Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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Has it really been confirmed that HHJP in fact had lunch with Geraldo during the trial?

He DID NOT.......AT lunch Geraldo made a comment in passing......HHJP shook his hand and said "good to see you in town". That was it.

The one he had lunch with was BAEZ!....LOL See link for info on both references.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Baez interviews with Spanish media[/ame]
I hope im wrong but..
i see the tide will slowly turn towards casey. now that the dust has settled more and more people seem to be leaning towards the drowing theory and the poor abused casey came from a dyfunctional home.
i see TMZ following her every move, as well as other tabloids trying to turn her into a celebrity. people will complain at first but then get used to it and stop the fight. people will begin to accept her as possible innocent and want to ride her coat-tails of "celebrity"
i just dont see life being all that awful for her. she has the ability to tune out the negative she does not have the grace to turn away from the publicity.
i expect she will find a circle of friends, have fun. not work due to a cut of tabloid pictures and articles, have a boyfriend and live her life as she pleases. its not a punishment for her to be free.
i also dont think she will spend a minute being tomented on what happened to Caylee. she has alreasy resolved that in her own mind im sure with the justifications "its my parents fault i snapped" or "she's in a better place, she will now never have to experience heartbreak"
i think in a sociapaths world everyting is dandy - any attention is good attention.

i will follow JA's advice and ignore her but i also hope that in addition to that people will turn their backs to her like she did her child when she needed her most.

one week later and i am still in shock over this verdict and in a depression. i dont know why it bothers me so much. Discover ID has a special on tonite and i love that channel but i cant tune in. i only pray they expose the evidence in the case and not gloss over with the DT's side.
She may very well be the only person on disability who needs, or think she needs, a financial planner. The world's gone completely crazy.

now that the trauma of a DP trial is over and her precious daughter is aquitted i sincerely hope all disability payments are stopped. if she is fit to get up and go out and about each day, "write a book" or do interviews and work on her tan she is fit to work. she was able to get up each morning for the trial, testify and perjur herself on the stand . she seems quite able bodied and her memory is no longer impeded by meds. yup - all signs say she is no longer "disabled"
Jose and Mason and the rest of the defense team need to get out and make Casey look good so they can sell books.

They just had a private detective who works for Jose on JVM destroying George some more with lies.
now that the trauma of a DP trial is over and her precious daughter is aquitted i sincerely hope all disability payments are stopped. if she is fit to get up and go out and about each day, "write a book" or do interviews and work on her tan she is fit to work. she was able to get up each morning for the trial, testify and perjur herself on the stand . she seems quite able bodied and her memory is no longer impeded by meds. yup - all signs say she is no longer "disabled"
I also hope Gentiva terminates her immediately and that her nursing license is yanked! She should never be trusted with patient care again!!!
I don't think she is going to make as much as some think. She's poison right now. I suspect she will keep up the abuse story against GA and LA to try and garner sympathy. I believe that as much as I believe the drowning theory. People would be wise to discount everything she says. She's a pathological liar and isn't to be believed.

I still think an epic battle will happen between JB and CA. They will both want to profit off her. ICA will eventually turn on JB as well.
I think GA and CA will divorce, I think this case will tear their family apart.

I DON'T think that Casey will be sharing a place with Amy H.

If GA moves out, Casey might move in with CA for a while, until she gets her equilibrium. Then I see her moving out of Orlando. I don't think she has many roots there.

I dont think G. and C. will divorce. Each really has no one else. KC. will stay on her own for a whle but eventually go back to mom and dad after the well runs dry. KC. owes a LOT of money, life will not be easy as it once was.I dont think KC. could adopt,for gods sake she is a felon! I can only pray she has gone sterile! :floorlaugh:..I dont think she realizes that once all ends are wrapped up she will never see Baez, he will be "busy"..Amy, is one KC. better stay away from. She was the worst to Amy. I wish Amy happiness. I dont think she will see LA. either.
I predict that Casey will be an outcast in society and won't make money from the media or book deals. The general public will be doing something that no one else in Casey's life, past and present, did -- holding her accountable for her actions. This will at least bring some satisfaction to the majority of Americans who disagree with the verdict.

(The only vigilante justice I'd want to see is sheer indifference. No violence or threats.)
Don't know where else to put this... since it's a rumor.
My husband just told me that there are a bunch of truck drivers (he's a dispatcher for Walmart's warehouse) talking about Casey going to live with some family member of either hers or her defense team in Erie PA.... ????
Don't know where else to put this... since it's a rumor.
My husband just told me that there are a bunch of truck drivers (he's a dispatcher for Walmart's warehouse) talking about Casey going to live with some family member of either hers or her defense team in Erie PA.... ????

