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WHY NOT, it sure is interesting enough topic to discuss. probably means nothing, but who the heck knows. U saw the obit, and I sure didn't make it up. I can see how a guy named August could be called GUS, but Segreto being called Coletti????

Keep in mind that GC is a retired insurance fraud investigator. what puzzles me is if he was into hanky panky he wouldn't put his mug on TV for the world to see. But, then, again, maybe he didn't have a choice and went outside when he should have stayed indoors. Who the HECK knows. I just thought it was interesting. Maybe GG is 'dead' and someone collected on a life insurance policy. If anyone would know how to do it a insurance fraud investigator would know how to do it.

YES, it is a wild thing to suggest. Take it for whatever it may be worth. I haven't a clue what it means other than the fact those people in Oak Beach seem to be a strange group of people in the middle of a lot of strange unsolved murders.
There is a place for you to go. Its called News12. Go talk to them. Voice it. If you really care about the victims and not just slandering other people.....then you would. Tell them about it. go see Mr. Dolan as well. Or go request an appointment with Mr Bellone. I am sure he would take your appointment. Hell man; Ill even set the appointment up for you.
i had a thought because of something Peter Brendt wrote in one of his posts. He mentioned finding something all the victims had in common. Plenty of times here already, it's been wondered if they all shared a last John who then killed them. How about if the LISK is a guy who works in the city, construction, cop, fireman, who knows, but knows what a prostitute looks like, especially one who just got done working, maybe like he just got done working. A little bit of charm combined with a harmless look, and suddenly one of these girls might be talked into making a quick extra few bucks helping a working guy relax, and they don't even have to take there cloths off, if you know what I mean. LISK could get the urge to kill, troll a place he knows a working girl could be, picks a likely target, gets her to feel safe with him and has her in his grasp in a work truck, van or even car. He kills her, dumps her, boom urge satisfied. No phone call, no previous contact, completely random. The fact they all had ads online is more because he's not looking at street walkers, but call girls.
I actually did try to pass it on to Dolan and company and was told they are devoting their police misconduct stories to NCPD. The rest of the news is devoted to traffic accidents and the occasional Spota story of making the 'biggest drug arrest in suffolk's history.' Bellone-y. Wrote him a letter about his predictable appointment in the PD. Also wrote a letter to Kevin Law. Mr.Law is now known as the man that couldn't find a police commissioner. Very good sources to me an anonymous person wrote a compelling letter to Newsday and Law. It was about Bellone's expected choice for SCPD Chief of Department.

No one really wants to write dirt on SCPD. Most start on that beat and soon start asking questions not appreciated by the PD and DA. They soon find themselves with other assignments.

How about if the LISK is a guy who works in the city, construction, cop, fireman, who knows, but knows what a prostitute looks like...
How about if the LISK was a pimp, and maybe not even a killer, but just dumped GB4 escorts who had OD'd at Oak Beach to embarrass the police? Do we know that the GB4 were strangled, I mean do we absolutely know it?
How about if the LISK was a pimp, and maybe not even a killer, but just dumped GB4 escorts who had OD'd at Oak Beach to embarrass the police? Do we know that the GB4 were strangled, I mean do we absolutely know it?

We do know it. All 4 were strangled/asphixiated, and one of the victims had some sort of ligature still attached to her body. (If neccesary, I'll provide the link to that, but at the moment, I'm trying to fix dinner.)
How about if the LISK was a pimp, and maybe not even a killer, but just dumped GB4 escorts who had OD'd at Oak Beach to embarrass the police? Do we know that the GB4 were strangled, I mean do we absolutely know it?

Then there'd have to be some connection between them and the pimp previously. And as an Oak Beach resident, the thought of hookers ODing here on a regular basis is laughable.
Then there'd have to be some connection between them and the pimp previously. And as an Oak Beach resident, the thought of hookers ODing here on a regular basis is laughable.

Pimps often have connections to hookers. And, yes, I agree that the GB4 didn't die on Oak Beach (I think everyone agrees with that, no?).
If neccesary, I'll provide the link to that...

