Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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FCA has never been one to sit at home and do crafts. They won't be able to keep her away from going out forever, and anyone who her mother did when trying to force her to be a good mother...will soon be considered the enemy.

FCA doesn't want to be controlled by anyone. Look how quickly she "let her hair down" and started staring into JB's eyes...LOL..she is used to getting her own way with men, and I can't wait to see how many "fall" in her path.

Before it's all over JB may be the one living down by the river in a fan, and looking for someone to buy his story...hehehehhe
According to her defense attorney Ann Finnel, perhaps a career in the criminal justice system?,,20510089,00.html

After being acquitted in the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee, Casey Anthony is making plans for her future – and according to one of her lawyers, that may include a career in law.

"She's been exposed to the criminal justice system and I think that might be a pursuit of hers," attorney Ann Finnell says in this week's PEOPLE. "Whether it's a paralegal or an advocate for social justice issues, I don't know."

For the past three years, Anthony, 25, has been behind bars while the case against her went to trial, and during that time, says Finnell, she was "in limbo." Anthony will leave jail Sunday.

"She couldn't plan on anything," says the Florida attorney, who was going to participate in the penalty phase of the trial had Anthony been convicted. "Now she can start directing her own course."

Another possible career for Anthony? Something involving photography.

"She has always had a passion for that and hopefully she'll continue with it, because she has an obvious knack for it," says Finnell. "Those two things – she's thinking about now but who knows what the future's going to bring."

For more on Casey Anthony's future, pick up this week's PEOPLE, on newsstands now
In Florida, the statute of limitation is 2 years after the cause of the wrongful death was suspected or confirmed

Although the statute of limitations provides a time limit within which a claim for wrongful death must be filed, there are certain limited situations in which a claim can be filed after the expiration of the limitation. This is essentially in situations where the actual cause of death is not known until after the expiration of the statue of limitations.

In NC, certain persons can sue in civil court for Wrongful Death -- the statute has a limitation of 2 years from the death that occurred. Punitive damages can be awarded in addition to amounts for calculated future earnings, preventing the defendant from insurance proceeds, etc., etc. This may be the type of suit that you mentioned. I have no idea of FL law...
If the felon is able to get a bar license by the state, they can. Generally, a state bar will not give a license to an applicant with a felony record, but there are cases where this has been done.

In order to get a bar license, the state bar association examines your entire history, including criminal, credit, school, sometimes psychological, etc. They make a determination on whether or not you are fit to be granted the authority to practice law. They look at the whole picture. Generally, a felony will be enough that the committee will deny your application, but depending on the circumstances, the committee may determine that you have successfully rehabilitated and turned your life around and are now fit to be trusted with the responsibility.

I don't believe felons can get a law degree. About the GED, I was just thinking about that the other day. Did she even bother? Also, does anyone know if she was allowed a TV in her cell?
Item in People online says Casey might go into law.
Item in People online says Casey might go into law.

Casey is lazy. She dropped out of high school and left her job. All she wants to do is party. Studying law is difficult and time consuming. The only thing she's actually good at is lying. IMO, Casey doesn't have what it takes to become much of anything, let alone a lawyer.

the one thing that completely astounds everyone about ICA is her ability to lie and lie and lie. with a straight face. one lie right after the other... the details, the building on prior lies. even LE was floored. ICA will soon realize there is no big money in book deals with a public boycott.

instead, look for her to launch her brand new "iLie" app. 24/7 live support from ICA with brand new lies for any sticky occasion. need to break a date? easy! just use iLie. parents hounding you about getting a job? no problem. use iLie. cop pulls you over? no sweat. you have iLie!

also keep an eye out for her appearance on a special season of "Survivor - Ex-Cons." her strategy? lie, lie, lie. deny, deny, deny. she will steal immunity, do no work, mooch the food, and win. i'm sorry to say the ratings will be through the roof.
Item in People online says Casey might go into law.

or photography...of course she had a "knack" for it...however, she cant take pictures of her favorite subject, im talking about HERSELF, and make any $ of it, can she??? oh wait she could :mad:
I wonder if FKC will seek out each juror cause she thinks they like her?
Casey is lazy. She dropped out of high school and left her job. All she wants to do is party. Studying law is difficult and time consuming. The only thing she's actually good at is lying. IMO, Casey doesn't have what it takes to become much of anything, let alone a lawyer.

