Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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Hugh Hefner says No Playboy For Anthony. Hef says no, ICA will not be invited to do Playboy. He says she was NOT a good mother. Thinks the circumstances are very suspect and she didn't react like an innocent person. He is amazed that people are tweeting him asking him if he'd put her in Playboy. Says he would never "reward" ICA that way. Good for you, Hef.

I'm not surprised that Hef said that. I think a lot of people forget or maybe don't know that Hef is a father and grandfather and I think those are the reasons some people were stupidly asking Hef about Casey. They probably had the assumption that Hef is the type of person who would get anyone to pose for Playboy.
OJ: Acquitted but convicted of another serious crime years later.

MJ: Acquitted but died a few years later.

Van Der Sloot: Never charged but charged with another serious crime a few years later.

Anthony: Acquitted but.... ??

I've said before that if this were a book (or CSI episode for the jury), she would be found a few months later - chloroformed and suffocated with duct tape, thrown into a swamp. Her death would be ruled a suicide.
.....diagnosed within four months with cancer of the uterus that has metastasized to the brain and pancreas. And without health insurance.

Cancer of the cervix could be another possibilty for KC. I have read and heard about doctors who have stated that uterine cancer and cervical cancer are linked back to promiscuity. KC slept around. I wouldn't be surprised if she goes around sleeping with her new admirers and got an STD.
In the early stages of the investigation I thought something big was going to come out of it but then everything just disappeared.

Hmmmm, Wishbone -- I have not seen this before, and I am not familiar with the author nor the news source, but it IS interesting if the source is reputable.... Maybe that's the source of her funds... Chirld *advertiser censored*, huh? Awful to contemplate, but that's an angle that naive me would have never considered... could account for the chloroform, couldn't it? And something went wrong in the filming or in the dose of chloroform.... But she would still be guilty -- of handing her over to some horrible people who do the filming; and certainly ICA wouldn't mind doing "regular" *advertiser censored* herself. Maybe the little one was indeed kidnapped and subsequently killed etiher by accident or on purpose, or was injured very seriously and someone took pity... The mind goes a million places with this... What are your thoughts on the veracity of this thing?
I've said before that if this were a book (or CSI episode for the jury), she would be found a few months later - chloroformed and suffocated with duct tape, thrown into a swamp. Her death would be ruled a suicide.


Oh or, an accident!!!!
I predict she'll be put in charge of an off-shore brothel and gambling den. She'll be the center of attention from both patrons and employees. She'll make sure she becomes well known world-wide for the control she'll have and the defiance she'll show.

She likes to order people around with her crooked index finger, she uses her middle finger to say screw you to any decent member of society and can easily wrap anybody around her pinkie finger until she gives the sign for their demise. I just hope she rams the thumb into that evil eye.

I am so sad that a very dangerous, uncaring person is now unleashed on the world. :maddening:
The paparazzi need to stake out any local buffets starting Sunday morning. In one of her jailhouse letters she named a few buffets she was going to hit when she got out.

Maybe THAT is the plan, the ultimate disguise for Casey would be to gain 150 lbs. She'd be pretty unrecognizable then. We know it will never happen, but it's fun to imagine.
Title of KC's book = "I'm Pregnant With My Lawyer's Baby and Jose Will Not Marry Me." LOL! I do hope that JB and any other many waiting for KC's first big blow out party realize she is not on birth control, and is willing to trap any man she can.

I don't know about her first few months out. She will not be able to go to bars and be safe. She may not realize it yet, but around 12:00 Sunday morning she will smell fresh air, she will want to go to a bar, she will want to go shopping, drive thru McDonalds, anything. A rude awakening is there. Then what. She will have to be holed up and toted from place to place for whatever interviews, she will not be in control but will like the idea of the interviews, at first. She will then be on her own. Holed up in a crappy apartment, can't go out or could get beat up. No new friends, no nothing. Just KC and phone.

Then rebelling.

