Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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She'll have another one soon, for the money. I think the most frightening thing about this situation is that the criminal justice system just created an even bigger monster. She thought she could lie, cheat, and steal with impunity before - can you imagine what she thinks now that she's escaped consequences for actual murder? She will be believe she is untouchable and I shudder to think what her behavior will be like now.

I think this jury is really going to live to regret this.
If she does, it will be self serving. She will do it to save her own life because any vigilante would think twice about killing a pregnant woman.
Cindy's dogs will be found dead.
I think she'll be pregnant again within a year, probably by some online admirer or something!

Maybe by that Matthew dude that shot the bird at JA! He's got to be an 'admirer' of ICA.
I don't think she's gonna live that long.

Not to sound crude or hateful but I think you have a point. I just learned on another thread that as a convicted felon (check charges) she has to have her address on record. Now I don't know if that's just for FL or all USA, but we do have some "crazies" amongst us and I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to take "justice" in their own hands.

But I sincerely hope no one does that.
John and Patsy Ramsey did many interviews over the years about JonBenet's murder. I don't know how much money they made from it, but they are not as wealthy as they were prior to JBR's death. What about OJ? Did he become wealthier after he was acquitted?

(I believe the Ramseys got away with murder too, so that's why I group them with Casey and OJ)
She never wanted a child, so I doubt she will have another. After all, the one she had she enjoyed her most special and precious years, then discarded her.
i think she will... she will live a media life similar to Octomom. (Hopefully not 8 kids) but live off of her $$ from the media and be trailed by paparazzi and be pretty much despised everywhere. I wonder who will be her new friends...
And I also agree that she would have another child in an attempt to show the world that she's a "good mom"

Maybe she'll get a real nanny this time with all her $$$$!
I'm also worried about her finding a boyfriend who has a child. Could you imagine being a woman who shares custody with a man, and finding out he's dating Casey? Makes you think of what Terri Horman may have done to Kaine Horman's child out of spite or jealousy.
I do think she will have another 1 and fairly quickly at that.
There are a lot of people out there who would be interested in what Casey has to say. She was just acquitted in an extremely high profile murder trial; it was a verdict that shocked people just like OJ. Casey will do (at least) 1 one-hour long interview where she'll tell ~her story~ and it will get very high ratings.

Thanks, but I was already feeling bad enough. Sadly, you are probably very right. I , for one, am DONE with Casey Anthony and don't want to hear another lie out of her mouth or see her face again. I am shocked beyond belief with this verdict.
She will have another one on 3 years or so. There are plenty of guys who like her.
I think she'd try to avoid getting pregnant again. I'm sure she's going to want to party, get rich, sleep around, etc before she even thinks about getting tied down with a child again. She obviously did not enjoy motherhood the first time around. I would not put it past her to get pregnant again just to spite America, though, oddly...

Of course, if any guy she was with and serious about mentioned wanting kids, I'm sure she'd drop everything to give him one (and pray it is a boy this time).
I do not agree that KC will become rich. I believe she will become a pariah in society.

I agree.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Karma is written all over this case: it has been since day 31. Karma will continue. And it won't be the good kind.
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