Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

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The time stamps on the photos show the precise time Travis was killed also.
Do you have a link for that information because from what I remember Travis was on the phone around 12:30am with CH when one of the roommates (Zack, I believe) was getting ready to leave the house and saw him on the phone. I also don't recall that the laptop was used after his death. jmo

Enrique mentioned to Flores that on June 4 morning, Travis told him he only had 45 min of sleep. Then when he came back home 6-6:30 pm, he saw Travis on the phone. So we know Enrique is confusing the date. Zach also confused the date and said things that couldn't possibly fit the evidence during his initial interview w/ Flores. This is why Flores initially thought that Travis died after June 4.

Zach during 2nd interview was more clear and made sense. He had more time to recollect what he was doing around June 4 by this time.

I think the camera time was off by 1, 3, 4, 5 hrs and Jodi used the laptop after killing Travis. See post # 1534.
When I purchased my digital camera, I had to set it to correct time zone at first. What if Travis never bothered to do that or didn't do that correctly for his Sony?
What if the time on the new camera was actually ahead by 1,2,3, or 4 hours?

I began to think about this possibility because if Enrique normally gets home from work 6:00-6:30 pm, and the dragging picture is 5:33 pm, that time frame is too short for Jodi to do what she did such as stuffing him in the shower (this probably took some time), deleting pictures, laundry, attempt to clean up the scene, change into non-bloody clothing, clean herself up, gather and pack up gun and knife, lock his bedroom door, put back the license plate (upside down :floorlaugh:) if she did it there, etc.

She had sex, murdered a man and did all the above works after eating one banana that day? One banana gives only about 100 calories.

It would be a good theory, but I'm thinking Menedez said the camera powered up when he turned it on. I do not recall him saying anything to indicate the date and time he powered on the camera at the time was incorrect. I'd think that they'd be able to figure out that at 8am, the clock was showing 4am. I'm *advertiser censored*-u-me-ing that they tested it by taking a picture and could also know the right time by the test photo. I know the snap button fell off it, but I'm guessing, you could still press it without the button cover to take a picture.

I agree that the time was very short. I can't remember now if Enrique had remained in the house all night, but I'm guessing that Jodi wasn't finished. She could have been still in the house when he got there and sneaked out.
I'm going to try to break down what Enrique is talking about in his statement.

6-4-08 AM--Enrique claims to have seen Travis in the morning, and Travis had said he had a conference call scheduled for that day. Enrique says that Traivs claims to have only gotten 45 minutes of sleep the previous night.

This coincides with two dates that we know of. On the morning of June 2nd, Travis and Jodi had been up all night with the phone before Jodi had taken off to Redding at 530am.

This also coincides with the morning of June 4th, if Travis had been up all night because of Jodi's arrival.​

6-4-08 PM--Enrique claims that Travis was at home on a conference call when Enrique got home around 6-630pm.

Of course this couldn't have happened on June 4, 2008.​

6-5-08 AM--Enrique claims the morning was "normal." I don't know what his definition of normal is, whether he saw the roommates or not in the "normal" course of the morning.

We can assume that a normal morning means that the furniture is where it should be, there is no floor cleaner in the middle of the room, and the doggie gate is not blocking the stairs.​

6-5-08 PM--claims to arrive home about 6pm. Now the furniture is not where it should be, there is a floor cleaner in the middle of the room, and the doggie gate is blocking the stairs, the front door is locked, Travis' ring and watch are in the kitchen.

I see no good reason for Travis' ring and watch to be in the kitchen unless he was in the middle of cleaning and he removed them after wearing them. I don't know how likely it is that Travis slept in his watch and ring or the likelihood that he'd put them on straight out of the sleep into having sex.

We do know that he isn't wearing the ring in the sex photo where we see him throwing up the peace sign with his right hand. Isn't this the pinkie ring we saw on his right hand in other photos?