Well, wherever she ends up, I think that life will actually be much more stressful and difficult than her former life, which was terribly complicated. The difference is that she is now publicly being hit from all sides. Her past will haunt her for years. She will be hounded by lawsuits, legal bills, name calling, and questions shouted out as she walks down the street. She no longer will be able to do her deeds in darkness and manipulate all her hapless friends. I predict that at some point, her bared-fang tirade in the courtroom will look like a Sunday School picnic. She will melt down from the stress of no longer being able to freely deceive and manipulate. She will hook up with those on the underbelly of society because they will be the only ones who can stand her. But it may be her rage that is her downfall. Hooking up with the wrong people means that she may meet her match with other sociopaths who are equally ruthless and "spiteful."
Her meltdown and tirade's? Will start immediately upon release and continue on until she self implodes and lands back in jail. Or??

Everyone is scrambling to get on that cash bandwagon. She'll be walking outta jail with whatever is left in her commissary account. After fee's taken by the jail because you do have to pay now. $20 a day. So out of whatever pennies she does have left and whatever "gifts" are given to her to help her out in the beginning? Will quickly dry up. She is poison to the media along with her team of minions. She'll scare everyone around her? Away. She will bare her fangs and it's a done deal for those who "helped" her get to where she is.

ALL I see now? Is a repeat of everything that led up to this whole case to begin with honestly. Except much worse this time around.

Sociopaths ALWAYS come back to finish up unfinished business from before. Always. Same story. Different players.

I don't give it 31 days before she's in jail. Again. :crazy:
No one asked but here is my view.

JB and CM and now AF have been on lots of shows already. We have heard what they have to say which is pretty much nothing. Why would there be many more interviews for them ? Most of us turn the station as soon as they come on.

We have all heard MCA new drowning LIE no need to hear about that anymore !!! Why pay for that ?

And as we all know any book any Anthony writes is just going to be packed full of LIE LIE LIE LIE !!!!!!!
I think GA and CA will divorce, I think this case will tear their family apart.

I DON'T think that Casey will be sharing a place with Amy H.

If GA moves out, Casey might move in with CA for a while, until she gets her equilibrium. Then I see her moving out of Orlando. I don't think she has many roots there.

They will divorce if GA doesn't off himself first.
I just had a thought. KC is going to realize very quickly that she is NOT WELCOME anywhere in the US and as survival is all she cares about(as opposed to retribution or recovering), she is going to have to leave.
There is nowhere within the 50 states that she can go without being harrassed and as other sleuthers have said, if she stays, she better watch her back.

I won't tell you what I hope happens to her but it involves the ultimate Justice for Caylee. In lieu of that Jack Ruby type occurrence, I think she will make enough money with interviews to flee and then in fact escape to another country.

JB and CM will help her do this. They'll tell her that after a few years, she can return here because noone will remember her..but that would be to underestimate the memories of many people.
Oh, and in Mexico, the chances of her surviving very long would be minimal. So KC: do you like Mexican food?
I don't think she will leave the country, at least not until she makes enough money to tour Europe or whatever her fave t.v. star is doing so she can use that fake name. :giggle:

If she moves in with CA, I'm afraid there may be a kitchen knife incident after a few heated arguments.
Cindy Anthony was seen visiting a financial planner, so she might thinking that she'll soon be "in the money".

I do believe that B**** Cindy loves money more than she does anyone in her family. As we recall in her first couple of 911 calls it was about the car and money $$$. It was not about Caylee. Also in her facebook message to ICA she mentioned about all the things $$$ she bought for Caylee, even the medical bills $$$, that she wanted ICA to pay back. Wasn't it B**** Cindy that sold Caylee's photos $$$ (BIG MONEY)? Didn't B**** Cindy use donations to pay their bills? Wasn't it B**** Cindy who filed to have Caylee's name patent, to make money $$$ in the future? Wasn't it B**** Cindy who sold Caylee Bears? This B**** still wants to make "BLOOD MONEY" off of her granddaughter by writing a book. This B**** is insane. If you ask me ICA killed the wrong person. If ICA had killed CA instead I think that it would have been considered justifiable homicide. At least that's the way I would see it. Once again, I do believe that ICA killed Caylee. GA is not trying to make money. LA is not trying to make money. CA is trying to make all the money that she can get her dirty grubby hands on. She is one of the most disgusting excuses for a human being that I've ever seen. CA "USED" Caylee as a way to keep ICA in the home. That's why she ALLOWED ICA to steal from her. Then she "USED" Caylee as a way to make money to pay bills. Then she "USED" Caylee as a way to pay JB. Now she wants to "USE" Caylee as a way to make even more money. Just how much did she "REALLY" care for Caylee? B**** Cindy created the monster that ICA became. I'm stepping away from my keyboard for a sec as not to get a TO. Thanks for listening to my rant.
Could a possible prediction be plausible that we will hear Future news reports that Casey took her own life or was in a terrible accident and died( depending on which story is decided that is most tragic) just like Caylee's Dad reported by the Liar? This story..... so she can live her life uninterrupted by the Public? Change your name, looks, erase Bella Vita Tatoo and fry your finger tips......Cindy could write all of the books about her darling daughter /granddaughter and her life of tragedy and collect all of the Money and see that Casey gets her share in this continued CRIME ! They will have no chioce but to continue to include George and Lee or help them meet their maker as they could " blow the whistle on them at any time!........Just a possible future event ..........and just my opinion
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