Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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Here are my predictions for Casey's post-jail life:

First day out - Sunday - She will go to a luxury hotel - I predict the Ritz Carlton (since she missed out on the first Ritz Carlton soiree) - After, sleeping in, ordering amazing food from room service, she will have a spa day - she will get her hair, nails, toes and eyebrows done, have a facial and waxing, and get a massage.

It will be all about having other people pamper HER because she DESERVES it after 3 years in jail. (I think she will dye her hair red, have it cut to about the middle of her back, and wear it in curls, so that she will be a fiery redhead - it fits her).

Second day - Monday - will be the day she gets a new cell phone (OMG!) and a new laptop computer so she can set up her new Facebook page with her new IDENTITY, so she can start meeting men.

Monday will also be a shopping spree day for a whole new wardrobe to go with her new identity, er ummm, new look!

Third day - Tuesday - there's that pesky deposition that she has been summoned to attend - (WHATever!)

She also has to get a new driver's license - that should be an interesting day at the DMV.

Longer term, I predict she moves to Miami, where she will be set up in a condo in a high rise (where she will have more security than in a house) and she will go out every night on South Beach and lead the party lifestyle. With all the people from so many countries in South Beach, she can be someone 'new' every day, if she wants to.

I also predict that she will burn through whatever money she makes from a book, movie and interviews very quickly in the real world with those pesky bills like electric, cell phone, cable, food, gas, etc.

I also think that a reporter will try to befriend her to get the 'truth' like the reporter did with Joran Van Der Sloot.

Even if she changes her look, she will be hounded wherever she tries to hide. In the days of the internet and tabloid journalism, she will be 'outed' wherever she goes.

As far as working, I think she will set up an internet site where she will 'make money.' Think of it, she won't have to really work.

Plus, who is going to hire Casey Anthony? Even if she does change her name, any employer who does even the most basic hiring check, should photocopy her driver's license. And if they do a real background check, they would run her social security number and do a criminal history check.

She's going to need a bank account and credit cards, too. That should be interesting to see how she is able to obtain both of those with her history.
She's going to need a car, too.

What I think she should do is go straight from jail and check into an intensive, long-term mental health facility to deal with her issues. This is her only hope for any type of redemption with the public.

I think she is done with her family. After all, 'THEY' are the reason she was in jail to begin with! By refusing to see them or talk to them, she will continue to 'punish' them for what 'they' have 'done' to HER!

But we all know that will never happen.

You've hit the nail on it's proverbial head!

She will have to continue to look over her shoulders for the rest of her sorry life. Her face is so well known, she will be ostracized and will have the stigma of 'baby killer' always attached to that face. She had been done with her family since she was first arrested. She's an opportunist who will milk all the rewards she can. She knows she got away with murder, as does her attorney's...crying over spilled milk doesn't do me any good...I just await her karma to come hunting for her...that will do my heart good...JMHO

No justice came for Caylee Marie :rose:
My prediction is that Casey is only going to listen to her attorneys for a short while about being hidden. She is going to demand to be left alone to do what she wants.

What that is I have no idea since now her friends have moved on and will have nothing to do with her. Many are professionals, graduated from school and have begun being serious in their lives.

There will be more trouble for Casey. I believe she has become more in need of help than before she went to jail. She adapted to that situation because she could be left alone with no outside influences and just sleep all day or fantasize about her world.

These lawyers are going to have their hands full. Let's see how long they are willing to continue to babysit.

Whatever money she makes is going to be tied up in legal battles. IRS, Zanny, the State for Investigative costs, TES perhaps. Maybe Jessee or Kronk will also sue.

I also predict problems between the family and Casey over who has the rights to Caylee's name and product. If the family has signed for a book I see Casey perhaps suing them for the proceeds.