No need to provide the link, I believe you. So LE says the four were strangled, and one of the deceased even has some type of binding still attached. And there's no reasonable explanation why LE would concoct something like that. An unreasonable explanation, perhaps, might be this:

The police find GB4, and there's no discernible cause of death. However, they almost immediately figure out who the SK is, as the burlap (and perhaps other indicators) is a taunt to the SCPD, against whom the SK holds a mighty grudge. Having no desire to try to pin their man on a charge like "unlawful dumping of human remains", they raise the stakes to Murder One (that ligature being left on does seem a bit odd, doesn't it?). Further, the SK is dead within a couple of months, perhaps killed by LE when they can't get enough evidence to make a charge stick.

Too crazy, I know.
Pimps often have connections to hookers. And, yes, I agree that the GB4 didn't die on Oak Beach (I think everyone agrees with that, no?).

No one knows where they died. We do know they were all victims of homicide.
This is from 120 mins A&E feature, aired Dec 5th, 2011

I don't know if this a body recovery or the cops are pulling out just something they found in the sandy location, I don't know which side of the road this (See geographical characteristics). No idea about the date of this image.

This is certainly not the recovery of MB's remains.

The fabric we see in the picture does not look like burlap and it'not a bag/sack, but it looks like a kind of grey tarp. Like an automobile cover or something.

I'm getting more and more confused about the distinction of the terms "wrapped in burlap" and "put in burlap bags" and how this terminology spread.

The maxim photo shows a bag shaped item but the color feature (blue on the far end) does not reflect the features burlap made of jute.

This could be recovery of ALC's body.

Families are not told about the specifics of the discoveries. (See Meltruth's posts)

Looks like the burlap bag/wrapped in burlap can be a red herring perhaps accidentally found its way to the public and SCPD is happy about it and doesn't feel the need to clarify, not even to the families.
Looks like the burlap bag/wrapped in burlap can be a red herring perhaps accidentally found its way to the public and SCPD is happy about it and doesn't feel the need to clarify, not even to the families.

That's interesting; I thought I'd seen a quote from the police mentioning the burlap, but can't find it now - just hundreds of news references to the GB4 being wrapped in burlap, as if it's gospel. In fact, the only specific reference to it that's associated with LE, that I can find, is this:

"The first four found were strangled elsewhere and dumped, Dormer said; he would not confirm reports they were wrapped in burlap."
That's interesting; I thought I'd seen a quote from the police mentioning the burlap, but can't find it now - just hundreds of news references to the GB4 being wrapped in burlap, as if it's gospel. In fact, the only specific reference to it that's associated with LE, that I can find, is this:

"The first four found were strangled elsewhere and dumped, Dormer said; he would not confirm reports they were wrapped in burlap."

Doesn't change much in terms of signature. GB4 still remains GB4. This must have some effect on traceability, which direction, depends.

Dormer loves cushions of cageyness around the belly.
Looks like the burlap bag/wrapped in burlap can be a red herring perhaps accidentally found its way to the public and SCPD is happy about it and doesn't feel the need to clarify, not even to the families.

Could be ... the earliest WS post i can find on it has this link with ye olde "source familiar with the investigation":

A source familiar with the investigation said the remains found Saturday were those of a female.

Two of the three bodies found Monday were wrapped in burlap, the source said.

Any other WSrs recall from the early days of this forum there being scuttlebutt that the DA (Spota?) was upset with Dormer about burlap becoming public knowledge?? Dunno ... maybe i'm dreaming.
There is definitely a reason why all the original reports and interviews have been pulled from the web. I have taken to saving the actual printed stories...wish folks could have copied those videos and saved the original news footage....before they were all pulled there was a wealth of info there.
I hang out with one of the Dolans. He is in "the will". Want me to talk to him for you?
Would CPH's lawyered up and possible character slander suit have anything to do with all of these items being removed?
Wish I knew how to link stories to the page. Read today;s about the story of Tam O' Shanter Country Club. It may well be the reason why the Gilgo Case is in neutral gear. Read it and then tell me it isn't possible that someone could get very hurt if the cops did the job their are paid for.
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