KC. will not be safe walking down the street for more than one reason. I think sicko men may consider her a conquest. I hope she realizes this. Decent men will not beat a path to her maybe even out of fear also knowing what she is. Yes she will lead a lonely life.:panic:
I won't be surprised if she almost "stalks" them in coming years. They'll never be able to get rid of her. And if they don't do what she wants, will she turn on them and tell lies about them too? Will she sling unproveable accusations at Baez like she did her dad and brother?
When the DT gets tired of her phone calls and start distancing themselves from her she is sure to get angry at not being the center of their world anymore. It would not surprise me in the least if she does come up with some charges against JB. She could allege that he 'touched' her, said something inappropriate or made 'suggestions'. JB was actually seen getting a little too cozy with Casey by one of the jail guards who had to remind him that it wasn't proper conduct. Now that it has been reinforced in her mind that lying does, indeed, pay what's to stop her from doing it again? Hopefully, payback will be a b****!
JB and KC become the next Howard K. Stern and Anna Nicole Smith. JB's law practice will be limited to KC only. He'll become her attorney/producer/manager/companion. He'll use his slimy, unethical and underhanded tactics to counter-sue everyone who is suing KC and win. They'll do a reality show, write a book or two, and everything will be going great until she gets pregnant and wants her share of the $$ so she can be a normal 'family' with the baby daddy. JB will talk her into waiting at least until after the baby is born then he'll overdose her on chloroform and stage it to look like a suicide with a letter stating that she could not live with what she had done to Caylee and didn't deserve to have another child. JB will claim he's the baby daddy until the real baby daddy comes forward and takes him to court for paternity. Dr. Michael Baden, with the assistance of his mate, LKB, will switch the DNA results and JB will win the paternity suit. George and Cindy will try to get custody but they'll lose because they've, in a court of law, been proved to be unfit. He'll sign a deal with OK magazine and Entertainment Tonight and be set for life.
Don't you just love this country?
Her meltdown and tirade's? Will start immediately upon release and continue on until she self implodes and lands back in jail. Or??

Everyone is scrambling to get on that cash bandwagon. She'll be walking outta jail with whatever is left in her commissary account. After fee's taken by the jail because you do have to pay now. $20 a day. So out of whatever pennies she does have left and whatever "gifts" are given to her to help her out in the beginning? Will quickly dry up. She is poison to the media along with her team of minions. She'll scare everyone around her? Away. She will bare her fangs and it's a done deal for those who "helped" her get to where she is.

ALL I see now? Is a repeat of everything that led up to this whole case to begin with honestly. Except much worse this time around.

Sociopaths ALWAYS come back to finish up unfinished business from before. Always. Same story. Different players.

I don't give it 31 days before she's in jail. Again. :crazy:

I think she will want to go somewhere where there is a lot of nightlife ("I love the nightlife, I love to boogie...."). She could get lost in Miami, a good place to hustle folks, etc., but I don't see her going there... Panama City might be a place -- college kids, not as expensive, losta places to party and meet someone with whom she could shack up for a while. She liked to be seen BCD (Before Caylee's Death); I don't know that she will feel the same way now; she may just want to belong to a group of party folks who like to watch her strut... Who knows? But I don't see her wanting to disappear and be a wallflower .... she's got a lot of partying to catch up on, IMO.
Well, there's always the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada. Just sayin'...
Prediction: FCA will end up on welfare, and living in a van down by the river.

Then, within five years; either jail, mental institution or dead.

As for cashing in - not so fast FCA. Google searchs bring up volumes of youtube videos of her bold face lying and bizarre behavior. No media outlet is going to pay FCA money for anything less than a full admission to the crime and details on what she did to Caylee. There is simply no return on investment for anything less than the full monty. FCA can never confess - her personality will never allow it.
Prediction: FCA will end up on welfare, and living in a van down by the river.

Then, within five years; either jail, mental institution or dead.

As for cashing in - not so fast FCA. Google searchs bring up volumes of youtube videos of her bold face lying and bizarre behavior. No media outlet is going to pay FCA money for anything less than a full admission to the crime and details on what she did to Caylee. They need the full monty to reap the return on their investment. FCA can never confess - her personality will never allow it.
Every time Casey Googles herself (and I'm sure she will -- a LOT), photos of Caylee are going to come up. Every time she turns on the TV there is the possibility that she will see Caylee's pictures across the screen. Every time she passes a news stand she will see pics of Caylee. It will not be just about Casey, and she will soon see that all we care about is Caylee.
Prediction: FCA will end up on welfare, and living in a van down by the river.

Then, within five years; either jail, mental institution or dead.

As for cashing in - not so fast FCA. Google searchs bring up volumes of youtube videos of her bold face lying and bizarre behavior. No media outlet is going to pay FCA money for anything less than a full admission to the crime and details on what she did to Caylee. They need the full monty to reap the return on their investment. FCA can never confess - her personality will never allow it.

A year from now, it would be interesting to sort through all the predictions and see who comes closest. In a million years, I wouldn't have predicted that she would walk away from this scot free. I do wonder, though, how she mentally, inside her own head, deals with her actions. I've heard that people who shoot and kill intruders suffer psychologically for years, even though the killing was justifiable self-defense. And of course we all know about PTSD among veterans.

In this case, obviously FCA knows exactly what happened. Has she convinced herself that however Caylee died, it was justifiable? Not even a tiny twinge of guilt? I'd love to see her thoughts displayed on a big screen. Can't wrap my head around how she justifies it in her mind and continues on with life. What is this woman's thinking process?!
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