Life on the outside is going to be difficult on Casey. This story is not going to go away anytime soon.
I don't know but I don't want to be anywhere near anyone who helped MCA walk, in a thunderstorm
Well, I truly believe her ,Baez,Mason think they "won".They might have won a murderers release,won some fame and the right to overcharge guilty losers who want to walk like ICA(I am looking at you Scott and Drew)
I take comfort in the facts surrounding OJ.Look at Cochran,Kardashian.Realtively young guys who have passed,F.Lee Bailey had all sorts of legal problems,spent time in prison,and I think he is still disbarred. They could not even dust him off for this circus and use him as a "Talkin Head"
And then there is need to say more!
Casey and Jose land starring roles in the hit musical "Chicago".
My prediction is that Casey is only going to listen to her attorneys for a short while about being hidden. She is going to demand to be left alone to do what she wants.

What that is I have no idea since now her friends have moved on and will have nothing to do with her. Many are professionals, graduated from school and have begun being serious in their lives.

There will be more trouble for Casey. I believe she has become more in need of help than before she went to jail. She adapted to that situation because she could be left alone with no outside influences and just sleep all day or fantasize about her world.

These lawyers are going to have their hands full. Let's see how long they are willing to continue to babysit.

Whatever money she makes is going to be tied up in legal battles. IRS, Zanny, the State for Investigative costs, TES perhaps. Maybe Jessee or Kronk will also sue.

I also predict problems between the family and Casey over who has the rights to Caylee's name and product. If the family has signed for a book I see Casey perhaps suing them for the proceeds.

Life on the outside is going to be difficult on Casey. This story is not going to go away anytime soon.

So true.. the DT will have to babysit Casey and clean up after her .. just like Cindy did all those years. Casey has never really been on her own without Cindy to clean up after her.. well... I guess she was those 31 days.. and just look what happened.. lying, stealing, and murder. Can't wait for the circus to begin! :rocker:
I guess JB covered that in his opening also by stating GA was the last one seen with the body.

I wonder why that wasnt charged also in her charges.

I do not think three is anything the state can do to her at this point.
It is ashame that an attorney with dirty tricks and his lies also can set a murderer free. I do not think for ONE minute he beleives ICA is innocent. I think he invented the GA pool story.

CM was on one of the morning shows to proclaim ICA's INNOCENCE this am.
He said that she told him a story from the beginning that he believed to be true. I don't know how he said this with a straight face. I can't stand looking at him.
Beyond July 17 she may not be stuck in jail, but she’ll be stuck with herself, and will serve a kind of life sentence, just as O. J. Simpson has. Although he beat the one big rap, a host of other reckonings — civil litigation, social censure — were still to come. He was as deranged coming out of his trial as he was going in, and that caught up with him. He is currently in a Nevada prison, doing time for armed robbery and kidnapping.

Will it be much different for Anthony, who partied while her daughter was missing, didn’t report the disappearance for a month and then concocted a crazy fiction about an imagined nanny’s abduction of the little girl?

Anthony is already being sued by a woman who happens to share that invented nanny’s name. Already being drawn and quartered on Facebook and Twitter. Already contemplating bodyguards. And already back to vamping. For a court appearance after the verdict, her long hair was once again undone, and she petted it.

I suspect she’ll be tripped up anew by her narcissism, dishonesty and icy heart. They’ll doom her. They just don’t happen to be grounds for a murder conviction.

It's not over for ICA by a longshot...she will have to be reintegrated into society but I want to know WHO will pay for it...she will have a counselor to do so..I so wish His Honor would have called for a mistrial....he must have seen this jury wasn't taking notes, not really paying attention to the critical testimony...what a backlash....JMHO