Enrique notes that seeing the floor cleaner indicated to him that Travis had finished putting it together. This implies that Enrique had seen Travis in the middle of putting it together or had spoken about doing so. Question: Where's the box it came in? When was it purchased?​

Enrique waits for his girlfriend to arrive, and he says he normally went to Temple that evening. I don't know about LDS, but church services on a Wednesday, are common, so Enrique must be talking about June 4th, not June 5th as he'd indicated.

Zach's June 4, 2008

AM--Zach must have started off at the house of his girl friend's parents.
Afternoon--He claims he stopped in at his house from about 3-4pm, but didn't say what he did during that time at house. He went back to Mandy's parent's house after that and wasn't back till 9pm. He saw no strange cars in the driveway, but he also didn't see Travis, either, apparently.

The only thing I could assign Zach's memory credibility to would be that he had to do unusual things Wednesday. He had the rental car, and he had to clean someone else's house--specifically because those people were returning the next day to said house. So I would speculate that Zach's accurate about what he did that day, since he didn't do normally routine things. Especially since the parents were returning that Thursday.

Zach could be off in his times of being at his house and the length. He could have been there anywhere between 2 to 5pm and could have stayed there anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour a 15 minutes. We don't know. What we do know is he saw the floor cleaner when he was there. We just don't know if he saw it that afternoon or that night when he got home.

Assuming that Temple was at 7 or 730pm (just a guess), Enrique wasn't in the house all that long before leaving again.

I don't know yet if her time frame allows for her to wait Enrique out before she continued her clean up after he'd left again. She could possibly have had knowledge that enrique attended church on Wednesday and would be gone soon.
Yes, as I recall Zach said he left to return the rental car about 8:30 a.m. and he had parked it in the driveway.

About the camera, it was my understanding that the camera wouldn't power up or allow Melendez to get the pics off of it until he removed the stick and inserted it directly into his computer, he went into some detail in testimony about it, I'll have to rewatch to see what he says about the camera itself, but he couldn't get pics from it/the stick in his usual way.

Didn't JA state she saw Travis watching the Daft video when she first got there, before even Naps noticed her and came to the door [wagging his tail] and then Travis let her in [both so happy to see her] (oh her details drive me wild!)? How could she see, from the patio door, inside his office? It's down the hall and surrounded by four walls and a door. Even the window is up too high for her to look inside, even if he'd had the shades open? I'm with pocketaccent on this one, she accessed his laptop after murdering him, back-keying to his last net visits and having to sign into his e-mail (according to Flores last use of the laptop was email).

Going to get a hot cup of coffee and rewatch Melendez' testimony, be back with details. lol
Yes, as I recall Zach said he left to return the rental car about 8:30 a.m. and he had parked it in the driveway.

About the camera, it was my understanding that the camera wouldn't power up or allow Melendez to get the pics off of it until he removed the stick and inserted it directly into his computer, he went into some detail in testimony about it, I'll have to rewatch to see what he says about the camera itself, but he couldn't get pics from it/the stick in his usual way.

Didn't JA state she saw Travis watching the Daft video when she first got there, before even Naps noticed her and came to the door [wagging his tail] and then Travis let her in [both so happy to see her] (oh her details drive me wild!)? How could she see, from the patio door, inside his office? It's down the hall and surrounded by four walls and a door. Even the window is up too high for her to look inside, even if he'd had the shades open? I'm with pocketaccent on this one, she accessed his laptop after murdering him, back-keying to his last net visits and having to sign into his e-mail (according to Flores last use of the laptop was email).

Going to get a hot cup of coffee and rewatch Melendez' testimony, be back with details. lol

I believe she said she entered through the garage door on the side of the house as she would normally do. If I remember correctly she said she was standing in the doorway of the office watching TA on his computer. At that time of the morning the hallway would have been dark so he may not have noticed her. Not sure she even mentioned the patio door. I guess I'm going to have to refresh my memory and read back to some of the statements she made in court.....ugh. jmo
Okay, he connected the camera by usb to 'write blocker(?)' and couldn't see or access any pics on the internal memory but it turned on and powered up, the shutter button was loose, nothing else was off of it ('it was like it is right now'). He could see where the memory stick was and the stick had a cover on it, memory stick item number #215, connected card to card viewer, also a write blocker is connected through usb to computer, card would not come up, he went through procedures, checked it on other computers, could only put card directly into his machine to see the pics on it.

