I also think that we, the public, will be treated to many years of "Casey sightings" and Casey drama on the front of supermarket tabloids. Most likely, the drama will entail money and litigation--both of which are sure to tie her up for years to come.
George and Cindy Anthony will continue to look for ways to relax and work on their tans while waiting for daughter Casey to get out of jail.

If they really believed Caylee drown in a pool that is the last place they would want to be. I remember Beth Holloway saying she couldn't even look at the ocean when she first stepped foot in Aruba and she didn't even know Natalee was dead at that point.

This is nothing more than the GA/CA giving the public the middle finger.

I hope Morgan sues more than just ICA.

I wonder if KC will try and befriend children. Kind of like she did while out on bond...she was writing to that little girl.

now THAT'S a frightnening idea! very disturbining indeed.
The reason for Casey Anthony's TRIAL will continue to overshadow the reason for it..the CASE of Caylee Anthony. Sick of this being called the KC Anthony case. I want the world to be united in not giving KC any more play to feed het ego. This is about the little girl that deserves the attention..CAYLEE ANTHONY
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