No justice came for Caylee Marie....:rose:
I think we as citizens should talk about what is next for juries and their selection. It makes me ill that people help select jurors by doing "mock trials".it is MOO that we wound up with this jury because of that.I heard a man being interviewed that helped the defense and I BET that is how GA got thrown into the mix, because EVERYTHING found with lil Caylee came from the house.One of the A's had to be a part of it! and knowing George's past, he was the lucky one.
Also can they make a training video (like "DELIBERATION FOR DUMMIES) to counter act all of the tv shows that tie everything up in a nice bundle.After all at the end of the tv show, we see a video of not only the actual murder but EXACTLY how the bullet or knife wound traveled! and who did it!NO need to connect dots!!
It is true that after all this evidence was presented , it only took a short time to read the instructions to the jury. I think there SERIOUSLY needs to be more discussion about the charges,penalty phase, and how to look at the evidence..there was more time spent on lunch deliberations !
Well, I truly believe her ,Baez,Mason think they "won".They might have won a murderers release,won some fame and the right to overcharge guilty losers who want to walk like ICA(I am looking at you Scott and Drew)
I take comfort in the facts surrounding OJ.Look at Cochran,Kardashian.Realtively young guys who have passed,F.Lee Bailey had all sorts of legal problems,spent time in prison,and I think he is still disbarred. They could not even dust him off for this circus and use him as a "Talkin Head"
And then there is need to say more!

Speaking of F.Lee Bailey here is an interview. Seems he could be the east coast connections we heard early on that JB was visiting. Some thought maybe he was getting money for ICA defense. Seems like He went to F.L.B. for advice.
I'm sure this has been asked but I was wondering if the Anthony's could sue Casey in a civil suit like the Goldman's did to OJ???

Though the Goldman's won the civil suit, they never received a nickel from the inmate.
Maybe now that's changed..but I think there is going to be a problem with Casey squirreling money away and not paying her debts.

Does anyone remember hearing the court decision that she only has to pay $20/month for 1000 years. Geez.
Speaking of F.Lee Bailey here is an interview. Seems he could be the east coast connections we heard early on that JB was visiting. Some thought maybe he was getting money for ICA defense. Seems like He went to F.L.B. for advice.

Well that makes sense now, when they found the bloody glove at OJ's house, he came up with the story that Fuhrman hid it in his sock(we don't need no stinkin proof) and Im sure his advice to JA was since they found Caylee wrapped in everything from the A's house,JA had to blame one of the A's!(you don't need no stinkin proof)
I wished one of the THs who are interviewing her friends would ask, "So what are you going to do if KC contacts you." She is nutty enough to start rolling through her rollodex as soon as she gets a phone in her hand.

I seen one on tv last night, CH. He never answered the question I don't think, it was asked. He has moved out of the area, but only said he didn't think (I)CA would be going out to any clubs because of the people who are pizzed. If any of them have anything to do with her after all of this, they deserve what they have coming to them.
Though the Goldman's won the civil suit, they never received a nickel from the inmate.
Maybe now that's changed..but I think there is going to be a problem with Casey squirreling money away and not paying her debts.

Does anyone remember hearing the court decision that she only has to pay $20/month for 1000 years. Geez.

I told my DH that if they really wanted her in jail they would have made the fine a little more than $20 per month, she wouldn't have paid it. I hope the other suits will bring her monthly bill up a he77 of alot more.
Another one of her stipulations upon release should be, she needs to meet with each and every volunteer searcher who spent hour upon hour looking for Caylee.
Who would ever want to be with this baby killer other than a bunch of lowlifes? She will hang with a group of bad people, get hooked on drugs and end up somewhere in a gutter or back behind bars.

Mason, Baez and Ma & Pa Anthony will blame us for being "unfair".
The jurors will still be in Disney Land.

It's not over for ICA by a longshot...she will have to be reintegrated into society but I want to know WHO will pay for it...she will have a counselor to do so..I so wish His Honor would have called for a mistrial....he must have seen this jury wasn't taking notes, not really paying attention to the critical testimony...what a backlash....JMHO

No justice came for Caylee Marie....:rose:

The NYTimes article is fabulous. Especially the part about NG.
Speaking of F.Lee Bailey here is an interview. Seems he could be the east coast connections we heard early on that JB was visiting. Some thought maybe he was getting money for ICA defense. Seems like He went to F.L.B. for advice.

Speaking of FLB using a fictional screenplay to make a Good Detective look like a racist FLB!! That Detective was charged with Perjury and lost his job was on probation and now a convicted felon.

If Mark Fuhrman was charged with perjury. Cindy Anthony should be too, and Jose Baez charged with Subornation of Perjury.
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