First found pics that were not deleted (active files), also after making image of the card could see the deleted pics. 5 step process to delete pics, (1) press playback button, (2) press menu button to get delete option, (3) select delete from menu, (4) select how you want to delete (one image, multiple images, etc), (5) delete the ones chosen. Doesn't remember what the not-deleted images were of.

Camera imprints date and time on the pic file itself. The blurry pics were thumbnails, the larger pics may have been overwritten and only the thumbnail was left in the unallocated space of memory card. Date and times on pics came from NCase report. Pics being viewed next, beginning with 1:42:53 p.m., female. I won't detail the rest.
I believe she said she entered through the garage door on the side of the house as she would normally do. If I remember correctly she said she was standing in the doorway of the office watching TA on his computer. At that time of the morning the hallway would have been dark so he may not have noticed her. Not sure she even mentioned the patio door. I guess I'm going to have to refresh my memory and read back to some of the statements she made in court.....ugh. jmo

Can't remember if it was to Flores or on the stand that she said Naps noticed her after 45 seconds or so and then Travis let her in, I do recall her saying both (or reading that she said both), maybe I'll rewatch that part of testimony too (if I can find it), probably have to go to the unedited interrogation tapes to see what all she told Flores.
P.S. Someone mentioned above Travis making 'a peace sign' in one of the nudie pics, he's throwing the bottle of KY towards the camera/photographer, that's just the shape the camera caught his hand in after releasing the bottle, not an intentional 'sign'.
Melendez read from his report on the laptop, last usage was 15:34:49 (3:34:49 p.m.) on 6-04-08.
Strange that in Flores' report, he says:

"The Mesa Police Computer Forensic Unit determined the last activity on that laptop was on 6-4-08 at 1619 hours. This consisted of email activity."
More hmmm...during JW's cross (and after a sidebar) she points out his report says the last initiated activity on that laptop is on 6-4-08 at 1654 (4:54 p.m.).

So that's where all three times we've seen come from (2 on the same day of testimony from the same witness, one from Flores report), don't know why we have so many different ones though.
I think we can extrapolate from the above that there were at least three instances of activity on that laptop on the afternoon of 6-4-08:

3:34 p.m.
4:19 p.m.
4:54 p.m.
Oh My! I just watched one of my favorite episodes of Law & Order: Criminal Intent and HUGE flags went up to me in the similarities between JA & the killer. The killer is BPD and claims to be married despite the truth of her divorce 6 years earlier and her obsessional need to retain a connection to her ex.

I would love to see what other WebSleuthers think of JA compared to this woman and all of their similar actions & behaviors. It just blew my mind! Very shocking to me and insightful into the JA case!

Info: Law & Order: Criminal Intent--Season 4 Episode 1 "Semi-Detached" (original air date=09/26/2004)
A shock jock with a history of mental problems is believed to have committed suicide, but clues lead the detectives toward a psychiatric nurse with an obsession.

Thank you in advance to anyone who is willing to weigh in on these CRAZY similarities and to help compare the fictional case with the facts in the JA case. I'm flabbergasted but suddenly have new understanding and insights into why TA was sucked in! (Additional thanks to Robert Goren's amazing insights!)
More hmmm...during JW's cross (and after a sidebar) she points out his report says the last initiated activity on that laptop is on 6-4-08 at 1654 (4:54 p.m.).

So that's where all three times we've seen come from (2 on the same day of testimony from the same witness, one from Flores report), don't know why we have so many different ones though.

Martinez didn't make issues with those different times on the laptop. I think he put all his energy on the premeditation part. If he nitpicked every detail Jodi had presented to us (in great detail), the main trial would still be going on now.