But ya gotta remember that Casey told people that she was in college and studying for TWO degrees. Law and forensics, maybe? :waitasec: Oh need a high school diploma to go to college.
But ya gotta remember that Casey told people that she was in college and studying for TWO degrees. Law and forensics, maybe? :waitasec: Oh need a high school diploma to go to college.

Wait!!! You mean she's not studying to be a ....... CHEMIST????:woohoo:
I wonder if FKC will seek out each juror cause she thinks they like her?

I hope she seeks out Juror #11. They seem to have a lot in common. he's single. She could live amongst her peers (Pinellas County and teenagers from his class).
But ya gotta remember that Casey told people that she was in college and studying for TWO degrees. Law and forensics, maybe? :waitasec: Oh need a high school diploma to go to college.

Not if you're Casey Anthony ... she just lies about it ! Do employers really check to see that you actually graduated from the high school you attended ?
Besides for all we know she already had printed up her own diploma ... she was pretty good at forgery ...

Besides she's too lazy to go to college ... she will no doubt create her new identity and have all the documents to back it up ... she's very resourceful like that ... :crazy:
Every time Casey Googles herself (and I'm sure she will -- a LOT), photos of Caylee are going to come up. Every time she turns on the TV there is the possibility that she will see Caylee's pictures across the screen. Every time she passes a news stand she will see pics of Caylee. It will not be just about Casey, and she will soon see that all we care about is Caylee.

Thanks You, said a mouthful. I never thought about how she will be tormented with seeing Caylee and read all the sad things poor Caylee endured.
First she has to find a foreign country she is actually allowed in that won't stone her, or put her to death for the smallest infraction. With 6 felony convictions? Um ya?

And if she doesn't show up for the lawsuits? Well? There is first contempt of court. Then probably jail. IF she stays in Florida she has to register as a felony offender. It's the LAW. If YOUR charges are IN this state? You MUST register with every sheriff's department with 48 hours. AND her convictions never go away. Not since Gov. Scott stepped into office. AND even if you DO want your record cleared? You have to formally "beg" the Gov. Office. We'll see how all that works out for her. :floorlaugh: *yes that does go into a state database that is available to the public. I just don't remember the url of it at the moment*

With amounts as high as the lawsuits are? It's not like going into small claims court for pennies and you can just go into default. Anything over the amount of $15,000.00? You can't call in sick but maybe once. ICA already used her "call in sick" card. :loser:

I just posted on the Legal Questions thread a question about whether KC has to appear for civil suits against her or if she can be represented by her lawyers ...
I wondered if her appearance is required if it could all be done via Skype from her "secret location" ...
It just seems to me that she should be made to face the music when it comes to the path of destruction she caused trying to get away with murder and the tremendous amount of money spent because of her lies ...

Let's hope the appellate court expedites processing her appeal on the lying charges so these law suits are not held up any longer ...

She needs to be held accountable for SOMETHING !!
Casey is lazy. She dropped out of high school and left her job. All she wants to do is party. Studying law is difficult and time consuming. The only thing she's actually good at is lying. IMO, Casey doesn't have what it takes to become much of anything, let alone a lawyer.

You are right.

Also, who in their right (or wrong) mind would want Casey Anthony representing them in anything? I think Ann F. is smoking something.

I think she will eventually turn up in LA or somewhere in California. She will trade on her infamy as long as possible and after that - who knows. Probably a druggie and thief.
I still believe FCA is a complete sociopath. She will never feel any guilt over Caylee's death, nor be bothered by any labels attached to her that don't feed her ego. (ie-label "babykiller" won't faze her, young and beautiful falsely accused amazing mom will be how she sees herself). She will revert to her usual patterns of expecting the world to cater to her, provide her with everything she needs or wants without consequences, will surround herself with enabling, easily fooled, or easily manipulated people. She will feel even more entitled, since the world has treated her so badly lately, so she will feel she should be allowed to get away with anything she does. She will lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, and otherwise create havoc wherever she goes, until she once again is up against the wall like she was on July 16th, 2008. Hopefully, it won't involve the death of another child or anyone else, but she will eventually break the law, and like OJ, she will be held accountable with a vengence then. JMO:banghead:
I hope she seeks out Juror #11. They seem to have a lot in common. he's single. She could live amongst her peers (Pinellas County and teenagers from his class).

can she fold underwear?? if so, they would be PERFECT
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