During rebuttal, I remember Martinez questioned Menendez about the last activity on the laptop being 4:54 pm and Jodi shook her head no no, not me. Whenever she does that, I take the opposite to be true.
Strange that in Flores' report, he says:

"The Mesa Police Computer Forensic Unit determined the last activity on that laptop was on 6-4-08 at 1619 hours. This consisted of email activity."

Some incriminating emails were deleted by the murderer.
One of the reasons why she went there. To de-incriminate whatever Travis caught her doing around May 26, and of course to kill.
If I assume the camera time ahead by 3 hours, everything makes sense for me. Jodi sleeps in her car until no roommates in the house, gets in the house through a window around 10 am, goes to Travis's bedroom and says 'oh, Enrique let me in", "I dropped by to give you a check", does her thing to make Travis feel sexy, takes nude pictures 10:42 am, takes shower, takes nap, eats lunch while Travis moves furnitures, texts CH, murders him ~2:30 pm, hides in locked bedroom with a dead man while Zach returns home briefly, goes through Travis's laptop, leaves around 5pm. Now I can see she had more time to do what she did after killing.

Jodi seemed really want to make a point to Flores (and while testifying) she had sex in the office. She wanted to cover why her dna would be found there. The truth is she stayed in that office going through the laptop after killing.

I just have very hard time believing Travis and Jodi together from 4am to 6 pm that day.
I have an exquistely hard time believing she was there for that duration as well. Coming in around 10:00 a.m. makes the most sense, esp. if he'd already prepared to clean the floors but she only noticed the furniture off the tile when she went upstairs.

I think she also accessed his phone to make some deletions before she left, at the very end of her testimony (was it the last few juror questions?) she makes some remarks about some stuff 'somehow' not being on the phone anymore. I'll have to watch that bit to see exactly what she said but it was telling.
If I assume the camera time ahead by 3 hours, everything makes sense for me. Jodi sleeps in her car until no roommates in the house, gets in the house through a window around 10 am, goes to Travis's bedroom and says 'oh, Enrique let me in", "I dropped by to give you a check", does her thing to make Travis feel sexy, takes nude pictures 10:42 am, takes shower, takes nap, eats lunch while Travis moves furnitures, texts CH, murders him ~2:30 pm, hides in locked bedroom with a dead man while Zach returns home briefly, goes through Travis's laptop, leaves around 5pm. Now I can see she had more time to do what she did after killing.

Jodi seemed really want to make a point to Flores (and while testifying) she had sex in the office. She wanted to cover why her dna would be found there. The truth is she stayed in that office going through the laptop after killing. Plus Jodi drove all night and was up all that day on June 3rd. I would think she had to sleep if she planned to drive on to Utah. I think also that one of the roommates said they gave Travis their rent money.

I just have very hard time believing Travis and Jodi together from 4am to 6 pm that day.

It was June in Mesa, AZ sleeping in her car would have been impossible, plus she did not buy gas in AZ to run her car for that length of time as it surely would have drawn attention to her.

Here is another curious thing. Here she is not working a good portion of the week. She spent all her money that she had in her account and had Travis cashed that check for the BMW it would have bounced. Then she gets back to Yreka only to fly back to Mesa when Travis' body was found. She sent flowers to the grandmother. How did she have the money???? She was not back long enough to get a paycheck. Love to see her bank account and deposit slips.

I also think Travis probably changed his password when he found she had gotten access to his account. We know he signed off his computer in the AM so that could have been when he came in. He usually did not sign off so he may have done so because he knew she was there. So it is more likely that he was the one on his computer in the afternoon before taking a shower. It's quite possible he thought she left and she came back in when he was in the shower. jmo
The last juror question was "How many phone calls, texts and e-mails were exchanged between you and Travis on Tuesday and early Wednesday morning on June 3 and 4, 2008, what were the times and length of communications?", they gave her the print outs to review, she said although some were duplicates on the print outs, between 5 and 9 phone calls, and that they did text back and forth on the 3rd, "none were saved...or recovered".
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